Over 200 New Year New Me Part 18



  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Happy to say that my latest plan is working well so far.
    After my weekend of high calories/high exercise I was up 3 lbs on Monday :grumble:
    Now I'm back down to last friday's weight and I might even see a small loss tomorrow. :happy:

    The 1100 cals with 35% protein and no sugar seems to be working well at least in the very short term so maybe this is a good version of zig zagging for me. I may actually be getting more nutrition now at 1100 cals than when I was doing 1450 cals but using 350+ of those on chocolate and not paying so much attention to the foods I ate.
    I'm in Vegas all weekend for a wedding so those days will be higher cals than normal then maybe I'll go back to 1100 on Monday for a few days.

    Hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    elmox -- I know what you mean about being selfish about the compliments! At first I didn't like them but now when I go a while without getting one I think "What gives? Have these people really failed to notice I've lost 70 pounds?" :laugh: I'm horrible.

    lildeb -- no stress! Stress causes our bodies to hold onto fat! :wink:

    To everyone who's weight is up this week -- if it makes you feel better (misery loves company right?), I'm in the same boat. I was down to 199.2 Sunday *1*99.2. 199.8 Saturday, 199.2 Sunday, 199.6 Monday. 3 days in a row in Onederland. I thought that was that, no more 2s. I haven't done anything crazy since then calorie-wise. I've been working out & eating pretty well. But I've been seeing my weight start with a damn (excuse me) 2 since Tuesday. That morning I woke up to a 204 or some nonsense like that. I've felt really bloated, too. My sodium intake was insane on Monday but I've been good since then & have been drowning myself to flush out the water weight. I weighed 2 pounds less today than yesterday so I KNOW KNOW KNOW it's water weight. And I know know know it's because I'm a stupid girl. :laugh: Last week I got to retain water for menstruation. This week I get to retain water for ovulation. HOORAY! :grumble:
    All that is to say -- it's all just normal daily fluctuation and it's going to be okay.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Morning....I really dont know whats wrong with me. The last few days I've been really close to having a panic attack. I'm prone to them but havent had a really bad one for a long time, prob since college. My chest feels tight and I just feel really anxious. It all started when my phone was stolen (chest pains and anxious feeling) but I feel like there's more to it than that...I mean its really inconvenient that my phone is gone but its not THAT big of a deal (although I really miss it ALOT). I want to feel happy again why is this going on?!:cry:

    Anyway, my scheduled excercise for yesterday was to run w7d3 but I was bummed about not having my app to do it with so I did what I had planned for Friday instead, which was 25 mins on the bike and a five minute run at 5.0 mph which is the fastest I've ever gone. I really need to find a way to get over this mental hurdle that I cant do my run without the app because thats what I feel like!! I know that the only thing that keeps me going sometimes is hearing the guy tell me "You are half way there" 10 mins to go, 5 mins to go, 2 mins to go....ugh. Ok pity party over (for now:sad: )

    Pos_me- Congrats on doing your workout even though you didnt feel like it! Sometimes those are the biggest accomplishments!

    Jess- holy cow girl! So proud of you for getting those 700 calories burned, and after being away so long! GREAT JOB!

    Elmox- I want the compliments too, I dont think its selfish!!! You deserve every last one!

    Miranda- mmmm panera....

    Meook- I am jealous that your plan is working, mine certainly isnt. I am still holding on to 2lbs of my weekend weight :frown:

    Scale was at 203.8 which is up from Saturday;s 201.8...lovely..really I just want to cry. I prob would have been in onderland if I hadnt tried to trick my body and jsut kept doing things the right way. Im just a big pile of dissapointment this week

    ok i need to go before I throw pity party #2 in the same post
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay so I must of been on crack when I figured I only gained 3 pounds on my trip. It was really 5 pounds. I guess I didn't realize I got down to 213 before I left! :frown: So I gained 5. But the good news is the first day back on track and working out I lost 2 pounds. Woohoo!! If I can get back down to 213 by tomorrow I will be happy! I still feel like I'm retaining water so another day of water, water water for me! And another 700 calorie burn at least! Seems like we have a lot of gains this week. We will all get through this together! :flowerforyou:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    checking in for yesterday:

    calories- 1130
    water- yes
    sodium- 1815
    excercise- 25 mins on the bike and 5 min run with 3 mins of cooldown/warmup
    proud- that I ran at 5.0mph and didnt quit even though I was in self-pity mode

    mstahl- what was that laxative called? I need to go to walmart for new sports bra and a @#$#@% lock for my gym locker so I figure Ill pick up the laxative as well so I can give it a try on Sunday. I do feel backed up and fiber doesnt seem to be helping too much :grumble:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-Don't beat yourself up. Sounds like you are having a really rough week. You still have 4 more workout days before your final weigh in. It is Tuesday right? You can totally drop the weight you need off by then! 700 calorie burn challenge remember? I'm not going to lie I would probably feel lost without my phone too. And as far as the panic attacks go I know exactly what you mean. I get them too. I don't get them often but when I do they are pretty bad. I usually don't know what causes them. You might be stressing yourself out about the weight loss. I know I've done that. Chin up! :flowerforyou:

    Elmox-I totally don't think you are being selfish. We work hard to get where we are and we want people to notice! I hope you continue to get the reactions you are looking for! Glad you finally made it safely!

    Positively Me-Awesome job on pushing yourself to work out. So proud of you! It takes a lot of effort and hard work to do that. And thanks again for being there to push me yesterday when I needed it!

    meokk-So glad to hear that your new plan is working for you! Keep it up and have lots of fun in Vegas!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    mstahl- looks like I dont need the laxative after all...I feel better now :blushing: :wink:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: It sounds like you need to have an evening of pure relaxation! I'm sure it's just stress and it will pass soon.

    Jess: I say jump right back into the C25K where you were. I've taken as much as a month off and was able to jump back in where I left off. So what if you have to repeat a day? Just don't start all over!

    KDub: Hang in there, we're here for you.

    Littlespy: I'm with you on the fluctuations. I was 191 ALL weekend, when I'm usually my worst and now I've jumped back up to 193 this morning. I could blame last night's pizza but I was lower on my sodium yesterday than I am in a typical day! Oh, and regarding the attention thing, I totally like it and I'm not ashamed to admit it. At the bar on Friday night, I got hit on my a guy who I'd never be interested in even if I were single, but I had fun with it anyway! It's been a LONG time since I've gotten hit on from anyone other than my boyfriend! The funny thing is that I told my boyfriend about it because I wanted to remind him how lucky he is to have such a hot girlfriend! Haha.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: under by 365
    Sodium: over by 275
    Water: 16 oz.
    Exercise: Walking to catch my hyper, flirty, in-heat mare when she was teasing the geldings in the other pen.
    Proud: That I didn't eat more yesterday even when I wanted to, but wasn't actually hungry.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Littlespy: I'm with you on the fluctuations. I was 191 ALL weekend, when I'm usually my worst and now I've jumped back up to 193 this morning. I could blame last night's pizza but I was lower on my sodium yesterday than I am in a typical day! Oh, and regarding the attention thing, I totally like it and I'm not ashamed to admit it. At the bar on Friday night, I got hit on my a guy who I'd never be interested in even if I were single, but I had fun with it anyway! It's been a LONG time since I've gotten hit on from anyone other than my boyfriend! The funny thing is that I told my boyfriend about it because I wanted to remind him how lucky he is to have such a hot girlfriend! Haha.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I remember one time my BF and I were at the bar and I went up to get us two beers. This guy came up behind me after I had ordered and told the bartender he"d get that round for me. I smiled sweetly and chatted with him until my beers came. Then I said "Thank you for the beers, my BF and I will really enjoy it"...I thought my BF would think it was funny too but he was mad that I "let" someone hit on me :grumble: ...lol oh good times...
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Yesterday I went and got a new phone at walmart for $260...its a POS samsung that doesnt do anything and it sucks. I decided to check out craigs list and some guy in my area is selling his iphone for $225 (cheaper than my new POS phone)

    I have never bought anything on craigs list before and Im a little worried that its a scam or I'll get jumped while I meet the seller or something...any hints? Obviously do it somewhere public etc, but do I pay cash? money order? what else should I know so I dont get ripped off?

    My plan is to return my "new" phone to walmart (they should take it right?) and use the $$ to buy the iphone from this guy

    he said hes getting rid of it because his gf got it and doesnt like it..what is she nuts?! I am also afraid its like a stolen phone that he is selling...ugh
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-My suggestion to you is definitely meet somewhere public. Use the functions on the phone before you buy it. Call AT&T and see if there is a way to give them the serial number or anything and see if it's reported as stolen or anything. You may even have to call Apple for that. Call ahead of time and tell them what you are doing and how to go about being cautious about it. I would pay cash. Don't use a money order. Take your fiancee with you. Definitely meet somewhere public. You don't want to know the horror stories I have heard about Craig's List working at a bank. We're not going to go there. Just go with your gut. Female inutition has never steared me wrong. There are many of times I should of listened to it and didn't and ended up in a world of trouble. Did you see any on Ebay? I like Ebay more because they have a seller history. Can AT&T not sell you a refurbished one for cheaper?
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Yesterday I went and got a new phone at walmart for $260...its a POS samsung that doesnt do anything and it sucks. I decided to check out craigs list and some guy in my area is selling his iphone for $225 (cheaper than my new POS phone)

    I have never bought anything on craigs list before and Im a little worried that its a scam or I'll get jumped while I meet the seller or something...any hints? Obviously do it somewhere public etc, but do I pay cash? money order? what else should I know so I dont get ripped off?

    My plan is to return my "new" phone to walmart (they should take it right?) and use the $$ to buy the iphone from this guy

    he said hes getting rid of it because his gf got it and doesnt like it..what is she nuts?! I am also afraid its like a stolen phone that he is selling...ugh

    I'm scared of craigslist stuff too, you should ask him for the original receipt in his name and for him to show you ID as well. If you ask for this in advance of a meeting and he can't or won't do it then the phone may well be stolen.

    One other thought, not knowing your plan situation at all, could you add a line for an extra $10 per month, get the $199 iphone for that added line then switch the numbers so your current cell number is the iphone and the drop the 3rd line?
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    good morning...

    Cris.. we have sold and bought things of of craigslist on a regular basis for several years now. I LOVE craigslist and actually check it a few times a day! Just got 5 bundles of FREE shingles the other day. Any way.. just be cautious.. and follow your instincts. It is always good to have someone else with you in the public place! We typicaly meet somewhere like walmart parking lot (there are cameras out there). As far as the stolen part.. here is another forum with some info for you.


    And for you coupon gals.. Crystal Light just put up a new printable coupon today.. here is the link!


    Just got done working out and burned some serious calories... just over 700 again today! :) I feel so fabulous! Well.. my day will be a busy one again.. off to work this morning and then I am going to get a massage myself this afternoon! I can hardly wait!

    Check back in later
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Cris: I buy a lot of thing off craigslist, plus I sell things too. The first thing to take a look at is the actually listing post.
    **Does it have a valid phone number with the person's name?
    ** Does the listing have pictures, if so, Do they look legitment or do they look like copy/paste pics?
    **When you call the person does he/she ask you to wire the money because he is out of the state on business an emergency, or what ever it may be that is a ...**red flag**.

    call the person, ask for the serial number and call Apple to see if it's a real phone because a lot of fake ones pop up a lot on craigslist. when you go meet the person take someone with you...better safe than sorry. test out the phone..and what generation it may be...I know with the itouch ( the one my daughter bought on craigslist) she did research on it to find out the difference in generations..the 3rd generation has 2 lines or writing on the back and the 2nd has 3 lines of writing...i found that very intresting...so do you homework.

    Good luck girl and I hope you find the *right* one soon.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Cris: We've bought some big items from craigslist (camper and pontoon) and not had any problems - but I do think you should be careful. Definitely don't go alone ... see if the guy will give you the serial# ahead of time so you can check it out with AT&T ... they should be able to tell you if it's been reported stolen. Definitely try it out before you pay for it. You might want to google the guys name just to see if it comes up in any police reports, etc. - probably kind of weird, but that's what I have done, and looked up where they live just to feel more comfortable about buying or selling. Good luck!
    Having your phone stolen is stressful and upsetting - give yourself a break, you are having a tough week.

    Kdub: I think we have all felt like you are feeling ... I know I have many times lately - but I know quitting is not an option, so I keep coming back and eventually I will start losing again. For now staying the same is better than gaining!

    elmox: have a great vacation and enjoy the compliments! you deserve them!

    teenager update: thanks for the comments and advice everyone about my 16 year old's meltdown. All seems to be better, she enjoyed her National Honor Society ceremony last night and I bought her a very nice (too expensive) card and gave her some cash for congratulations. I think you are right mstahl that she was mad because she is defensive - I think she knows she didn't handle something to do with her chemistry teacher and studying for the test well. I may never know what it was all about.
    She did go to bed early last night - so that should help her crankiness, and she told me she plans to skip golf practice tonight to study hard for her geography AP test tomorrow .. so she seems to be trying to make up for whatever she did wrong with chemistry. I think her meltdown upset me so much because I just had no clue of how to handle it or help. It's not always easy being mom.

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: over by one very large stupid 500 calorie muffin that I indulged in for lunch
    exercise: none
    water: not great - 56oz
    proud: I had a light dinner to try to make up for my muffin mistake ... but was still over. I'm still not feeling 100% - had a bad headache again last night ... I think it's hard to focus on diet and exercise when I'm feeling blechy. I understand how you've been feeling lildeb!

    Have a good day all!
  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member
    Hello All!

    I am doing better than yesterday...still not the super motivated excited person I was a couple weeks ago but I am still going...It did help that the scale regisered 219 this morning after my bagel thin & coffee. I just really want to get very far away from the 220 number so that don't have to worry about hitting it again...getting below 220 was a mini goal for me & I want to stay below it

    Checking in from yesterday
    Calories: 1544 - about 200 over...ate 350 of my exercise calories :(
    Water: hitting 64ounces consistently now :-) I honestly stop counting once I hit the 64 mark
    Exercise: Did 25 minutes on the elliptical & had my trainer push me through 250 heinous crunches....my plan is to rush home after school & try to get in some ellitpical time before she shows up....

    If I am reading right, the challenge this week is to burn 700 calories a day...& that mean not eating those exercise calories right?

    Thank you for all the messages of support...I really don't know how I would manage this without you ladies. You are all my weight loss best friends which helps because you all know exactly how it feels to be like this & be working on a better life.
    My friend took pictures of me at the beach on Mother's Day while I was playing with my son in the waves & I am still very disappointed in the way I look...I always think i look smaller than the pictures actually show...my mom saw a picture of me recently & she said I look like I have lost more than 12 pounds but I don't know. I just want to be able to have pictures taken of me that I am not embarrassed of.
    I will be seeing my entire family in just over a week for my grandmother's memorial service & I am really nervous about if people are going to be able to notice a difference in how I look. I am also going to be attempting to water ski for the first time in about 3 years...the last time I skied was before i got pregnant with my son in 2007.

    I will stalk ya'll some more later :-)
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Thanks girls, the guy I am talking to is in my areas so we will be doing the transaction in person with cash in public...so no wires or anything. I am about to ask him for info about the serial number and all that.

    The add he posted only gave an email address there was no picture of the phone and no name and phone number. Although I looked at probably 20 more adds for phones and they were all the same with just a email address, I dont know if thats normal.

    Im googling him and looking him up on FB now to see if I can find anything!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    So I facebooked him using the email address that he has been emailing me from...his profile pic is of a baby girl prob a few months younger than my son...makes me want to trust him but still gonna wait to see what he says about providing receipts and the serial #
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Hello All!

    I am doing better than yesterday...still not the super motivated excited person I was a couple weeks ago but I am still going...It did help that the scale regisered 219 this morning after my bagel thin & coffee. I just really want to get very far away from the 220 number so that don't have to worry about hitting it again...getting below 220 was a mini goal for me & I want to stay below it

    Checking in from yesterday
    Calories: 1544 - about 200 over...ate 350 of my exercise calories :(
    Water: hitting 64ounces consistently now :-) I honestly stop counting once I hit the 64 mark
    Exercise: Did 25 minutes on the elliptical & had my trainer push me through 250 heinous crunches....my plan is to rush home after school & try to get in some ellitpical time before she shows up....

    If I am reading right, the challenge this week is to burn 700 calories a day...& that mean not eating those exercise calories right?

    Thank you for all the messages of support...I really don't know how I would manage this without you ladies. You are all my weight loss best friends which helps because you all know exactly how it feels to be like this & be working on a better life.
    My friend took pictures of me at the beach on Mother's Day while I was playing with my son in the waves & I am still very disappointed in the way I look...I always think i look smaller than the pictures actually show...my mom saw a picture of me recently & she said I look like I have lost more than 12 pounds but I don't know. I just want to be able to have pictures taken of me that I am not embarrassed of.
    I will be seeing my entire family in just over a week for my grandmother's memorial service & I am really nervous about if people are going to be able to notice a difference in how I look. I am also going to be attempting to water ski for the first time in about 3 years...the last time I skied was before i got pregnant with my son in 2007.

    I will stalk ya'll some more later :-)

    Kdeb: I am so happy you are feeling better today :) Stay positive:heart:

    The challenge for this week is not burn 700 calories a day...i am not going to be so brutal..that is another challenge some girls want to participate to lose those extra pounds they gain over the weekend.

    here is the challenged i made up for this week. Good luck!

    This week's challenge will be to find a body part that need toning...for me that would be my upper arms...bat wings...lol.


    you don't have to do Arm toning - what ever you want to do...just try it once this week. that is all i ask :)
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    So I facebooked him using the email address that he has been emailing me from...his profile pic is of a baby girl prob a few months younger than my son...makes me want to trust him but still gonna wait to see what he says about providing receipts and the serial #

    some sellers don't have receipts..so don't get discouraged if he doesn't provide you with one. But the serial # is a must. GOod luck girl :)