Over 200 New Year New Me Part 18



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    Estimated calories burned through normal daily activity (BMR) : 1,682 calories/day

    You know what? I am going to tell you it's wrong. :laugh: :wink: But no fear!! Just learning!

    BMR is not the same as TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure). Your BMR is what you'd burn just laying around in bed all day not doing *ANYTHING.* Your TDEE includes the calories you burn with things like showering and walking around the house, cooking, folding laundry, sitting up, etc so it'd be several hundred calories higher than your BMR even for someone who has a desk job like I do.

    For example, my BMR is estimated somewhere around 1600 cals a day (assuming a normal metabolism). My TDEE (which are maintenance calories) is estimated somewhere around 2200 calories a day based on me having a desk job & considering myself mostly sedentary (before taking exercise into account). Assuming my metabolism is up to snuff, that's what I would eat to maintain my personal current weight if I didn't exercise.

    The other issue with looking at the "numbers" is that our bodies don't run on numbers. To look at numbers and say you have to burn 3500 calories to burn off 1 pound of fat is a fine estimate. But we're not taking our metabolisms into account at all by doing that. We're not taking our exercise intensity level into account, either. For months I've created insane calorie deficits yet my body hasn't lost nearly as much fat as those simple math equations would suggest I should have lost. Why? Well I firmly believe it's because my metabolism had slowed down THAT much. Now I really think I have my metabolism burning like it should again because I'm seeing losses that make sense with the deficits I think I'm creating. But I'm pretty sure that if I go trying to create huge deficits again, my body is just going to slow my metabolism right back down to cope. So, that's why I'm going to continue eating as much as I have been instead of cutting my cals again to try to lose faster (also, it sure is really easy to get used to eating 300-700 calories more per day!).
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    I knew it! It was just a matter of time. My daily cals burned are also at about 2,200 and since you, me, and Cris are all about the same, I'll use that for my fancy calculations. Trying AGAIN...

    So, Cris is 205 at 5 ft 6 in and lightly active (I have no idea if this is correct).

    Estimated calories burned through normal daily activity (BMR & TDEE) : 2,200 calories/day

    Average NET calories consumed (calories eaten minus calories burned through exercise) : 650 calories/day (Eating between 1200-1300 cals, burning 600-700) but I think this is almost scary low

    That is an average daily calorie deficit of 1550 calories/day (2200 - 650).

    So, an average daily deficit of 1550 calories x 7 days = a 10,850 calorie deficit total over the next 7 days.
    (3,500 cals = 1 lb)

    10,850 cals = 3.1 lbs, added to the 3 lbs you put back on (which I think will fall off pretty quickly), by the numbers, looks like you lose 6 lbs.

    Also, I know it's not all about the numbers, but Cris asked and having recently seen the blog post, I figured it was worth giving it a try to see what it might look like over a week.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Thank LittleSpy - that's just what I was looking up! I started to get depressed then remembered that there were more calories burned just by being awake and digesting food etc...

    I also wanted to mention that that first body frame size estimator was toots wrong- and I find the second one suspect because I have pretty dainty wrists at 6 inches and I'm pretty sure my frame is small - I was just checked out at the gym by an physiologist (sp?) who should know. PLUS we all know people who are clearly big framed. I'm not talking about LilDebbie's big feet :flowerforyou: I'm talking about those women built more like a lumberjack. I work with a friend who is close to six feet tall, and has wrists that would look big on a football linebacker. She's truly big boned! When she loses weight she looks awesome, but giant. My brother in law used to be on the bike team at Princeton with Brooke Shields. He said she was beautiful, and a very nice person, but that it took him awhile to get used to how BIG her frame was. Skinny girl, with BIG face/body.

    I just need to get my food back down at a more steady state. I'd like to be like those of you who talk about being over if they have an extra 25 calories above their goal! I'm pretty happy if I'm within one hundred calories!

    Most importantly I need to get my exercise intensity way up. I am NOT making as huge an effort as I used to make. I'm getting better at my exercise and not cranking up the effort and its showing up with less weight lost.

    1stPaul - we'll get this thing licked yet! HARD workouts and GOOD eating!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    mstahl - that 2nd calc said i was large...I may be between a medium and large but in now way i am small frame. I have big feet, big hands...not that tall though :smile: We though are putting bets that my daughter will be 6'feet tall. She is 6 and already like 4 1`/2 feet... i tell her she needs to stop growing and she tells me she can't help it :laugh: :laugh:

    went to the gym..not sure what the thing i worked out is called but i did it for 30 min burning 283 cals :smile: They guy said it is kinda a in between stair stepper/elliptical/treadmill. It said i went like 2.25 miles on it. Figure 30 is max i can do at lunch to get up there get settled work out and come back and make me something quick to eat.

    lstpaul - sorry you are not feeling good...i have been sick one way or another for like 3 weeks and it is cruddy to not feel good. Good luck to your daughter on her test. ...I hope my daughter is motivated one day to want to do stuff with school
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    elmox- Wow! Thanks for crunching those numbers for me! I appreciate you taking the time to do that! Here's hoping that I can at least get under 200 by next Tuesday! :drinker: 700 cals burned per day is a deal

    mstahl- lol I dont know how full of "what nots" I am. **TMI ALERT** Usually I go #2 about once a week (if that) and this weekend everytime I ate something greasy I ran straight to the bathroom. I went like 3 or 4 times this weekend which has got to be a record for me...I think Im pretty cleaned out :laugh: :wink:

    Istpaul- just reading your post got me exhausted, good luck with it all!

    lildeb- sounds like you did the arc trainer, I have yet to try it but everyone I know loves it
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Good afternoon! ladies! 1st of all I want to say thank you to all of you! You have helped me stay a float and at least maintain lately! smiley-face-arms.gif I will apologize to start off for this LONG post.... I am just making up for not keeping in touch with you guys much lately!

    We are gearing up for a lovely (sarcasm) spring snow storm. Might get up to a 24 inches. but, we will see... I sure is cold here but no snow yet.

    Jess... I am glad you made it home safe. Tornados are not something I would want to meet face to face.

    LittleSpy, You are doing so great! I am so proud of you! You always have some good advice! How you are able to figure all those numbers out I will never know. Numbers are NOT my friend.... smiley-face-mad.gif

    LilDebbie, way to go on making some new commitments! It sounds like you are hanging in there! I agree about it getting easier in the summer with all the schedule changes! You can do this!!! smiley-face-rolleyes.gif

    Cris, Overall you have been doing AWESOME... Keep in mind with all your workouts you are probably gaining some muscle! Just keep up all the hard work you are putting in and I am confident that you will see the scale move a little closer towards your goal!smiley-face-biggrin.gif

    Mari, Keep up all the hard work, it will continue to pay off with some perseverance! smiley-face-smile.gif

    Mstahl, Hang in there.. I am sorry to hear about George.. sometimes it is hard to adapt to change. Just be patient and hang in there! smiley-hug001.gif

    Meokk, How is your cutting out of the sweets going! I am not sure I could swing that one. I am afraid I would go the opposite direction and binge... Good luck, I hope it works for you! cheer.gif

    irandamay, 4.5lbs.. is wonderful! I bet you feel fabulous! Keep up the outstanding work! smiley-bounce009.gif

    Positively_Me, That is so cute about your little guy keeping a watchful eye on you! He must love his mama.

    Speaking of mama.. where is she? I have not seen any posts from her for a few days!

    hajohnson24, bluenote, raiderape, elmox, jesyka, Miranda and I am sure I missed a few others.. You are all doing great, and should be proud of yourselves!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Finally...MFP has been down everytime i tried to get in..

    Chris - Arc trainer sounds right...it was interesting once i got my feet moving in the right directions:laugh: :laugh:

    i am soo done working...but still got a little more left..uggg...
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    ColoradoGirl - nice recap!

    MFP down for maintenence was not quite enough to get me focused on work. OK maybe a little!

    I never took my walk at lunch *hangs head in shame*
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Mstahl-You are cracking me up with making your hubby take you out because you had a good hair day! I LOVE IT!!

    Cris-I think it sounds like a good plan! We will be here to cheer you on! I plan on hitting it hard starting tomorrow.

    LittleSpy-I love how you are so knowledgeable. You are truly an asset to this group!

    Elmoex-Good job cruncnhing the numbers!

    LittleDeb-I agree with the others. Take a day off in between c25k.

    ColoradoGirl-So glad to see you posting! We've missed seeing you around!

    I've got a case of the lazies today! I got up and went to go see John (the guy I'm seeing) and spent a few hours with him. How awful am I? Cigarettes are dirt cheap in Missouri so I bought him 2 cartons. How shameful! HAHA! My sister and her fiancee bought 8 boxes. Geeze louise! I have managed to do some laundry and now cleaning my room. Dinner with a friend later. I'm so exhausted from this weekend I'm lacking motivation, hope I can find it tomorrow!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I am done...i can't think any more...hopefully a fresh head in the morning will help me.!!

    trying to come up wiht my routine at the gym...to yall suggestions i will only do c25k not every day., I will proably try to leave that at 3x a week.

    I am soo excited to go to the gym..i don't think i have ever been this excited about working :smile: i want to succeed and I want to do it...just got to figure out my routine and what i should be doing...i don't have the $$ for a trainer so i guess just figure out as i go.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    lol about the "what not."
    For the next 3 days I set my goals at 1100 calories, 30% carbs, 40% protein, 30% fat. I'll be eating all my exercise cals.
    Does anybody else use those percentages??????

    40% protein seems like an awful lot of protein to eat consistently. I mean, for 3 days I imagine it'd be just fine but my *understanding* is that it may not be a good idea to eat over 30% protein (consistently over a long period of time) for the health of our kidneys. Now, my understanding and acutal FACT may be 2 totally different things. :laugh: But I'm mentioning this because normally the 30-30-40 balance I hear about is 30% protein, 30% fat, and 40% carbs.

    Mine are at 45% carbs, 30% protein, and 25% fat. I just can't seem to comfortably get those carbs under 45% consistently! :grumble:

    Here are a couple articles on protein. The 1st says too much may be bad. The 2nd poo poos that a bit. :laugh: You can find articles supporting anything on the internet. :tongue:

    Hi LittleSpy,
    Thanks for the links and the tips, I'll read up later tonight.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    OMG I freaked out when MFP went down! LOL

    It was dinner time and I was trying to log my calories, I was not a happy camper
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930

    bye - rehearsal!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    OMG I freaked out when MFP went down! LOL

    It was dinner time and I was trying to log my calories, I was not a happy camper

    So was I...two minds think alike...lol
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Check in early today:
    Calories: 1268, I might have an apple or something later on..if i get hungry...I have plenty of exercise calories left
    Exercise: 50 minutes treadmill ( 4.5 mph), 30 minutes elliptical, and 30 minutes stepper ( later on while watching Biggest loser). Burned...780 w/o the stepper and with the stepper 1080
    Water: 12 cups and counting..

    Proud: that I ate only one chicken tender...store bought and you make it at home...it was too salty for me...but I stuck with my dinner instead.. 1 cup brocolli, 1 small sweet potato ( 0ven baked), and 6 oz chicken breast cooked with pam...it tasted better than that chicken tender...OMG i can't believe i use to love that stuff..

    Soduim: 1020
    Fiber 25g

    chat to you girl tomorrow...i still have a lot of things to do before biggest loser comes on.

    bye for now :)
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Pos - WTG on the exercise cals

    Chris - i am righ the there with you ...i should of been working but was freaking out cause it was down.

    Dinner in the oven...just waiting for hubby and girls to get home.

    Sorry ***TMI****
    as i was typing this the puppy started pooping on the floor i was yelling at him and spraying him with the water bottle...brilliant idea so he was running through the house with poop coming out of his but ...he needs to be house broke already.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    lildebbie - :laugh: :laugh: I laughed so hard when I just read that! Sorry that you have to clean it up but it was funny!

    Well, I must have missed MFP being down. It must have been during my commute. Thank goodness. Well all you Chatty Cathy's today, I tried to keep up with all the post during the day but I never had enough time to comment on them. I did read everyone's post and learned some great info.

    Everyone - Good Luck with whatever your plans are! You can do it!! :bigsmile:

    Well, I finally got something fixed in my house. We had a handyman over on Thursday and yesterday and he determined he couldn't fix anything. Sucked! Then he referred me to a plumber and they came over about 45 mins ago and fixed the plumbing problem in like 20 mins! I couldn't believe it!! I am so excited about it! Okay, so there was a wedding shower today at work and I was so proud of myself for not over indulging on the sweets. That is all that was there!! I allowed myself one small piece of cake and 1 cookie. I thought I was doing okay until I logged it into MFP and realized how many calories I wasted!! I definitely know now that I can't do that unless I want to work my butt off for it. On that note, I am a HUGE ice cream lover!!!:devil: I could eat ice cream at every meal, every day if I could! Maybe that is why I look the way I do at the moment but I have decided to change that mind set. Well, enough rambling! :bigsmile:

    Check in for 5/11:

    Calories: over but not too bad
    Water: Not as much as normal but still good
    Exercise: None :frown:
    Proud : Not over eating on the sweets at the shower!!

    I hope every has a great evening! Talk to you all in the morning (hopefully)! :heart:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Someone stole my iphone at the gym so I dont really feel like chatting, Im really upset because it was a lot of money...and it was taken out of my locker at the gym so it makes me mad that someone would do that.

    Anyway checking in:
    calories- 1120
    water- will get there by the end of the night
    sodium- 2135
    excercise- 45 mins bodypump and 25 mins on the bike (i have no idea how much i burned I forgot my HRM)
    Proud- im too mad to be proud of anything
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Chris - I am sooo sorry that about your iphone that is horrible.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    cris: that sucks! - I don't understand people who can steal - iphones aren't cheap either! my daughter's phone was stolen at school ... it wasn't all that expensive but it was still upsetting - I thought she had just lost it so didn't cancel the plan right away and they used up all her minutes (it was a prepay plan), and of course we ended up buying a new phone too. I was able to see the phone records and turned them in to the school police - never heard anything after that - but what really bothered me was all the x-rated phone numbers that were called ... kind of creeped me out to know someone like that is hanging out at a school ... but I suppose could have just been a hormonal teenage boy ... but I checked out some of the phone numbers and they all belonged to 30-40 year old guys. creepy.

    lildebbie: we've had to chase cats around the house with you-know-what hanging out ... especially when they swallowed yarn or strings ... ick!
    On another topic, are there classes at your new gym? I would highly recommend trying some ... they keep me going.