Over 200 New Year New Me Part 18



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LittleSpy-I'm big into coupons too! When it was stuff I was already going to buy!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member

    OK I know I sound like a total female dog for saying this... but after I come home from work, and work was stressful today... it seems like my husbands stories take FOREVER for him to get out. I don't know if it's because he's home all day and kinda frazzled or if I have to be more "get to the point" at work... but I have to make myself stand still and listen while on the inside I'm screaming "OH FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY GET TO THE EFFFFFING POINT!!!!" He's super sensitive so if I even slightly sigh or express any impatience he gets all huffy but oh my god!!!! And he tells me ALL the details, like what the time was and where he was driving and what he looked at and... yeah. I'm a female dog :explode: :grumble: :mad: :grumble: I do love the man :love: And I totally remember how I felt when I stayed at home all day.
    I completely understand what you mean ... I don't know how many times my husband has been explaining something that happened at his work and I'll just be thinking 'ok already ... get to the end of your story!'. But I try hard to not let that show, but I'm sure I'm not always good at it. My husband tells me all the details too ... like I care about the name of the machine and exactly what failed, and blah blah blah .... Maybe it's a guy thing. :ohwell:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Okay and this is so lame but my supervisor has gotten me into the idea of "extreme couponing." :embarassed:

    Anyway, it really is kind of exhilerating to get something for really really cheap. :laugh: Last night, I got a pretty big box of dog treats and the grocery store paid me a penny to take it! :laugh: I got some fabric freshener (the foam kind that works well on carpets) for 26 cents. I only have 1 5x8' rug, but it's going to smell really good for a long time now. :laugh: I got a bunch of other stuff like 2 boxes of Kellogg's cereal for bf for around $1 each box and 3 6oz Stonyfield organic yogurt containers for like 24 cents each.

    Anyway, today the new sales paper came out for the grocery store in the same strip mall as the pizza joint where I work (I just walk over there after work & I haven't wasted any of my gas to save money by shopping their sales. I prefer another grocery store for my main stuff). Tonight I'll be getting a box of Special K Granola, 3 packs of Idahoan instant mashed potatoes (I know, i know... but they're 24 cents each, darn it! plus my bf likes them), 2 Healthy choice meals (for those "Oh Crap!" mornings :wink:), a box of pasta salad (I'll take it to the party I'm going to Sat), and 8 fruit popsicles ALL FOR $7.03! Exhilerating, right? :laugh: :embarassed:

    Anyway, anyone who lives in the south (and I don't know if TX is included on this website) can go to www.southernsavers.com and they do all the work for you. I'm sure there are other websites like it for other parts of the country/world. I just look for the deals that have printable coupons associated with them & print the coupons & use them during the sale. Sorry I'm rambling so much today. :ohwell:

    I'm a copon love too. I love getting good deals for things i use:laugh: I was thinking of cutting my coupons and organizing them before i go to the grocery store tomorrow. Some stores don't take the printable coupons..like Walmart..:explode: just be sure you know if your grocery store is one that does take them...or you lost out on printing paper:mad:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    For all those exercise bike lovers...which is better a recumbent bike or stationary bike? which one get you burning fat? lol.
    I am a little confused..

    They'll both work for burning fat. I think the recumbent bikes are mainly targeted toward people who have problems sitting on a regular bike or stationary bike. I mean, other people can use them, but I think they way they're designed takes a lot of the strain off of your back and your knees. When I was trying to find a cheap bike, it seemed like the recumbents were generally way more expensive.

    I think any of them will work to burn fat. :wink: Recumbent, spinning, magnetic resistence, air resistence, the whole lot will get your heartrate up & pumping if you work hard enough.

    Thanks littlespy...I knew I can count on you for the 411 :happy:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I found a tortilla/wrap that I really like so I wanted to share

    Tumaro's Gourmet Tortillas - Multi Grain Low In Carbs 94% Fat Free,
    1 Tortilla has
    60 calories
    2g fat
    11g carbs
    6g protein
    85mg sodium
    7g fiber

    Best part is they taste pretty good, too. Really not much different from regular flour tortilla (which has a ton of sodium & hardly any protein & fiber). I just realized I have 3 tortillas in today's meal plan. I ate one for breakfast. I made a bacon, egg, and cheese wrap(side note: only the 2nd time I've eaten pork in about 10 years. Sorry piggies, I just... have been craving bacon for weeks for some reason. :ohwell:), I have one for lunch (BACON, avocado, chicken, tomato wrap), AND I'm planning to have one for dinner too (chicken fajitas). They've added an awful lot of fiber to my day, though. I switched my planned ice cream treat to a beer treat just to keep my fiber under 40g because I'm kind of scared. :laugh:

    Thanks litspy! I was looking for a low carb and low sodium tortilla bread..but it is hard to find in some grocery stores..ugh. when the whole low carb diet ( south beach) was the rage some companies came out with low carb everything but now it is very hard to find low carb bread...I will look for this brand in more than one store..and hopefully i can find it :)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Thanks litspy! I was looking for a low carb and low sodium tortilla bread..but it is hard to find in some grocery stores..ugh. when the whole low carb diet ( south beach) was the rage some companies came out with low carb everything but now it is very hard to find low carb bread...I will look for this brand in more than one store..and hopefully i can find it :)

    I want to say I found them at Kroger near the pitas in the deli section. That's a southern store though, I think.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    For all those exercise bike lovers...which is better a recumbent bike or stationary bike? which one get you burning fat? lol.
    I am a little confused..

    I have never liked regular biking (my butt always gets sore) ... and I tried a recumbent bike at the gym and liked it, so I splurged and bought one. I didn't buy the cheapest - but pretty close, and I would recommend spending a little more money. The problem with mine is that it is hard for me to get my heart rate up very much without really working hard, and I can't do it for very long because my back starts to hurt since the seat is pretty uncomfortable after about 15-20 minutes. Since I don't use a stationary bike, I couldn't tell you if it's easier to get your heart rate up ... but I would think it might be. Anyhow, my recombent bike now sits in the corner of my family room and holds a towel for wiping the dogs feet, and my crocheting bag sits on the seat. So wasn't a good investment for me, so I would just recommend really trying them out first. I read alot about different brands before I chose mine ... but that really wasn't good enough.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    hey girls!

    are you looking for free samples? walmart has free sample offers..

    here is the link: http://instoresnow.walmart.com/In-Stores-Now-free-samples.aspx
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Thanks litspy! I was looking for a low carb and low sodium tortilla bread..but it is hard to find in some grocery stores..ugh. when the whole low carb diet ( south beach) was the rage some companies came out with low carb everything but now it is very hard to find low carb bread...I will look for this brand in more than one store..and hopefully i can find it :)

    I want to say I found them at Kroger near the pitas in the deli section. That's a southern store though, I think.

    I don't have a Krugers around here...I have Acme, Pathmark, Shop-rite, Redners ( opening soon), Thrift way...that is all i can remeber..lol
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: good! I started a binge while making dinner and turned it into chips and cheese for dinner instead ... maybe not the best choice but better than chips and cheese AND dinner
    exercise: good - an hour of step
    water: ok - I think 64oz
    proud: that I stayed under my calories

    I am CRABBY today. My 16-yr old is once again making me crazy! She had a total meltdown last night when I was asking about her Chemistry AP test yesterday morning. She says the test went ok, but then she went off about how bad her chemistry teacher is and mean, and unfair, and stupid, ... on and on (I can hear some of this coming out of a couple of her friends' mouths ... so I'm pretty sure she was repeating what her friends were saying). Well ... I don't approve of kids being disrespectful of their teachers - so she got no sympathy from me, and instead I lectured her about how he was trying to help her and her friends prepare for their AP tests and they are the ones that screwed up and missed an opportunity to get help. Well ... then I was the worst mother in the world for not understanding and supporting her! Aaargh. I was trying to calm her down and figure out what the issue even was ... I really don't know, but I'm guessing that I'm not getting the full story. She and her friends were at the school on Monday doing a practice test for AP Geography (that test isn't until Friday), and they missed a study session for AP Chemistry that was at the same time and ended up being in the same room (cafeteria), so I guess the Chemistry teacher was mad at them for skipping his study session to do the other practice test. I can't say that I blame him since the Chemistry test was Tuesday and the Geography test isn't until Friday. But apparently agreeing with the teacher was also the wrong thing for me to say to my daughter. But I still don't know why she was sooooo upset about it - they must have gotten into trouble or something. She is getting and A- in Chemistry so it isn't like he is failing her. I think I'm missing a piece of the puzzle. Maybe she did worse on the test than she is letting on and trying to blame someone. We'll find out I guess when the results come back.
    I was really TRYING to calm her down and be understanding ... but once she started getting snotty to me, and tried to 'stare me down' when I was asking her to talk ... she immediately pushed my buttons and I wanted to ground her from driving (new license last week)! (but of course that would be bad for me too to have to start chauffering her around again). So I just threatened to take the car away if her grades go down ... which is goofy because that isn't even what we were talking about ... but I felt like I had to do something! I have no idea how the conversation got so out of control. It's hard dealing with teenagers! All I know is that tonight she is going to bed at 9:00pm (unless she has too much homework, then I will have to back out of that one). She is being inducted into the National Honor Society tonight ... I'm not feeling much like celebrating for her after her little meltdown last night ... but I have to figure out how to be the adult and 'get over' being angry with her.
    Of course I was a terrible teenager ... a good student - but barely spoke to my parents from age 15 to 22 ... and after I got my license at 16 I was never home and my parents never knew where I was. But I had hoped to have a better relationship with my daughter ... sometimes karma is a *****! :brokenheart:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    lstpaul-I'm so sorry to hear about the rough conversation with your daughter. I know I was highly over dramatic in high scool like that. I hope things get better for you! But congrats to her on being inducted into NHS! Keep your head up! :flowerforyou:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Wow, with MFP being down for maintenance yesterday, I had a lot to catch up on!

    lstpaul: It sounds like you're going through a lot of changes lately. Hang in there!

    Cris: I'm so mad about your phone for you! I'd be irate if someone took my Blackberry.

    mstahl: It sounds like we all have a person in our lives that tells long stories. For me, it's my sister...they take forever and have to include every word, action, etc. from the event she's telling me about.

    Cogirl: The snow is pretty, but being from a state that has a lot of snow, I'd be ready to see it gone for a while if I were you.

    Elmox: I LOVE that you're competing with Sara Rue! For me, being competitive is the most motivating thing and in your particular case, it's not hurting anyone because she'll never even know. Best of luck in taking her down!

    Pos: I love getting the free samples from Walmart; it's how I keep my overnight bag stocked with travel-sized shampoos, toothpaste, etc. I have a drawer full of sample sized items for travel!

    Yesterday I was doing great with my eating (7 oz. steak, baked potato and steamed veggies from Applebee's) until we were watching tv at home and I decided to have a piece of Trader Joe's English toffee for dessert. Well, after taking my one piece out of the container, I set the closed container next to me instead of putting it back in the cupboard and guess where the rest of the candy ended up? Yep, in my belly! That put me almost 400 calories over for the day. I'm a bit irritated with myself for doing that.

    Today, I have my meals planned out and they're just full of fruits and veggies. Breakfast was a yogurt with a skim iced mocha coffee. Lunch is a Lean Cuisine, baby carrots with light ranch for dipping and Mott's granny smith, no sugar added applesauce. Dinner is a salad made of romaine with cherry tomatoes, sunflower seeds, shredded parmesan cheese and croutons topped with light ranch dressing. If I stick to it, I'll have a deficit of 600 calories and am hoping that will balance yesterday's naughtiness.

    On the plus side, I am getting my fruit and veggie servings....just not cutting enough of the other stuff out. I blame Trader Joe, whomever he is!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: 393 over
    Sodium: 924 over
    Water: 16 oz. (Can I count the water in fruit, too?)
    Exercise: None
    Proud: I did one really good negative pushup before bed.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Well.. the snow is all but gone.. everything is melting off and now everything is super SOGGY. I guess that is the beauty of spring storms along the front range in Colorado (the snow does not usually last) With a little luck this *should be our last snow of the season... keeping my fingers crossed I need to get my garden planted.

    I am downing the water today.. feel like I might float away.. I am on 64 oz so far.. trying to get to 120oz

    Cris.. I agree with jess.. keep your eyes open and maybe you can find a replacement/used iphone for less on ebay or Craigslist for less than at&t want to charge you... Cris.. I would be happy to offer you a fabulous massage at a seriously discounted rate just for being one of my sisters here on this forum. Wish you were a little closer!

    Jess.. I got a message from mama yesterday.. she is still logging in and logging her food but, has just been busy with life. We will have to keep an eye out for her!

    Littlespy.. I too enjoy the extreme couponing. I use the website http://www.couponmom.com/ and tend to save quite a bit. One of the strategies I use as well as what you mentioned is price matching. Our walmart will match any grocery stores add. All you have to do is bring in the newspaper add and show it to the cashier as you checkout and you get instant savings. I normally do this with meat, and produce. Sometimes I will do it with other items such as cereal, or beauty products as well and LOVE to coupon stack! Yes.. I am known as "that" lady at the Safeway, But, when I normally save at least 50% on my sale items with coupon stacking how can you go wrong. I could go on for quite a while on this so... I will cut myself short... if you have any questions please feel free to ask. :)

    lstpaul.. so sorry to hear about your daughters melt down... While reading your post it was like dejavu . I can totally relate with a 14 year old daughter, 17 year old son and a 17 year old step daughter.. Oh the joys of parenthood. If I only knew then what I know now.

    Heather.. good job planing today! I need to work harder at that instead of flying by the seat of my pants...

    Well.. I better get moving.. going to hit the workout room before my step daughter gets here. I will be highlighting her hair later today (she graduates on Monday)

    I will check back in later!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    First day back from vacation and I want to eat everything!! AHHH!! I've eatn so much fruit I'm over in my carbs! :explode:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: Don't stress, you'll be back on track in no time. I've been told by doctors before that there is no such thing as eating too many fruits and veggies....the body will use the fiber to get rid of it if it feels you've overdone things!

    A co-worker brought back some treats from an event he attended and in it were single serving portions of mixed nuts...YUM! They're deliciously salty, but I promise I'm only having one serving.

    The lesson plan for tonight involves a trail rider, so I'll be doing lots of walking to keep up with the riders. Yay! I definitely need to burn some calories, considering I haven't worked out properly in over a week! Yikes.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    So let me ask everyones opinion here. The last time I worked out was last Tuesday when I went to the cycling class. I was going to do c25k tonight. Should I jump right back in and go for the 25 minute run or should I go back and do some interval running? Thoughts and opinions would be great! :bigsmile:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    I find it sooo funny to read all of these posts about couponing!! My husband use to make fun of me because I was alway s using coupons. Now he has stopped that because he realized how much money I was saving us!

    Well so far today I have stayed on track and only ate what I brought!! I am very proud of myself with that, especially since there is cake in the hallway not too far away. I am enjoying my broccoli and ranch for my afternoon snack. :happy:

    Jess - You will be back in the swing of things very soon. I know you will! You can do it!!

    Istpaul - Sorry about the hard night with your daughter. My mom and I didn't get along until I was almost out of college. As soon as I graduated from HS I went 7 hours away to college just to get away from her. Now we spend almost every weekend together. She will grow out of it soon, hopefully!

    colgrl - Great work on the water! I am working on my 96oz before I go home. Hopefully I will keep going. This week I am hoping for a loss too!!

    Well back to work I go!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jess, I'd personally just go for it! I've had to take time off for injuries and I just jumped back in. Never noticed my stamina struggle very much because of the break, either.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Jess - I will just start where you left off..you will be alright..don't stress :)
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    ohfff I lost my post!

    OK so it was something really insightful about lstPaul's daughter's blow-up but I think I mostly just agreed with your take - there's more to the story and she was MAD because she's defensive and the rest of the story will come out eventually.

    I had something in here about Jess and jumping back in to her workout - I'd try jumping back in - a week isn't all that long!

    A co-worker suggested eating out and I fell for it - almost a thousand calories at Pearl of the Orient - I did order brown rice!:embarassed: I still have room for a piece of salmon tonight - and an apple! Sodium is through the roof.

    Chris - I think you're under 200 now - but your body is effing with you to punish you for daring to go hog wild over the weekend. All the sudden this week you'll have a big ol' loss and be dancing on the ceilings! (oh what a feeling!:bigsmile: )

    ColoradoGirl - I think the snow was pretty but I bet you're happy to see it gone! We've had a cold snap this week but just rain. The horses are out in the pasture looking around at the clumps of horse hair in the grass and wishing they hadn't shed out so quickly this spring! Last night when Ken went to let the dogs in, all three came out of the middle sized dog house :laugh: Since the beagle likes to pretend that she HATES Mrs. Fig, and Simon the setter has been in a huff ever since we took his dead ground hog away (he seems to think the beagle stole it) it seems that cold and rain encourage making up for cuddle puddle reasons! (record run-on sentence for me there!)

    I've been drinking lots of water but no exercise today so I'm going to HAVE to kick it up when I get home tonight!