Over 200 New Year New Me Part 19



  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    I have never really worn spanx. My friend loves hers and wouldn't live without them. I didn't know that you could get some for $20!! I thought they were wayyyyyyy more expensive! Maybe I will have to go get some.

    Momma & awestfall - You should both get something for yourselves every now and again. I know that it is hard for you to buy something but just think you work at being a mom. Ever so often mom needs something to enjoy too, just for herself.

    Jess - My SIL is going to have her baby today too! Well she went in last night to get induced and they are hoping for today. She is also in your neck of the woods. She lives in Forney!!

    Well I have been cleaning for about 45 mins and now it is time to go do some more. We are going to be taping and priming my living room tomorrow so that we can paint next weekend. I am so excited!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: We have been in our house for almost 10 months and I haven't gotten to paint yet so I am chopping at the bit to start really decorating!! Well as long as money allows!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: I was thinking I'd pick horses based on their names, too. It's also likely I'll bet on any gray horses just because my horse is gray.

    Cris: I also love, love, love Brad Paisley. He's on my celebrity "list." You know, the list everyone gets to have of who they would, um, have relations with if they got the chance. I need some new list members since I've taken a few off for various reasons. When I told my boyfriend that a friend of mine was going backstage to see Brad, he was worried she'd take me with and I'd end up leaving him! I wasn't lucky enough to get to go backstage, so he didn't have to worry.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I love Brad Paisley! I finally get to see him in concert this year! YUM YUM! He's hott!! :blushing:

    Cris-Enjoy your beer. Heck, enjoy one for me too! :drinker: It's summertime! :drinker:

    raiderape-Send some of that energy my way! I'm dragging butt today. Working open-close no lunch break 2 days in a row sucks! :sick:
  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member
    OMG!!! I am totally done editting papers!!! :bigsmile: And I have a whole hour left in school!!! :bigsmile: I can't believe it! :drinker:
    I always stress hard about not being ready & not getting things done...but some how everything always falls into place...
    I even have time to work on the video I am making for the students I took to Washington D.C. a couple months ago :-)
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Sorry for changing the subject but I just read a post from someone who was pleading with people to quit all the meaness and unkind attacks on the forums. Hmmm, I am not coming across that but maybe it is just because I stick with you all. It just made me proud and sentimental that I hang with such a good positve group.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Maybe some of those meanies should come see what good behaved people do:love::love: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Momma - Hmm.is right..i don't stray to much and haven't seen a lot of meanness....but none of that here :smile:

    Raider - "fertility pills"?? Like clomid?? Just curious. I went through fertility treatments with my 2nd baby. The fertlity dr told me if it didn't work the month i got pregant that maybe i needed to loose weight ( i was the same weight as when i got pregant with # 1 with no complications) so that was not an option!!!

    Jess - oh yes it was Babe's, it was in Carrolton. He said it was good..He did soo good i am soo proud of him :) he got just a little of the sides (of course they were all probably loaded with butter), but i will do my best on putting them int MFP tonight (yes i put my cals and hubby's in every night ...what a good wife i am :smile:), but he just is bringing home the chicken.

    I was sooo excited, i found the cals for the pizza place i want to go to tomorrow ...and the pizza i usally get the like small single serving basically ...is like 600 cals...that is soo doable for dinner tomorrow...i was thinking it was going to be like over 1000...of course some of them are, but i like the hawiaan or pepporni ones... I am working out in the morning so will burn at least 400-500 of that.

    my day and week is officially over ..yay!!!!!!!!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LilDebbie- Babe's sides are the best! I could go there and just eat the sides. And yes, they are loaded down with butter I am sure!
    I'm so proud of you for planning ahead! You are doing so great!

    Momma-you are right! This is a great group. I have ventured to some other discussions and they do get quite nasty! People personally attacking others. It's not pretty!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    LilDebbie- Babe's sides are the best! I could go there and just eat the sides. And yes, they are loaded down with butter I am sure!
    I'm so proud of you for planning ahead! You are doing so great!

    I am sure they are !! he said they were good but only got a little of each and passed on bread...You know i have lived aroudn this area my whole life and never been...apparently i a missing something great !!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LilDebbie- Babe's sides are the best! I could go there and just eat the sides. And yes, they are loaded down with butter I am sure!
    I'm so proud of you for planning ahead! You are doing so great!

    I am sure they are !! he said they were good but only got a little of each and passed on bread...You know i have lived aroudn this area my whole life and never been...apparently i a missing something great !!!

    I think the ones around here just recently opened. I know the one in Frisco just opened a year or two ago. I know the one in Lewsiville has been there awhile. It is a pretty awesome place! The salad and dressing is to die for! Now I wanna eat Babes! :bigsmile: It's definitely worth trying!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I got sidetracked at Belk after my eye doctor appt and I bought my very first dress!

    I'm sure I'll still wear chucks with it, but... it's progress. :wink:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Sorry i made you crave babe's now :smile: At least i will get some leftovers today ...probably will decide if i want to try the full blow stuff someday ..
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I got sidetracked at Belk after my eye doctor appt and I bought my very first dress!

    I'm sure I'll still wear chucks with it, but... it's progress. :wink:

    Very cute !!!!! YOU look awesome!!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    LilDebbie- Babe's sides are the best! I could go there and just eat the sides. And yes, they are loaded down with butter I am sure!
    I'm so proud of you for planning ahead! You are doing so great!

    I am sure they are !! he said they were good but only got a little of each and passed on bread...You know i have lived aroudn this area my whole life and never been...apparently i a missing something great !!!

    I LOVE that your hubby is partnering with you on this. That he thought to only get a little of the sides and no bread is pretty amazing. It shows that you all are in this together. Hooray for teamwork!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I got sidetracked at Belk after my eye doctor appt and I bought my very first dress!

    I'm sure I'll still wear chucks with it, but... it's progress. :wink:

    I for some reason can't see the pictures but I'm sure it looks great!! :drinker:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    LilDebbie- Babe's sides are the best! I could go there and just eat the sides. And yes, they are loaded down with butter I am sure!
    I'm so proud of you for planning ahead! You are doing so great!

    I am sure they are !! he said they were good but only got a little of each and passed on bread...You know i have lived aroudn this area my whole life and never been...apparently i a missing something great !!!

    I LOVE that your hubby is partnering with you on this. That he thought to only get a little of the sides and no bread is pretty amazing. It shows that you all are in this together. Hooray for teamwork!

    Thanks !! We have both been doing it since october, i would try to exercise with the wii and walking and such, but since we joined the gym we both have re-found our motivation to do this...and we will...oh yes we will...!!!! I am soo proud of him, he is going to like 3 spin classed a week, kicking but!!!
  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member
    Just wanted to stalk one more time before school ends! I will check in again but probably not til monday...
    Miss you All!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Little Spy - LOVE LOVE LOVE the dress, you look so cute!!!! :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    I'm reading all about your crazy swimsuit and the spanx and Awestfalls bikini and I have a request......can your next crazy dressing room outfit be a bikini over spanx ???? ROFL :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: and with huge shades, of course.....

    Momma - I totally get where you are coming from, I was reading some thread about fruit and sugar earlier and they were getting so nasty. I have got enough stress in my life without arguing with a stranger over sugar :noway: :noway: ....I don't get it but I'm staying in here where it's all nice and cosy :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Kdub - YAY !!!!!! nothing like finishing early :drinker: Sorry I must have missed something this week, I didn't realize you were going away for a memorial. Hope you are OK and all goes as planned. xoxo

    edited re: Kdub memorial
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Cute Dress Julie and you look great in it!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    lildeb & Jess - I will so have to try Babe's the next time I go up there. My in-laws wanted it the last time that we were there but we were headed to a baby shower so couldn't stop. But they said that it was an awesome place to eat!

    Julie - You look AMAZING!!!! You are definitely pulling off that dress!!!

    kdub - Hope your trip goes well. We will miss you too! Be careful on your way there and back. Hope the Memorial service is everything you want it to be.:flowerforyou:

    lildeb - Yes, I am taking clomid. Last month was my first month to take it and it didn't work. So today I had to go for an ultrasound to make sure I didn't have cyst. The tech said that everything looked fine but the doctor would call me later. She did say that there would be NO bad news so that is definitely a good sign. My Dr. told me that I needed to lose 10% and it would increase are chances. So here I am! So now in a few weeks I will start my second month of it. Keeping my fingers crossed!

    Well, I just got done with pulling weeds for 45 mins in 90 degree weather! And the sad thing is that you can't see the difference! :sad: :sad: At least I got a good workout while doing it! :happy:

    Be back in a bit!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Julie: You look AMAZING in your dress:flowerforyou:

    Kdub: way to go in grading your student's papers... hope you have a safe trip

    Check in...it's not going to be good :(

    calories: over by 600-700ish
    exercise: evening walk with hubby ( 5 laps)..but then we went to the ice cream shop and i had a frozen yogurt ( chocolate wiht chocolate sprinkles and a cone)
    water: 100+

    600 calorie burn challenge...NOPE!!! I slacked off :(
    Proud: that i lost all the weight i gained last weekend and 2 more pounds...6 - 7 pounds off my body..but i might have gained it all back with my careless eating.
    fiber: 30g
    sodium: 1890 ( bad I know)

    Have a great evening girls:heart: