Over 200 New Year New Me Part 16



  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Raiderape: I had trouble getting pregnant with my 2nd child, and let's face it - by that point in our marriage we were probably not 'trying' as often as we were when I got pregnant with my 1st child (seven years earlier). Someone recommended an ovulation kit (from Walgreens, Target - with the pregnancy tests), and it worked like a charm! I got pregnant the first month we used it ... it wasn't terribly romantic 'having' to 'take care of business' on specific days when the kit said we should - but it worked. Obviously we weren't 'taking care of business' on the right days before that. Anyhow - just thought I would recommend an ovulation kit as something to try if you are having trouble getting pregnant, it worked for us!

    Thanks for info! I actually started fertility pills this month. I do not have a TOM ever! My doctor says that it might be because I am overweight but she is not completely sure. So with these pills have to take an ovulation test everyday for 11 days and not one has come out positive yet, so we will see. Everything looks okay so that is usually the easiest option. So far no luck but it is only the first month so I am thinking positively. Trying to get pregnant is the reason why I really got focused on losing weight. Funny that I am trying to lose weight to gain it back with a baby.:laugh: Sorry if that was TMI!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I have to say that every time I read a post and thought I'd respond - LIlSpy would be responding with my thoughts LOL!

    Great minds... :wink:
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    I don't really eat my exercise calories at all, because I don't have any idea how accurate they are. They seem really high to me... like today, I did my 50 min circuit training with my trainer (I use "Circuit training, general") and then 20 min of elliptical, and it gave me 1245 exercise calories. :noway: Once in a while on a heavier exercise day, I may eat 200-300 of them, but I get 1630 calories per day on the "I want to lose 2 lbs a week" setting, so I'll go up to maybe 1850 or so.

    My trainer yelled at me today for eating too much sodium. :embarassed: Ok she didn't really "yell" but she told me I eat way too much. I've tried to be so much better, too! We still go to Panera 1-2 times a week and I guess that stuff is just really loaded with it, plus I went out for some other stuff last week. Not terrible stuff, and it fit into my calories, but still restaurant food and probably too much sodium on top of just the sodium that I get in all my regular stuff.

    Check in for 4/28:
    Calories - 1360 (270 under)
    Water - probably only about 40 oz :embarassed:
    Exercise - nothing
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Raiderape: I had trouble getting pregnant with my 2nd child, and let's face it - by that point in our marriage we were probably not 'trying' as often as we were when I got pregnant with my 1st child (seven years earlier). Someone recommended an ovulation kit (from Walgreens, Target - with the pregnancy tests), and it worked like a charm! I got pregnant the first month we used it ... it wasn't terribly romantic 'having' to 'take care of business' on specific days when the kit said we should - but it worked. Obviously we weren't 'taking care of business' on the right days before that. Anyhow - just thought I would recommend an ovulation kit as something to try if you are having trouble getting pregnant, it worked for us!

    Thanks for info! I actually started fertility pills this month. I do not have a TOM ever! My doctor says that it might be because I am overweight but she is not completely sure. So with these pills have to take an ovulation test everyday for 11 days and not one has come out positive yet, so we will see. Everything looks okay so that is usually the easiest option. So far no luck but it is only the first month so I am thinking positively. Trying to get pregnant is the reason why I really got focused on losing weight. Funny that I am trying to lose weight to gain it back with a baby.:laugh: Sorry if that was TMI!

    I'm not sure that anything is TMI with this bunch of chatters! Don't worry about gaining pregnancy weight - you really don't have to gain that much if you are eating healthy and exercising throughout the pregnancy. Good luck, I hope we hear good baby news soon! :flowerforyou:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Mmmmmm I just ate some delicious pate on celery sticks as part of my lunch.
    I :heart: pate and turns out for 2oz it's only 140 calories....yippeeee!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    I have never had pate, what is it? I have heard people eating it but never learned what it was.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Sheeesh! See what happens when I cant stalk? I miss like 3 pages worth of posts!!!

    POS_ME- Uhm, yea ditto on you "may not quit" thing. We WILL stalk you and drag you back to the thread. You are doing everything right to an extent...you are eating well and excercising...now you just have to figure out in what portion to do them in. I guess you will have to play around with your calories and intensity until you find something that works, but until then be happy the scale isnt moving UP! We are all here fro you and you already got tons of good advice so I'll leave it at that! :wink:

    JLB- I am def a boy mommy, I cant imagine having a girl..I guess I will find out next year when we try for our second (and last) child..I want a boy he wants a girl :tongue: ...I keep picturing you, this huge bundle of energy bouncing on your chair at work waiting for your shoes :laugh:

    mstahl- I am so sorry about your MIL..she seems like an amazing woman

    meook- Isnt it great to be able to stay on MFP all day? hehe...thanks for my imaginary throphy!! :laugh:

    jess- my layout was weird yesterday but havent had any issues today, and like someone else said jsut refresh the screen. Oh, I still havent done w3, ugh now you are ahead of me again I better find time to do it. Tonight is my first excercise day since being sick and Im gonna go to spin class, maybe Ill get the run in tomorrow...

    Jesyka-- Where are youuuuuu....dont make us come after you!

    Heather- Great job on your water intake!!!

    irandamay- MFP can track your sodium for you...not sure if you are already using that feature, but I had no idea until someone told me about it!

    I know I forgot stuff, but Im trying to cram 3 days worth of work in one day....be back later!

  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Istpaul- You sound so enthused and focused!!! I am so happy to hear your new found atitude! Go get em girl!!!!!:drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    I have never had pate, what is it? I have heard people eating it but never learned what it was.

    Only the most delicious spreadable meat known to human kind !!!:heart::love:
    The one I ate today was made from chicken & pork livers with truffles mixed in...drooling.....They make all different kinds though, even veggie. Pate de fois gras is the most classic french version using fattened goose liver only it's a bit controversial due to the way they raise and fatten the geese.

    On the other end of the spectrum - liverwurst - that can be found in every grocery store is also pate just without the fancy french name.
    I usually buy a mid range one as the liverwurst has too many preservatives for my liking. My grocery store stocks several kinds and the live near the fresh mozzarella and salamis
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I think I have some issues here. All day yesterday I thought it was Thursday. It wasn't until I woke up at 4:30 AM to go get ready for my cycling class when I realized...hmmm...today is not Friday and there is no CYCLING class this morning!! :explode: Twice in one week I have done this!! GRRR!! I sooo wanted to try a cycling class this week. Now I wont get to. GRR GRRR GRR!! It's a blonde moment week for me!

    Cris-I did finish week 6 yesterday! Was pretty excited. I'm kinda sad that it's all straight jogs now though I'm not going to lie. I miss the intervals. It does feel good to run for 25 minutes though. I can't decide if I want to do the cycling class tomorrow morning or start week 7. My OCD says start week 7 on Monday.

    LittleSpy-Did your shoes come!? !?!?

    My friend asked me to go to the Opera with him tomorrow night in Dallas. I'm not a big Opera fan but it's an excuse to wear one of my super cute dresses! I'm pretty excited about that! :bigsmile: And I saw a loss on the scale this morning...Could it be possible I'll be in the 20?'s soon!? Only 4 pounds away!!! And then I will hit the 50 pound lost mark! YAY!! :bigsmile:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Yummy yummy, I'm eating frozen grapes. A most delicious treat! That's really all...just wanted to share. :bigsmile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Yummy yummy, I'm eating frozen grapes. A most delicious treat! That's really all...just wanted to share. :bigsmile:

    Frozen grapes? Do you freeze them yourself!? That does sound yummy!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Thanks for sending positive vibes my way...
    I did my afternoon walk while son is in preschool, and i am back home. I won't be on teh computer for long..our desk top crashed a couple days ago so the my kids need to do their homework and stuff on the laptop.
    I might be back on later, if not, sorry i wil respond to all teh posts tomorrow.

    Take care and have a wonderful day girls :-)

    edit: rushing and forgot to add the rest of my thought.. V
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I just went to lunch & had a page of posts to catch up on. I love it!

    Frozen grapes sound delish. Pate, on the other hand, does not. :tongue:
    Dunno if my shoes came yet. Believe it or not, I'm actually at work. :laugh: Since I work in HR and we're not really hiring right now, work has been more than a little slow. There are still plenty of crazy employees around to keep me busy most of the day though. :wink:

    Have fun at the opera, Jess! What a great excuse to get all schmancied up (yep, I make up words as I go)! I wouldn't know what to do or wear. I'm so bad at being a girl. :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm right there with you! My roommate and her boyfriend are going too. She put an outfit together for me last night. She picked out this black pair of heels for me. I don't think I have worn them since I bought them a few years ago. They were covered in dust if that tells you anything! Totally not my cup of tea! But we will see what happens! I'll have to learn to have manners. I guess that means to burping. HAHA. Just kidding!!
  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member
    Frozen grapes are the best!! especially green ones!

    I will share my opera story...so I occassionally stalk ticketmaster looking for Phantom of the Opera tickets because I saw it once when I was a teenager & really want to take my husband....& I thought I totally lucked out by finding $20 2nd row seats for Phantom of the Opera in San Bernardino so of course I bought the tickets immediately!
    SO when we get to the theater, imagine my extreme disappointment when I really bought tickets to watch the original black & white silent film Phantom of the Opera & I had to sit & watch while reading the subtitles & listening to an old pipe organ provide the soundtrack...My husband thought the whole night was rather amusing & actually enjoyed the movie & the fact that I fell asleep on his shoulder :blushing:

    Enjoy the opera...opera really isnt that bad when it had a decent plot line to follow

    I just placed my sushi order & my son's amazing nanny is going to pick it up for me!!!! YUMMMYY!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Frozen grapes are the best!! especially green ones!

    I will share my opera story...so I occassionally stalk ticketmaster looking for Phantom of the Opera tickets because I saw it once when I was a teenager & really want to take my husband....& I thought I totally lucked out by finding $20 2nd row seats for Phantom of the Opera in San Bernardino so of course I bought the tickets immediately!
    SO when we get to the theater, imagine my extreme disappointment when I really bought tickets to watch the original black & white silent film Phantom of the Opera & I had to sit & watch while reading the subtitles & listening to an old pipe organ provide the soundtrack...My husband thought the whole night was rather amusing & actually enjoyed the movie & the fact that I fell asleep on his shoulder :blushing:

    Enjoy the opera...opera really isnt that bad when it had a decent plot line to follow

    I just placed my sushi order & my son's amazing nanny is going to pick it up for me!!!! YUMMMYY!!!

    haha! That's too funny!! I hear that's a good one. I just looked, the one we are going to tomorrow is Moby DI$^ (You can't put that word on here I guess! OOPS!)
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    KDub, that's hilarious! When my husband and I were still dating, we went to see Phantom of the Opera (the musical) on Valentine's Day. I had a sorority party the night before, so we were a little tired (and hungover...). We were up in the balcony and fell asleep during the second act. Whoops!

    Frozen grapes = washed grapes (I'm a red grape gal) + container + freezer for at least 30 min. DELICIOUS!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    memo to self: spin class after spending most of the week feeling awful in bed IS NOT A GOOD IDEA
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    KDub, that's hilarious! When my husband and I were still dating, we went to see Phantom of the Opera (the musical) on Valentine's Day. I had a sorority party the night before, so we were a little tired (and hungover...). We were up in the balcony and fell asleep during the second act. Whoops!

    Frozen grapes = washed grapes (I'm a red grape gal) + container + freezer for at least 30 min. DELICIOUS!

    My husband LOVES Phantom! We tried to see it when it was in town but it was way out of our budget. Maybe one day we will get to see it, and not just the movie! :laugh:

    Littlespy- Awesome Profile Pic! I love it! I bet you feel amazing after taking that pic!

    I can't wait to try them!! They sound so good and so easy.

    On that note, pate does not sound like one of my things. But if you enjoy it, more power to you!!! Enjoy it!!!
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