Over 200 New Year New Me Part 16

Hey gals!! Here is the new thread!!! And let me just say wow you girls are doing an amazing job!! I was up 3 pounds this morning from Fridays weigh in and it didn't bother me at all.I know it will go back down.Anyways I am knocking my exercise into high gear this week.
Jess- Super proud of you fro doing your 5k.I want to do one soon so you inspired it.
Cris-Almost to 50 pounds lost YOU ARE ROCKSTAR!!!
Momma-Have you got your MOJO back yet???
Hajohnson-I love the new profile pic!!
Bluenote-YOU ARE A POWERHOUSE!! 72 pounds lost share your secrets!!!
Elmox-Way to go on exercising on your vacation!!
Mstahl-keep it up!!
Anyone else I forgot I am soooooo sorry but just know I think EVERYONE OF YOU ARE AWESOME!!!


  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Still hanging in there.. just super busy lately.. I even worked yesterday so, no day off for me this week! I am still here just lurking when I have the time!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-Hope you had a great birthday. You looked amazing your dress! You looked very comfortable in it and that's great! Great job at the expo as well walking around. Were you able to stay away from the corndogs?

    awestfall-I'm with ya girl. I'm up 3 pounds this morning as well. I'm thinking I had a sodiumariffic weekend!!! No way it's real gain though. I paln to kick it up in workouts this week!

    ColoradoGirl-We miss seeing you around. Glad to hear you are still keeping up with us even if you can't post! Hope all is well!

    Elmoex-So proud of you for your weekend away! I have mine next weekend and I HOPE HOPE HOPE HOPE I can follow in your footsteps!

    Cris-Take care of yourself and feel better!!

    Mstahl-Sounds like you had a great weekend! Way to stay on track!

    I leave a work from this Thursday for my road trip to Wisconsin. I'm starting to fret a little bit. Being on a ROAD TRIP I'm concerned with how I'm going to eat well. And I wont be able to drink all my water the days we're on the road. My sister would shoot me having to stop that often to use the restroom. My plan of attack is to try and eat as low calorie as I can and load up with water the days that I'm in Wisconsin. I'm planning on stocking up on veggies to snack on in the car so I can stay away from french fries and such. I plan to take my workout shoes and try and at least get in some running while I'm there. I don't get to see my family up there very often so it's going to be tuff. And on that note I didn't get up and complete week 6 this morning. :mad: I was too tired. So I'm going to go tonight after work. No matter what!! 25 minute jog here I come!! I'm gonna try and catch the 5:45 AM cycleing class tomorrow I think. I have a Mav's game at night so I must workout in the morning! I have 5 pounds to lose before my trip to reach my mini goal! And TOM is lurking around the corner. It's giong to be tuff but I know with your help I can do it!! :drinker: I'll stop rambling now!

    Hope everybody has a good Monday. Be back later to check in!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cris -- hope you feel better soon!

    mstahl -- I'm excited about the barefoot running technique as well, especially since it seems like I'm constantly injured. My patellar tendon still hurts and I've missed 2 running days already because of it. :ohwell: I will be focusing on my technique tonight. I had read many folks say their calves/ankles hurt for the first few runs with barefoot running but your legs strengthen & adjust pretty quickly. I wear pretty much nothing but Chucks & ballet flats so I'm not sure I'm going to have much of an adjustment. :laugh:

    Jess -- yeah, you know it's sodium. And even if it isn't, it'll melt right back off like butter. I was too afraid to weigh this morning. :laugh: Nothing good would've come of that 'cause you don't just eat Mexican food & Chinese food all weekend & then have a great weigh in Monday morning. :tongue:

    Heather -- Love that dress! You look fabulous!

    I started the week off RIGHT for the first time in a couple months. :drinker: 30 minutes on the stationary bike -- went 8.6 miles. I'm alright with that. This week's goal -- increase average biking speed to 18mph. :bigsmile:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Jess: Congrats on the 5k!

    Irandamay: I ran Cross Country in high school too and would really like to be able to run again, I tried last fall but had to quit because it was too hard on my knees. I'm going to try again today ... My mom gave me last month's WW magazine and it has an easy plan to start running. Day 1 is Walk 5 min, jog 1 min; repeat 4 times. That is what I'm going to do today during my daughter's sax lesson instead of just sitting there. (if you are interested in the rest of the WW jogging plan let me know and I'll post it all)

    Mstahl: I hope your mother-in-law is doing better.

    checking in for the weekend:
    calories: don't know, didn't track - but I know I had some good moments and some bad ones
    exercise: great - 60 minutes turbo kick on Friday, 60 minutes step on Saturday, 60 minutes step on Sunday and 40 minutes body pump
    water: pretty good, and managed to go without a diet pepsi until yesterday ... I'm not even craving one today - going to have pomegranate green tea instead
    proud: of all the exercise I pushed myself to do, and I'm really working on the food choices (although definitely not perfect yet).

    I stayed the same again for my weigh-in ... I'm an EXPERT at maintaining! I really want to get that scale to move, and I know what I need to do (food choices). I packed some good things for my day today, so off to a good start so far this week.

    Have a good day everyone!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Did I miss the challenge for this week? I skimmed through all the weekend posts since I missed them, maybe I missed the biggest loser and the challenge?
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I had to share a frustration I had this weekend. I've been swimming in my size 24 pants for the last 6 months, so I was excited on Friday night to pull out a size 22 capri pants that I bought last fall on clearance and thought I would for sure be able to fit into them now ... they fit great in the legs and hips but I could barely get them buttoned at the waist and I ended up having to take them off because they were too uncomfortable. I think all my exercise has toned my legs and butt, but pushed some of the fat into my belly - which is probably a worse place to have fat! aaargh! :mad:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Good morning! This morning started out a bit odd for me - I left my lunch at the 7-11 when I bought my iced coffee. I made it to my office (just a couple blocks away) when I realized that I was missing something! I went back to the 7-11 and the lady was like, "I figured I'd see you around lunchtime!" Ah...Monday.

    I can't get the link for my picture from the wedding to show up here in the post, but I uploaded it to my profile. It's the last picture. We only took one picture and all we had was an iPhone, but it's better than nothing!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning! This morning started out a bit odd for me - I left my lunch at the 7-11 when I bought my iced coffee. I made it to my office (just a couple blocks away) when I realized that I was missing something! I went back to the 7-11 and the lady was like, "I figured I'd see you around lunchtime!" Ah...Monday.

    I can't get the link for my picture from the wedding to show up here in the post, but I uploaded it to my profile. It's the last picture. We only took one picture and all we had was an iPhone, but it's better than nothing!

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning! This morning started out a bit odd for me - I left my lunch at the 7-11 when I bought my iced coffee. I made it to my office (just a couple blocks away) when I realized that I was missing something! I went back to the 7-11 and the lady was like, "I figured I'd see you around lunchtime!" Ah...Monday.

    I can't get the link for my picture from the wedding to show up here in the post, but I uploaded it to my profile. It's the last picture. We only took one picture and all we had was an iPhone, but it's better than nothing!


    I fix for you! :bigsmile:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thanks Jess!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good morning gals :0
    Awestfall: don’t beat yourself up…I also gained…but we will lose the weight and some! Let’s kick it ups this week :-}
    Jess: Congrates on your 5k…I am so happy for you and I like your profile pic…you are so motivational…keep it up girl!
    Heather: love your new pic…and did you eat the corndog?? Inquiring minds want to know..lol
    Momma: please find your MOJO…we need you… hope you find it soon :-(
    Cris: ALL I can say is… WOW!!! That’s 50 pound you won’t see anymore.. Hope you get better soon…my allergies are really bad this year…I am currently taking Zyrtec..not bad…but makes me a little tired lately..,but it’s not as bad as Allegra…
    Elmox: way to go!! You stayed on track while on vacation..wow!!! And i like the new pic...sweet couple :)
    Bluenote: 72 pounds…dam girl :-} lol…keep it up girl!
    MstahI: hope everyone is well…and way to go for staying on track on rough conditions..stay positive :)
    Coloradogirl: we missed you here..keep us posted..whe you have time girl
    Litspy: way to kick off the week…you go girl almost 9 miles…YOU ROCK!!
    Istpaul: sorry to hear about your frustration…you will fit into your capris by summer time…stay on track and stay positive! You can do this!!!

    I am sad to report I also gain 3 pounds…lucky number 3…I will be working my butt of this week..For sure! I was, on Friday, 207.9 and today, sad but true, 210.9…why do I do this too myself??? How could I let myself go? I did manage to walk on Friday, but hubby was home so not much. Saturday and sunday...no exercise what so ever...it was raining so beside the cleaning i did that was the only thing i did..ugh!!! I am back on track and I will lose the 3 pounds plus 2 more….i will put myself to the test…working hard…like a mad woman!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Thank you, ladies, for all of the compliments on me in my dress. I was pretty excited. My boyfriend and I are supposed to go out with another couple this coming Saturday to Fogo De Chao (my first time there) and the boyfriend thinks I should wear a dress for that, too. I knew wearing a dress for him might be a bad idea. So, the plan is to hit it hard this week and see if I can skim off a few more pounds before then.

    Jess: I admit I couldn't stay away from the corn dogs, so I had one on Friday for lunch. But you know what? It wasn't nearly as good as I remembered them being. It was actually a bit bland, even though I bought it from the same booth I always do. The roasted pork tenderloin sandwich I had at the Expo for dinner on Friday tasted MUCH better to me. Funny how things change when you're more aware, isn't it?
    Speaking of dogs (sort of), how is your puppy doing?

    elmox: I love the dress! You look adorable!

    I think it's so great that so many of you lovely ladies have taken pics in dresses lately. We're showing how sexy we are!

    Last night, my boyfriend was teasing me about "blogging" on the message boards and I told him "These girls on the thread are what keep me motivated to keep running. Don't pick on me." He laughed and told me he's glad but he likes teasing me about it. Then he said he was going to make up a fake online name and stalk my thread posts to make sure I'm not saying anything bad about him. I told him I only have good things to say, so he then said he didn't need to check my posts. What a goofball he is! I just love him!

    Hope you're all having a great Monday so far!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Alright. I officially can't find the Vibram Fivefingers in the size I think I need anywhere but the Vibram website. They have the exact color and size I want in stock (it's one of the only sizes & colors they actually have in stock). They're $80 on the Vibram website (which is funny to me because they're a lot more expensive on other websites... Darn scamming retailers!!). Shipping is $4.95.

    I've called the other 2 places in town that carry them and they BOTH said "We never have any idea when we'll get some in. They're backordered for months." :noway:

    That makes me want to go to the Vibram website RIGHT NOW and buy them. Especially since the EXACT color & size I want is in stock. But, the cheapo in me is having a hard time with spending $85 to feel like I'm barefoot. :laugh: 'Cause.... I mostly run on a treadmill so... I could just actually run barefoot. You know, for free. :tongue: HELP!

    Maybe I will actually run barefoot tonight & see how it goes. Perhaps that will help me make the decision about whether to buy the shoes. I know I *want* them. The question at hand is, do I want to pay $85 for them.
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    Irandamay: I ran Cross Country in high school too and would really like to be able to run again, I tried last fall but had to quit because it was too hard on my knees. I'm going to try again today ... My mom gave me last month's WW magazine and it has an easy plan to start running. Day 1 is Walk 5 min, jog 1 min; repeat 4 times. That is what I'm going to do today during my daughter's sax lesson instead of just sitting there. (if you are interested in the rest of the WW jogging plan let me know and I'll post it all)
    That sounds like a good plan to work up to it slowly if your knees bother you! So far I've been sticking to the elliptical for the past 2.5 weeks because I feel so wiped out and sore all the time from all the cardio and the trainer workouts. My trainer wants us to do 45 minutes of cardio 5x a week now, and I certainly can't run that much. :smile: I guess I could start trying to do a little running, though and then fill out the rest with elliptical. She wants us to keep our heartrate at 75-80% the whole time, though and I think my heartrate might drop too much if I do jog/walk intervals.

    I am actually finding it hard to keep my heartrate high enough! The first week, I was doing stuff at what I think would be about 85% heartrate (around 160) barely even working, and yesterday, only 2.5 weeks later, I had a hard time pushing it up over 145-150 and I had the elliptical resistance on level 4 vs level 1 the first week. I was pretty wiped out yesterday though, and only managed to do 30 minutes, so that may have had something to do with it too, but I have noticed it on other days too that my heartrate seems to be lower. :smile:

    I actually did pretty good with C25K right up until the day that I had to run for 20 minutes without stopping. I just didn't have the endurance for it yet... this was before I started changing my eating too, so I wasn't really losing any weight. I kept trying to do days 1 and 2 from that week over and over (which was 5 min jog/3 min walk/5 min jog/3 min walk/5 min jog, and then 8 min jog/5 min walk/8 min jog), hoping to eventually build up enough stamina to do the 20 minute one, but after a few weeks of that I just got frustrated and lazy and quit.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-I know exactly what you mean by things not tasting the same as you remember. I had the same moment this year at the Texas State Fair when I tried to eat a corn dog. It just wasn't the same. And most definitely wasn't worth all the fat and calories! Thanks for asking about my pup! She's doing better. She seems to be okay and hasn't had any problems since Friday night. She's out at my Mom's the next couple of days since I have a Mav's game tomorrow night and don't want to keep her caged up. She gets spoiled at Granny's with an acre to run around on! :blushing: My dog really is like my child! You're boyfriend sounds so sweet!! Enjoy Fogo it is AWESOME!!!

    LittleSpy-I have heard nothing but good things about those shoes!! I say if you think you are going to use 'em might as well go ahead and splurge a little and buy them. It's all for a good cause right? To help you lose weight and more healthy. It's only going to help your problems you have been having! :drinker:

    Elmoex-You look beautiful in your dress! I love the style too!! :smile:

    POS Me-You wouldn't believe how many posts I have seen this morning on people gaining 3 pounds over the weekend. I would say I have seen at least a dozen. I have never seen so many. I blame it on the Earth and gravity! I'm not very Scientific...I could get my Science teacher roommate involved and make it sound more scientific! :laugh: Just thought it was kinda weird how I have seen so many this morning. Don't beat yourself up! You will be in the 20?'s in no time again!!

    lstpaul-I have the same problem! I have really only dropped 3 pants sizes or so since I have started. And my pants will fit different in the legs and butt but still be too small in the waist. I had that problem up until I hit the 18's. Now they are too big in the waist and gap in the back and fit in the legs and butt barley. It's weird how our bodies adjust and lose weight! Don't let it get you down. You will be in those capris comfortably in no time! You know, I have several pairs of 22's from last summer I could send your way if you are interested!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Momma: I had to go back and find out what you said about losing your 'mojo' after seeing people commenting about it. I know EXACTLY what you mean ... I have been struggling and struggling to find my 'weight loss mojo' again - I haven't lost a thing since last September. That is why losing weight can be so hard, it isn't easy to keep up the motivation - but we will get our 'MOJO' back! My old weight watcher leader always said 'It's not a race, but a journey'. We are still on this journey, and no matter how long it takes we will get there! :flowerforyou:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    My trainer wants us to do 45 minutes of cardio 5x a week now, and I certainly can't run that much. :smile: I guess I could start trying to do a little running, though and then fill out the rest with elliptical. She wants us to keep our heartrate at 75-80% the whole time, though and I think my heartrate might drop too much if I do jog/walk intervals.

    irandamay: I keep my heart rate high on the treadmill with job/walk intervals by cranking up the elevation on my walk intervals. I also find that I can walk at a faster pace (4.0 instead of 3.8) when the elevation is above 4.0. The combo of the higher elevation and upped speed keeps my heart rate up (not as high as when I'm jogging, but high enough) so I'm still in the high cal burning range. Something to try maybe.

    Thanks all for your love and praise on the dress. It was so exciting to fit in it once again and I find the cut to be so flattering. It's a dress that's easy to look good in!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    lstpaul-I have the same problem! I have really only dropped 3 pants sizes or so since I have started. And my pants will fit different in the legs and butt but still be too small in the waist. I had that problem up until I hit the 18's. Now they are too big in the waist and gap in the back and fit in the legs and butt barley. It's weird how our bodies adjust and lose weight! Don't let it get you down. You will be in those capris comfortably in no time! You know, I have several pairs of 22's from last summer I could send your way if you are interested!
    Thanks for the offer of your 22's ... but the shipping from Texas to Minnesota probably wouldn't be worth it :flowerforyou: , plus I likely have more 22's packed away somewhere. I was just so excited to try those new capri's ... I won't give up - they will hopefully fit soon.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    irandamay: I know what you mean about not being able to keep the heart rate up. My boyfriend and I used to DIE doing hills in the state parks! We felt like our hearts were pounding out of our necks and it would take 10 minutes to recover. Now our heart rates barely increase on hills and one breath takes care of the recovery. It's awesome to know our fitness levels are so greatly improved, but we have to walk all day to get the same calorie burn we used to get in 45 minutes!

    Jess: I'm glad to hear your "child" is doing well and is happy running around at Granny's house!

    lstpaul: You're right, this is a journey, not a race! We'll all get there!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay so I have a stupid question. I recently bought a food scale. Those of you that weigh your food to you weigh it before or after you cook it? Does the nutrition information base on frozen or cooked food? Does anybody know?