Over 200 New Year New Me Part 16



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I did it. I ordered the shoes. :laugh:

    It's funny now, the only ads I'm getting on MFP are shoe ads since there are shoe websites in this computer's browsing history now. :laugh:

    I've got this week.
    I have a shopping list to pick up ingredients for 3 healthy recipes, 2 of which I've never tried before. I've been getting bored with food and that's because I've stopped looking for new recipes. I had kind of stopped planning meals altogether and I think that's really really what got me into trouble this weekend. So, back to it! I also think my fresh/steamed veggie consumption has been lower the last couple months so I'm going to pick that back up again, too. 204 is just going to have to eat my dust because I'm sick of seeing it along with its stupid buddies 205 and 206. I need some 1s in my life.
  • tiger12gal
    tiger12gal Posts: 68 Member
    Hi everyone! I know I have been gone for awhile but I am dertermined to stay on track! I have been super busy at home and at work so I havent had much time to actually get online and read everything! My weight stays between 196 and 199... I dont think I will be making my first mini goal of 186 by June 11th but I can sure try! Right now my main goal is to drink more water. I am doing well with staying around my calorie intake and I hardly go over but I notice I havent been doing well with water intake. What is this weeks challenge?
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    Okay so I have a stupid question. I recently bought a food scale. Those of you that weigh your food to you weigh it before or after you cook it? Does the nutrition information base on frozen or cooked food? Does anybody know?
    The only time I've used it so far for cooked food, it was for raw chicken, and I realized after I portioned it out into baggies for stir fry that it probably was going to weigh less after I cooked it. :smile: I think there were food entries for raw chicken and cooked chicken, though. Otherwise I have mostly been using it for fruit (like grapes), although it's hard to find a food entry sometimes for fruit in oz. I end up just eyeballing it and trying to estimate it in cups.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LittleSpy-It's like MFP was speaking to you!! :smile: Hope you like your shoes! Good job at trying out some new meals. It does get old eatting the same stuff over and over. Share any recipes you like with me. I'm always looking for new things to try! :bigsmile:

    Miranda-Thanks for the tip! I think I have been overeating on my meats and so that's why I want to try actually weighing and measuring out how much I'm eating!

    Tiger-Sooo glad to see you back! We have missed you around here! :drinker: Glad to hear you are doing well! I'm not sure of this weeks challenge. I think I missed it myself or it hasn't been posted.
  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    I haven't checked since Friday...I was knocked flat on my butt by a sore throat & head cold this weekend but despite that I think I still did pretty good...
    Calories: 1300-1500 each day since Friday
    Water: TONS...am totally loving my carbonator so i can make sparkling water at home which feels awesome on a sore throat
    exercise: suprisingly I did 40 mins on Friday, 10 on sunday & 20 this morning on the elliptical which is pretty good considering i was sick.

    Weigh-in: down almost half a pound .4 actually so now officially at 221...but it doesn't look like I am going to make my personal mini goal of 219 by tomorrow. lets just hope the measurements show I have lost some inches in the past couple of weeks because I have been really trying.

    I would like to run a 5K in September...my trainer really wants me to lose about 20lbs before starting to train so i don't completely destroy my already jacked-up knees. I have never ever been a runner, I am a water girl all the way, but figured since I am sweating it out constantly on my elliptical, running can't be that different right?

    What is this week's challenge?
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Cris was our big winner for last week, but I don't think she's set a challenge for this week yet. I know everyone is excited to get our "orders" for the week!
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    Miranda-Thanks for the tip! I think I have been overeating on my meats and so that's why I want to try actually weighing and measuring out how much I'm eating!
    My trainer told us last week that a good estimate for how much meat you should eat in a serving, if you don't have a scale (like at a restaurant or something), is the size of the palm of your hand.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Okay so I have a stupid question. I recently bought a food scale. Those of you that weigh your food to you weigh it before or after you cook it? Does the nutrition information base on frozen or cooked food? Does anybody know?
    The only time I've used it so far for cooked food, it was for raw chicken, and I realized after I portioned it out into baggies for stir fry that it probably was going to weigh less after I cooked it. :smile: I think there were food entries for raw chicken and cooked chicken, though. Otherwise I have mostly been using it for fruit (like grapes), although it's hard to find a food entry sometimes for fruit in oz. I end up just eyeballing it and trying to estimate it in cups.

    Most of the values in the MFP database & on a food's nutrition label are for RAW foods unless otherwise specified. A "serving" of chicken breast, for example, is 4oz RAW which is normally around 3oz cooked. So, you were correct in portioning 4oz of raw chicken. A serving of pasta is 2oz DRY (as specified on the nutrition label) which means it weighs quite a bit more cooked. So, be observant. :wink:

    I personally weigh nearly everything I eat to the gram if the gram measurement is specified on the nutrition label (even if the volume measurement is also specified). Otherwise I find myself overestimating portion sizes. If you ever question the values for fruits, you can find the information on the USDA food database for servings based on weight. http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/foodcomp/search/

    And about this week's challenge -- Cris posted on the other thread that she isn't feeling well. :frown: So maybe we can all think of challenges to suggest to her for whenever she's feeling better and posts here. :smile:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Okay, I had planned to go to Subway for lunch today but it always takes so long there and I can barely shovel the food in my mouth in the 30 minutes I have for lunch. Naughty of all naughty, I ended up getting McNuggets as McDonalds. In comparing the two items (via their websites which may be wrong), the McNuggets were the better choice. Weird, right? Of course, the Subway meal is definitely more like real food, but I was having a craving and needed to give into it before it got out of hand. Ugh, why am I so bad?
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-I think it's the time of year! I know it sounds crazy but this is the time of year I got off track last year too and just maintained! Stick with it. At least you are making more concious decision then you normally would of!

    LittleSpy-Thank you for the help! I really appreciate it!

    So with TOM around the corner I am craving sweets like crazy! AHHH!! So I went and bought some Lemon Mini Muffins that have no sugar in them. Pretty proud of the decision I made. They are little bit size browns so I can't have more then one but they are delicious. And I want to eat EVERYTHING for some reason! AHH!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jess -- I had a MAJOR case of the "OMG I'M GOING TO EAT EVERYTHING"'s last TOM.
    Speaking of TOM, I'm due any day now and I'm not feeling crampy or bloated or irritable or anything. :indifferent:

    All of my bf's baby fever this month has me extra paranoid! :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LittleSpy-That's the worst feeling!! :grumble: Hang in there. It'll come!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: It must be this time of year. At least I can say I didn't even order the fries today and I had a diet soda instead of a regular Coke. Baby steps, I say!

    Tonight after work I have a meeting at Caribou, but I have planned what to drink and will have 670 calories left for dinner. As long as I stick with something sensible, I'll be fine. But, we all know how sensible I've been with the eating lately...
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Speaking of TOM, I'm due any day now and I'm not feeling crampy or bloated or irritable or anything. :indifferent:

    All of my bf's baby fever this month has me extra paranoid! :laugh:

    Girl, I do a happy dance every month TOM comes (this month, it was today). We want babies at some point, but now is not that point!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Speaking of TOM, I'm due any day now and I'm not feeling crampy or bloated or irritable or anything. :indifferent:

    All of my bf's baby fever this month has me extra paranoid! :laugh:

    Girl, I do a happy dance every month TOM comes (this month, it was today). We want babies at some point, but now is not that point!

    :laugh: That's how I feel. I'm like "Hooray!!" and then immediately after, "UGH!!!"
    A baby would be great. In like 4 years. I can't say I wouldn't be excited about it anyway even now though. There'd just be a lot more "Oh dear, babies are super expensive" to go along with the excitement.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hi girls

    sorry about the challenge I'm just feeling awful.... Go ahead and come up with one as a group. Can someone tell the high heels and fishnet ladies too I'm supposed to give them a challenge too **sigh**

    my temp is like 103.2 in having chills and I can't br around my son so that he doesn't get sick so i've been in bed all day hiding from me which is sad because I miss him so much and he kept crying for me

    I gtg my brain hurts
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay so I attempted w6d3 of c25k. I had 7 minutes left and I had to go to the restroom. There were no if's and's or butt's about it. I'm sorry if that's TMI! But I went and did my business and came back and ran for 8 minutes. I'm not going to move forward even though it's the same thing. I will attempt again Wednesday morning. While I was running I checked out the cycling class. I'm kinda nervous!! Everybody think positive thoughts for me. I'm going to go tomorrow morning at 5:45 A.M!!:indifferent: The good news is I'm only up about 1-2 pounds from this morning and I'm full of about 120oz of water breakfast and lunch. So I'm hoping that's a good sign!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Ladies, I don't know how it happened, but I have lost 3.4 lbs since Thursday!!! :bigsmile: :noway: :bigsmile:

    I am at 201.4 now. I see you 19X....you are so close... I am beyond excited by this loss - I think it's crazy, but I'm going to take it. Since we're all about TMI, I've been feeling a bit gross all day and have spent quite a large amount of time in the restroom today, so it's possible that I have "expelled" quite a bit of weight today. :blushing:

    Eeee!!! I'm floating on air right now. Thanks for letting me celebrate!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi girls

    sorry about the challenge I'm just feeling awful.... Go ahead and come up with one as a group. Can someone tell the high heels and fishnet ladies too I'm supposed to give them a challenge too **sigh**

    my temp is like 103.2 in having chills and I can't br around my son so that he doesn't get sick so i've been in bed all day hiding from me which is sad because I miss him so much and he kept crying for me

    I gtg my brain hurts

    Oh Cris, so sorry you are sick.....I'll sort out the fishnets stuff for you.
    get better soon.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    elmox and heather - you both look gorgeous in your dresses :flowerforyou:

    Jess - WTG on the 5k I'm so proud of you!!!!:drinker:

    Check in for today
    Calories - 1447
    Water - over 100oz
    exercise - 20 mins walking