Over 200 New Year New Me Part 16



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jenn -- 21 minutes is a really great time! He may end up being a really competetive 5k racer if he keeps it up!

    ***Also, please no BL spoilers on the thread today! I only made it through half of it last night so I still have to watch the last half. :laugh:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Istpaull -HOOORAY!!! Good job throwing out the chips! I am so so proud of you! :drinker: :drinker: Seriously I have a huge smile on my face right now:bigsmile:
    Sad to say ... I had to throw egg shells and other breakfast scraps on top of the chips bag in the garbage before I really felt like I might not pull them back out. :noway:

  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I'm sorry for bringing up BL, I was just inspired...I will say no more until everyone has seen this week's episode!!:embarassed:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Wow gald to see you all chatting it up this morning with one another.Very proud that all of you are doing so well.I am now exercising everyday with my 15 year old daughter Samantha,my 5 year old daughter Paige and my 3 year old daughter Amelia.I am teaching them good lifestyles by exercising with them.Paige told me the other day that I should give her some money so she could buy me some new clothes because mine were falling off.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: So I suppose what I am doing is working.I am trying now to get out of the 220's.I was 223 this morning so I have to keep trucking along but I really do think I have figured it out.My oldest and I have been competing on my EA active game on the Wii and it is so much fun.We are trying to find a 5k to run together because after watching the Biggest loser last night my daughter decided she wanted to join me.I have been wanting to run one for awhile so I will be searching for ones in my area to do.

    I love the name Samantha!!! If our next child is a girl we plan on naming her Samantha Ryan T#####
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Thanks for all the prayers and encouragement. I think my dad is on track with me to a more healthy lifestyle, so hopefully we can keep his heart from stressing too much. I'll just stay positive and see how it goes, but for now I'll check in for yesterday

    calories: Under, probably
    Water: under
    Exercise: some walking
    Proud: I didnt give in to snacking and I ended up weighing less than I did yesterday morning last night and this morning I weighed even less...2 pounds from being in the 220's! 231.8! I also went shopping and found some totaly cute shorts at Avenue, I took a 22 into the dressing room and it was falling off my butt! the 20's are snug but they're adorable too! I'm changing out my dumpy boring wardrobe for some color and sass! Its exciting to know I can wear whatever I like when I'm smaller!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Mari-So glad to hear you Dad is doing better!! That is awesome! I will continue to keep him and your family in my thoughts. Hopefully this change is for good. You will be in those 20's before you know it. Trust me! And almost out of the 230's! Way to stay on track even during tuff times. That says a lot right there. You should feel very proud!

    I am in full blown stalker mode this morning. The bank has been open for almost 2 hours and I think I have had 2 customers...maybe!!

    I haven't seen Biggest Loser yet either. It's on DVR. But one of my friends already posted their comments on who got voted off so now that's ruined. No worries I wont say anything! HAHA! But a 21 minute 5k. That's amazing!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Okay since I'm bored at work as always! For those who aren't on my facebook or don't have facebook...here is a picture of me in Vegas that I saw this morning and had my OMG moment. I believe it's from July of 2008. Not quite my heaviest weight but about 10 pounds away I think.

    Wow totally amazing transformation hun!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Okay since I'm bored at work as always! For those who aren't on my facebook or don't have facebook...here is a picture of me in Vegas that I saw this morning and had my OMG moment. I believe it's from July of 2008. Not quite my heaviest weight but about 10 pounds away I think.

    Wow totally amazing transformation hun!!

    WOw! That's a great accomplishment!!! Keep it going girl :)
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Sorry LIttlespy for spoiling some of the biggest loser...but now my lips are sealed..
    as for the 5k and deris...wow that was awesome! HOpefully that will be all of us...we can only dream..lol
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Has anybody seen or heard from Momma or Jesyka? I hope they are okay! Or wiionderland! :indifferent:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Has anybody seen or heard from Momma or Jesyka? I hope they are okay! Or wiionderland! :indifferent:

    I think Jesyka is ok, she mentioned being busy with the kids and her MFP things are showing up on FB so I think shes alright, maybe just lurking....havent seen momma since she lost her mojo...we better start stalking her!!1 Lets get to it!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Wow gald to see you all chatting it up this morning with one another.Very proud that all of you are doing so well.I am now exercising everyday with my 15 year old daughter Samantha,my 5 year old daughter Paige and my 3 year old daughter Amelia.I am teaching them good lifestyles by exercising with them.Paige told me the other day that I should give her some money so she could buy me some new clothes because mine were falling off.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: So I suppose what I am doing is working.I am trying now to get out of the 220's.I was 223 this morning so I have to keep trucking along but I really do think I have figured it out.My oldest and I have been competing on my EA active game on the Wii and it is so much fun.We are trying to find a 5k to run together because after watching the Biggest loser last night my daughter decided she wanted to join me.I have been wanting to run one for awhile so I will be searching for ones in my area to do.

    I love the name Samantha!!! If our next child is a girl we plan on naming her Samantha Ryan T#####
    Thats funny because my daughters name is Samantha Rahne (Pronouced Renee just spelt different)
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Has anybody seen or heard from Momma or Jesyka? I hope they are okay! Or wiionderland! :indifferent:

    I think Jesyka is ok, she mentioned being busy with the kids and her MFP things are showing up on FB so I think shes alright, maybe just lurking....havent seen momma since she lost her mojo...we better start stalking her!!1 Lets get to it!

    I'm on it!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Phase 1 of stalking is complete.

    I am about to make my 3rd pee trip in 4 hours. I haven't drank any more water than usual, but that's a lot more running to the bathroom than usual. I'm getting excited to see what the scale has to say to me Friday. I hope I'm not setting myself up for disappointment.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: Holy moly, I can't believe how much progress you've made. You're absolutely awesome!

    lstpaul: Good job getting rid of the chips. Where is your land located that you're trying to sell?

    Cris: I, too, knew we'd be good friends since we're both such awesome smart people!

    Awestfall: I like the new pic. Your face is getting thinner and thinner all the time!

    Littlespy: Like you, I never posted pics from when I was at my heaviest, but I'm seriously considering getting my OMG pic on here to share. It's crazy how sad and happy one can get in the same moment when seeing one of these pics. First it's "I'm gonna cry, I can't believe I was that huge", immediately followed by "Wow, I look so good now!"

    Last night, I managed to do an exercise on the pull-up bar that consisted of having my arms in the "ab slings" that come with the bar and lifting my knees, then twisting them to each side. Let me tell you, it killed the abs, but I think it means I'm getting stronger. It sounds stupid to be so proud of doing one rep of a particular exercise but it was huge for me. I think my boyfriend is going to whip my arms into shape whether I like it or not!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Phase 1 of stalking is complete.

    I am about to make my 3rd pee trip in 4 hours. I haven't drank any more water than usual, but that's a lot more running to the bathroom than usual. I'm getting excited to see what the scale has to say to me Friday. I hope I'm not setting myself up for disappointment.

    Just think...extra calories just for the extra trips, too!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I think I cried when I saw a picture of me at my son's 1st birthday....I was prob around 255 but I dont know for sure. Its the one I plan on posting when I reach 199. Ugh, if I can bear the shame :embarassed:

    jlb- you are usually pretty cautious about showing your excitement over a loss so Im thinking you did it girl...I honest to goodness see ONEDERLAND in your future like THIS WEEK!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Heather- my upper body strenght is sooo bad! Good for you working out your arms, keep posting your progress maybe it will motivate me to start!!!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hey Girls, I am here!! I have not left. I am just trying to get back on track at the same time I am also trying to be with my son more. He is struggling in that kinderfacts class. The K teacher took me aside to tell me she did not think he could handle kinder. He is my 4th kinder, I know that he is going to struggle with this. It breaks my heart to go to the class every week and hear all the wonderful things these kids should and are doing, but mine can't. He is so sweet and funny. He is actually very smart. Anyways, I appreciate everyone hunting me down. I am good I have not done great with eating but it is sooooooooo much better than my past habits. I will not be losing weight this week though. To top it all off we are going through more rain. It is not typical to have the amount of rain we have had around here. The rain really ends around this time of year and does not return until Sept./Oct. so that kinda has me feeling blah as well. Thanks again and you guys are great.

    Mari, your dad will be in my prayers!!! My father was an alcoholic. He went through several marriages and was ruining his life. He was about to ruin the marriage with my mother when I was 4 yo. Through lots of prayer he quit. I never saw him drunk again. I vaguely remember it. My older bros remember it but Myself and the 2 younger sibs Don't. So there is hope. My dad was 46 at the time and had been a heavy drinker since his teens.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    lstpaul: Good job getting rid of the chips. Where is your land located that you're trying to sell?

    Last night, I managed to do an exercise on the pull-up bar that consisted of having my arms in the "ab slings" that come with the bar and lifting my knees, then twisting them to each side. Let me tell you, it killed the abs, but I think it means I'm getting stronger. It sounds stupid to be so proud of doing one rep of a particular exercise but it was huge for me. I think my boyfriend is going to whip my arms into shape whether I like it or not!

    Hajohnson24: Our land that we are selling is in Menomonie,WI on the Red Cedar river - it's really quite pretty (I just changed my main profile pic to a picture from the dock at our land), we pontoon down to Lake Menomin- fish, waterski, etc.. But I would rather keep the family farm house (in Blair, WI) if we can work it out, plus we decided it would be too expensive for us to build on the land any time soon - so we aren't using it as much as we had hoped.

    Great job on the ab work with the pull up bar ... I don't think it is silly at all to be proud of doing such a hard exercise ... that's great! :drinker: