Over 200 New Year New Me Part 16



  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    you guys are killing me with the food talk!

    Im feeling much better and all this talk of running a 5k together has me all kinds of umped up!!!I would totally meet you all somewhere to run together!!! If I ever get past week 6 that is.....:grumble:

    We might have to go to Ohio though or wherever Julie is cause you know she's too cheap to buy a ticket :laugh: :laugh: :wink: love ya girl!:heart:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm all for meeting up somewhere! If anybody wants an excuse to come to Dallas we have a 5K in June! :bigsmile:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hell no I am not running a 5k in DALLAS in JUNE! What will the weather be like? 1000 degrees...ugh!

    lol ok so I am not a fan of the heat!

    How about a Turkey 5K?! Ok I dont care when or where it is as long as its not hot
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Well Cris is right about me being too cheap for sure. :tongue: And you all definitely don't want to come here. :noway: :laugh: ESPECIALLY not during the next 5-6 months because you'd walk off the plane and seriously think you had landed in Hell (the only thing between Columbia and Hell is a screen door).

    I'm actually concerned about how uncomfortable I'm going to be running INSIDE my house (with the AC blasting) this summer. :laugh: I seriously think I'm going to have to get a window AC unit to supplement my central AC unit this summer. :sick:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member

    Just sayin... Hmmmm I wonder if there's a good sushi place in St. Louis? Can you get from SC to MO on a greyhound WITH a greyhound?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Eh, I could drive to MO. I had a roommate who drove from Columbia to Columbia on a pretty regular basis. :tongue:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    One more thing......
    I seem to remember one of you ladies switches calorie counts from day to day or week to week but I can't remember who?????
    I'm thinking of doing 2 weeks at 1450, 2 weeks at 1200, then 1450 then 1200 and so on.

    Anybody have experience with this sort of plan???

  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    You guys are hilarious with all your travel plans and sushi talk :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I'm in Mstahls camp - I NEED sushi at least once a week, often 2 or 3 times. I had it for lunch but controlled myself and just bought one roll. Oh it was a delicious roll.....:heart::heart: :heart: .......spicy tuna roll wrapped in avocado with eel sauce and spicy mayo drizzled on top...mmmmmmm.....sssuuuusssshhhiiii. All that was about 340 cals and so worth it:bigsmile:

    If I had actually stated any sort of a running plan yet, I'd be all for a joint 5k but I suppose that means I'd have to train hard :noway: :grumble:

    Mstahl - so sorry to hear about your MIL, I certainly hope she is on the mend soon and can pull through this. xoxoxo

    Mari - Sorry sorry to hear about your dad, what a difficult place to be. It's so hard to see a loved one engaging in destructive behaviour. xoxoxox
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Mari - I am praying for your father and the road ahead for him. Keep the faith, girl. :flowerforyou:

    OH. MY. GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!! I would simply jump for joy and pee in my pants (which is what usually happens when I jump, no lie) if you all came to St. Louis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But let me warn you - our humidity is a KILLER in the summer!!! PLEASE COME!!!!! I have NO idea about 5ks or whatever the hell you runners talk about, but I'm sure we have those things! LOL We have sushi too!!! :tongue: I don't really like sushi - I hate that duct tape around the outside! Bleh! :laugh: PLEASE COME TO MISERY, ER, MISSOURI!!!!
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Hey girlies. Not much to report here. I have been keeping up on my calories and exercise...but the scale is up 2 pounds right now :( I think it is because I have up'd my exercise lately. Hoping the water weight is gone by Friday!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    checking in:
    calories- 1210
    water- i think so
    sodium- 2335
    excercise- nope still in recovery mode
    proud- that I am not using my sickness to over eat and that I actually want to get back to the gym

    So is anyone else watching BL right now? Because Im bawling like a little baby watching these people run the 5k. It makes me want to go right now and attempt one...even if it takes me 2hrs like it did the one lady...so inspiring I love this show

    On another note- today was weigh in day at the gym. I showed a 8lbs loss!!! I knew I had a good week, even pre-sickness I was showing about a 5lb loss but the 8lbs caught me completely off guard! I am so excited to see where I am in the standings. With a loss of 8lbs my weight at the gym is 202.5lbs!!! At home my scale shows about 205. OMG I CAN SEE ONDERLAND AND ITS BEAUTIFUL!!

    On a side note- once I am officially under 205 I will be done with my mini goals so I will have to come up with new ones!!! When I first though them up 4 months ago they seemed so unattainable and here I am almost done!! HOORAY!!

    I am so amped to see if I can truly get to 150lbs...its been my goal weight for as long as I can remember!!!

    Love u girls, lets really do a 5k together please!! i dont want to cross that finish line with anyone else but you all!!

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Holy cow, Cris!!!! That's so AWESOME!!! :noway:

    Here I was super excited because I think I may finally get under 204. I've been stuck here for weeks. :frown: I swear I'm done with this plateau crap. I'm busting my @ss from yesterday on. The next time I'm stuck at any weight for weeks it'll be my *goal* weight. :smile:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    checking in
    Calories - right around 1500 (ate 1/3 of my exercise)
    Water - over 100oz
    Exercise - 20 mins very brisk walking (4.0)

    Proud that I stayed late and got my backlog of work done at the office, what a relief

    Cris - so glad you are starting to feel better :heart: and WOW is all I can say to 8lbs lost, you rock!!!!!!!!:drinker:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Checking in-
    Calories - way under (but I can use a few days being under!)
    Water - not quite
    Exercise - walked at lunch

    Proud - that I didn't take up my husbands offer to go to the gym then 'Ray's' and end up eating/drinking way too much!

    I came home from work and took a nap and didn't get up until 9:30 - I think it's a combination of stress and maybe alergies or something. I had two spoons of peanut butter for dinner - YUM!

    Ken's mom is holding her own -but still confined to the bed and can't hold her own weight to stand. I'm super stressed because I probably know a little too much and I know that every day she doesn't get out of bed it's less likely she'll recover.

    Chris - EIGHT POUNDS? Did you deliver a baby this week? You are AMAZING! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    lol- uhm no I did not deliver a baby....my son however, did weigh 8lbs 9oz at birth:noway: ...something to look forward to jlb :wink: :laugh:

    I really dont know how accurate their scale is so let's say I lost like 5lbs ok:tongue:


  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1527
    Exercise: 25 minutes stationary bike averaging 17.28mph. Gotta get that up to 18mph, darn it! and a 35 minute 2 mile walk at lunch
    Water: 13 cups
    Proud: This plateau is breaking. I was down to 205 this evening which is the lowest I've ever been at night. I ate late dinner late since I worked until 9.30 tonight but I'm so totally going to be under 204 on Friday with TOM (hopefully... :laugh:) and all.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm sitting on my porch shivering my butt off (hey, shivering burns TON of calories! :laugh:) and all I can think is how mstahl would be in heaven out here right now. :tongue:
    It's not cold by any stretch but after so may 90+ degree days already this year I feel like I'm freezing to death. It's like 50-55 and soooooo windy. I seriously can't stop shaking. I may stay out here for 15 more minutes or so just for the workout. :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay so you are probably right that it would be hotter then...well...HOT in June. It is Texas so you could probably get anywhere from 80-100+...maybe not the most desirable conditions! I think it sounds like we might just have to meet up in St. Louis! :tongue:

    Cris that is so freaking amazing!! 8 pounds and 205!! WOW!! Pass some of that mojo this way again!! I take it the zig zagging calories is working well for you!?

    On another happy note. I was getting ready for the Mav's game yesterday afternoon when I realized something...the 18's I bought a few weeks ago that were "snug" are now loose around the waist!! :bigsmile: Pretty excited!! I wasn't able to go to the gym this morning. Stayed out at my parents last night. LONG STORY! LOL And I saw 215.4 on the scale this morning! So that 3 pounds is gone plus 1! This new scale had showed me about a pound to 1/2 above my old scale so I'm all caught up and back on track! 5 pounds in a little over a week. Any suggestions Cris!? Pass some mojo this way! Attempting c25k 25 minute run again tonight. Hope for no interruptions! :laugh: Had to share my happy news! Be back later!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    wow girls! such chatter boxes.. lol.. :)

    Mstahl: I hope your MIL is doing well..keep us posted wiht her progress. As for the sushi rolls, my first time trying it/them were wiht my sister..boy is she upsessed with those things..she even got her hubby craving them..
    Mari: sorry to hear about your dad. I hope he can kick the alcohol habit..small steps..and his family by his side will hopefully kock down that bad habit.
    Cris: Congrates on you recent weigh loss..so we are no longer neck-an-neck...but it was fun while it lasted. You need to share your secret(s)..because i think i hit a wall...i am not budging from 209..210..last friday i was 207 but i have not seen that number again..and i have been very dedicated..please share...I am at a stand still :(
    jib/littlespy: we are in the same boat.about hitting a wall or as you call it *plateau*,,We will get through this and hopefully see ONEderland ...we are only a few pounds away...we can do this!
    Jess: The biggest loser was in your neck of the woods...did you watch yesterday? I was in tears when they were doing the 5k and the lady with 2 bad knees and she was saying that she couldn't even walk the aisle in walmart and now she is walking a 5k...this is why i love watching the show...it give us hope we can do anything we put our minds to.

    Let me go..my son wants food..he just woke up..i will be back later..
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member

    Jess- I am not sure what helped me...I changed up my entire work out routine..adding intensity and different excercises, and like you said I have been zig zagging my calories. 1200-1250 on non or low intensity excercise days, and 1300-1400 on high intensity excercise days. I did that for only a week and the weight really did melt of. I am going to try to attempt w6d3 today too but Im not very optimistic...Im feeling tonz better but still feel really weak.

    So this morning I was officially under 205 so I amdone with my mini goals...for now!! I am going to take some time to re-access my goals. Originally it was to lose 10lbs per month. That seems a little unattainable at this points so I think Im going to shoot for somewhere between 5-8lbs per month, not sure yet

    Be back later with new goals :happy: :bigsmile:
