Over 200 New Year New Me Part 16



  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Hi Everyone! I am new to this thread. I hope that it is okay that I join. You all sound like a lot of lovely ladies that are in the same boat as me. Please let me know how this thread works. I hope to get to know more about each of you as we go on.

    I am 269.5 lbs and I am trying to get to about 180 lbs. Since I started MFP last month, I have already lost 14 lbs so I am really excited about that. I hope with all of the support that I get with chatting that it will help me continue on the same track.

    Hope you have a great rest of the week!!

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Hi April! Welcome!!

    Jess -- I made this Sweet & Sour Chicken for dinner tonight: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/ChefJeremyC/view/sweet-sour-chicken-21897
    I used 1.5 pounds of chicken (needed more protein for the day) & added 2 cloves of garlic and it's REALLY good! 1/4th of the recipe along with a serving of brown rice (1/4 cup dry) is 459 calories. It was A LOT of food so you could easily get away with eating less (I needed the cals). If you made it with 1 pound of chicken instead, a serving with a full serving of brown rice would be 399 cals.
    If you ate 1/4th of the recipe as written without the rice it would only be 239 calories! You could add a cup of frozen stir fry veggies or something & have a really yummy meal for under 300 cals.

    Anyway, it's yummy & will go in my regular rotation.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Welcome April! You'll love it here. This a fabulous group and everyone is super supportive. :smile:

    You'll see that we check in everyday with calories, water, exercise, and something we're proud of (mine is below). On Friday, we weigh in Biggest Loser style with percentage of weight lost for the week. The winner (Biggest Loser) gets to pick a challenge for the week.

    I'm fairly new too (this is my third week), so hopefully I explained well enough. :smile:

    Checking in for today:
    Calories: Over, but just by 90
    Water: 72 oz
    Exercise: None, rest day for Shred and it was rainy, so I couldn't walk outside :frown:
    Proud: 3.4 lb loss...duh!!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hi April! Welcome! Every day we check in with our calories, exercise, water and then one thing we're proud of! Once a week on Fridays we weigh in and the biggest loser (%)gets to chose the next week's challenge. This week Chris was our winner :bigsmile:

    Checking in
    Calories - under
    water - none other than sips from the fountain
    exercise -none other than pacing

    Proud - I was stuck in the hospital all day with Ken's Mom and Dad. Mom's OK but started hallucinating and was delirious half the day, his dad (92) is out of his mind with worry and this makes his little bit of dementia pretty bad. I grabbed a banana on my way out the door at 8 this morning and ate nothing until 4 when a friend brought me apples and diet cokes. OK not healthy but compared to the options there it was my best choice. By the end of the night I'd supplemented with some crackers, pretzels and peanut brittle - but not enough to do any damage.

    Ken's mom is still pretty sick and her stay in the hospital is messing her up some (confined to bed) but so far things are looking better - no surgery for now just waiting and watching because surgery will be major and at 91 she may not recover well. Before this she was super active, riding her bike, taking lots of walks... we want her to be able to get back to that.

    I'm off to bed - exhausted but wanted to check in and say hello!!!!

    Chris - how about challenging us to find an exercise class and join it! Through the YWCA, a rec center or wellness program , what ever there is probably a place you can take a class for cheap! (local high-school pool?).
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    April-Welcome to this awesome group! You will love it here! It's great support.

    mstahl-So sorry to hear about your sick family! They are in my prayers. Take care of yourself!

    LittleSpy-That sounds YUMMY!! mmm...makes me hungry again!

    Elmox-So glad to hear about your loss! So close to the 100's!! ahhh!!

    Checking in for today
    Calories: 1317 (I was hungry today!)
    Sodium: 1802
    Water: 160 OZ Holy smokes!!
    Exercise: w6d3 of c25k. Will re attempt on Wednesday.
    Proud: I didn't let my bathroom break stop me. :laugh: I went back and finished!

    I like the suggestion for a challenge! I'm attempting cycling in the morning. I think! :indifferent: Hope everyone has a great night!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Happy Birthday, Heather! You look so beautiful in your birthday dress!
    Elmox - you look beautiful in your dress, too! Such lovely ladies on our thread!
    cris - I hope you feel better soon, sweetness.
    mstahl - I hope your family gets well soon.
    Welcome, April! You will love it here. :flowerforyou:

    I like the suggested challenge. I'm going to tweak it a little bit. I can't afford to join an exercise class, so I think I'll start a little walking club at school two days a week before school begins. I've been going up early to walk the track a few days a week by myself, and here lately teachers have been asking if they could join me. What do you all think?

    OH wow, I just re-read my sentences and forgot that I have commitment phobia! I will have a very diffcult time committing to two days a week! :sad: Maybe I'll start with one for May! :tongue:

    check in:
    calories: Not the best but not the worst. Used a lot of exercise cals.
    water: 90
    exercise: the full monty, plus I upped my vigorous biking to......TWENTY MINUTES! I thought I was gonna die!
    proud: Got a lot of new compliments at school today. I wore a new shirt and my colleagues said I looked amazing in it! :blushing: Plus I increased my hard biking! I am so proud of myself for making it through! LOL
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Bluenote- Congratulations on upping your biking! I think you'll see some real results soon from that! You are doing so well!!!

    Heather and Elmox - you guys look great in your dresses! I took a picture of myself in a dress this weekend (the classic mirror shot) and I'll post it when I come across it uploading later this week.:blushing:

    Chris - totally not fair that you get sick after all the time you've spent helping your little man feel better :frown:

    1stPaul and Momma -we shall overcome girl friends we shall over come! We have managed to master maintenance so now we just have to step it up and re-master losing! I'm harnessing my first week of the diet energy and really clamping down on my eating. We can do this!:flowerforyou:

    Mari- how are you holding up this week?

    ColoradoGirl - missing you! My yard needs your love - I've weeded half my front garden and due to budget issues we've decided to mix our veggies in with our flowers. In the front I'll have tomato and pepper plants :) I already killed my basil, but the other herbs I planted are doing great!

    Mrs. Fig came home from the kennel while I was at the hospital last night. She's sweet smelling and so of energy. When I got home last night it was like someone turned a hyper hypo lose in the house! She was bouncing off furniture and walls, knocking things over and making these cry/happy sounds from her throat - oh she did miss her mommy! I got lots of disgusting sloppy puppy kisses!

    I haven't been to the gym since Thursday. I did run on Sunday and oh boy do I still hurt! I'm super happy for LilSpy getting the cool new shoes!!! I spent $140 on my running shoes which I think I'm retiring to walking shoes :huh: I should be able to use the old pair of Tsubos (sp?) which are like foot gloves with a 1/4 inch thick rubber sole.

    OK I'm repeating myself now - I'd better get going to work!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Bluenote-So glad to hear you have upped your biking! I think the walking club before work sounds like a great idea. It counts! And congrats on all your compliments! I bet it feels great!

    On a side note. I apparentley turned off my alarm when it went off at 4:30 to go to cycling. :sad: Now that I look at the schedule it must of changed because it wasn't at 5:45 this morning anyways. Good thing I over slept! I think I'm going to take tonight off from workout since I have the Mav's game. Come home and clean up the apartment a little before I go. I'm going to attempt cycling again on Thursday night I think! Anyways, I'm just rambling and venting. Hope everybody has a good day!

    Edit: I have lost 1 of the 3 pounds I gained. 1 pound in a day. I'll take it!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Morning girls:)

    Mstahl: I hope you family get well soon..they will be in my prayers
    Bluenote: I think a walking group is a great way to stay motivated...days you don't feel like doing the walk..your group is theire to pick you up and get walking..lol...And congrates on all the compliments you got :)
    jess: great job on losing one of the three pounds gained..the others will come off before Friday (hopefully)...as for me..i think i gained another pound but i have been really good yesterday..i stayed within my calories, fat, carbs, and sodium...but i was up another pound..:sad: :sad: ugh!! Maybe it's because i am full of S*** lol...and TOM is right around the corner...who knows. I won't let it get me down...i am going to stay focused and hopefull see a loss..

    Check in for yesterday
    calories: 1387 ate some of my exercise calories
    exercise: 30 minutes walking/run on treadmill ( burnt 304 calories) and 20 minutes on elliptical, program 2 ( burnt 207 calories)
    water: not enough..maybe 8 cups
    sodium: about 1100
    proud: I didn't throw in the towel when i saw i gained 3 pounds yesterday...i used it as motivation to get busy buring calories..I am making progress..
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1545
    Exercise: 30 minutes stationary bike; 30 minutes running barefoot/walking
    Water: Around 120oz
    Proud: I sustained a running speed of 5.8mph for 4 MINUTES! I am going to absolutely :heart: barefoot running. The very very very best part was that my tendinitis hurt LESS after I ran than it had for the last 2 weeks (I mean, it honestly felt better AFTER I ran than it did BEFORE I ran. :noway:). Holy crap! Running injury free? What a concept.

    All that said, wooo boy, the outside of my calves/ankles are sore. And so are the balls of my feet (from rubbing on the treadmill belt. My new shoes can't come soon enough). I'm going to go back through C25K barefoot running with a speed around 6mph (!!!). I was doing F210K but it won't work with barefoot running because the tempo isn't fast enough. The concept will work, though, so I'll work on it again without the podcasts after I get through C25K again. I may actually be running 5k in 30 minutes at the end this time. :wink:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hi girls,

    Im feeling slightly better this monring but still not well enough to go to work. I will probably go back tomorrow.

    mstahl- Im sorry about your mother in law. I hope she recovers quickly and go back to her bikind and walking! I hope to be like that at 90! Wow!

    bluenote- you never cease to amaze me! Great job on you loss! 70+! You go girl! I think the walking club is a good way to hold yourself accountable to showing up!

    heather- Happy Belated birthday you look beautiful

    elmox- I love that dress too!

    Hmmm Im sure I forgot people but my brain is still kind of mushed...I am going to hop in the shower and do some work from home and probably check in later. Yesterday my diet was one meal and lots of gatorade so Im sure thats adding to me feeling weak.

    Love u girls, thank you so much for the well wishes

  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member
    Checking in :-)

    Yesterday 4/26
    Calories: 1178 yesterday :-) didn't eat ANY of my exercise calories & still enjoyed a couple glasses of wine
    Water: pretty close to 2 liters & it went down way faster than I expected yesterday :-) this water thing is getting easier
    exercise: 20 mins on the elliptical in the morning which I considered pretty good considering it was a monday :-)

    feeling pretty good about my fitness test that will be this afternoon....

    talk to you wonderful ladies later :-)
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    Hello ladies :) Checking in for yesterday:

    Calories: 1664
    Water: forgot to count again, that'll be my personal challenge this week, to count my water
    Exercise: 40 min on elliptical

    I had my Biggest Loser weigh in today at the gym, and after last week's 5 lb loss, today I had 0.8 lb gain. :angry: I ate way too much sodium this past week, though, and I think I'm holding onto water. I will try and watch that better this week. I think I'm going to take this opportunity to switch my MFP weight to my home scale now, though... that way I don't need to try and figure out which scale is correct. I've been so confused how my weight was doing this week... I had no clue between the gym scale, my old scale, and the new Omron scale I got last week.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    elmox: Congrats on seeing that 201.4. You'll be under 200 in no time! Yay!

    Jess: Good job on jogging the entire time for your C25K, even if mother nature had to intervene. You'll kill it the next time. This is going to sound like too much into, too, but I try to poo before I run. If I'm going to run in the morning right away, I'll do jumping jacks to get things moving so I can do my business before running. It sounds weird, but it works.

    raiderape: Welcome to this awesome group! I hope you love it here as much as I do!

    Littlespy: Thanks for the recipe. I'll have to try it as an alternative to my sodium filled Chinese food that I love. I'm glad to hear the barefoot running is working out well for you.

    mstahl: My thoughts are with your family during your mother-in-law's illness. I can't wait to see the pic of you in your dress.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over by 155
    Sodium: Over by 384
    Water: None, except whatever water is in Diet Pepsi, coffee and a Caribou smoothie.
    Exercise: Hour long walk with the bf last night.
    Proud: I've been doing arm strengthening exercises with the bf the past two nights, with the long-term goal of being able to do pull ups.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    :laugh: Heather you are cracking me up!! That's why I like to run in the mornings. This always happens to me in the evening! I'll have to try your jumpin jacks out though!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I did it. For no good reason other than excellent marketing on the part of Vibram... I bought a pair of Sprints, the slate tops and lichen bottoms... let's hope they fit!


    My mostly apples diet yesterday helped me shed the last of my water/fat from the past month so I'm pretty much back where I started from at the end of my last Biggest Loser contest. Hopefully this is TRUELY a fresh start!

    I'm feeling pretty strong - we'll see how lunch goes today! My evil co-worker "the sushi guy" is here today so this will be a test! And MFP ads are showing me sushi rolls (salmon and avacado)...

    Good luck everyone!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Edited to add link and to say that today MIL has gut sounds which is a good sign - now if they will just get her UP and MOVING!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    :laugh: mstahl! I guess that's a little payback for me buying the scale last week. We'll be broke together.

    And, those are the ones I got. They were the exact ones I wanted & Vibram's website is the only place I could find them in my size (which is funny to me because like every other style/size on their website is sold out).
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    what an exausting weekend. *sigh* I havent checked in the whole weekend, including monday. My dad's been in the hospital since thursday night. He came in with atrial fibrillation, or an irregular heartbeat...of course he didnt tell us he had it untill a week and a half after it started, and he continued smoking and drinking which could have very possibly given him a stroke. Ugh. Anyway he went on on thursday nighte, they gave him medicine to make it stop but it didnt work, (he's been in for this twice before, the medicine never helps). Anyway so the other way to fix it is by shocking the heart back to normal rythem, so they did that friday morning. its never really been that bad before but the second time he had it done his heart stopped and they zapped it back immediately. this time his heart stopped and the zapping didn't work so they had to perform CPR on him to ressecitate him and he almost died. So this was just a huge, scary thing. and all weekend I've been at the hospital. He's fine now and they're releasing him today, but I've not been watching my calories in all the stress, so that's why I've been gone.

    We confronted him on sunday about his drinking (Me my sister and my stepmom) since drinking is pretty much what triggers it for him, and I think we got through to him. its the first time he's ever said he "has to stop drinking" and that he would seek help elsewhere if he couldnt do it on his own. He told us to get rid of the alcohol in the house for him, which is a great thing because we were going to pour it out ourselves without asking, but he told us to do that without us bringing it up..I convinced the other two that we couldnt be the ones to decide to get rid of it, that he had to be in control. But yeah, dealing with all this has been really...exausting. Not that I'm falling off the bandwagon, I'm just so tired and I'm trying to stay healthy all the while but its been hard.

    I got down to 233.2 yesterday, but today I'm back up to 234, but that's alright. I'm getting there slowly but surely. Also TOM probably isnt helping. Thanks for reading, I just needed to vent. I'll try to check in later tonight, it'll be nice to relax and watch biggest loser ....what a tiring weekend
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Mari- How scary for you! I'm so sorry that you are going through this. I have an alcoholic family member and its very frustrating trying to tell him to stop drinking...I know his life will be shorter because of it but I know I cant make the decision FOR him that he needs to stop. I'll be praying for your dad and hope he gets the help he needs.

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    what an exausting weekend. *sigh* I havent checked in the whole weekend, including monday. My dad's been in the hospital since thursday night. He came in with atrial fibrillation, or an irregular heartbeat...of course he didnt tell us he had it untill a week and a half after it started, and he continued smoking and drinking which could have very possibly given him a stroke. Ugh. Anyway he went on on thursday nighte, they gave him medicine to make it stop but it didnt work, (he's been in for this twice before, the medicine never helps). Anyway so the other way to fix it is by shocking the heart back to normal rythem, so they did that friday morning. its never really been that bad before but the second time he had it done his heart stopped and they zapped it back immediately. this time his heart stopped and the zapping didn't work so they had to perform CPR on him to ressecitate him and he almost died. So this was just a huge, scary thing. and all weekend I've been at the hospital. He's fine now and they're releasing him today, but I've not been watching my calories in all the stress, so that's why I've been gone.

    We confronted him on sunday about his drinking (Me my sister and my stepmom) since drinking is pretty much what triggers it for him, and I think we got through to him. its the first time he's ever said he "has to stop drinking" and that he would seek help elsewhere if he couldnt do it on his own. He told us to get rid of the alcohol in the house for him, which is a great thing because we were going to pour it out ourselves without asking, but he told us to do that without us bringing it up..I convinced the other two that we couldnt be the ones to decide to get rid of it, that he had to be in control. But yeah, dealing with all this has been really...exausting. Not that I'm falling off the bandwagon, I'm just so tired and I'm trying to stay healthy all the while but its been hard.

    I got down to 233.2 yesterday, but today I'm back up to 234, but that's alright. I'm getting there slowly but surely. Also TOM probably isnt helping. Thanks for reading, I just needed to vent. I'll try to check in later tonight, it'll be nice to relax and watch biggest loser ....what a tiring weekend

    Mari-I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad! That sounds so scary! I'm glad he has realized that his drinking is a big problem. Him asking you to take all the booze out of the house is a big step. Hope he gets the help he needs!