Over 200 New Year New Me Part 16



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Happy Hump Day! I'm at a brand new all-time low. 203.4 this morning. FINALLY. Do you girls realize I've been stuck trying to get under 204.2 - 204 since APRIL 10TH?

    In other good news, I think I feel a bit of TOM bloat/cramp coming on. :happy: (:frown:) Feels like it's a couple days off (oh yeah, TOM is a whole week-long event for me. :ohwell:). Maybe it'll show up just in time to ruin Friday''s weigh-in. :laugh: :laugh:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    jlb- 203 with TOM around the corner is AWESOME!! You know that means that the number is probably even lower!!! I bet after TOM comes and goes you will find yourself in ONDERLAND! I am so excited for you..You have been such an inspiration and I cant wait for you to get there!!!! YAY!!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I decided that at 5lbs per month I may feel too comfortable to cheat so I am aiming for 6lbs per month now which will still keep me working hard but is still a realistic goal .....1.5lbs per week...mini goals updated! :bigsmile:

    Wish me luck!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    You guys are just rockin'!! I can't wait to be where you both are Cris and Little Spy!

    PoS Me-Hang in there. You will bust through this plateau again! I know it. We will get you through it. I have not seen Biggest Loser from last night yet. It's on my DVR and I plan to watch it tonight. I had a Mav's game to attend! :bigsmile: I actually tried to go out to Cowboys Stadium the day they were doing the 5k but I couldn't go. I can't remember why. Was pretty bummed I didn't know about it ahead of time!

    So I had to share a funny moment with you ladies. This guy told me yesterday that I was hotter then donut grease :laugh: :laugh: Why am I always being compared to food!? But anyways. I guses I should take it as a compliment in an odd way! Gotta love them good ole country boys from Texas! :laugh: Made me bust out laughing.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    You guys are just rockin'!! I can't wait to be where you both are Cris and Little Spy!

    PoS Me-Hang in there. You will bust through this plateau again! I know it. We will get you through it. I have not seen Biggest Loser from last night yet. It's on my DVR and I plan to watch it tonight. I had a Mav's game to attend! :bigsmile: I actually tried to go out to Cowboys Stadium the day they were doing the 5k but I couldn't go. I can't remember why. Was pretty bummed I didn't know about it ahead of time!

    So I had to share a funny moment with you ladies. This guy told me yesterday that I was hotter then donut grease :laugh: :laugh: Why am I always being compared to food!? But anyways. I guses I should take it as a compliment in an odd way! Gotta love them good ole country boys from Texas! :laugh: Made me bust out laughing.

    :laugh: :laugh: Jess, donut grease IS really really HOT. Take the compliment and run:tongue:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    pos_me- Like I said I changed up my excercise routine and zig zagged my calories...Give it a try it might work for you too??
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: Congrats on your 8 lb. loss! You're so copying the contestants on Biggest Loser now! I'm bummed because I didn't get to watch it last night nor will I be able to watch next week and Makeover week is my favorite! It seems this season makeover week is much further into the game. I'll have to watch the episodes once they get posted online. Boo! I hate waiting!

    Jess: Congrats on your 18s being loose. That's so awesome! And for a country boy from any state, being hotter than doughnut grease is one heck of a compliment, so be proud!

    I love the talk about travel plans to meet up with each other! I love road-tripping and will be taking a trip to Overland Park, KS in two weeks for my cousin's graduation party. Fun, fun! I'm sure I could road trip to MO later this summer or early fall. My boyfriend would want to come with me to tour the Anheuser Busch brewery, though!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    It looks like Cris, LittleSpy, and I are in a race to Onederland. Let's get it girls! Cris, glad to see you are feeling better (nothing like a big loss to push any germs out of your system).

    The trip to St. Louis sounds great....nothing like going home. :smile: I grew up in St. Louis and my family still lives there. I'll be back in May for a few days and will be working out. Perhaps bluenote and I can meet up for a nice long run/walk!

    Checking in for yesterday...
    Calories: 1,429 with 350 exercise left
    Water: 96 oz
    Exercise: 30 Day Shred Level 2 and a 2.5 mile (1 hour) walk
    Proud: Two things to be proud of: 1) we went out to dinner last night with a group and french fries were ordered. I haven't had french fries in at least 9 weeks. I let myself eat a few (3) and then stopped. I also chose not to drink the sangria so I could save those calories for a dessert later. 2) I recently ordered a new coat. It came in today and when I tried it on, it was TOO BIG! :bigsmile: So I'll send that back and order a smaller size. That's a good problem to have.

    Hope everyone has a lovely day!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Good Morning Ladies!!!

    Check In:

    Calories - Over by 5
    Sodium - Under by 352 (first time ever to be under!!)
    Water - 72 oz
    Exercise 10 mins of walking
    Proud of stopping myself from eating a lot of the fried chicken my husband brought home last night. I am still proud that I only went over by 5 pounds with eating some fried chicken but I know it wasn't a very healthy choice. Oh well!

    Chris - So glad you are feeling so much better!! Great job on the weight loss! It seems to be melting right off of you!

    LittleSpy- That is great! You are sooo close to Onederland you can taste it I am sure. Hopefully one day I will be there!

    Jess - Thanks for the C25K info. I am so not a runner and I absolutely hate running but maybe this will change things. I would so join you in Dallas in June if I knew that I would be in shape for it. I am in Austin so I am not that far away and we are always driving up to Dallas to visit family on the weekends. Maybe we can do one in the fall in either Austin or Dallas. Congrats on fitting into those now loose pants!! I can't wait to be able to do that with the 20's that I have.

    Hope everyone has a great day! I will check in later!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I forgot to tell you gals about my evening last night.

    My boyfriend and I went to Applebee's (where I was terrible, especially since I'd already had dinner and it was 9pm). When I walked in the door, I heard someone sing-song my name from across the place. It was a co-worker of mine who we occasionally run into around town. Anyway, she told us they were doing trivia at the bar in a half hour. I told her that Nate (bf) would probably win. She said that would be okay, so we joined them after we ate.

    Yep, the boyfriend won three of four rounds. We walked out with a coupon for a free drink, a free appetizer and $60 worth of gift certificates. The funniest part was that the final question was about the Beatles and neither one of us even likes the Beatles! I knew he'd be good at music trivia; that and automotive/NASCAR trivia are the only kinds of trivia he can beat me at.

    So, the people we were playing against were telling us about other trivia and bargo nights they go to and the one girl said, "Don't tell them! I usually win and they'd be competition."

    Nate and I decided this is why we don't have many people who want to go out with us...we're too smart and awesome! Haha.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Wooohooo count me in for the brewery tour! :bigsmile: I love road trips too. Hence my road trip to Wisconsin next week! I'll be back in central Wisconsin in July Heather! haha! I guess I will take the compliment and run! I assumed it was hott since it's grease but I've never made donuts. I probably had the oddest look on my face.

    Cris-After you made the comment last week about not recognizing pics of me on my facebook I went back and looked. I went back and looked at pics of me when I went to Vegas in July of 08 I think...this is shortly after I started my weight loss journey but wasn't too "serious" about it...OMG! I was FAT!! I didn't recognize myself! I don't know what pics you were look at but WOW!! I wanted to cry when I saw them! HAHA! I love my new self and I'm not even done! :bigsmile:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Cris: Congrats on the big loss this week! and ... I threw away the potato chips this morning (after having a serving last night:ohwell: )

    Jess: I agree, Donut Grease is definitely HOT! :wink:

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: under by 6 ... but ate all my exercise calories (and I had a lot)
    exercise: great - an hour of step and 15 minute walk
    proud: that I threw away the chips this morning
    water: good 100oz ... I have officially kicked the daily diet pepsi habit and repaced it with green tea - hopefully a better choice, I'm definitely not as tempted to snack while drinking it (I am going to splurge on 1 diet pepsi on the weekends)

    I feel cruddy today, don't know why. Will really have to watch myself to not give in to 'comfort food' urges. I packed a good breakfast, lunch and snacks today but need a plan for supper.
    We have a lot going on that is kind of stressing me out. We are trying to come up with money to buy my Aunt's property (she passed away last fall), so we have put some vacant waterfront land that we own up for sale. Nothing is selling in that area, but we did have some people call and go out to see it recently so that is a good sign. We are also selling our RV since we are selling the land (which is kind of sad, it is a nice RV ... and I kind of hate to be doing anything that our nasty neighbors at the land will like - they complained about our RV last summer because they 'didn't want to live next to a campground' ... yucky self-important people! will be nice to not have to deal with them once our land is sold). We have a couple very interested in the RV meeting us this Sunday to hopefully buy it. Would be nice to have one thing done with, and to get the money - especially since we just had to pay $2800 to repair my husband's car.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!!

    Check In:

    Calories - Over by 5
    Sodium - Under by 352 (first time ever to be under!!)
    Water - 72 oz
    Exercise 10 mins of walking
    Proud of stopping myself from eating a lot of the fried chicken my husband brought home last night. I am still proud that I only went over by 5 pounds with eating some fried chicken but I know it wasn't a very healthy choice. Oh well!

    Chris - So glad you are feeling so much better!! Great job on the weight loss! It seems to be melting right off of you!

    LittleSpy- That is great! You are sooo close to Onederland you can taste it I am sure. Hopefully one day I will be there!

    Jess - Thanks for the C25K info. I am so not a runner and I absolutely hate running but maybe this will change things. I would so join you in Dallas in June if I knew that I would be in shape for it. I am in Austin so I am not that far away and we are always driving up to Dallas to visit family on the weekends. Maybe we can do one in the fall in either Austin or Dallas. Congrats on fitting into those now loose pants!! I can't wait to be able to do that with the 20's that I have.

    Hope everyone has a great day! I will check in later!!

    That would be awesome! How sad is it I have lived in Texas almost my entire life and have never really been to Austin? San Antonio yes but never Austin! we may have to do that! You are most definitely welcome to join for the 5k. I think we have about 5 people so far doing it with us. My friends that is. My company pays for my enrollment but I don't go with them. HAHA!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Istpaull -HOOORAY!!! Good job throwing out the chips! I am so so proud of you! :drinker: :drinker: Seriously I have a huge smile on my face right now:bigsmile:

    Heather- :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I only like to hang out with smart and awesome people, I knew we'd be good friends :wink: lol!!!

    Jess- I think it was the Vegas photos that I was looking at...I am not lying I really had no idea which one you were in most pictures. You look SOOOOO GOOOD and have come a long way!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Istpaull -HOOORAY!!! Good job throwing out the chips! I am so so proud of you! :drinker: :drinker: Seriously I have a huge smile on my face right now:bigsmile:
    Sad to say ... I had to throw egg shells and other breakfast scraps on top of the chips bag in the garbage before I really felt like I might not pull them back out. :noway:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    lstapaul-WOOHOO for throwing out the chips!!! That's huge!! Don't look back and buy more! So proud of you!

    Cris-Thank you for the compliments! I think I look so different because I was "fat" all over. Especially my face! WHOA! I'm still stunned just looking at them! Craziness! Can't wait to see my family next week. Most of them haven't seen me in 2 or more years!! A few saw me last summer but I've lost a lot more weight since then! AHH!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Wow gald to see you all chatting it up this morning with one another.Very proud that all of you are doing so well.I am now exercising everyday with my 15 year old daughter Samantha,my 5 year old daughter Paige and my 3 year old daughter Amelia.I am teaching them good lifestyles by exercising with them.Paige told me the other day that I should give her some money so she could buy me some new clothes because mine were falling off.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: So I suppose what I am doing is working.I am trying now to get out of the 220's.I was 223 this morning so I have to keep trucking along but I really do think I have figured it out.My oldest and I have been competing on my EA active game on the Wii and it is so much fun.We are trying to find a 5k to run together because after watching the Biggest loser last night my daughter decided she wanted to join me.I have been wanting to run one for awhile so I will be searching for ones in my area to do.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jess, I stalked your facebook pictures, too and you do look TOTALLY different in a fantastic kind of way!

    You won't notice much of a difference in my facebook pictures. Because I never had any up from my heaviest. Almost all the ones that are up there are from 5 years ago when I lost 40 pounds. :laugh: I weigh nearly 10 pounds less now than I did then, WOOT!
    I'm now the same weight I was as a Junior in high school. That makes me really happy and very sad at the same time. :laugh:
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    For the BL watchers, can you believe Daris did the 5k in 21 mins?? That is like 7 min miles, insane!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay since I'm bored at work as always! For those who aren't on my facebook or don't have facebook...here is a picture of me in Vegas that I saw this morning and had my OMG moment. I believe it's from July of 2008. Not quite my heaviest weight but about 10 pounds away I think.
