Over 200 New Year New Me Part 22



  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Oh Jess.. I am sure the statistics are higher than 20% on the internet dating thing. I know so many people that have met their significant others online. In fact I met my husband online. :smile:

    Julie.. wow... your hair is super long. That is about how long my hair was 2 years ago. One day I made my mind up and said.. Cut it off now I LOVE my short hair! So, much easier to take care of and no more headaches from the weight of the hair!

    cris... Glad you are back on the wagon and are doing well! You are going to be one hot bride!

    Lildebbie... sounds like this new dr may be promising... Hang in there, she is lucky to have you as a mother! I remember having similar situations with my son when he was young (he has adhd) I was always told God does not give you anything you can not handle! One day you will look back and all this will have fallen into place!

    Well.. I am dragging butt today but, I am going to go and workout before I talk myself out of it!

    Check back in later
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-I haven't heard that. But I do know lots of people who have met their spoues and such online. I was tired of meeting losers in bars and such so thought I would give it a try. So we shall see! BTW you can ramble about your hair all you want. That's what this board is for! I wish I could grow mine out that long. It's so thick that once it gets passed a certain length it just gets in knots. It's so fine. UGH. I hate it!

    LilDebbie-Vent all you want! Glad you have a friend that is going to try the dr out first!
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    Littlespy - Wow, I can't believe that is how long your hair is after cutting off 11"! :noway: Also, I think we have the same glasses! Or at least extremely similar ones. :smile: Well not the ones in my profile pic, but I mean my real glasses. :laugh:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    littlespy: You are so brave .... sometimes I just HAVE to trim my bangs when they are in my eyes and I always screw them up and end up at my hair stylist within a few days:huh: ... but I have been thinking that I need to start coloring my own hair soon, because the greys are popping out faster and faster and the prices keep going up too. You look great by the way! :flowerforyou:

    Jess: Yeah! on hitting 50 lbs! and meeting the awesome guy! :drinker: :drinker:

    Lildeb: That does sound like a more thorough doctor's visit. I hope it goes well.

    I had other comments to make ... but of course forgot them all by the time I caught up on all the posts. My memory is definitely not what it used to be :ohwell:

    checking in:
    calories: I didn't track a thing (because I haven't for a few weeks) ... but I am going RIGHT NOW to track my food and exercise so far today!
    exercise: I did go on a 20 minute walk during my daughter's sax lesson, and this morning I did my 60 minute step class
    water: not so great
    proud: that I put away the 2nd gyro that I got with my lunch deal instead of mindlessly eating even though I was full ( like I was going to) ... I'll bring it home for my daughter to eat tonight.
  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member
    Hello All!

    Checking for yesterday!
    Food: about 1500 cals a little over but not too bad
    Water: umm only about 30 ounces
    Exercise...none except chasing my 2year old
    Proud that I actually logged food again!

    Ok and today totally started off well...I got on the scale & found that 2 of the 4lbs i gained on vacation have finally disappeared & once again I am below 220! After yesterday it was definitely the help i needed!
    I also just finished posting my final grades!! yeah for me! One more thing done on my teacher check out sheet!
    And the REALLY REALLY good news is that i got my scores today & I passed my Admin credential test!!!!! which means once i get my masters in decemeber I have 5 years to activate the scores so I can apply for asst principal jobs! Well i will probably wait until I am done having kids but totally excited!! Never thought my career would head in that direction but yeah me :-)

    I do have to until load my jeep of all sorts of junk from the cherry festival last weekend. There is a 75lb color laser printer in the front seat & it totally needs to get out! Off to work now
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    LItspy: I found the tortilla bread you mentioned a couple weeks ago. The 60 calorie, low carb, and low sodium. I haven't tried it yet...i just came home from picking up my son and food shopping but i will let you know how it tastes.

    I be back later..I have to go fold my laundry that i did this morning ( 5 loads). I also took a walk at our local community park. It was only 20 minutes but that fine..I have to do the elliptical later on.

    Bye for now!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    we got an appt!!! 2 weeks from tomorrow, could of done it on tuesday but Serena will have field trips on monday and tuesday's in the summer...hubby is getting off of work ofr a few hours to come with me at least the part of talking to the doctor, i can handle the paperwork and the blood test stuff ...i am just taking the afternoon off...we should be done by 3 and maybe i will take her and go swimming or something. They said 2 weeks after that we go back so that will be like 4th of july week so if we can get on her a plan and started that is almost 2 months before school starts...
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    we got an appt!!! 2 weeks from tomorrow, could of done it on tuesday but Serena will have field trips on monday and tuesday's in the summer...hubby is getting off of work ofr a few hours to come with me at least the part of talking to the doctor, i can handle the paperwork and the blood test stuff ...i am just taking the afternoon off...we should be done by 3 and maybe i will take her and go swimming or something. They said 2 weeks after that we go back so that will be like 4th of july week so if we can get on her a plan and started that is almost 2 months before school starts...
    That is good news!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    lildeb,f your new doctor sounds very promising I am very happy for you. Girl, don't worry about crying I cry at every meeting they have for my son or any time they want to talk about it. It actually made me feel good to know I was not the only mom that bawled at these meetings.:laugh: :flowerforyou:

    Julie, wow 10 inches. Your hair looks very pretty.

    Late getting on today so I have had a trying day but I have done well with workout and calories. I will talk to you all later
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    lildeb - I am so happy that you are feeling better about everything! You are a great mom, and you earn the award for perseverance! :flowerforyou:
    KDub - Congrats on passing your Admin test! That is such great news! :flowerforyou:
    Julie - Like a broken record, I shall also say, WOWSA, your hair was super long if you cut from what I see now, which looks mighty long as well! Beautiful hair, girl.

    I had my PT therapy session today. Last week he was very cautious because of the fall, and we didn't do much. Uh, not today! We made up for lost time! I had to search for bits and pieces of my butt on the parking lot afterwards. :tongue:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Not feeling well... Woke up with a sore throat and been tired and had a bad headache all day, going to bed soon so might as well check in for yesterday and today:

    calories- 1200 on the dot both days
    water- yup 100+
    sodium- not sure exact number but less than 2500
    excercise- bike yesterday. And bike and tm today
    cals burned- 320 yesterday 600 today
    proud- I got back on track yesterday and stayed at the gym until I had 600 cals burned even though I felt like crap

    good night!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    LilDeb - That's GREAT news! :bigsmile:
    Cris - Glad you got your mojo back. :smile:
    KDub - Congrats on passing the test. We need better administrators in our schools. Hooray for you! :flowerforyou:
    Blue - Glad you had a great workout!!

    I just finished an hour of Exercise TV OnDemand. If anyone has this, I suggest any of Kendall's workouts. They are a great pace, he's really upbeat (but not annoying in my opinion) and I definitely get my heart racing! In other news, I am down 2.0 lbs from last Monday!! This puts me at 190.2!! I am so excited and a little shocked because I thought I kind of blew it this weekend. Looks like I did better than I thought! This is really exciting and motivating for me. I really feel like I'm going to meet my 185 goal before the end of the month (even if it's just June 29!). Hooray!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Finally!! I have been trying to get a chance to log on and chat with you ladies. Not that I have much to say. :tongue:

    Cris - Hope you feel better soon. Hopefully some sleep with help.

    Jess - WTG on the 51 lbs!!! You are awesome!! Glad that your date went well last night. I met my husband online too! I got online because my best friend wanted to do it and didn't want to do it alone. Funny thing is that she didn't find anyone but it made her realize that she had already found her husband. Anyways, good luck!!

    Julie - Wow!! My hair is probably as long as yours is now, so maybe I can't donate because that would be a pretty big chunk. Maybe, I will have to see. Your hair looks great!!!

    lildeb - Glad that you were able to get into the doctors faster than expected! Sounds like this doctor will be more vested.

    Calories: Under
    Water: 120 or so
    Exercise : 20 mins of wii boxing - 220 cal
    Proud: I am glad to say that I got home and got my rump upstairs and worked out!! It may have only been 200 calories but it was more than it has been.

    Be back tomorrow!
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    sometimes I just HAVE to trim my bangs when they are in my eyes and I always screw them up and end up at my hair stylist within a few days:huh:
    I used to have bangs in junior high, and one time I trimmed them myself and it was uneven so I tried to straighten it and it was uneven... by the time I was done, I had those super short 50's style bangs. It was awful. :ohwell:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Momma - Thanks good to know i am not the only one that cries either :smile:

    I am feeling much better today, i feel like i have some kind of plan and putting my faith that something will work out....

    I am on call this week...booooo...and it irriates me soo much...some days i wish i could be a stay at home mom :smile:

    I like my jobs most of the time, espefcially since i don't actually have to to drive to work or anything, but being on call messes with my "me" time ..trying to get the girls to bed abby screaming mommy mommy , she has this major attachment to me...she tells DH that she doesn't like him and i want mommy, but i had to take an on-call call in the middle of them screaming...and i can't go to water aerobic class either ::mad: :mad: I am just praying that i dno't get anything during the other 3 classes i am taking this week

    I went to the gym at lunch , and honestly i could of stayed forever...i did 45 minutes which is a little more than i usally do..i am starting to really love the gym...i just want to be there all the time.

    Oh yes...and my air is out..yes i live in texas and it is freaking hot, the downstairs won't blow cold (the upstairs air works though so that is good), but i work downstairs..ugg...since it is soo hot noone can come out till thursday :sad: :sad:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Holy moly I'm tired. Left the house at 8am for work and just got home after working 2 jobs, going to the gym, and then to 2 stupid grocery stores that suck. Rotisserie chicken is apparently very hard to find in this city past 10pm and I wasn't willing to drive to a 3rd grocery store to look for one. Man, I really wanted some rotisserie chicken! :laugh:

    Calories: 1620 (goal 1665)
    Exercise: 32 minutes elliptical (3 miles, woot!); 15 minutes strength training. I ran out of time at the gym since I got off work late. :ohwell:
    Water: 13 cups & counting
    Proud: I guess a Healthy Choice meal may be healthier than a drive-thru dinner, right? Because that's what I ended up with because I'm just too exhausted to cook tonight. So, I guess that's something to be proud of.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    now I want rotis chix.....yummmmm
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Anybody have any suggestions for a headache from he!!?! I took Tylenol over 2 hours ago and it's still POUNDING! KILL ME!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Anybody have any suggestions for a headache from he!!?! I took Tylenol over 2 hours ago and it's still POUNDING! KILL ME!

    Ooooo thats how I felt yesterday and today. I thought it might have been like a hunger headache so I drank lots of water to hydrate and ate a very filling dinner and it still didnt work. I took 4 advils and went to bed. I still have a headache this morning though. Maybe its a punishment for not doing w8d3 yet....just saying :tongue:

    PS- I WAS 197 this morning...woohoo! Only 1.8lbs to go to my lowest weight :drinker:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Anybody have any suggestions for a headache from he!!?! I took Tylenol over 2 hours ago and it's still POUNDING! KILL ME!

    Ooooo thats how I felt yesterday and today. I thought it might have been like a hunger headache so I drank lots of water to hydrate and ate a very filling dinner and it still didnt work. I took 4 advils and went to bed. I still have a headache this morning though. Maybe its a punishment for not doing w8d3 yet....just saying :tongue:

    PS- I WAS 197 this morning...woohoo! Only 1.8lbs to go to my lowest weight :drinker:

    It is punishment! UGH! It's killing me. It's only moved to one side of my head now. I guess that's progress. I'm doing w8d3 tonight...I hope! HAHA! Just kidding. I HAVE to. HAVE TO!!!!
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