Over 200 new me part 53 (open group)



  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Thanks Heather- Wedding was awesome...didnt really have a honeymoon. My sister is getting married in Mexico in March so Bobby and I really couldnt afford to take a honeymoon and fly out for her wedding...we decided to make it our honeymoon and her wedding and jsut got a nicer room than we normally would have gotten as a splurge for it being our honeymoon. The kids and our entire family will be there but they have all offered to take the kids for a day/night so Bobby and I could have alone time.
  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member
    Despite being up early on Monday morning with my 7 month old, I got a nice surprise when I got on the scale to discover that I was down 2lbs! I lost 2lbs in a little over a week! I was surprised and felt better about eating. I felt this past week I was bad at eating...like eating too much but I guess not since I am down. last week I did eat more than the previous 2 weeks because the earlier 2 weeks I was super sick & just not hungry. And I am feeling more confident about being able to actually lose weight without being sick.
    I went shopping yesterday for work clothes...mainly tops to go with the dress pants i am finally fitting into. The best part besides the 2 pairs of super cute shoes that I found was that I was able to zip up a size 14 skirt with ease! I haven't been able to fit into a size 14 in over 4 years!
    I can't believe I am only 5 pounds away from breaking the 200 mark! It makes it seem really attainable for the first time in years!
    I am thinking I might even be able to break 180 before my wedding anniversary in June. i weighed 180 when I got married 10 1/2 years ago :-)

    Here's to having a very positive outlook this week!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    annasgyal Welcome, that is a good thing to be proud of!:flowerforyou:

    Ann, good job on the weight loss this week.

    Julie, are you back to work? If you are are ya okay? :flowerforyou:

    Heather, actually Ryan cried last night and said that we needed to go get Miranda so he could kiss her on the cheek and then bring her home. We calmed him down and he ended up sleeping with us. He needed us last night even though his long self who has grown an inch in just a couple of months made me very uncomfortable.

    Kdub, good job girl:flowerforyou:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    OMG Melinda, really? Your going to bring up Steak N Shake on a Monday morning? Thank goodness the one here closed.

    I went to bed at 11.30. Baby woke me up at 4. I went back to sleep for an hour and then I pulled my fat *kitten* out of bed and went to the gym. Woot!
    Wow, a "your" instead of a "you're" and I just now caught it. Now I know why physically fit people often come across as not-so-bright. They're not dumb, just braindead from getting up before 6am to go to the gym. :laugh:

    Momma, today is my first day back. I cried this morning but then felt like I was going to be ok until I went to the cafeteria to heat my lunch and as I got off the elevator (for shame!), I heard a baby babbling. Must have been about the same age as Maisie. Then I had to come to my car to eat lunch so I could pump and now I'm just hoping 2-5 flies by so I can go home.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    momma: sounds like you had a wonderful time visiting your daughter, Ryan is so sweet.

    chris: Congrats on your wedding! and nice to see you here! Getting married and all the wedding plans can be so stressful. I tried to diet before my wedding and ended up gaining about 20 pounds instead, I was on some program where I bought all the meals from them - but I would eat the diet meals and then also eat a regular meal! That obviously didn't work very well, I had to have my wedding dress let out - NOT FUN! AND I broke out in hives the day before the wedding. But all that is important is that we did get married and are approaching our 21st anniversary at the end of the month.
    Now that the wedding stress is over - you can do it!

    I did not have a good eating weekend. I think I was so happy that I had finally gotten the scale to move down on Friday morning that I celebrated all weekend and now the scale is back up 2 pounds! I hope I don't have to pay at my weightloss challenge class tonight! My friend is afraid that she is up too, and we are already both so negative about this class that it isn't going to be a fun night! I'm trying very hard to eat well today.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Littlespy: I hope this afternoon flies for you! I remember having to go back to work and crying every day for 2 weeks with both my kids after having to drop them off at daycare. It's so hard!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Julie (littleSpy) you have to pump in your car? You should call HR to complain!!! (Julie works in HR)

    To make up for yesterday's bad eating I've had a very healthy lunch. A huge salad of mostly just baby spinach, with a little raw mushrooms and an egg, plus some sunflower seeds (1 TBSP) and dried cranberries (1TBSP) and low calorie dressing (forgot to log that!)

    I work for a Hospital System (an amazing hospital system that I love!) and as part of our wellness program they've pulled out all the regular sodas and now they've given us re-usable drink bottles so we can drink more water and also to save on cups. I've been filling mine with ice and then making a super concentrated cup of green tea - and then getting my iced tea. So far it's working great to keep me drinking :drinker:

    I've been half sick from stress - job is tougher than it needs to be, home is rough, there's no place that feels "safe" right now. Sorry I'm whining but I just needed to say that. I'm having one of those months where I'd like to crawl under the covers and stay there :frown: But all I can do is focus on what I can control and that's not much. It's SO HARD acknowledging that I'm not able to fix things that need fixed.:grumble:
  • ape087
    ape087 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi Ladies!!

    Im new to the club so Ive got some catching up to do. I currently weigh 259lbs, and would love to be 175ish.

    Today I am proud that I chose popcorn for my snack instead of chocolate/chips/ or something else that is equally as bad.

    Do we have a challenge to do before this friday (10/14)? Id love to get on board.
  • ape087
    ape087 Posts: 30 Member
    I've been half sick from stress - job is tougher than it needs to be, home is rough, there's no place that feels "safe" right now. Sorry I'm whining but I just needed to say that. I'm having one of those months where I'd like to crawl under the covers and stay there :frown: But all I can do is focus on what I can control and that's not much. It's SO HARD acknowledging that I'm not able to fix things that need fixed.:grumble:

    God has my life been televised for the public because it seems like we have been going through the same thing! Ive been holding things in and its making me insane. I have no idea how Im supposed to take care of me when Im not sure that I even like me right now. They are slowly getting better, but if I dont carve out some me time every now and agian the stress is gonna do me in.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Julie (littleSpy) you have to pump in your car? You should call HR to complain!!! (Julie works in HR)

    LMAO :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Istpaul- I gained over 20+....just as reference I was 210lbs in March 2011 when I bought my dress...;gained some weight got up to mid 220's realized my dress wouldnt fit and got down to 218lbs in mid August...by the time I got married in September I was 230lbs....oy...gained 10lbs in a month...so ridiculous!

    Anyways, besides me being upset with the wedding pics I had a fabulous day and Im married (FINALLY) to the man I love. I want him to be proud of me and the way I look....and I want to feel and look good for myself Im so tired of feeling tired and lazy ....I am NOT a lazy person
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Chris - we're running a half marathon in May so GET ON IT! (and by "we're" I mean YOU and US)
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    mstahl: I soooo relate.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Julie, I would be out without my baby and I would hear one cry and my milk would start leaking everywhere. I've had to leave work (with the first one) to change my shirt cause a baby cried then made my milk leaked and my "pads" did not soak it all up.:blushing: I am with ya though. I hope it gets easier. For me it wasn't too bad because my job was part time so I was only gone 4 hours at a time. So know that I am thinking about ya and know that it does get better:flowerforyou:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    dup post
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    hey girls

    Julie - hope your afternoon went good. And wtg on getting u and going to the gym.

    Cris - Welcome back, glad you had an awesome day.

    I feel like crud, i have some kinda head/sinus stuff, I just feel it going into my chest, seems that i always get bronchits when i get something in my head. I am hoping it gets better soon so i can breather

    I went to the ortho today for my knees. They took 6 xrays. pretty much early arthrits he said, pluse something that i can't pronounce , basically my knee caps are to the side of my leg, causing the issue to be worse. H e told me some stretches to do and to take aleeve 2x a day , he said they could do a cortozone shot today, or can try the stretches and aleeve for a few weeks first. I opted to try the stretches, as a shot in my knee doesn't sound pleasant. The good thing is that he said they aren't in horrible shape.

    Oh yeah and TOM showed up today.

    So with the dr appt and feeling like crap i didn't workout today.
    Cals - Over :sad:
    water - none
    exercise - none
    proud - i didn't eat the house becaue i didn't feel good.
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,687 Member
    Soooooooooo.. my official start weight is 236.0

    Today, I did the Five Mile Walk DVD with Leslie Sansone...all five miles! Was pleseanty surprised! So I will do the same tomorrow.

    I did pretty good with my alories today! Whew, thank god for the exercise calories. Plus I had no school work today. Tomorrow, not sure how things are going to go, as I have to pack for yet another residency for school. This time is it not so long. Getting ready to wind down for the night, as I have a buysy day with work, school, and yet another day of eating healthy!

    Good night!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Sounds like we're having some struggles across the board with eating and motivation. Anyone have a mini-challenge they can throw out until we have a biggest loser on Monday?

    KDub: Wow, you're going to be in Onederland before you know it!

    Sherry (Momma24): Aww, poor Ryan. I would have thought seeing Miranda would have helped him. It's great that he's so close to her that he misses her that much. Hopefully after the initial sadness, he'll realize that she's not gone forever.

    Melinda (mstahl): Sorry you're having a rough time lately. We're here for you!

    Cris: I agree with Melinda...sign up for the half marathon with us. If you're not up to that, there is also an 8k. We'd love for you to join us. Allison rallied the troops while you were gone and there are three of us signed up so far....

    Annasgyal: Great job on the Leslie Sansone 5 miles! Those videos are a better workout than most would think. I have a few at home and sometimes go to them for my "easy" workout, then realize it wasn't quite as easy as I thought it should be.

    Ape087: Welcome to the group!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Probably over
    Water: 120 oz.
    Exercise: 2.16 mile run, 5 minutes warm up and cool down, and three games of bowling.
    Proud: I went for a run even though I was limited on time. I knew I needed it and didn't let any excuses get in the way.
    Not Proud: I wasn't very nice to the boyfriend at bowling last night. He was giving me unsolicited advice about my bowling and I said some snippy, rude things to him. I apologized and I think we're fine, but I still feel awful about it. We've agreed, though, that no more advice about my bowling unless I ask for it. It's the closest thing we've had to an argument/fight in almost two years.

    For those of you on my friends list, this will be a repeat, so I apologize. Last night, I ran my normal two mile route and was super bummed by my slow running times (12:15 minute miles) but figured at least I got out there. When I entered everything into MapMyRun this morning, I found out that the route I thought was exactly 2 miles is actually 2.16 miles, so my pace was 11:03, which is closer to my normal leisurely, training run times. I've been running in the 10:30s during races, so I'm glad to see my pace isn't suffering that much after not running for a few weeks.

    If any of the new ladies to the thread would like to add me as a friend, please feel free to do so. Just mention the Over 200 thread so I make sure to accept.

    Have a great day,
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hello ladies, I forgot to post an update on Blue. I was so happy to hear from her Sunday after stalking her for a while. Here is her message:

    "Sorry for falling off the face of earth. School started and I had a student teacher so my life was upside down. Tomorrow is my first day of teaching my class since school began! I will write more later after things settle down."
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Momma -- Thankfully my nursing pads have been doing their jobs. :blushing:

    Heather -- Great job fitting a run in despite limited time!

    Deb -- So glad you got semi-good news about your knees! I hope the stretches help you feel better.

    I'm not enjoying being back at work at all. I'm feeling a bit like a negative Nancy today so I'll try to keep it to myself.

    I'm actually proud of myself for *not* going to the gym this morning. I was exhausted and my quads are sore and it was an injury waiting to happen. I think my exercise goal was too aggressive for my current situation. My new goal is gym on Monday, Wednesday, Friday mornings and some outdoor exercise on the weekend.