Over 200 new me part 53 (open group)



  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning ladies! I haven't finished my food diary from yesterday. I'm bad about tracking dinner!! I did go to the gym and do 30 minutes on the elliptical. Would of been a better calorie burn but I had to stop half way through to go to the bathroom! I hate when that happens! Tonight is step aerobics plus abs!! Hope I don't get stuck in traffic this time again!!

    Hope everybody has a fantastic Tuesday!!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    I ended up not meeting my water goals yesterday. I had a diet pepsi instead.:embarassed:

    Hope everyone has a great Tuesday

    Pos_me, hey girl we miss you come and say hi!!!!

    Jess, great job on the exercise and here is to NO traffic tonight.

    I have a hurt finger and any time I need to type a wsx it kills me! :frown: :laugh: So I will see you all later because I have work to do and this stupid finger and I type s a lot so it seems.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • DawnWendalynn1973
    DawnWendalynn1973 Posts: 97 Member
    I had an awesome water day yesterday. I didn't even aim at it.....just kept drinking it. Stayed under my goal cals too.

    I'm not exercising as much as I was...I have to change that.
  • Hello old and welcome to new members!

    I dropped off the radar for a week - work's insane (not an excuse, I know) and I was out of town all weekend.

    I took last week off from logging. My trainer was concerned that I was paying more attention to calories than I was to nutrition, so I've re-focused on eating as much whole food as possible, and to limit my weigh-ins, which has been a struggle for me. I wasn't up or down at the end of that week, which is good.

    I'm still hovering just above 200 pounds, though, which is frustrating since I've been at this point since July. JULY. :mad: :sad: :grumble: :noway:

    I'm out of town for business Thursday - Friday and will be at a friend's house and the state fair this weekend, so limited online time. I'm just going to continue to do and try new things at the gym, pushing myself running (I did 4 miles this weekend with limited problem....for some reason is was way easier than bumping up to 3.5 miles), and focusing on making as many good food choices as possible.

    Momma - thanks for the new thread and for the continued kick in the pants to get on here and post.

    My goals for October:
    1. run the entire 10K on October 29th.
    2. Lose 2 - 3 pounds (that would put me under 200)
    3. No post-dinner snacking unless I'm still hungry after a large glass of water.
    4. Log, but don't obsess over being under on calories.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: good but over on carbs
    exercise: good - an hour of step
    water: not so good
    proud: lost a pound at my weightloss challenge

    Instead of being motivated by losing a pound at my weightloss challenge class - it was a little demotivating. They had everyone who had lost a pound or more stand - and everyone but one person stood (I felt bad for that one person), then if you only lost a pound you had to sit, and then 2 pounds, and so on until the 10-12 people who had lost 6 our more pounds in a week were standing (I couldn't believe how many people had lost 6+ pounds in a week). I know the purpose of the challenge is to encourage us to lose weight - but the 'shaming' side of the challenge is a little weird to me. We have to pay $1 for every pound we gain. Obviously it is working for a lot of people in the class - but psychologically I'm not sure if it is going to work for me. We'll see. I guess I really don't want to have to be embarrassed by paying - so maybe that will be motivation enough.
    The nutrition aspect of the class is ok, but nothing new. Higher protein, less carbs ... but they push lowfat where the nutrition class I just took pushes full fat. I think I will stick with the full fat since I already lost 31 pounds eating full fat foods. It is annoying too that they are selling herbalife after the meetings - I'm guessing that is the main purpose for them to do the class but that wasn't in the class description. Plus I hate to say it because it sounds a little like sour grapes - but the leader isn't the best speaker and she is super skinny and just looks a bit ill to me. We'll see how it goes I guess. I know there are people there doing it for the 3rd or 4th time and have had a lot of success. I'm going to keep doing what I've been doing - but trying to get the 'challenge class' to keep me more accountable so that I don't have to pay.
    I'm still dealing with teenager drama ... I get too wrapped up in it, and I let it really get to me.
  • Kdrules
    Kdrules Posts: 49 Member
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    welcome Kdrules!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Welcome to all the new people!

    Allison-Glad you drop in to say hello! I like the idea of focusing on the nutricious calories!


    lstpaul-I'm really trying to focus on less carbs and more protein! I have noticed when I go high on carbs I'm starving all day long and I'm miserable and cranky!

    Dawn-Great job on the water!!

    Momma-I hope your finger gets better!

    Deb-Come back more often!

    I have a predaciment...I forgot my sports bra at home. :sad: I live too far to drive home before my class. I'm too busty to just run to Walmart and pick one up. Mine are expensive. Like $60! And not easy to find. I can't decide if I should just go in my regular one or skip my workout tonight. :indifferent:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    RedneckWmn: My nutrition class last winter was big on eating more protein and less carbs - and I think that really works. I haven't been as good at following it lately though. My goal this week is to eat more protein!
    I would say go to step class in your regular bra - unless it has just too little support. I tried once with my worst bra and ended up giving up when we started doing jumping jacks .. it just wasn't worth it!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Hi ladies!
    I'm just enjoying my last little bit of maternity leave before having to go back to work next week. I'm very bummed and anxious about it. Hubby and I are desperately trying to come up with a way for me to stay home with baby and for him to go back to school full-time. Yeah, pretty unrealistic so we'll settle for one or the other.

    Oooh, Teresa! You're getting one of these! Did I miss you telling us when you're due? Victoria's (meokk) due date is rapidly approaching in just a few short weeks!

  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member
    Hello Again! Its been about 18months since I have been around this group. I got pregnant last summer & stopped tracking & participating. I had my 2nd son Feb 28th & have been trying to get back into the swing of things. The good news is that all the pregnancy weight came off pretty fast & i have been able to make some progress since then :-) Some on my own & some due to illness but weight loss is weight loss. I am now just trying to keep it off & keep on losing. My trainer has been harrassing me to start tracking again. I am finally fitting into pants that I havent worn in 4 years since before I got pregnant with my first son...its a good milestone but now i am having toruble finding professional looking tops in my closet because I realized that I have been wearing big baggy sloppy stuff since I got pregnant the first time. I am trying to look more professional so that I actually look like I could be an asst principal. I have been shadowing the asst. principal at my school to gain admin experience when I am not teaching.
    I am currently 207...I am really hoping to break the 200 barrier by Nov 18th because my hubby & I leave for our 10 year anniversary trip to Costa Rica on Nov. 19th!

    I am looking forward to getting back into this with everyone & to keep losing :-)
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    KDubMommy-Welcome back! I remember you! I had no idea you were pregnant!! Congrats on the baby and the baby weight coming off!!

    Julie-How is meokk doing? She doesn't drop by and say hello? Enjoy your last bit of time with your bundle of joy. I know it's gonna be hard for you! HUGS!

    lstpaul-That's what I was afraid is the one I'm wearing not be supportive enough. I convinced my Mom to meet me at the gym and bring me my sports bra. VICTORY! Still going to step!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Jess - I'd go to the gym anyway and try it - if it wont work go get on a bike or elliptical machine!

    KDubMommy! YAY!!! Nice to see you again!:flowerforyou:

    Wait - Meroke AND Teresa expecting? I am SO confused. I keep thinking it might be contagious then I remember I've been spayed. :laugh:

    Checking in for yesterday!

    Calories - I came in with 64 to spare after eating all of my exercise calories. And of course 64 is well within the margin of error...
    Water - GREAT! (Momma - I count diet sodas - I know I know but REALLY?:huh: I always count my green tea as water!)
    Exercise - Day 1 Week 7 of the 5K101 Three sets of 12 minute jogs :bigsmile:

    Proud: I missed last Friday and I didn't feel well but I STILL went to the gym and did the 5K101. I'm also proud that I didn't drink the glass of wine I was offered last night. Sure sure - hell may have frozen over while pigs were flying around in the sky... but hey - once in awhile saying no to wine can't hurt. :wink:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hi Kdubmommy I remember you too. I had no idea you had a baby. Congrats

    Julie, Maisie is so cute! I remember I had to go back to work 6 weeks after my first. :frown: But when she was a year old we decided I would stay home with her and go back to work when she started school. Right before she started I had another baby. Well I kept having another baby before they went back to school. I joked that right before time to start school I get preggers so I don't have to get a job. hahaha. But now Ryan is in school and I have no one at home and I am not going to have a baby any time soon. The reason I don't get a job now is because of Ryan needing me when he gets home and he gets out early 2 x a month. I plan to go back to work when Ryan goes mainstream (out of the special ed class) Not sure who would hire me because I have been out of the work force for 17 years but hey we will see. Not to mention that I am actually very busy running children around while hubby is at work. I guess I still qualify to stay home with the kiddies. I do love being a sahm honestly.

    Jess, glad your mom is so nice to meet you at the gym.

    mstahl, okay then sister I drank my water yesterday.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • i'm definitely in!!! This is what i need to stay accountable!!:happy:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Okay checking in

    Calories 1570
    exercise: Moving furniture, vacuuming,Mopping.......YES I am counting this. I MOVED the dining room table and scrubbed underneath.
    Water: Yes,

    Proud: I am proud that I am back to tracking my food. I have not been tracking it for awhile.

    Welcome Wildmedic69 glad you are here:flowerforyou: ( I swear I sent you a hello message already and I am not sure where it went so if you find it don't think I am crazy)
  • moffee01
    moffee01 Posts: 67 Member
    Great job Momma on getting back to tracking. I find its so easy to "forget" I ate something. Im way more honest with myself when I track it

    Checking in for the day :-)

    Calories came in at 1222 (1380 is my goal)
    Exercise- Hmmm well not today, busy with the little one but did clean the house and made homemade split pea soup for dinner mmmmm!!
    Water- Not so great on actual water. Today was cold out so it was a coffee & tea day. But Im plenty hydrated.

    Proud: I made a pan of Caramelitas for dessert tonight and I usually eat 2-3 but stopped at one and Im TOTALLY ok with that.

    Hope everyone has a great night!!

  • Hello everyone, since I just completed my diary I figured I would check in for the day.

    Calories: 1379 (My goal is 1490)
    Exercise: Trying to stay on track with my food for a couple weeks then I will start exercising.
    Water- Nailed it!

    Proud: Tomorrows dinner is already made, baked chicken parmesean.

    Hope everyone has a great night!!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hump day! Whoot!

    Checking in for Tuesday:
    Calories - 1236 which means I didn't eat my exercise calories and that was by design
    Water - I did fine but not much extra...
    Exercise - 1 hour of swimming (and still whining about hating swimming!)

    Proud - Last night was stressful. I came home to a stressed out sick teenager who (at the moment) doesn't WANT to go to college or do anything else after highschool, a husband who was cranky about money, a car load of groceries that stepped up the money stress AND I still made a healthy dinner! I smoked chicken sausages with spinach and fetta cheese in them, and served them on a bed of sauteed cabbage that I tossed with white quinoa.