Over 200 New Year New Me Part 17



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Yay, Cris!

    I'm going to share TMI. As I reported earlier this week, TOM brought about a water-retention related gain of 5 pounds on Monday. That was on top of the sodium induced water retention gain of 1-2 pounds. I'm now very nearly back down to last Friday's weight which is great but can I just say that I AM SO TIRED OF PEEING I COULD SCREAM! :laugh:

    I was sitting at my desk thinking about running to Goodwill on my lunch break and thought "man, I need to pee first." And then I realized I just peed like 45 minutes ago. :noway: I haven't been drinking any more water than usual all week. I guess I should just be happy because peeing my life away for the 4th day in a row probably just means I'm going to actually show a loss for this week tomorrow morning which will be great (if it happens). I've certainly earned it (I mean, I've probably gone 6-7 times each day at work and I only work 7.5 hour days + 1 hr for lunch!). I normally go twice. :indifferent:
    :grumble: :sad: :grumble: :sad: :grumble: (:laugh:)
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Chris - sorry about the battery.....But yay for everything else.!!!!!
  • Kimber11
    Kimber11 Posts: 18
    Hello My name is Kimber. I would like to join this group. I see that a lot of you have done extremely well. I have more than just a few pounds to loose and I need a group that understands that too. I see that in the title you have New Year New Me so if it is to late to join please just let me know.


    Welcome to our group :flowerforyou: ... it's never too late to join! We are very chatty, but try to also check in once a day (or so) with our progress. We weigh in on Fridays if you want, and the highest percentage loser picks a challenge for the week. This week's challenge is to take your measurements (which I still need to do ... )
    Thank you, taking my measurements - wow that is a challaged. I will have to see if I can find a measuring tape.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Yay, Cris!

    I'm going to share TMI. As I reported earlier this week, TOM brought about a water-retention related gain of 5 pounds on Monday. That was on top of the sodium induced water retention gain of 1-2 pounds. I'm now very nearly back down to last Friday's weight which is great but can I just say that I AM SO TIRED OF PEEING I COULD SCREAM! :laugh:

    I was sitting at my desk thinking about running to Goodwill on my lunch break and thought "man, I need to pee first." And then I realized I just peed like 45 minutes ago. :noway: I haven't been drinking any more water than usual all week. I guess I should just be happy because peeing my life away for the 4th day in a row probably just means I'm going to actually show a loss for this week tomorrow morning which will be great (if it happens). I've certainly earned it (I mean, I've probably gone 6-7 times each day at work and I only work 7.5 hour days + 1 hr for lunch!). I normally go twice. :indifferent:
    :grumble: :sad: :grumble: :sad: :grumble: (:laugh:)

    Just getting you prepared for when you are preggers :smile: all you do is freaking PEE!!!

    I was upset when i got pregant with my 1st before i was pregant i was right by the bathroom then i got moved the farthest i could away from it.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Kimber11
    Kimber11 Posts: 18
    Cris - Awesome on getting half way, so proud of you :flowerforyou: :drinker:
    LittleSpy - you kicked that soda addiction's butt, WTG :drinker: :flowerforyou:
    Kimber - welcome to our group! it's never too late to join. Some of us chat on here all day long, others just check in once a day or some even less. We are very supportive of one another and won't let anyone slip. We might stalk you if you don't post for a few days but it's just because we care and want to make sure you are OK :flowerforyou:

    Awestfall - Step away from the pills !! I wouldn't go there and I'll tell you why. There is no such thing as a quick fix despite what you are seeing with your relatives. Everyone in this group is making a life change and in the process we are teaching ourselves how to first lose the weight in a safe manner and second maintain that loss for the rest of our lives. It must be difficult right now to see them losing weight without any effort and you are struggling to drop every single pound but a year from now when you have slowly and healthily dropped 50 or 60 lbs, they will probably be heavier than when they started and not have any of the good eating habits you are developing. Do it the right way, it's worth it in the long run :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Thank you, and I look forward to the stalking LOL
  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member

    WOW I am out of touch for a couple of days & there are 5 pages!
    My week has progressed like this...did absolutely no cardio at ALL this weekend, didn't count calories all weekend, it caught up to me by monday & put me back in the 220 range...I was rather pissed off at myself. Then my mom notified me on Tuesday that my grandmother had passed away that day...I attempted to go to work yesterday & lost it crying part way through the first period. I got a sub to cover my classes by lunchtime & spent some time alone and am feeling better today....i think it helped my mood that I have managed to lose the 2 lbs i gained fm the weekend & am back down to 218.25 & am vowing NEVER to go up again!
    The people at my work are somewhat surprised that the memorial service for my grandmother isn't until the last week in May...I mean she is being cremated so she'll keep...& I plan to take the rest of my bereavement time during that week...is that weird to anyone else?
    I haven't entered calories since last friday...so I am going to start again today.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Kfubmommy-so sorry to hear about your grandma! Take care of yourself during this difficult time. I don't think it's weird that it's next week.

    Kimber-welcome to this fab group!

    Cris-congrats on your good day!! Hope the daycare works out!

    Littlespy-I feel ya on the peeing. I was the same way before I left.

    Were about to stop for lunch. Were somewhere in Missouri! Making good time. Had a few bites of food here n there snack wise. Nothing to write home about!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member

    WOW I am out of touch for a couple of days & there are 5 pages!
    My week has progressed like this...did absolutely no cardio at ALL this weekend, didn't count calories all weekend, it caught up to me by monday & put me back in the 220 range...I was rather pissed off at myself. Then my mom notified me on Tuesday that my grandmother had passed away that day...I attempted to go to work yesterday & lost it crying part way through the first period. I got a sub to cover my classes by lunchtime & spent some time alone and am feeling better today....i think it helped my mood that I have managed to lose the 2 lbs i gained fm the weekend & am back down to 218.25 & am vowing NEVER to go up again!
    The people at my work are somewhat surprised that the memorial service for my grandmother isn't until the last week in May...I mean she is being cremated so she'll keep...& I plan to take the rest of my bereavement time during that week...is that weird to anyone else?
    I haven't entered calories since last friday...so I am going to start again today.

    KDubMommy: so sorry about your grandmother's passing. My grandma passed away about a year ago, and although it was expected it is still always hard. She was cremated too and we waited awhile - I think about a month - to have the memorial service so that my cousin would be available to do the ceremony. So not weird at all.
    Congrats on getting back to tracking calories today .... take care of yourself!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    KDubMommy - Sorry about your grandmother. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    See my mom and my sister both are taking phentermine and b12 shots to lose weight and it seems like they haven't had to do anything to lose the weight and I am proud that I have worked so hard to lose what I have on my own but I am just wondering if I should try this method that they are using just so I can get out of the 200's.I know I can do it on my own but I guess I am just taking the easy way out .Just needed you gals to encourage me.

    Not doing anything and the weight is falling off. Yeah, and when they stop taking it, they're not going to do anything and the weight is going to pile right back on. If you did decide to give it a shot, don't stop making awesome food choices and exercising because that's the key to maintaining. :wink: I'm not on any diet. This change is permanent for me and although I sure would love to wake up tomorrow at my goal weight, I really don't care if it takes another year to get there as long as I make consistent progress. And I'm 100% sure when I get to my goal weight I'll maintain it forever. I refuse not to!

    I personally would be afraid to take the medicine. First of all, I hate taking any medicine. I'm not a hippie dippie "all-natural" person but I don't think adding unnecessary medicine to your system is a great idea. I mean, I have to be in serious pain before I'll even pop an ibuprofen. :laugh: That's a personal choice, I know. I would also be afraid that I'd let myself get lazy. If I was dropping weight without much effort, I feel like I may let my old habits slip back and I'd be in a real mess whenever I had to stop taking the drugs. I wouldn't judge anyone for taking that route, but I know myself and I know it's not for me. :smile:
    I am totally a freak when it comes to medicine and I guess basically I just wanted the encouragement and I suppose cheer section from you gals to tell me I am still doing awesome because somedays I do get down but I am never giving up and yes this is a lifestyle change for me as well and I am still going to strive to do my best.Besides my mom or my sister can't run for an hour like I can now LOL>Thanks again for reminding I can do this on my own.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    WOW I am out of touch for a couple of days & there are 5 pages!
    My week has progressed like this...did absolutely no cardio at ALL this weekend, didn't count calories all weekend, it caught up to me by monday & put me back in the 220 range...I was rather pissed off at myself. Then my mom notified me on Tuesday that my grandmother had passed away that day...I attempted to go to work yesterday & lost it crying part way through the first period. I got a sub to cover my classes by lunchtime & spent some time alone and am feeling better today....i think it helped my mood that I have managed to lose the 2 lbs i gained fm the weekend & am back down to 218.25 & am vowing NEVER to go up again!
    The people at my work are somewhat surprised that the memorial service for my grandmother isn't until the last week in May...I mean she is being cremated so she'll keep...& I plan to take the rest of my bereavement time during that week...is that weird to anyone else?
    I haven't entered calories since last friday...so I am going to start again today.

    I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother.

    About the weight gain/loss. You didn't gain 2 pounds of fat and you didn't lose it again. Sounds like water retention to me. Sometimes our weight fluctuates for reasons out of our control. You shouldn't chastize yourself because of it. TOM caused me to retain 7 pounds of water this month. 7 POUNDS. I could've freaked about it & blamed it on the fact that I ate Chinese food and pizza last weekend but those things were pretty unrelated (I'm sure a couple pounds of the water retention were due to sodium but I've *never* gained 7 pounds because of sodium -- usually just 1-2 if I go absolutely nuts with sodium -- so I know TOM was the main culprit). If I had thought I gained 7 pounds because I ate Chinese food and pizza (2 slices) it would be really easy to start thinking a healthy lifestyle and losing weight is impossible. The thing is, it's not. And I've lost all that water now. I didn't lose 7 pounds of fat in 3 days just like I didn't gain 7 pounds of fat in 2. I gained and lost 7 pounds of water. It happens. It sure sounds like that's what happened to you this time and I guarantee it *will* happen again because it's not really controllable. The next time it happens just take a deep breath, watch your sodium intake (try keeping it between 1000mg and 2000mg) and chugalug some water for a few days (drinking water helps your body release retained water -- couterintuitive, I know). The weight will come right back off. :wink:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Awestfall - Here is my story with phentermine :

    I was fat child, fat teenager, going to be a fat young adult, I went to a 'NEW" doctor before my junior year in college and she suggested i be put on phentermine (wasn't the phen/phen combo, just phentermine). I started at about 220 in like july...I started taking it and I was dropping weight rapidly without doing much not thinking i was eating a whole lot but i wasn't hungry so i just didn't eat. By septermber i got down to like 165 and felt awesome, i looked great, was wearing cute clothes in regular stores , but then i started working and going out to lunch, by the time i met hubby 1 yr later i was like up to 175 -180 still not too bed, then by the time we got married 2 yrs later i was back up to over what i started around 230-240, then the rest just kept going up and up...

    sorry to ramble...but to go on what littlespy says...if you go that route don't take it for granted that the weight will just fall off..you will have to work at it or it will all come back on.

    I really contemplated on seeing about going back on it, just to get down to a better weight, but the more i thought about it i want to do this the right way if i don't i am afraid that knowing my self i will fail again and I do not want to fail.

    I am choosing a better way to eat to live...and i know i am very large and it will take me a while to loose it all but i rather loose it little by little and keep it all off than loose a lot real quick just to gain it back.

    sorry for the ramble...just my 2 cents...good luck to your choice.
    Thanks Lildebbie and Jess!! I am with you gals that it is much more rewarding to have worked hard and got the weight off that way then to pop pills and besides that I hate taking meds or giving them to my children either.Some may laugh but I believe in natural healing methods.Don't get me wrong if my child does need meds to get better I will administer but I try to do other things first.So I am sticking with what I am doing and continuing the way I have been.Besides I have busted my BUM to lose 35 pounds ON MY OWN and I am not going to change it now because I know I can lose another 35 pounds on my own too.Just needed a reminder and a pep talk THANKS GALS
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I have decided no DRUGS for me because like Istpaul said they make you shaky ! I read up on the drug and I don't like the side effects that come with it.So I am still going at it on my own but with PRIDE that I am doing it on my own with the help of all you lovely ladies.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    KDub - we had our ceremony for "Granny" really fast because she lingered long enough for the out of towners to all get back to Ohio to say goodbye. We wanted them to be able to also attend the service. Otherwise we would have likely waited until school is out so the grand kids and great grand kids could all attend. I think we're going to have an informal ceremony this summer. She was cremated Sunday and now her remains are inside a very beautiful (and drop proof) solid Cherry urn. We decided that Gramps would probably try to carry her around with him so "sturdy" was the goal when we picked out the urn. When George saw it he said "How am I going to get THAT under my pillow!?":huh:

    Kimber - we do stalk LOL! :laugh:

    Mari - how are you holding up this Thursday? Do you ever do freelance work? I'm trying to come up with a tattoo idea... and a logo for my photography business :wink:

    Awestfall - you ARE doing this! OK so you and I may not be as fast as some *coughLilSpyandChriscough* but we're getting there and we're doing it the right way! You're ON IT!:smokin: I was just looking at my numbers and I've been holding hear 180 since the end of February. I think it's time I start working the diet part and really making the hard choices.

    I wish I had ColoradoGirl here - my shoulders are so tight my whole body aches. I wonder if I burn more calories by being so tense?:ohwell:

    My co-workers took me out to lunch at Ruby Tuesdays and I didn't do as well as LilDebbie but I did look on-line before we left and knew that the best option was going to be the small sirloin steak with broccoli on the side (no potato). Now if I can just be good at our dinner party tonight! It's a Mexican theme but I think I'll just have chicken taco stuff for dinner - keep it super simple.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Awestfall - you ARE doing this! OK so you and I may not be as fast as some *coughLilSpyandChriscough* but we're getting there and we're doing it the right way!

    Um, I don't know if you've been paying attention lately, mstahl, but I'm losing about 4 pounds a month at this point. :huh: :laugh: My body has had all this fat for at least 10 years and it doesn't want to let it go!

    It's funny though because each pound makes a HUGE difference now. Before I could lose 20 pounds and still be the same dress size. Well, I've gone from a comfortable 16 barely barely squeezing into a 14 to a comfy 14 squeezing into 12s (and 10s!) in the last 9 pounds. Coincidently, it took me just as long to lose those 9 pounds as it was previously taking me to lose 20 (2 months)... :grumble:
    On that note, 9 pounds when you weigh over 200 sounds like child's play. However, with those 9 pounds I've lost 2 inches from my waist, 1.5 inches from my hips, and .5" from each thigh. :huh: So, whatever. :laugh:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    KDub Mommy,
    So sorry to hear about your grandma, keep your head up :flowerforyou:
    You do the ceremony whenever you want!!!! who cares if anybody thinks it's weird.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    LilSpy - Excellent point! I'm feeling frustraited because I've been bouncing around 180 forever - but then again I KNOW that I'm not eating right! It's not like I'm doing every thing right and can't lose more. The more I exercise the more I tend to eat (1stPaul and I have had this challenge) and then when I eat more of course I don't lose.:ohwell:

    I need to start using duct tape! Hopefully my schedule will calm down and I can better plan my meals! I really REALLY want to be down to "overweight" by the end of this month! That would mean a 10 pound loss - which is unlikely but possible! :tongue:

    180 and size 14/16 UHG!

    Tomorrow I'll walk at lunch and get some kind of workout in before I come into the office... Saturday, if it's not too stormy, I'm hoping to put in my garden! Whoot!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    KDub: so sorry to hear about your loss..hang in.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    KDub, sorry to hear about your loss. I think it makes perfect sense to do it in your own time, especially since she's going to be creamated.

    LittleSpy, you're in HR right? I'm doing/listening to a hiring training right now and it is awful. There's so much common sense stuff, like, "Be sure to get a room for your interview. Decide ahead of time if you are going to take notes by hand or on a computer. Be friendly. Show that you are listening by nodding your head." REALLY?!? Shouldn't this be common sense? Are there some people that hire other people that don't know this ridiculously basic information? So painful!
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    MStahl - Hey, thanks for asking. I'm doing pretty well today, and I hope you are too. Yes, I do frelance work. If you want examples of anything, let me know, but I really havent had any projects before. But I'd be excited to help you out if its needed. =)

    Kdub- I'm very sorry for your loss and will keep you in my thoughts. Welcome back!

    brief check in for yesterday

    Calories: maybe a little over...ate some pretzels XU
    Water: Yes
    Exercise: Skipped it. T_T I'll make it up somehow...
    Proud: ...uh hahaha, not really anything.

    I'll try to come back later for a check in too.