Over 200 New Year New Me Part 17



  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Thanks so much for the love everyone! I can't wait until more of you are there in Onederland (or 100 lbs lost land!) with me!

    This week is crazy busy at work, so very little time for posting during the day. I actually have to run and work on a presentation for tomorrow for a team conference. Nothing like starting something at 10 p.m.! I feel like I'm back in college...

    Random thoughts from what I can remember of 2 pages of posts...
    Mstahl - praying for you and your family
    LittleSpy - I'm a Planet Fitness member and it's great for the basics. There are times I miss classes, but I also have Exercise TV on demand, so I can get "classes" there. It's so cheap, it's hard to beat. Especially with summer coming....I don't want to run in 80+ degree heat, so I head to an air conditioned gym!
    Bluenote - my STL sister, you ARE going to lose those 100 pounds...and then some!

    Checking in for today:
    Calories: Under
    Water: 80 oz
    Exercise: None....and will probably be none for Tuesday and Wednesday too. Grrr...too busy at work, will try to do some walks.
    Proud: We went bowling for a fun team activity at work today (I guess that's sorta exercise) and they ordered a huge beer tower. I looked up the calories for a beer (Blue Moon - 170!) and decided that it wasn't worth it since I wasn't going to exercise. Kind of a bummer to turn down deliciousness, but it felt good to be in control of my own choices.

    Tomorrow I've got this presentation, then I'm hosting a BBQ for 25 people from work at my house. I'll be busy trying to be a good hostess, so I doubt I'll have time to eat much, but I've planned a healthy menu: BBQ chicken, roasted potatoes, grilled veggies, and salad.

    OK, off to create a killer presentation!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I am sooo miserable, i have gotten progressively worse all day long. Hubby put girls to bed and let me lay down, i laid down for a little bit but still feeel horrible.

    If this isn't strep i don't know what it is, because the only time i felt this bad before was when I had strep...I swear i feel i am going to die.

    even though i work from home, i don't think that i am working tomorrow, if i feel like i do now i know i won't be very productive.

    mstahl - My hubby is telling me about the 5 fingers shoes , that are basically like running barefoot..i just wasn't sure if that was really good to run in or not.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    OH. MY. GOD.

    I decided to wear my HRM, even though the maximum weight is 400 and I am 413. I was just curious as to what it said compared to MFP.

    OH. MY. GOD. I have been WAAAAYYYYYYYYYY overestimating my calories burned!!! :sad:
    Take for instance, tonight's bikeride, which I considered moderate. MFP told me I burned 854 calories for that ride. MY HRM said about 600!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! :noway: :noway: :noway: And there is no way it was light bike riding, because even MFP has that lower than the 600 my HRM said I burned.

    There is NO way that my extra 13 pounds could justify 254 extra calories burned, could it!?!?!? So I have been entering wrong calories burned for how long? Oh woe is me!!! :cry: :brokenheart: :cry:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Evening all,
    Checking in for today
    Calories - about 1450
    Water - 110oz +
    Exercise - 30 mins walking

    Here goes with getting through all the posts....... Warning, longest post everrrrrrrr

    Awestfall - glad you are OK, it's nice to hear from you and thanks for the new link as always and happy anniversary !!!:drinker:

    Momma - best of luck reaching your pants goal and you will rock that hill this year. I'm finding that 15lbs = 1 dress size for me, some people will be less or more, I'm sure. Don't stress if you don't drop 2 sizes by the time of your trip. Steady and slow wins the race :heart:

    Blue - congrats on winning the polkathon :laugh: :laugh: OMG about your exercise cals, who knows how many of us are being fooled!!!!! Don't let it worry you though, you are losing steadily and doing so well, now you'll just do even better but ARRRGGGHHH to MFP calorie counts!!!!:angry::grumble: :noway:

    Jess - yet another pretty dress, are you like a girl or something ?:bigsmile: ? Really cute !!!!! Have a great vacation and try to skip those fast food places on the road trip....is that even possible?!?? Mmmmm....Burgersssss. I love making my own and do them just like LittleSpy said with fnienly diced onion mixed in. It makes them sooo juicy. Sometime we crumble up feta and mix that in with the raw beef too. Once they cook the feta just melts in. :love:

    Raider Ape - congrats on the belt, that feels sooooo good

    CoGirl - waterfall and pond sound wonderful, burning a lot of calories getting those done I bet!

    Elmox - WOW !!!!!! You made it down into the world of the ones you great loser :bigsmile: Awesome job getting there so quickly. Have a fun BBQ tomorrow !!

    Jesyka - congrats on your new nephew !!!!:flowerforyou:

    Cris - sorry you can't get out of the sick section these days or your baby. I love that you had to change all of your mini goals because you finished them all WAY ahead of schedule. You kicked those mini goals butts !!!:drinker: Hope you do OK with your running once you start up again. Sometimes a rest is what the body craves and you might find your next run easier than you imagined. Fingers crossed!

    Mstahl - Thinking of you and your family. It's lovely that you and Millie and your family all had that time together at the end and she went peacefully.

    LittleSpy - Those shoes sound like they can heal the sick !!!! Bad boyfriend....he needs to quit leading you astray :grumble:

    Pos Me - sorry to hear about your health issues. I'm so proud of you that you were brave enough to share that scary news with all of us so we can all help you get past it. You have a wonderful positive attitude and you're going in the right direction. I'm sure you will be in the normal ranges in no time :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Jenn - welcome back - recipe sounds yummy !!!!

    Heather - awesome sounding hikes and explorations. I love all that stuff too. When I was in grade school we all got dressed up in period costumes and spent the day as "laborers" at a large manor house. It was so cool. I made butter and milked a cow too!! Well done on coming back down!!

    Jamie - welcome to the best group on MFP !!!!!

    Lildebbie - sound like you need some meds, you poor thing. Hope you feel better soon :heart:

    Mari - congrats on your loss last week and the exciting size news. I love being almost able to wear a size, it's so motivating

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>and so the race to 199 is on, who will it be??? JLB LittleSpy??, Jess,?? Cris??? Tune in next week.......ha ha

    Night everyone:flowerforyou:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello all..

    Still feeling cruddy, didn't sleep well at all last night., i was waking up like every hour, finally about 1 am i took some tylnol that seemed to help a little....My throat is still killing me this morning , but i think the tylnol took away some of the chills and the throbbing head...I decided to call in today, figure i wouldn't be able to focus on anything feeling this bad...I will be calling the dr at 8 when they open.

    Guess on the good side, i got on the scale this morning and it was 280.5 (i think, i remember it was 280. something). I know probably cause i am sick, i still have been trying to eat a little just to get some nourishment...hoping it will stay there when i get some meds and feel better.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Well, Bluenote, the HRM is still just a guess. Granted, it's probably a much *better* guess than some online estimator because at least it takes your heatrate into account.
    My HRM always tells me I burn MORE than MFP says for what I consider my intensity. I go with MFP now that I'm trying to eat all of my exercise calories. I want to keep my daily calorie deficit at 600-900 or so. I'm worried that I'm still not eating enough (:noway:) but I'm getting there. This would be so much easier if there wasn't so much guesswork & trial and error involved!

    Lildebbie -- hope you feel better soon! I haven't had strep since I was a pretty young kid (*knock knock knock*) but I remember how much it sucks.

    TOM is kicking my butt. It's been a long time since it hit me this hard. I went to bed at 11PM last night! :noway: Even when I have to get up at 5am for work some weekends I don't go to bed that early. But I felt that bad. And I'm so bloated it's unbelievable. I can see my stomach pooching out! And I'm up almost 5 whole pounds on the scale. BAH! :laugh: But I ran 2 miles last night anyway and I biked 8.8 miles this morning anyway. Screw you, TOM, you're not keeping me away from onderland.

    Calories: 1533. Goal was 1788 but I just didn't feel like eating any more. :frown: Sorry, body.
    Exercise: 25 minutes stationary bike; 30 minutes walking/running C25k w1d2 with intervals between 6.0-7.0mph. I tried to crank out an 8.0 for posme but I just couldn't manage it. It'll happen. :wink:
    Water: I have 17 cups logged. So, it's probably more than that thanks to my new carbonated water obsession.
    Proud: I ran & ran strong even though my uterus was trying to kill me. :tongue:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning my weight loss sisters!!!

    THE SCALE WAS AT 203.2 TODAY!!!! WOOOHOOO!! I hope it stays at least there until Friday! That would make me happy. I wont win the ONDERLAND race but I will be there oh so soon! I have to respectfully bow down to JLB who will be there by the end of the week, I can just feel it!!! :flowerforyou:

    Mari- congrats on almost fitting into those 18's, its great motivation isnt it?!
    Heather- goodness, thats a lot of stuff to do! I hope you got it all done so you can come back and stalk the thread with me!
    Pos_me- Wow on your 9.0 m,ph running! I dont care if its 60 secs or 60 mins thats AWESOME!
    Bluenote- you silly girl! Of course you can celebrate 100 lost! I have been patiently waiting for you to get there so that you can post before after pics...I am so excited for you and you are so close! 78 lost! Looks like that 75 mark was no problem at all eh?
    Mstahl- the service you planned sounds really nice, I like the idea of being able to take the flowers home to plant, I'll be thinking of you and your fmaily
    Elmox- good luck getting all that stuff done!
    Lildeb- you sound as miserable as I felt about a week ago! Get Well soon!!

    checking in for yesterday 5/3:
    calories 1140
    water- yes
    sodium- 1900
    excercise- nope
    proud- Uhm still not really

    I skipped my run yesterday because I got out of work late and I have a tour at a daycare scheduled so it wouldnt have worked out. Today I am going to make up yesterdays run (w6d3) and then do bodypump at 7pm..at least thats the plan for now! :grumble: :noway: I have to get back to the gym I have been majorly slacking, and I know that getting back into the swing of things will make me proud again....I just have to get over this mental block thats telling me I cant!

  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member

    TOM is kicking my butt. It's been a long time since it hit me this hard. I went to bed at 11PM last night! :noway: Even when I have to get up at 5am for work some weekends I don't go to bed that early. But I felt that bad. And I'm so bloated it's unbelievable. I can see my stomach pooching out! And I'm up almost 5 whole pounds on the scale. BAH! :laugh: But I ran 2 miles last night anyway and I biked 8.8 miles this morning anyway. Screw you, TOM, you're not keeping me away from onderland.

    Proud: I ran & ran strong even though my uterus was trying to kill me. :tongue:

    jlb- I find that when I have a really bad period (especially when there is a big gain during it) that I lose a lot more after its gone. Like, let's say during a normal period I gain 2 or 3lbs and am slightly bloated. I will usually lose the 2-3lbs once its over plus the 1.5lbs I would have lost that week, plus an extra lb. But when I have an exceptionally horrible TOM like the one you are describing I lose BIG like 5+....Here's hoping thats the case for you so that ONDERLAND arrives when your Aunt Flo leaves town!!! :wink: :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cris, I hope you're right! :laugh:

    When I ran last night, the pads on my feet didn't hurt this time! :bigsmile: NOTHING hurt during, after, or even now! :noway: I think I was trying too hard to have good form before. I just let my body do its thing this time and I had no problems at all! I think I'm going to be able to run as often as I want now! Sorry for all of the exclamations, I'm just excited. :laugh:

    Also, I made some more yogurt. I feel just awful straining all the whey to make thicker yogurt because I feel like it's such a waste(we don't really have anything to do with it like mstahl's hubby does). So I made a super concentrated milk by adding powdered milk into my milk as I was heating it. I added about 4 cups of fat free powdered milk to the 1/2 gallon of 1% milk (note: next time I'll use less). One other thing that I did differently was my starter yogurt was an organic vanilla flavored yogurt that was sweetened with sugar. Because I'm an idiot & I don't pay enough attention at the grocery store. :laugh: The yogurt thickened up really fast but I let it go for a good 14-15 hours to get good & yogurty. It's pretty thick and tastes like a cottage cheese/yogurt hybrid which is actually really really delicious! I hope to get a better texture next time (it's a little lumpy) so I'm going to use less powdered milk & maybe strain it a little & see how that works. But, this batch is good (my bf actually raved about it) and has about 80 calories & 7grams of protein per 1/2 cup.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Littlespy - Sorry TOM is so rough this month....hope an end is insight soon for you...way to kick TOM but thought

    chris - good luck with the day care..i know how finding a good day care can be such a pain. We really do like the one we are at, but when we move next summer we will have to change and I will have to find one all over, but by them my little one will be in Pre-k, so only 1 year in one before just after school care.
    WTG on 203.2, you may not hit onderland this week, but you will definetly hit next :smile: :smile:

    I have an appt at 9:45 hope she gives me some good meds and i feel better asap.

    I am soo excited (well i don't want to get too excited, since I am sick ) but i just got on the scale before my shower, and it was 279.5...yes that was a 27...I haven't seen a 27 in about almost 3 years. I know it might go back up once i feel better, but was very very nice to see that.
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope everyone is having a good week. I'm a few days behind on checkins.

    My BL weigh in did not go well today. I am up another 0.2 lb. :grumble: Last week was 0.8, so that makes 1 lb gained back after 5 lb loss the first week. I'm letting my team down! I do feel like I am shrinking though, my jeans are not as tight. And I did my 1 mile run test on Sunday to see how far I've progressed cardio wise (we had to do 1 mile test, 1 min pushup test, and 1 min situp test on the first day). After about 3 weeks, I cut my 1 mile time down from 15:45 to 14:33, so that was good. But the scale is really not reflecting it! It sucks too because the scale has been going down on other days, but it's like my body sabotages me on Monday night. :explode: :laugh:

    Today our BL workout was in the mind/body studio at my gym, which is where they have the yoga and pilates normally. We did our first workout with the stability balls. Man, am I glad that there's only us in there. We had to do these planks where we got on the ball on our stomachs and walked forward on our hands until the ball was below our knees, and then do pushups like that, and then do it in reverse to get back up. There is just NO graceful way to get on and off those balls! :laugh:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    :frown: Good Morning Ladies!!! We are off to a good start in May it sounds like!! :flowerforyou:

    Checking in from 5/3/10

    Calories - Over by 88 (Not too bad)
    Sodium - Over by 518
    Water - 100 oz or so
    Exercise - Not much
    Proud - Learning some healthier recipes for burgers! Can't wait to try them. BTW I tried the frozen grapes, they are sooooo GOOD!!! Thanks for sharing!!

    Well this morning instead of wearing jeans I put on a pair of slacks. That is a huge thing for me. I am allowed to wear what ever we want to work and so I ALWAYS wear jeans because they are so much more comfortable. The slacks are always so tight and not much room to move and I don't really have money to go by bigger sizes. But this morning I bit my lip and tried on a pair of slacks and they fit!! Even a little loosely too!! I was so excited! I am on my way to being in the smaller pant sizes. :love:

    Lildebbie & Cris - Hope you two feel better soon! It sucks being sick and not feeling productive.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Just took my measurements- havent lost any inches since 4/16 :sad: :sad: :brokenheart:

    I guess that was only 2 weeks ago but still a bummer...I wish I had measured myself in the beginning....newbies I def recommend taking measurements!

    miranda- sorry about your BL weigh in....its bound to go down soon! I have mine otninght...kinda nervous since I havent worked out at all!

    raider- congrats on the pants!

    lildeb- I really hate all daycare right now, Im having a hard time finding a replacement. Ugh..thanks for thinking of me!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I haven't caught up on posts - just wanted to stop by, bump this new one onto my lists and let you all know that Millie passed away on Saturday, with all of us around her. She was beautiful until the end - when her (snobby) sister in law stopped by that morning we where all impressed at how Millie has a smoother face and better color than her SIL, while on her death bed! (and we told her that as soon as SIL left - I think Millie heard us). She was able to talk to us through Thursday AM, and she responded to touch and voice up into Friday night. The palliative care nurses kept her comfortable, increasing her morphine as her pain increased. It's nice to know she wasn't hurting.

    Now we have to work to make sure George is as OK as a 92 yr. old widower can be. He's been with Millie for 75 years (married for 71). He's like a little lost sheep.

    (sorry so depressing)

    I didn't do bad, ate lots and lots of apples. Friday night we went to Ray's Place with Ken's kids (they came in from CA and GA to be here) and I did OK, half a turkey Reuben and some sweet potato fries, and a big tall beer :ohwell:

    Oh- Millie was an alcoholic - the cute little old lady kind that seemed able to keep it from messing up her life. I brought a bottle of good Gin to the hospital and swabbed out her mouth with it a few times instead of the boring lemon water. She would clamp her lips down on the Gin and suck it off the sponge- there was a definite look of delight on her face! That was my little rebellious reaction to death.

    mstahl - so sorry about your mother-in-law Millie, I hope your father-in-law is doing ok. It was good that your were all there - for her and for you. I liked your rebellion for her. Take care.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    whew! Just skimmed through all the posts for the last few days. I was once again MIA for the weekend ... we were out of town so at least I had a good excuse. I didn't track, but did well with exercise and I think I did ok with eating. I weighed in when I got home and I'm down 1 pound since last week ... I was very happy with that since the scale hasn't been moving for me - now I will hopefully be able to keep it off and keep going.
    elmox: congrats on being in onederland!
    lildebbie: I hope they give you some good drugs! your immune system must be down right now. Take care of yourself!
    I had many more things I was going to comment on ... but have of course forgotten them all by now. :ohwell:

    My 16-yr-old daughter is taking her driver's license test this afternoon. I'm a little irked because she is insisting that her dad get off work early and take her, instead of having me take her (which would make much more sense since he works over an hour from home and will have to leave work a lot earlier than I would). I think she enjoys having a little power trip because she knows it bugs me when she wants her dad to do something instead of me. Teenage daughters can be such a pain! But I've got to count to 10 and remember that I was worse as a teenager, and I am the adult and need to just get over it. But it still hurts my feelings a bit. :frown: She and I are also tussling because she has a summer job lifeguarding and being an assistant swim instructor - but she wants to only sign up for 7 hours a week of work! I told her that I was working 40 hours a week in the summer when I was 16 and I think she should be shooting for at least 20 hours a week to be worth our paying for the insurance on her car. But then she 'wouldn't have any time to hang out with friends or do anything fun!' ::huh: Yeah right! I told her dad that he has to talk to her because I'm ALWAYS the bad guy ... no wonder she prefers to have her dad do stuff with her. I'm a little cranky today if you can't tell.:grumble:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Wow lots of posts to read up on! I think I'm caught up! Not too sure. Was feeling frustrated this morning due to boy issues. I think it's gonna be okay. I'm learning to speak my mind and let people know what's up and where I stand! Pretty proud of myself actually! :bigsmile: On a happy note I weighed at 213.8 this morning!! So close to 50 pounds!! Tomorrow's my last day to weigh in before my trip. My family might look at me like I'm nuts if I take my scale with me! Plus I don't want it to get damaged. I want to hit 50 pounds lost before I leave soooooooooo bad! And that's AFTER mexican food last night. I think I'm getting the hang of all of this!! Also, thank you for all the copmliments with the dress. I think I'm becoming sorta girly! :laugh: That's the dress I wore to the opera and thought I would share it with y'all!

    Cris-My measurements have slowed down as well, but the weight loss hasn't. It must be coming off of somewhere else. I hope mines coming off my back. I hate back fat! Good luck finding a daycare! It's hard to find a place that you think is good enough for your precious one! 203! WOW!! I see onderland in your very near future!

    LittleSpy-Can't wait to see what you weigh in after TOM leaves. ONEDERLAND HERE YOU COME! Sop glad the barefoot running and new style is working out for you. I was paying attention to my running the other morning. Pretty sure I already run on the balls of my feet. That's how I was taught in softball when I was a kid.

    Miranda-Sounds like you have been doing lots of strength training as well. That's probably why you haven't seen a loss. I bet you will see a big one in the up coming week. Keep your head up. You're doing great!

    Lildebbie-Hope you get to feeling better! Let us know what the doctor says!

    raierape-Congrats on fitting into the slacks! Amazing feeling!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Wow you gals are super chatty this morning!! Thanks for all the anniversary wishes!! I had a great weekend despite Friday my weight was up its back down this morning even after going out to dinner yesterday with my hubby.I made great choices and drank tons of water.221 this morning!! Now I need to get my butt in gear and get out of the 200's completely.I think I have finally figured out that I don't have to sacrifice the foods I love I just have to eat smaller portions of them and make sure not to go back for more.I love much healthier foods now anyways and have replaced many of the bad foods I used to eat with much healthier choices.Some good news to share-My size 16's are getting to big but I am holding out for just a bit longer until I get 14's.
    Mstahl-I am so sorry for your loss!!! You and your family will continue to be in my prayers!! I am sure Millie is watching over you all from HEAVEN!!
    Cris-Wow 50 POUNDS !!! YOU GO GIRL!!
    Bluenote-You are so close to 100 pounds lost you should post some pics girl I bet you look amazing!!
    Jess- Love the new dress
    Pos-If you keep my butt in gear I will keep yours in gear.My husband had high cholestrol as well but he is off of his meds now after losing 40 pounds.So keep it up we can do this and we are.
    Momma- Glad you got your motivation back and I see your ticker is moving in the right direction
    LittleSpy-Wow you are so close to 70 pounds lost !! You are such an inspiration to me and I am sure many others.YOU LOOK GREAT!!
    Elmox-Congrats on being in Onderland!!!!
    Meook-Thanks for checking up on me and the anniversary wishes.
    I am sure I forgot quite a few but these were the ones I remembered.Sorry if I offended anyone or hurt there feelings for not remembering.WISH YOU ALL THE BEST MAY EVER!! LETS DO THIS!!
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Got to get busy at work, but wanted to check in really quick!! Will have to read all the posts later, but hope everyone is doing good!!

    Calories - Under my calories with my exercise calories added in
    Exercise - Good, trying to walk every day at work and then workout when I get home. The walk is really good 1st half up a huge hill, and I feel it getting easier every time. Then did 35 minutes on my elliptical at home.

    Proud - I am proud that I have been doing my walking and working out for a couple weeks now and haven't stopped.

  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Morning girls :)

    It's nice today...not hot or sticky...thank goodness...might take a walk after food shopping :)

    Mstahl: the ceremony sound nice..especially taking some kind of selvener to plant as rememberence…touching!

    Litspy, Cris, and litdeb : Hope you are feeling much better today :)

    Litspy: I feel so sorry that you had run especially in your condition…once you get better; I think you will top my speed
    Before I forget litspy, did you use the powder (fat-free) milk with the whey? Interesting..I might have to try that since I just throw it out..and feel guilty doing it. Thanks.

    Cris: you are so close to the 100s..I am pumped and game on…you and Litspy and Jess..are not leaving me in the dust…I ready for action..lol…Is that enough motivation to get you back to the gym :)

    Bluenote: congrats on your recent weight loss…you are closer to 100…a celebration is needed soon.
    Elmox: Hope your presentation turns out – outstanding

    Irandamay: sorry to hear about the weight gain, a suggestion ( if you don’t mind) that might help you – lower your sodium intake the day before and the day of weigh in…I find that if I had a high sodium meal ( even though I am low on calories or fat) I end up gain a pound or two just from sodium.. It’s only an option – give it a try – it might help..
    Also, don’t let the scale determine how you feel inside..you might be building muscles and muscle weighs more that fat…so take this week’s challenge and measure yourself..you’ll be surprised.

    Raider: Congrats in fitting your “new” slacks..another reason to become motivated..a whole new wardrobe within your closet..lol

    Jess: I like the girly dress..so cute _:)

    As for me, I took my measurements and I lost half an inch to an inch everywhere except my bust…I lost 2 inches in my bust..i did notice they are as out there as they use to be..lol
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Before I forget litspy, did you use the powder (fat-free) milk with the whey? Interesting..I might have to try that since I just throw it out..and feel guilty doing it. Thanks.

    I actually put the powdered milk into the 1% milk I was using. It made the yogurt a lot thicker so it didn't need to be strained. But it's a little lumpy. :huh: It's not too bad and I don't mind it, I'm just warning you! :laugh: I think I'll use less powdered milk next time & see what happens. I've thought about just sticking the yogurt in my food processor to delumpify it but I guess it doesn't bother me enough to warrant doing all that.