Over 200 New Year New Me Part 17



  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Duh, I forgot to add.....

    Bluenote- Thanks for believing in me and reminding me of my hard work thus far.:heart:
    Raider- That's so exciting about your belt!!! Congrats!!!:drinker: I tried on a belt that I used to wear in college and it was no where near fitting, I didnt know I was that small in college! My goal is to have it fit again! Great job and congrats again!:flowerforyou:
    Elmox- YAY!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!! We love having a member cross over into ONDERLAND!!! Great job! :drinker:

    Jess- you are right! The race is on.....I think jlb is next but I am gonna try to beat her to it, hehe I think that will push her a little harder...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I sorry I know Im a posting fool...

    pos-me- Thanks for the pep talk! I guess its anoying me that I worked so hard to get my endurance to a certain level but now I feel like Im starting all over. But I guess I have to listen to my body and hope it cooperates as I try to get back into my routine. Dont worry, I am not going anywhere..just needed a pity party I suppose :wink:

    cogirl- Wow, your pond sounds fantastic...please please come do our yard! It really needs help!!!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I haven't caught up on posts - just wanted to stop by, bump this new one onto my lists and let you all know that Millie passed away on Saturday, with all of us around her. She was beautiful until the end - when her (snobby) sister in law stopped by that morning we where all impressed at how Millie has a smoother face and better color than her SIL, while on her death bed! (and we told her that as soon as SIL left - I think Millie heard us). She was able to talk to us through Thursday AM, and she responded to touch and voice up into Friday night. The palliative care nurses kept her comfortable, increasing her morphine as her pain increased. It's nice to know she wasn't hurting.

    Now we have to work to make sure George is as OK as a 92 yr. old widower can be. He's been with Millie for 75 years (married for 71). He's like a little lost sheep.

    (sorry so depressing)

    I didn't do bad, ate lots and lots of apples. Friday night we went to Ray's Place with Ken's kids (they came in from CA and GA to be here) and I did OK, half a turkey Reuben and some sweet potato fries, and a big tall beer :ohwell:

    Oh- Millie was an alcoholic - the cute little old lady kind that seemed able to keep it from messing up her life. I brought a bottle of good Gin to the hospital and swabbed out her mouth with it a few times instead of the boring lemon water. She would clamp her lips down on the Gin and suck it off the sponge- there was a definite look of delight on her face! That was my little rebellious reaction to death.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    elmox -- congratulations!!! That's such an exciting thing! I will probably cry when I get there, just because.. well, I've never really seen my weight start with a 1 (I mean, obviously I did when I was a little kid, but it didn't mean anything to me then).
    cris -- boooo to being sick, I hope your family feels better soon. I have a feeling you will beat me to onederland because TOM just started full force (yeah, apparently he needed 2.5 days to really warm up) and you guys don't even want to know what the scale is saying to me right now. :laugh:
    posme -- I got my shoes Thursday night & I love them. I've done 2 2 mile runs and some dancing & circuit training in them so far. They're taking some getting used to but every time I wear them they're more comfortable. My patellar tendinitis is GONE! I had been in chronic pain for 3 weeks and all it took was changing my running form to get it to go away. :smile: I didn't have to whimper climbing the stairs at work this morning for the first time in nearly a month. :laugh:

    I'm not even going to check in for yesterday. It would be a guess anyway. I keep letting my darn boyfriend talk me into very bad food choices on the weekends. At least I'm eating very small portions of the bad stuff and not carrying it over into the week.

    I tried 3 new workout videos yesterday. I enjoyed all of them so I think I'm going to start using ExTV OD more often to workout just to switch stuff up more. I'm also still planning to join Planet Fitness but I haven't been by there to see when they're opening. I think at the end of May. It's a bare bones gym so I won't have classes or anything like that, but having all the different cardio & weight training equipment to use will be nice.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    mstahl- I am so sorry. I hope you find solace in the fact that you and your family were able to be with her during her last few minutes and that you were able to make her good bye peaceful and enjoyable. God bless you.

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    mstahl-I'm so very sorry to hear about your loss. Glad you and the family were able to be with her. Hope you can help ease George into his new lifestyle. My heart is with you and your family.

    Cris-You just can't catch a break with you and your family being healthy. Sounds like your son is bringing home lots of germs from the daycare. I hope you are able to find him a better place soon. Then you can all 3 be in good health together! I agree with easeing back into your workout routine. I'm going to have to do that after I get back from my vacation I feel. I struggle with the 25 minute run currentley. It's giong to kill me when I come back home. Espeically after 5 days of eating out and all the cheese, oh my!! :bigsmile:

    LitlteSpy-I guess if TOM going to hold off for you it's going to get ya with a beating! I did the biggest loser last chance workout dvd this morning, it's been so long since I have done strength training it nearly killed me! By the last circuit I was laying on the ground! :sick: So glad you are likeing your new shoes!

    ColoradoGirl-Your pond sounds amazing! I don't have a house but if I ever buy one you are more then welcome to come help with the yard! HAHA! Glad to see you around and trying to stay on track!

    2 work days, 1 day off and then I'm headed to Wisconsin! WOOHOO!! I'm ready for a vacation!! I'm trying something new this week. I'm going to start eating my exercise calories. I want to shoot for eating net 1200 calories! I usually eat 1200 and no exercise cals. Lets hope for th best!

    P.S. Did Heather weigh in last week? I don't think I saw her!

    Let's make May a fantastic month! Lets all work our butts off and see how much weight we can loss all together!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Oh Heather where are youuuuuuuuuuu....I dont think she would leave us so she must have had something going on Friday that she couldnt come and weigh in...Let's give her til this afternoon to check in then we'll start the stalking! :wink:

    Jess- I am attempting week6 day 3 today, I am really scared but I am going to keep in mind that you are ahead of me and hopefully I can push through again :laugh: :laugh: I need a vacation too, I might ask my parents to watch the lil guy next Friday or something so I can freaking sleep past 7am!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Mstahl: I am so sorry to hear about your loss...My thoughts and prayer are with you and your family in this sad time.

    Cris: sorry to hear your family is sick...I think you need to find a different daycare..hope you find a great one soon

    jess: omg, in 3 days you are leaving us to go Wisconsin..Have a safe and enjoyable vacation...I will miss you :(

    Litspy: nice to hear you LOVE your new shoes..and before you know it you will be back to weighloss mode...don't stress about the gain. And it's nice to hear you ate smaller portions of you favorite meals...My hubby, every weekend, tries to persuade me into eating not so healthy meals...sometimes it works ( and i will eat a few bites) but sometimes i stick to my guns and say NO because my health is much more important than those unhealthy foods.

    I went to the doctor a couple of days ago ( for my allergies) and my blood results were ready so the doc wanted to talk to me about a couple of issues...well to my suprise the doctor said i have high cholesterol and on the verge of diabetes..because both run deep in both sides of my family ( my mother and all my uncles and aunts have diabetes and cholesterol and so does my father's side..but my father doesn't have dibetes) the scareed the living daylights out of me...I don't want to be one of those people who has to inject insulin every day ( which is what my mother does) and i don't want to rely on medication...I want to change with diet and exercise and not with medication...I made a vow to myself ( because i don't want to be a victim) that within 6 months ( that is when i go back for my blood testing) my results will be better than they have ever been..
    Never did i think i would ever get high cholesterol and dibetes especially becasue i hve been eating right and exercising for the past year...and especially at my age 31y/o...but this will give me the motivation to work 10 times harder than i have ever worked...Here is for the month of May...I will fight this...for myself, my kids and my family...
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-You are going to end week 6 with a bang and a sense of accomplishment! I know it! You can do it!

    POS Me-That is pretty scary I can imagine hearing that. My family is known for diabetes as well. This was just the motivation you were looking for! Get it girl! I will be leaving Thursday morning at 4 AM to make the drive to Wisconsin. I'll be in the car for about 22 hours each way. I was hoping to have a computer to use but I don't think that's going to be it. I will have my iPhone so I can still stalk but probably not long messages. I don't have the patience for that! LOL

    So. I broke down and had McDonalds this morning for breakfast. I feel like I want to pass out I'm so sleepy now. This is what fast food does to people!! Where is my protein and fiber! I made the wrong choice today! GRR!! :explode:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    pos_me- Im sorry about your bad news. It seems like you have a great plan in place to avoid making this an ugly cycle for your fmaily. We will be here to support you every step of the way

    Jess- I need to go look up quotes to get me pumped up for the run. I need all the motivation I can get! As for your bfast...dont dwell on it. It was a bad choice now get over it and move on! (Im not going to lie, I want one now too)

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I was doing so well! I didn't stop for it and then my manager called "Who wants McDonalds!?" It was like someone was telling me to just go ahead and eat it. So I did. I don't feel guilty cause I'm still good with my lunch and dinner choices and what not. Now I'm just sooo tired I can't stay awake. My body is so use to having lots of protein and fiber by now! It wasn't tha good. So not worth it! :laugh:
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Hi guys, sorry I am been MIA. I have been tracking my calories and exercise on another site, so I don't make it here as much. I have been doing well with exercise, not perfect on calories, but still a deficit and haven't lost in the last 2 weeks. I am thinking joining the gym and hitting it hard for the last 2 weeks may have an impact on the numbers. I feel better, but I wish the scale would cooperate.

    I found a new diet dessert treat. Banana ice cream :) You basically take over ripe bananas, peel, cut, and freeze. Then throw them in a blender. I added a little peanut butter, and a dash of cocoa powder and it was super yummy! Here is where I found the recipe - http://www.thekitchn.com/thekitchn/tips-techniques/stepbystep-instructions-for-oneingredient-ice-cream-097170
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    mstahl, so sorry to hear about Millie.

    Cris, Jess, and Littlespy, I look forward to seeing you girls enter onderland. I know it will be soon you guys are awesome.

    Jenn, glad to see you back. I am sure those numbers will move soon. Thanks for the recipe

    Okay Ladies, I actually feel pretty motivated today. I am up and have energy. I plan to do a quick workout then breakfast (it is only 8:30 here) Then I am going to go get my tires rotated. After that I have some housework and yard work I would like to get done. Then lunch, a quick workout after lunch. Then children taxi service. Prepare dinner go to Kinderfacts with Ryan then come home eat the dinner I prepared for everyone and then finally relax around7:30/8:00. Who says stay at home mom's life'
    s are boring? Maybe not super exciting but never boring. I love it!!! But I do so look forward to summer vacation!!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Thanks Jess and Cris for your inspiration words:heart::flowerforyou: ..it was too much to hear those words from teh doctor...it was hard to swallow but i am not going to dwell on it i will use it to push myself harder than ever before...my diet was not bad..but i did eat more than a oz of cheese somedays..so i have to lay off the cheese, eggs (except whites) sugar( which i stopped a while back), and red meat ( not a big fan) so anything that has saturated fat...Wish me luck!

    Jess: are you in a zombie (sp?) state??? that is what high fat food does to you. The good thing is your body is not use too all the junk food..don't dwell on it. Just drink lots of water and hopefully you will be back to normal by noonish..

    Cris: I know you will do the c25k...so will I...well restarting it back from teh beginning..lord help me :)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, ladies!

    Thanks for noticing my absence and thanks to those of you who "stalked" me!

    Friday was a crazy hectic day at the office, so I didn't even have a chance to attempt to check in. It was one thing after another and I tried to access MFP from my Blackberry a few times during the weekend but it didn't work. Oh, well, new week. My weight for Friday was 192.6, but it's a re-loss from what I had gained back, so count me for 0% lost.

    mstahl: I'm sorry to hear Millie passed, but she is no longer in pain. It's so wonderful that you were there for her in her last moments and let her have a few last sips of gin. Gotta love it! Rest in peace, Millie! Poor George must be heartbroken without her. I can't imagine what it would be like to lose someone you've been with for 75 years.

    Okay, so here's the run down of my weekend.
    Friday: Laundry and mom's homemade fajitas. Yum!

    Saturday: Shopping during the afternoon, which included buying a dress to go to dinner in Saturday night. The dress is super cute but unfortunately the shoes I got to go with it were horrendously uncomfortable and will be returned to Target tomorrow. Grr. Now I have to find new shoes to go with the dress, but at least the dress was comfortable. We went to dinner at Fogo De Chao and Cris, you were not kidding! That place is amazing and dangerous all at once! My boyfriend said he finally knows exactly how much meat it takes to fill him up. Yum!

    Sunday: More state park exploring. We started with a 4.2 mile hike at Whitewater State Park. The trail we took was the longest and most difficult one the park offered and the estimated time was 3.5 hours. Of course, we're awesome so we did it in 2 hours, 15 minutes! To be honest, we didn't even think it was that hard!

    We then headed to Forestville State Park and wandered around the old "ghost" town. It used to be a milling town in the mid 1800s, but it was a bit disappointing since I expected there to be more buildings; there were only four. The do re-enactments during the summer, though, so we may go back when they're doing that. The neatest part of the park is that the bridge built in 1880 is still standing and up until the past few months was still used daily for vehicle traffic. Now it's only open for pedestrian traffic.

    Next, we headed to extreme southeast Minnesota to Beaver Creek Valley State Park, which was small and pretty boring. It had a small suspension bridge over the creek/river, but only offered camping, fishing and a limited amount of hiking. We didn't hike there because it was raining.

    On the way home, we were driving along when we small an adorable stone country church. I spotted a historical marker sign by the door, so we swung in. The church was an old Luthern church and construction started on it in 1863 but was stopped during the Civil War and finished once the war was over. It was a beautiful church and the cemetery had several very old looking headstones, so we wandered around and found headstones for people who were born in the 1700s. It was amazing to me. One of the headstones was that of a Civil War veteran and many had inscriptions in Norwegian as that's where those who built the church originated. It was absolutely amazing to me and so beautiful. The county line is directly in the center aisle of the church because the two communities/counties wanted to live together in harmony and therefore built the church there together. How awesome is that??

    I'll say the eating wasn't great this weekend, but the experiences were!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Oops, I have one more thing to add. (I'm making up for lost time).

    When I went to the gyno for my annual appointment on Thursday, she was impressed and happy about my weight loss. Anway, I wanted to share that she said women shouldn't go below 1500 calories per day. I told her I had read 1200 and she said, "nope, stay with at least 1500"
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Heather- Welcome back! Mmmm fogo do chao!! I am drooling...thanks! My brother really wants us to go there for mother's day this Sunday so I may have a cheat day....omg now im so hungry!

    Sounds like you had an awesome weekend! I loved your story about the church the most. I love that historic stuff, american history was my faovrite class in HS and I love being able to experience stuff like that in person
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: I know! My boyfriend and I are obsessed with finding the historically significant places in our state. Next weekend (May 14th), my sister and I are taking a roadtrip to Overland Park, KS for my cousin's grad party and I can't wait to do some research to find historical places on the way there. My sister doesn't have a clue as to what she's getting into by taking a road trip with me!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-That's the second time I have heard that as well. Did she say if it was 1500 base or net?
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Was wondering if I could join your group???
