Over 200 New Year New Me Part 17



  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning!!!

    So I have bad news and tonz of good news! I'll start out with the bad..at my BL weigh in yesterday I showed a gain of 0.8lbs. I was embarrassed...but I wasnt too upset about it. Usually before the weigh in I try to slow down my water consumption since its at 5pm and Ive been eating and drinking all day. Well yesterday I ate some peanuts before going in so I could get some protein in my body and I was soooo thirsty so I chugged like 2 bottles of water (28oz!) I assume that had something to do with it :laugh:

    Anyway, on to the good news! This morning I wore my old size 14 jeans into work. They are still a little snug but wearable. A size 14 is the smallest pant size I've worn as an adult and it blows my mind that if I keep this up I may fit into 12s one day! I am a big pear shape and uhm my hiney is HUGE so I tend to have to wear bigger jeans anyway, a size 12 for me would be AMAZING! Remember, at 180lbs I was still in a 14 :frown: Ok so the other good news is that I weighed myself this morning and the scale said 202, so I was in shock and weighed again it said 202.4, then I weighed again 3 more times and they all said 201.6!!!! ARGH ONDERLAND IS SO CLOSE!!! It really pumps me up to work harder...and it looks like I am out of my excercise funk. I was able to do c25k w6d3 and bodypump yesterday!!!

    meook- lol about your sodium post..what happened?!

    lildeb- I used Robert Urleys podcast up until week 5 and I hated it.:laugh: I cant stand techno, but its easier than timing yourself. Jess told me to buy an app for c25k that allows you to choose your own music and I LOVE IT! I think I would have quit by now without it.

    Jess- Great job on the spin class! Are you sure you only burned 500 some calories? A 60 min spin class should burn close to 800+ I think I burned over 800 in 50 mins because my heart rate got so high. (I only put like 500 on MFP though to be safe) Anyway, great job! Your butt will only hurt the first few classes then it gets used to it

    JLB- That's so cute that you are getting hit on so frequently. No wonder your BF is going crazy and wanting babies..he wants to get you before someone else does!

    Pos me- WOW ON THE MEDIUM! Thats so grat...clothes fitting is much more important than the scale, Id rather look good in my clothes then have a low number on the scale!

    So yesterday was makeover day on BL (i wont spoil it for those that DVRed) but I cried like a baby again just knowing how hard it is to shop when you re overweight and how miserable it is. I still havent gone shopping for new stuff, I am scarred for life...I cant do it :sad:

    Ok I am done sorry for the long post

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Lilspy - That is awesome that you could fit into a 10. Even if it doesn't fit quite the way you want it to it will soon enough. I haven't EVER fit into a size 10. I think the smallest was a size 12! Maybe one day I will be able to say that I can fit into a 10, that would be AWESOME!!! :love:

    Trust me, I have NEVER fit into a 10 either. I wore elastic pants until I was 11 (seriously -- those horrible stirrup pants. Ugh, it was the late 80s/early 90s). When I was 11, I was a size 11/12. I seem to recall having a size 10 skort (oh yes, a skort) when I was in 7th grade.... but um, yeah, I was in 7th grade. I don't think I even had my period yet when I could wear that thing, let alone these birthin' hips! :laugh:

    But in all honesty, I'm in a very comfy 14 now (I like my pants loose... I wear them pretty low). And I haven't been this size since I was 13-14. I was a 14-18 in high school and an 16-20 in college and an 18-22 since I've been out of college until these last few months.

    Sorry I'm so enthusiastic. I feel like it's really annoying. But I don't know who else would understand my excitement more than you all.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    ok I am NOT done!!!!

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories- 1120 (too low, especially with all the excercise I did..but I got home so late!)
    water- yes
    sodium- 1215 (woohoo!)
    excercise- completed wk6d3 of c25k (yes I ran for 25mins!..ok 'jogged') and did 30 mins of bodypump
    proud- that I am back in the game!!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Lilspy - That is awesome that you could fit into a 10. Even if it doesn't fit quite the way you want it to it will soon enough. I haven't EVER fit into a size 10. I think the smallest was a size 12! Maybe one day I will be able to say that I can fit into a 10, that would be AWESOME!!! :love:

    Trust me, I have NEVER fit into a 10 either. I wore elastic pants until I was 11 (seriously -- those horrible stirrup pants. Ugh, it was the late 80s/early 90s). When I was 11, I was a size 11/12. I seem to recall having a size 10 skort (oh yes, a skort) when I was in 7th grade.... but um, yeah, I was in 7th grade. I don't think I even had my period yet when I could wear that thing, let alone these birthin' hips! :laugh:

    But in all honesty, I'm in a very comfy 14 now (I like my pants loose... I wear them pretty low). And I haven't been this size since I was 13-14. I was a 14-18 in high school and an 16-20 in college and an 18-22 since I've been out of college until these last few months.

    Sorry I'm so enthusiastic. I feel like it's really annoying. But I don't know who else would understand my excitement more than you all.

    you are not annoying at all! You are an absoulte inspiration to us all, it makes us all feel like we can be in your shoes someday too! We love that you share! And we are sooo happy for you! Yes, we do understand the excitement and we want it too!!!!

    Love ya girlie!
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Jess - way to go on the spin class, I really ought to take one too. I'll have to see if my gym offers them.

    Little spy - size 10's? omg. I wish I was in your position! lol Though I've never even touched a pair of 14's let alone 10's my whole life. Though its coming off so well, who knows what size I can attain? Its all so exciting. And now I cant wait to get my 5 finger shoes. And to be honest, I've been big so long I dont know how to respond to flirting either. I hope I'm not too negative when people start asking me for my phone number too. Ugh, I wouldn't have known what to do in your situation! But its still kind of awesome that it happened :laugh:

    Cris - 14's? congrats! I cant wait untill I can wear them too. I think that's where I may end up if I keep losing but not for a long time..I've got big hips too

    Everyone else - Keep pushing, ladies! love yall!

    Okay time for my check in...

    Calories: Probably over a little...I caved to a late-night peanutbutter and honey sandwich, though my calories said "under"
    Water: Great
    Exercise: an hour of cleaning, hardcore :smokin:
    Proud: Uhm..lets see...I dunno, I'm proud I cleaned up the house? Gosh it was getting bad :laugh: It was an average day. But I am proud I forced myself to log my bad snack even though I didnt want to.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Anyway, on to the good news! This morning I wore my old size 14 jeans into work. They are still a little snug but wearable. A size 14 is the smallest pant size I've worn as an adult and it blows my mind that if I keep this up I may fit into 12s one day!

    Hey, didn't MARILYN MONROE wear a size 14?! :wink: (I'm not even going to mention that a vintage size 14 is like a modern 6-8. :laugh: SHHHHH. We're the same size as MM.)
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    I am back!!! WAHOO!!!! man i really need to stay on track. I just have been really off lately...yesturday I went through my closet and i got rid of any clothes that were ripped or did not fit. And some of my clothes that are tight i decided to keep in the back of my closet (its a walk-in closet) and when i lose some wieght they should fit fine. And then the front of the closet has the clothes that fit. There arent many clothes in my closet anymore because i havent got rid of clothes since middle school and I was like wow when i found some of my things. I still have one more drawer to go to and then i will have gotten rid of half my clothes. Great...my closet will be empty but at least i will know what fits and what doesnt. I plan on getting new clothes in 3 months so i hope to go down a couple sizes. .............Anyway.....I got to go use the rest room so that is what im going to do. I hope to keep getting on....bye loves.
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    So apparently MFP hates my firefox web browser because it would NOT let me load the page just kept screwing up :( So I'm seriously behind on posts but I did try to catch up on the end of them.

    Everyone is doing awesome :D I'll check in again later!~
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Today is my first offical day of vacation! Woohooo!! And man do I hurt from spin class! It's going to make cleaning the bathroom fun today. We leave for Wisconsin bright eyed and bushy tailed tomorrow!

    Cris-ahhhh soooo close to wonderland! I screamed when I read that!! And I wore my HRM and it said 568. I don't think it was as high as it should be because I didn't push myself to the limit. I had done strength training the day before and my legs were super sore! So I didn't do a whole lot with the resistance. Next time I plan to push myself to the max! Sorry about your weigh in. I"m sure the water and everything had something to do with it. You will rock next week!

    POS Me-Wow a medium that's so awesome!!

    Rena Kay-Welcome back! Glad you are back on track.

    LitlteSpy-Your overly excitedness (Is that even a word!?) is not annoying. It keeps us all motivated. I love hearing how everyone is successful!

    Jesyka-Hope you are able to post soon! We sure miss hearing from you.

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I forgot to let everybody know I took my measurements..

    Thighs: 3 inches
    Hips: 1 inch
    Waist: 1 1/2 inches

    I quit measuring my bust. That never shrinks anymore! As much as I wish it would!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Jess- I didnt wear a HRM my first class because I didnt have one at that point but I also wasnt able to do the whole resistance and all that so I am sure I burned right around 600 cals too. I was amazed by how much more I could do by my 2nd and 3rd class! Keep going back, I swear it gets easier and less painful!

    JLB- Just so you know that you are NOT annoying :laugh: I think one of the best things you have done for me is keep me motivated and believing that I could do it. I remember when I started c25k and I was like "I cant do this, I weigh 240lbs" but then I thought about you and how YOU were able to do it and you weighed about the same as I did...so I couldnt use it as an excuse. Now here I am in week 7! I would never have made it this far without you. I've also been trying to play catch up with you, I almost had you at one point then I hit the plateau :wink: Trying to catch up to you keeps me going! I love that you are so successful because it makes me want to be there too! Not to mention all your great tips on whats worked for you and what hasnt, recipe ideas, etc. Just wanted to share everything you've done for me!!:flowerforyou: :happy: :bigsmile:
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Well I tried to address some people but I guess my posts always get skipped over. :cry:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Cris - I am right there with you on BL last night...I was in tears. Sorry about the .8 ++ but great on the size 14

    Littlspy - YOU ARE NOT ANNOYING...I can tell you this if i put on a size 10 and they fit i would be shouting to the world !! LIke you i don't remember EVER being a 10. When i was 20 i lost weight and was down to a 14 almost a 12 (then shot back all the way to a 26 :sad: :sad: ) but anyway, i think the last time i was in a 10 i was probably in jr high , i know in high school (like 9-10 grade i was probably in like 14 or so. I know when i was a senior i was like a 18..no fun looking for your graduation in the plus size store :sad: :sad:

    I am feeling a tons better..guessing it was strep and not viral because as bad as i was feeling if it was viral i would be still dead, my throat still feels a little sore but nothing like the last few days...that said...

    I am feeling awesome cause today , (this makes 2 days in a row) my weight is under 280..Of course this morning my scale couldn't make its mind up, it went between 278.4 --> 279.5 --> 279.0. I will take any of those...I am soo excited.

    I think i am going to go out at lunch and walk /run some. Don't think i am going to do the c25k today (maybe my own like pre-c25k or something ). I found some software to make my own podcast it is just ime consuming, i got maybe about 30% done. ONce I get the 1st one done i don't think it will be that hard to change it up. I think I am going to try a build up to the run 60 walk 90 so maybe by the time i get my podcast ready i will be a little readier for that running every other minute and half. We will see how it goes :ohwell:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Mari- feel free to come clean my house, my son loooves throwing food everywhere it will burn tonz of calories :laugh: :wink:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    litspy: your excitement is NOT annoying...it what keeps us motivated. Please don't lose you excitement.. .I need it to push me to my max.:laugh: :wink:

    Jess: have fun on your trip...hope you come back safely :heart:

    Cris: we were back to back ( weigh wise), but you past me by like 7 pounds...you're my motivation not to give up but to get close to you:laugh: lol..:laugh:

    Rena Kay: stay positive and YOu can do this :flowerforyou: !

    Jesyka: where have you been...missing/hiding..we miss you:flowerforyou:

    Mari: not sure what's going on with website, but sometimes it does act wack...hang in...hopefully the problem will be resolved

    As for my size medium shirt...i have NEVER been ( as an adult) a size medium...and never anything smaller ( in pants) than a size 14...I have one pair of jeans that are 12 and they are getting a little loose. I am hoping to be in the single digits by the end of the summer...can't wait for that day!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Happy Cinco de Mayo Ladies! :drinker:

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: under ... but ate almost all my exercise calories
    exercise: good - an hour of step and a 20 minute walk
    water: about 64oz
    proud: that I walked instead of staying in the kitchen and snacking before dinner ... I still snacked a little but not nearly as bad as usual
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good Morning Ladies, You all are so busy already

    ♦littlespy~you are def. not annoying. You are an inspiration!!!!!!!!
    ♦Pos_me~How exciting finding out that you are actually a med.
    ♦Jess~Have fun and be safe!
    ♦lildeb~glad you are feeling better.
    ♦Cris~You are going to be in ONDERLAND so very soon!
    ♦Mari~ I hope the glich fixes soon we want to hear what you have to say
    ♦lstpaul~I am so proud of you for walking instead of over snacking

    You girls are making me jealous I so want to be in a size that does not start with a 2!! You are describing normal sizes. I just want to be in a normal size. I use to wear a size 5 and small in everything. I was probably a size 9 when I got preggers with my first baby. I do NOT want to be back in a 5, besides the fact that is a junior size I have had 4 babies since then. I think my goal size would be a 10 or 8 in womens. Depends on the hubby and myself how I feel. I know he prefers me with a bit of meat on. I am very curvy and he likes that:blushing: He likes the way Marilyn Monroe looks figure wise and he use to say he liked my shape because it was like hers:blushing: Besides the fact, I feel that I have ruined my body as far as pretty goes. But I am still going to lose weight because I want to feel good!!!!! This whole weight thing has been mentally harsh on me. I use to have a "nice body" I am so ashamed of the weight I have gained I did not even go to my high school reunion to see all my friends and classmates. I even had some contact me and ask me to go and I just did not go. I don't even go around the people I use to know because I am so ashamed. I HATE going to my hometown because I am always afraid I am going to run into someone. Well that is pride and as a Christian I need to give that one up. I am working on it. The shame and the weight. Sorry for bumming out towards the end there
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Momma- we are on the same boat. My 5 year college reunion was this past weekend, May 1st. I used money and the baby as an excuse but in reality I really couldnt face all those people looking the way I do. I was pretty well known at my school (it was a small private college) so I would have had a blast catching up with everyone but my weight prevented me from going...I am really sad I missed it and really sad at the reason why
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Momma -- I totally get you. I have never had a nice body (or at least what I've considered nice) but I was still very ashamed of how much weight I had gained. I wouldn't go out anywhere or do anything. I made excuses not to hang out with friends. When I first started hanging out with my friends again after I had lost like 30 pounds, no one even noticed because they hadn't seen me at my highest weight!

    I'm going to a party next weekend in my hometown and will see some people I haven't really seen in 8 years since I moved away. I weigh just a little less now than I did then (though I think I may be a good bit smaller -- I found some skirts from my freshman year in college a couple days ago and they're all too big for me now). They'll have no idea I've lost 70 pounds (I WILL have lost 70 by then! :wink:). But they'll probably notice how much more confidence I have. When I was this weight in high school, I was the fattest I had ever been so I felt HORRIBLE about myself, just like I did all the way up to 270. Now for the very first time in my life I'm feeling better about myself (still not great, but better). I can look in the mirror and not absolutely hate what I see. I even made an appointment to be fitted for contacts next week! I've been hiding behind plastic framed glasses for TEN years. I always thought my face looked funny without glasses but now I'd like to not wear them occasionally. They can be such a pain when I'm running or driving or watching TV. I've noticed I have started accessorizing more and putting more thought into the clothes I wear. I think I may get a mani/pedi for the FIRST time in my life this weekend. My nails/cuticles/feet have always looked awful but I've been too embarrassed to get anything done about it. Anyway, people may not notice how much weight I've lost (though some will because I've seen them in the last few years), but I'm pretty certain they're all going to notice my new found self confidence. :wink:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Momma - You are beautiful no matter what size you are. I know I say this and then think the same way that you and Cris do but if I say it enough maybe we will start to believe it. You have blessed your husband with 4 beautiful children to him you will always look beautiful. My husband tells me that all the time but I just take it like a grain of salt because I don't believe him. One of these days I really want to believe that I am beautiful.

    Cris - I am about to go to my 10 high school reunion the first week in June and I am not too thrilled about it. Well I am excited to see everyone but to be this over weight is not what I want them to see. I was a size 12 my senior year and have just fluctuated since then. But with posting pics on FB they won't be as shocked as they would have been if I didn't put them up there. Hopefully I will lose some more weight and feel better about myself before then.

    Here's to looking great and feeling great!! :drinker:

    Littlespy - You are so NOT annoying! I have only been on here for a little over a week and I love reading your posts. They are so motivating and really make me think that this is really possible for me. Keep up the great posts!! :flowerforyou:

    Talk to everyone later. I have to go battle a 2 hour staff meeting with birthday cake. Wish me luck! :smile: