Over 200 New Year New Me Part 16



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I don't know if I'll actually be there next week. My weight loss is so unpredictable these days. But I feel like Cris is DEFINITELY going to be there in the next week or 2! You're so smokin' it!

    TOM still hasn't shown up. Just his buddies. :ohwell: BUT, I figured out what is taking him so long -- I have a 4 day weekend next weekend. He's just trying to hold to to crash it. It seriously boggles the mind how that happens to me every single break I get from work. (unless there are 2 weeks I have paid holidays back to back. Last year I had TOM for Christmas but he just couldn't hang on to ruin for New Year's). So, mystery solved. :laugh:
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Holy hannah reading the posts today was confusing:laugh: Several of you keep popping into the future, and others quoting the future posts before they've shown up:tongue:

    I haven't done my weigh in yet, I have a bunch of running around to do today and we're anxiously awaiting news from family to let us know that my fiance's nephew has been born [his step sister went in at 8am this morning to be induced :happy: ]

    There are some SERIOUSLY fantastic weight losses this week!

    Meokk- 4 POUNDS!? that is awesome girl you're rocking the board this week :happy:
    Littlespy-You'll definitely be 1?? next week, Have faith :smile:
    Cris-You're going to go way over your short term goal before June 30th even gets here :happy: And WTG on 50lbs gone!
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Little Spy......................... -1.6 = 0.78%
    Pos_me............................0.0 = 0%
    Meokk.............................. -4.0 = 2.06%
    Jess..................................-1.4 = 0.65%
    momma.............................0.0 = 0%
    Mari....................................-2.4 = 1.03%
    coloradogirl ..................... -1.0 = .38%
    elmox.................................-3.4 = 1.66%
    Raiderape........................-.5 = .18%
    Cris2005............................-3 = 1.44%
  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Checkin' in

    Calories: 1686 - really over my daily limit of 1200 but I did earn about 500 exercise calories so I ate all but 100 of those
    Exercise: 30 very long & hard minutes on the elliptical paired with about 300 killer crunches
    Water: 64+ ounces! yea for me!

    I probably would not have been over as much on my calories if I hadn't drank the equivalent of an entire bottle of wine...my husband & I sat down & had really good & MUCH needed talk & together time which lasted late into the night. I woke up in a really good mood but totally forgot to weigh myself this morning...I will do it tomorrow & pray I have lost.
    I am supposed to get in two 45 minute sessions of cardio this weekend....we will see how that goes...I think I am going to have to break it up into smaller sessions just to get it done...

    And...all the prego baby talk has gotten to me too! I told my husband last night that I would like to try for a 2nd kid sooner (as in this summer) rather than later (next summer). The summer months of May-July are basically our only window in order to get the due date in early spring so I can take the rest of the school year off like i did with my son. I am still waiting for a response for my husband...he didn't react bad...just not sure...

    I just wanted to say that I totally LOVE all the friends & support in this group! You are amazing ladies! I can't figure out how I survived this long without you!
    Today is an awesome Friday!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Thanks for the vote of confidence girls but I dont think I will be at 199 next week or the week after, I can just see myself getting stuck at 201 or 200 for like 3 months....just cause that;s something that would happen to me :laugh: Seriously, if that does happen I will have to kill someone! That would NOT be funny :grumble:

    I am aiming to be under in 3 weeks since I have almost 5lbs to lose...but my mini goal does give me until May 31! :drinker:
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    Little Spy......................... -1.6 = 0.78%
    Pos_me............................0.0 = 0%
    Meokk.............................. -4.0 = 2.06%
    Jess..................................-1.4 = 0.65%
    momma.............................0.0 = 0%
    Mari....................................-2.4 = 1.03%
    coloradogirl ..................... -1.0 = .38%
    elmox.................................-3.4 = 1.66%
    Raiderape........................-.5 = .18%
    Cris2005............................-3 = 1.44%

    I'm kinda frustrated with that! Yesterday the scale looked good, and then today it is up! I have been good on my calories and watched my sodium the last couple days. The only thing I can hope is that my muscles are holding water from the brutal trainer workout yesterday.

    I'm a little frustrated with myself today because I made eggs and an english muffin for breakfast instead of my usual cereal and fruit and then when I put it all in, my sodium is already up to 955 for today!! I better drink lots of water and watch the sodium the rest of the day.

    Checkin 4/29:
    Calories - 1539 (91 under, plus 1245 exercise unused)
    Water - about 60 oz
    Exercise - 50 min trainer workout, 20 min elliptical
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Wow lots of baby talk! Kudos to those that want and have babies! I think it takes a very special person to raise a child. It takes lots of patience. Patience I'm not sure I have yet! Maybe in due time! :laugh:

    Cris-I really don't think you will be stuck in the 200's for very long at all. I see the 100's in your very near future. Look what you accomplished without working out!

    Miranda-Don't beat yourself up over your breakfast. We can't be perfect 100% of the time. Drinking lots of water is the key! I have had an awful week with sodium but I have upped my water to at least 15 cups a day. Most days I was drinking close to 20 and I still saw a loss. You're doing great!

    Jesyka-Glad to see you back! I can only imagine how much posting you had to catch up on! It was a busy week here! Hope to hear about the new addition to your fiancee's family soon!

    Hope everybody is having a good Friady! I'm anxisouly awaiting 4 so I can go home, squeeze in a quick workout doing 30 Day Shred, shower and get headed to downtown for the Opera!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hope everyone is having a Good Friday. Just got done working with my son. Talk about needing patience. Boy did I use every ounce of patience not to just quit. We worked on holding a pen. We read about Bono the monkey going to kinder and following all the rules. It took a very long time because Ryan was so defiant about looking at the book and paying attention. Then we got on his Little kid "lap top" and identified letters and numbers. He needed lots of help but he actually did pretty good. His behavior was very defiant most of the time but I stuck to it and he did not win this one today. :glasses: His momma did. I have become at peace with the fact that Ryan is going to need extra help. I am a stay at home mom and this is my job. He is worth all of the effort. I am doing well with my eating today. I have a plan and I am feeling a bit more like sticking to it all.

    HOw exciting for all the Girls who want babies. I hope you all have great success and that next year we will be finding out what the sex of all these babies are.:laugh: :laugh: I love having tons of girls. They are however very emotional and you are constantly hurting their feelings. (not on purpose, they interpret things wrong):laugh: They are demanding and in love with your husband.:heart::laugh: (all of mine are daddy's girls) So you have to be willing to share his time. Little boys you spend most of the time making sure they survive childhood and are amazed that they have made it to the next birthday without breaking something like an arm or leg. They are adventerous and in love with mommy:heart::heart: I think everyone should have some of each.:laugh: Both are wonderful and you can't ever imagine that you could love them so much but you do. Even if you wanted a boy and you happen to have a girl, you will look at her and realize she is exactly what you wanted and even better than you had hoped:love::love: and vice versa, you have a girl and want a boy.:heart: Can you tell I love being a mom?

    I am so proud of my girls on the verge of onderland you are amazing and an inspiration. Good JOb!!!!!

    See you all on Monday and I look forward to finding out who the biggest loser is and what our challenge will be!!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Momma- I love you have I told you that lately? Your posts always bring a smile to my face, you just love your family sooo much!

    I dont want a girl...cant deal with the drama and emotions, and I def dont want to share my hubby hehe is that so wrong?! :laugh: :wink: :love: :blushing:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Looks like everyone is doing great today!!!

    I just got back from the grocery store and bought a lot of healthy foods. Hopefully all of the good foods that I bought will be a good influence for me. I am going to try the frozen grapes today. Bought a whole bag of them! Does anyone know of a good way to eat or drink fruits and vegetables other than eating them? I have tried V8 but I don't particularly care for the taste.

    Check in later!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Momma I just love hearing your talk about your kids and family!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello ladies...thank you for those that were inquiring about my wearabouts :smile: :smile:

    I am here...

    The last few weeks just have been cruddy, between beeing sick, then TOM hitting hard, then my oldest daughter got strep throat and this work has been mega crappy at work i have not been doing good...I know i have not been eating good, i have been snacking all day long. ..all week long...i am in a funk yesterday thought i was holding steady from the last few weeks of course this morning I was up a few but i think it ws from a sodium overload last night.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I think everyone should have some of each.:laugh: Both are wonderful and you can't ever imagine that you could love them so much but you do. Even if you wanted a boy and you happen to have a girl, you will look at her and realize she is exactly what you wanted and even better than you had hoped:love::love: and vice versa, you have a girl and want a boy.:heart: Can you tell I love being a mom?

    Yes, I can tell. And I LOVE hearing (reading?) you talk (write?) about it! :happy:

    If I had a girl I would love her more than anything. I do know that. But .... I still want a boy. :laugh: I'm so with Cris.
    I mean, I hardly even have any girl friends because I can't deal with the drama! :tongue: My bf says it doesn't matter to him -- boy or girl would be good. But, actually one reason a girl would be so hard for us is that I can see my bf being *insanely* overprotective of his daughter. Emphasis on the insane!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Momma: You are a wonderful mother, wife , and friend. I love reading your post because they make me smile because i can sense the joy in your heart through your words of wisdom

    As for the boy v's girl...i have both.
    My daughter is daddy's little girl too, she was our first born. and yes she does deal with emotion things so much differently than my other children ( 2 boys). But my daughter is my best friend. We have girl conversation all the time. we even have girls nigh out...just me an her hanging out and talking, and doing girly things...
    When i first got married ( 15 years ago) i was not so girly..loved to wear baggy clothing. Hated to wear make up ( and still do sometimes). never really cared how my hair looked..but when my daughter started to grow and and hit a stage where she wanted to go shopping and do her hair..it kinda rubbed off on me and now I like going shopping ( maybe to buy thing for my kids and hubby) and i don't mind doing my hair, nails, and play dressup..it what comes when you have a girl..
    As for my boys, that is a totally different story...one is a wild child ( the youngest, so very active) sometimes i can't keep up with him, and the other is so quite ( the older one) you won't know he is in the room..
    one more thing before i leave to finish cleaning my house for the 4th time...( i hate when everyone is home all at once...makes mommy a little busy and have not time for my friends and homework)...
    My boys are mommy little/big boys...especially the youngest..till this day he comes next to me and touches my hair when he drinks his cup of milk ( which is like 4 times a day) ...something that has to do with him ( as an infant)playing with my hair when i would breast feed him..and till this day he still plays with my hair to fall asleep...or to calm him down...it weird...I use to take my daughters old doll's hairs and put that for him when i would have to go shopping, college, or do thing when he needed his mother...i would also hav eto put my scent to make him think it was me...yea, it was weird...i have to start weaning him off my hair because it's become a little embarrassing especially infront of a lot of people...

    I know, I know too much information...sorry.

    Have a great day girl:).
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I think everyone should have some of each.:laugh: Both are wonderful and you can't ever imagine that you could love them so much but you do. Even if you wanted a boy and you happen to have a girl, you will look at her and realize she is exactly what you wanted and even better than you had hoped:love::love: and vice versa, you have a girl and want a boy.:heart: Can you tell I love being a mom?

    Yes, I can tell. And I LOVE hearing (reading?) you talk (write?) about it! :happy:

    If I had a girl I would love her more than anything. I do know that. But .... I still want a boy. :laugh: I'm so with Cris.
    I mean, I hardly even have any girl friends because I can't deal with the drama! :tongue: My bf says it doesn't matter to him -- boy or girl would be good. But, actually one reason a girl would be so hard for us is that I can see my bf being *insanely* overprotective of his daughter. Emphasis on the insane!

    ditto....Bobby said he'd probably end up in jail because he'd have to kill all her BFs....silly boys :laugh:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Pos me- I hope being girly rubs off if I have a girl because I am a huge tomboy!

    Your story about your son is super cute, I always wonder what my son will be like when hes older...like if he will still let me be his # 1 girl and all...I am totally raising him to be a momma's boy :tongue:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Momma- I love you have I told you that lately? Your posts always bring a smile to my face, you just love your family sooo much!

    I dont want a girl...cant deal with the drama and emotions, and I def dont want to share my hubby hehe is that so wrong?! :laugh: :wink: :love: :blushing:

    Honestly, I did not want a girl the first time I was preg. I was a little jealous about a woman invading my territory:embarassed: :laugh: Seriously I did not think I could handle it and Oh I wanted a boy so bad. The babies head was the only thing out and I ask "Is it a boy?" As soon as she (yes she) came out they said it's a girl and I looked at her and instantly fell in love and I remember thinking, OOOOh she is exactly what I wanted. Second one again wanted a boy. Did not find out until the day she was born that again, God decided to give me another girl. Then the 3rd pregnancy they were able to tell at 5 months that it was yet again another girl. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: (Terrible thing to say, I had hoped they made a mistake and I would be surprised at delivery) Nope, and when she was born hubby instead of saying "It's a girl" he says "Its a Sara":laugh: again she is exactly what I wanted and I did not know until I looked into her face. I gave up and said no more babies, I am done. Meant to be the mother of 3 girls and that is it. Surprise momma was having another baby and at 5 months I thought there better be something dangling :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: There was!!!!! But I am so thankful for my girls. They are so precious and fun.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Momma: You are a wonderful mother, wife , and friend. I love reading your post because they make me smile because i can sense the joy in your heart through your words of wisdom

    As for the boy v's girl...i have both.
    My daughter is daddy's little girl too, she was our first born. and yes she does deal with emotion things so much differently than my other children ( 2 boys). But my daughter is my best friend. We have girl conversation all the time. we even have girls nigh out...just me an her hanging out and talking, and doing girly things...
    When i first got married ( 15 years ago) i was not so girly..loved to wear baggy clothing. Hated to wear make up ( and still do sometimes). never really cared how my hair looked..but when my daughter started to grow and and hit a stage where she wanted to go shopping and do her hair..it kinda rubbed off on me and now I like going shopping ( maybe to buy thing for my kids and hubby) and i don't mind doing my hair, nails, and play dressup..it what comes when you have a girl..
    As for my boys, that is a totally different story...one is a wild child ( the youngest, so very active) sometimes i can't keep up with him, and the other is so quite ( the older one) you won't know he is in the room..
    one more thing before i leave to finish cleaning my house for the 4th time...( i hate when everyone is home all at once...makes mommy a little busy and have not time for my friends and homework)...
    My boys are mommy little/big boys...especially the youngest..till this day he comes next to me and touches my hair when he drinks his cup of milk ( which is like 4 times a day) ...something that has to do with him ( as an infant)playing with my hair when i would breast feed him..and till this day he still plays with my hair to fall asleep...or to calm him down...it weird...I use to take my daughters old doll's hairs and put that for him when i would have to go shopping, college, or do thing when he needed his mother...i would also hav eto put my scent to make him think it was me...yea, it was weird...i have to start weaning him off my hair because it's become a little embarrassing especially infront of a lot of people...

    I know, I know too much information...sorry.

    Have a great day girl:).

    Make him stop just before highschool:laugh: Not until then:laugh: Boys love their mommy's
  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member
    Raider - i would highly recommend you invest in a juicer for drinking those fruits & veggies...but if thats not an option I like the V8 fusion juices...they have diet too...THe V8 fusion juices are super yummy & have a full serving of fruits & veggies in every 8oz...the only thing to watch is that is it easy to blow lots of calories on the juice. Juicing the stuff yourself is good because then you don't get all the added sugar...orange apple carrot is really good & its easy to juice a zucchini with the orange & carrot & you don't even taste it...I personally prefer my zucchini grilled with a little olive oil & season salt :-)
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I was cracking up about your bf's being jealous. Men are so bad about their little girls. I think it is in their DNA to want to kill anything that comes around their girls. When my 13 yo was in first grade a little boy had a crush on her. He rode the same bus as her and he would chase her do all the things little boys with a crush do. One day he got off the bus and tells my husband "My daddy has an oozy" My husband says " Your daddy is going to need one" :laugh: