Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 21



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Quick report then off to bed!

    Calories - under (unless I forgot something...) under by hundreds - no WONDER I'm hungry!
    Exercise - garden work - frenzy of attempting to get some more plants in before the rain hit again - I was soaked with sweat so I'm assuming it should count!
    Water - GREAT

    Proud - I finally got my mega huge water jug made up with a very weak Green Chai sun tea and sweet leaf. Its just enough flavor that I can drink it by the pint! Maybe my low - water days when I'm not at work are over?

    I'm nervous about starting my new job tomorrow! I probably won't be on until night time since I don't even know if I get a new laptop tomorrow!

    ColoradoGirl - sending you good thoughts! I hope he feels better soon!!!!!

    Good luck on your 1st day tomorrow !!!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Elmox-Wow girl...you are so awesome with all the exercising in spite of the holiday. You are my hero!

    Oh Jess, it was really just today! My other exercise of walking each day shouldn't count as much. I've been so over on Saturday and Sunday, that I needed a good workout this morning.

    I did measurements today - I am down a total of 16 inches in the past 14 weeks!! I've shed 5.5 inches in the past 6 weeks. WAHOO!

    Checking in for today:
    Cals: Just about right on, eating 80% of my exercise calories.
    Water: 88 oz
    Exercise: 45 min at the gym this am + 2 miles of walking = 627 cals
    Proud: There were Nacho Cheese Doritos AND Ruffles w/French Onion Dip out at today's party. These are like my two FAVORITE snacks. I let myself have about 4 Doritos over 20 minutes and enjoyed the heck out of them. They were good, but I knew that 4 was all I really needed. It felt good to splurge and feel good about stopping.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    mstahl - I'm sending positive thoughts your way for your first day at your new job! Good luck! Can't wait to hear all about it!
    COGirl - I am praying for your son! Please let us know how he is doing!
    lildeb - I am right there with you on the overeating, but tomorrow is a NEW day and we shall overcome! Oh, and WTG on hitting your memorial day goal!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    litspy - there will be many other occasions for you to wear your new dress. You'll wear it when you're ready, I am sure. You look amazing in it!
    jess - YIKES! I hope your car is OK! I'm glad you survived the ghetto!
    elmox - SUPER JOB on those inches, girl! WTG!!!

    I had another food party tonight, but I did MUCH better. I did not drink. Man, I sure can resist food better when sober. :tongue: I rode my bike for an extra 30 minutes earlier today just to make sure I'd be OK. I am looking forward to tomorrow and a normal eating routine! Wow, I have changed. LOL I used to hate a normal eating routine! :laugh:

    check in:
    cals: a wee bit under
    water: 100
    exercise: 110 mins bike, arms, PT exercises, 10 mins squats
    proud: I did very well today with my eating. I am over in sodium big time (have been for four days), but I am drinking lots of water to help with that, I hope.
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    hey everyone :) I haven`t had a chance to read all th posts since ai last posted however I did read the ones from yesterday.

    Today will make day three of increasing my meds and I can see somethings starting to work. I`m finally sleeping and waking up wide awake and well rested :) and my moods seem to be starting to very slowly stabilize. Now that my energy is back I will be getting back into the swing of things :) check in again later today
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ok I am up 4 pounds this morning. But I guess its from all the sodium I have ate this weekend and all the exercise I have done and my poor muscles are retaining water.So no worries 220 won't stick for long.I am going to drink drink drink today.I had a wonderful weekend with my family and I didn't really eat all that bad.I think the highest I went is calories was 1750 which isn't all that bad because I exercised alot that day.I went over by 200 yesterday and no exercise to let my muscles relax a bit.But back at it today.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I am trying my best to drown myself in water today!!! My leg feels better today so I am going to the gym at lunch time and hopefully kick it into gear and start burning some cals...I am hoping i get all this off before Friday...i do not want to show a gain this week!!!

    No more bad food for me !!!!!

    I have to go eat at lunch on Friday to meet some co-workers as we rotate on call and i am call next week (oh what fun!!!)..i hate being on call...but anway trying to get something good i am not going to make this weekened a pattern and i will get back on track.

    I feel sooo blah eating all that crap this weekend...
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Happy Tuesday! Hope everybody is having a fantastic day back to work! I'm trying to be positive. Just talked to the car dealership. I'm sitting at over $500 so far to fix my car. That's before we find out if there are any suspension problems. Oh the joys of owning a car! I'm sick to my stomach at the cost to fix this. I don't even want to eat breakfast. :sick:

    I am joining the club. Up 2 1/2 pounds this morning. Pretty normal for me after the weekends. I better see big 50 pounds lost this week. I'm trying not to stress. Glad to see everybody enjoyed their weekend to the fullest! :drinker:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - Ugg...sorry about the car..i hate spending money on my car!! I hope it isn't too much more money !!!

    You will hit that 50 # lost this week i know it i know it !!!!

    I am determined to hit my 50# lost by the end of june...once i get back down to where i was on Friday i got like 7 lbs...i am going to kick but and do it !!!!!!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good Morning Ladies, I see I am not the only one who lost my weight loss mind over the weekend. :laugh: I have decided NOT to weigh myself. My ring is soooooooooo tight and it is usually very loose. So I am going to drown myself in water and wait and see what the damage was on Friday. I am so good at not facing things.

    Jessyka, I am so happy to see you !!! I am glad things are getting better:flowerforyou:

    I am thinking of taking the little ones on a walk. Here is my delimma, Ryan is a wanderer and the whole time I am walking I am saying "Catch Up" it is kinda hard to get a good work out in with him investigating everything he walks by. Don't get me wrong I :heart: :heart: :heart: that he is curious but I want to walk for exercise. Do I put my big ol hungous almost 5 year old in a stroller or let him explore and figure at least I am burning something?
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    momma - that is hard one...abby would be the same way...she is getting tooo big for the stroller now :sad: so we just hafve to walk...does he have a bike or anything he rides that would keep up with you better and maybe not be as distracted...

    You could always do 1/2 and 1/2 and the other 1/2 push the stroller without him in there...

    Sometimes abby drags behind like that...so i say lets race and she will then get engaged in run (of course she runs and her pants are usally to big for her and says i can't run my pants are falling down :smile:

    8 days more of school left..hoping that i survive..Serena went back to school today, with 4 aplogy letters in hand and talked to several times about being nice and obeying the rules. She had no tv /movies for 4 days she was soo happy when she could watch something again..when she wasn't doing something threating for more time without it got her motiviated a little bit...still no computer or ds though...of course she gets to play when she goes to the gym.

    so i am hoping she makes it through...for both of our sakes..8 more days 8 more days...we can make it !!!!
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    Hello ladies!

    I did not journal all weekend long, and this morning I was down 1.2 lb from Friday! :noway: I was definitely not good... I had a big roast beef sub on Friday, lambic beer on Saturday, cheeseburger and cole slaw and an ice cream cone (soft serve) and lambic beer on Sunday, and diner breakfast yesterday (western omelet with cheddar, red skin home fries, and wheat toast). Crazy! I did hit the gym for 30 min of cardio yesterday at least. :smile:

    Today was my first day back with my trainer! One of the girls from my BL group and I are doing group training with our trainer. She could only squeeze us in for 30 min in between two other clients, but she still gave us quite a workout, then we did 30 min of cardio after it was over. We did stuff with kettlebells for the first time today, plus burpees and supermans, one sided pushups where one hand was on a kettlebell and the other on the floor, and lots of stepups and lunges using hand weights and one of those metal platform steps like they have on Biggest Loser. I always thought that they were so silly on the show for being scared to jump up on them, but they are TALL! There is no way I could jump up on them... I was a little scared to even step up on mine. We had a short one and a tall one, and since my workout buddy is 5'2" and I am 6'0", she got the short one. The tall one came up to almost my knees. :noway:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Morning ladies,

    Wow, I had a lot of *catching up* to do!!

    ONe thing for sure is We are all in the same boat...too much sodium all weekend long. I did NOt weigh myself this morning. I know i am up, becasue my wedding ring is too tight. I don't think i ate bad, but I ate late. once we ( hubby and I ) finished installing the flower bed and flagstone wall ( Sat, Sun, and Mon), it would be like 9pm. COme in and eat. I would eat things ( mostly mindless eating) while working outside..but it is all over.

    Today is a new day. We are all back on track and going to lose all the weight and some! MY goal for this Month is to be below 200 pounds. I want to lose 10 pounds by July 1. I think it's a doable gaol. I know i am going to sweat my *kitten* off.

    Before I forget.

    Julie: Happy belated Birthday:flowerforyou: sounds like you had a nice bday. Hopefully many more to come.

    cgirl: hope everything is Ok with your family:heart:

    jess: sorry to hear about your car. hope everything works out for hte best.

    Awestfall: Congrats on being the biggest loser:drinker: :flowerforyou: Love the challenge!

    Momma: what works for me when i go walking with my son ( who is 4 1/2) is he takes his bike or scooter. He is usually ahead of me ( with the bike) but that get me to jog after him. I recite the rules (everytime we leave the house) stop at the corner, don't cross the street, and on hills SLOW DOWN. I have to repeat it a number of time throughout the trip but we both have fun. It's about a mile walk within our community. Good Luck girl :smile:

    I have to log my food today. Be back on later
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I feel like its been forever since I logged in!

    Julie- Hope you hada fantastic bday! Minus the getting drunk and the stupid guys in the middle of the road

    Jess- I am sorry the concert wasnt up to par, how dissapointing! I'm sorry about your car too...seesh girl tough weekend for you!

    Cogirl- Hope your son is ok, please update us when you can! Its horrible when the lil ones are sick

    Lildeb- Congrats on hitting your memorial day goal, you worked so hard!

    Mstahl- good luck today!

    Jesyka- glad to hear the meds are working!

    I was over in calories all weekend (3 days!) and under in water...this morning I am only showing a 1.4lbs gain but I may also be dehydrated...so anyway...back to the grind this week! I am lookingforward to being more regimented, I felt awful after eating all that crap!

    Friday weight- 195.2
    Monday weight- 196.6
    Target weight for the week- 193.5

    700 calorie burns here I come...like julie said, my body should be ready to release some fat stores now for sure!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Yay! 2 of my friends want to buy my stationary bike (not challenging enough anymore) and my Gazelle (used once in the last 9 months because it hurts my feet). That pays for my gym membership for the next 10 months! :happy: :happy: And, it clears out a good bit of space in my house. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I am all about clearing junk out of my house right now. So excited to donate all the doubles of everything df and I have -- kitchen stuff, movies, books, etc.

    Jess, I'm thinking about giving muscle milk a try. Do you do the "light" kind? Just thinking I usually come from the gym & immediately eat breakfast or dinner so, I don't really need to be consuming like 240 cals and 20g of protein or I'll end up skipping breakfast/dinner. But 100 cals & 14g protein seems just right & would be something I could drink as soon as I'm done working out on my way home/to work.

    I dunno, just trying to find something that works for me because I really want to improve my upper body strength & really focus on losing as little lean tissue as possible from this point forward.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LittleSpy-I do use the muscle milk light. Out of the three flavors I have tried I love the strawberry creme! Would work out good for you since it doesn't have to be refrigrated. Could drink it on your way home or to work. Glad to hear you got some very interested buyers!

    Jesyka-So glad you are starting to feel better! We have missed you! :flowerforyou:

    Cris-1.4 pounds isn't too shabby! Good job!!

    Thank you for the well wishes on my car. I know it could of been worse. I'm thankful that so far it's not more damage. The guy was baffeled that I blew 2 tires and don't know what I hit. He seems to think there was possibly some kind of trap or something set in the street to purposely blow my tires to prey on innocent women. The part of town I was in, I wouldn't doubt it! We sat with the doors locked because we were surrounded by abandon buildings. Luckily it only took our friends about 15 minutes to show up and wait for the two truck with us. Nobody is going to mess with a 300 pound man! I'm trying to not let the whole situation get me down. I'M TRYING! :bigsmile:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    I am now caught up! This weekend, I wasn't too bad. I went over on calories a few days but less than 100 calories so that is very good for me!! :bigsmile: Also when I got on the scale yesterday morning I was down to 264!!! Well my scale couldn't decide between 263.5, 264 and 264.5 so I went with the 264. I was so excited that I finally met my first mini goal!!!!:love::bigsmile: :bigsmile: :love: I couldn't believe it especially since I was up a few pounds on Saturday. I also thought that TOM was a week or so away but boy was I wrong! He decided to poke his little head up last night at the BBQ. I am shocked that I wasn't showing a gain yesterday morning. I didn't weigh this morning but I am going to try and keep it down!

    lildeb - Congrats on meeting your goal!!! I bet it feels AMAZING!!

    jess - Sorry to hear that your car is going to be so much!

    julie - You will get that confidence real soon and wear your dress out and feel great!!

    Heather and elmox - We will miss you!! I am sure that it will be hard being away from us but always remember that we are rooting for you and you can stay on track!!

    Jesyka - So glad that you are starting to feel better!

    colgirl - Hope your son is okay!! Keep him in my thoughts!

    mstahl - Hope your first day went well!!

    Everyone else, we are all back on track today! We can see that scale go down even after the bad eating this weekend. I know we can do it!!!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Hello Girls.. things are going better here. yesterday I had to take my son (now 17) to the ER for a SEVERE Migraine. At least that is what they told me. About 5 years ago we had 3 different episodes in a 2 week time frame where my son lost the ability to use the right side of his body, lost continence and could not talk. Scared the hell out of me. After many trips to the ER, cat-scans, sleep tests and a MRI of his head they determined it was a concussion that was not taken care of (got hit in football). We never had any more episodes.. until yesterday. My son and husband were working on the exhaust on Ryan's 71Nova and Ryan hit his head. (nothing severe) Within a hour Ryan could not talk and had so much pain and his blood sugars were 42 (very low). Ended up taking him to the ER yet again and they did another cat-scan (came back normal), they gave him nausea meds, and a couple doses of morphine and sent him home. Scares the hell out of me when stuff like this happens. They told him he was severely dehydrated from all those stupid energy drinks, coffee, diet sodas and not enough water that has been going on for the past week. It took the Dr. telling him to fix all those things and to be more careful with his head for him to do anything. I have been preaching for months and trying to limit what I could. Heck I don't even buy soda or keep it in the house. Well.. he is feeling better today and went to work. So, I am just crossing my fingers that he does not have any more episode.

    Outside of all that my weekend was busy like the rest of you! It is good to get back to work today but, it is also the beginning of the month so, I have a ton of paper work, bills, emails, web updating and well work to do. I will check back in a little later this afternoon.

    Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    colorado - glad your son is okay, i can imagine how scarry that must be.

    Littlspy - My husband tried that muscle milk light the other day, he said it was pretty good, he tried some other stuff forgot what it is called, but he got a coupon for it is in the fride, i say he tried, he bought it...I haevf this think about taste and if it taste any bit chalky or bad aftertaste i just can't do it...but i may try the muscle milke.

    I found this gatorade drink it is like for after workout, it pretty much tastes like gatorade, but you can definetly taste the whey protein powder in it. But the whole bottle is like 130 cals (60 for like 8 oz)...it is like 14 g protein for the hole bottole so not as much as some of the other stuff but not as much cals either.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I bought a protein drink called AdvantEDGE (lol). Walmart didn't have Light Muscle Milk. Plus this stuff was a lot cheaper (which I know is probably not a good thing in terms of taste, but, eh, worth a shot). I mean, I used to think slimfast tastes alright mixed with *water* so I'm pretty sure I'll think it's drinkable. :tongue: It has a couple grams more protein, and a couple grams fewer carbs and fat than the Muscle Milk Light, according to the MFP database. Yeah, like I said, I'll give it a shot.

    Lildebbie, there was this stuff in a vile by BodyFortress at Walmart. It was only like 3oz and had 26g of protein and was fruit punch flavored. It had 110 cals. 110 cals for 26g protein is pretty awesome, but I can only imagine how disgusting it is. :laugh: I almost bought some, but then I stopped & thought "Why the eff do I need to drink 26g of protein in one gulp?" It just sounded like a bad idea to me. :laugh:
  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    I AM BACK!!!! Finally after 10 days! I totally missed you & the scale totally shows! I had planned to work out like crazy & lose 5 pounds while I was gone but instead managed to gain 7!!!
    Needless to say I am UBER mad at myself & have committed to being super clean eating & getting it off as fast as possible!
    Grandma's service was really nice & we sprinkled her ashes on the lake. The major event was that my son split his head open throwing a tantrum on the boat...it was pretty scary & earned him 6 stitches but my husband got him to say "cuz the chicks dig it!"
    I haven't logged at all obviously but will start tomorrow!
    As soon as I figure out how to upload a photo I will post one so you can see the damage!
    Ok the bell rang so Now I have to rush out of here to drive an 1&1/2 hours to go to my masters class!
    Talk to ya'll later

    Ok i think I did it...

    Ok so the pic didn't show but check out the links!