Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 21

awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
Well I am up this morning by 3 pounds because I had drinks late last night with family lol.But I do know its just water retention because I feel extra bloated this morning.Its been awhile since I have had a few drinks lol!!! Anyways here is the new thread and did we figure out who the biggest loser is.If I am the biggest loser here it is.
Our challenge this week? Do SOMETHING. And give yourself credit for it. Just as in our eating we are striving for improvement, not perfection, look for ways to move that are healthy even though they may seem too easy. Take a stroll, not a power walk, after lunch or dinner and count your blessings as you go. No matter what’s happening in your life, there are still things to be thankful for. Take time to stretch. I’m always amazed at how good stretching feels and I wonder why I don’t do it more. Practice deep breathing and letting your mind have a rest from worry and anxiety.We were created to move and our bodies don’t function unless we do.So this week, learn to embrace and feel the effects of gentle exercise. If you’re in a vigorous routine to work at your optimum level of endurance, great! But don’t forget to take time to slow down and move for the sheer JOY of it!


  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Happy Birthday Julie!!

    bluenote, let's say I have dual-citizenship. I will always be a St. Louis girl!

    To all those getting in hard-core exercise at the gym this weekend (Julie, Cris, LilDeb) = WAY TO GO!!! We've got friends in town and I'm having a hard time getting motivated to go to the gym. Lots of walking...but it's not the same.

    Check in from yesterday:
    Cals: Over, 1833!!
    Water: 72 oz
    Exercise: Walking around
    Proud: Just looked back at my tracker from yesterday, had I not made fresh whipped cream for dessert (strawberry shortcake), I would have been right on. I guess I could have had Cool Whip instead, but eh. My fresh whipped cream was delicious and everyone loved the dessert. I'll be proud that I made so many people happy. :smile: Our friends that are visiting were both REALLY complimentary, saying, "Hey Skinny" and "Hello Miss Mini" when they got here. Then later they both told me how good I looked and wanted to know how I was doing it. I praised MFP and this group. Because really, you all are the ones that push me to keep going, hold me accountable for exercise, and support me and my choices. You all are a HUGE part of my journey and I'm so glad to have you. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    awestfall-Thanks for the new thread and challenge! Love it!

    Elmoex-Way to go on the compliments!!

    Julie-Happy Happy Birthday girl! Hope you have an amazing day!

    Well my day yesterday was quite interesting. Had a good ole time tailgating. There was 1 bathroom in the parking lot that people were charging $3 a use or $10 all day. No Thank you! Went into the concert...was a little disappointed in Brooks N Dunn I'm not going to lie. I've seen them put on a far better show. We left right after they went off stage before the encore so we could miss traffic. Not a good idea. There was something in the road and I hit it and blew 2 tires. In the middle of Dallas in the big GHETTO!!! Luckily Liz's boyfriend and a good friend of ours live close by they came to our rescue to sit with us. My car had to be towed away. I'm hoping and praying there is no more damage and I just need 2 new tires and possibly a new hub cap. Hope today today goes better for me! Hope you are all enjoying your weekend! :drinker:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jess, sorry about your tires! I almost hit something in the road driving in the country last night -- just saw a little flash of white moving so I slammed on breaks & swerved. What was it? 2 (assumed) DRUNK GUYS wrestling in the middle of the effing country highway (with a speed limit of 55mph). Holy crap. I'm so glad I saw the movement & decided to swerve & not just assume it was some little critter scampering across the road. I didn't stop because it was midnight and to be honest the whole thing freaked the crap out of me.

    My arms want to fall off today. :laugh: It's safe to say I effectively worked muscles I didn't even know I had. I'm excited about being stronger! :smile:

    My birthday is starting off well -- piece of birthday cake for breakfast and now we're waiting for Chinese food delivery. :tongue:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    bump for later!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Julie - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :flowerforyou: You don't look a day over 16!! :wink: :wink: Glad you are enjoying your birthday. I really like the way you started off the day with a piece of bday cake!!! Sounds like my kind of breakfast!:laugh: :laugh: Way to go on going to the gym on your bday. That takes some dedication!! Also glad that you did swerve and didn't hit those guys. Those guys were dumba$$es!!

    Awestfall - Thanks for the new thread and the challenge! Congrats on hitting the big 4-0!!! :happy: I am sure that your 3 lbs is just from the night before. After downing some water you will be back in action!

    Jess - Sorry to hear about your car last night and that Brooks and Dunn was not up to par. Hope you car is not in too bad of shape and glad that you had friends close to come help you out!

    Well this morning I was all excited!!! I was down to 263.5!!! I am not sure if it was a fluke with the scale though so I am going to wait to make sure tomorrow. If I really am down that much I will have met my first mini goal!! Today for lunch my husband made some delicious burgers!!! I could have eaten just the burgers and nothing else but had to have some self control. I will get to have another one for dinner. :bigsmile: I will probably be over a little but hopefully not much today. Hope everyone else has a great day!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello all...hope everyone is having a good weekend.

    Jess - Sorry about the concert not being as you hope and about your tires. :sad:

    I have been eating crappy all weekend...and i am feeling it dearly...Seems when i eat bad once i get on this streak...ugg...burger and fries for lunch and Pizza for dinner ...uggggg..... I went to the gym this morning was real low key..only burned about 300 cals in an hour (vs almost 500 last night). My right quad is hurting , i am sure it is a combo from the lift class i took yesterday and the workout last night.....i am sure my muscles are like what are you doing...you have never used me before :smile: I got a heating pad on it now and hopefully it will feel better in the morning, want to get some kind of exercise tomorrow.

    We are going to my moms in the afternoon, me and my sister and my hubby are going to see sex and the city 2.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    check in for today:
    Calories : over but only by 95
    Water: good
    Exercise about 45 mins of misc things
    Proud: That I didn't overeat as much as I normally would on a holiday weekend.

    lildeb - Sorry that your right quad is hurting. I hope it feels better soon for you. I would think that the heating pad would help. About eating bad, tomorrow is another day. Don't let it hinder you, just put it behind you. I am going to see Sex in the City 2 tomorrow with my best friend and then to a bar-b-que tomorrow with some friends so I will have to watch it again tomorrow.

    See/Talk to you all tomorrow!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    :flowerforyou: H_A_P_P_Y___B_I_R_T_H_D_A_Y___J_U_L_I_E_!!!!!!!!.... and many more.....:flowerforyou:

    Round two of overeating tonight. Tonight was WAY worse than last night, I guess because alcohol was involved. :smokin: I am sick to my stomach. I had to leave the party early because I have bad pains in my sides - probably from the unhealthy food. I had a good time, but I don't think I can do this lifestyle anymore! :noway: I used to eat and drink like this all the time! Bleh! :indifferent: :sick: :cry: No more for me! And I didn't really go over calories too badly, I just ate very unhealthy foods. Tomorrow's party will be low key with no alcohol, so it's veggies and water for me tomorrow! :tongue: Remember when I said I wasn't going to let the food rule me and I was not going to panic over the food this weekend? Well, that went out the window after I ate a piece of carrot cake and half of a piece of lemon pie. :ohwell:

    check in:
    cals: made it because I had to ride the bike for an hour to work off the carrot cake and lemon pie :embarassed:
    water: 90
    exercise: 60 mins bike, PT exercises, arms
    proud: hmmm.... oh OK, I didn't drink the entire bottle of Toad Hollow by myself...? :sick:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Feeling blah this morning :sad:

    Too much bad food this weekend...i think i am skipping the gym today and letting my leg rest, it ifeels a little better but still sore...not sure if i pulled something or what...hopefully if i let it rest today i will be good to go tomorrow.

    Edit :

    Also.....because of all the bad eating i know i am retaining sooooo much...I am up like 5 lbs this morning yes...5...I know that I didn't really eat that much so i am 100% it is sodium....
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    bump for later
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Checking in from yesterday, then it's off to ANOTHER gathering full of food. Memorial Day is fun, but whew, it's tough on the diet. :wink:

    Cals: OVER...2157 :noway: Let me count the ways...wine, baked beans, chips and rotel...
    Water: Just about 64 oz
    Exercise: Walked about 2 miles
    Proud: I had an egg white omelet at lunch and only ate 2 of the french fries that were piled on my plate.

    I've already been to the gym this morning, and burned 634 cals. I could have gone for longer, but slept in a bit and ran out of time. The plan is to NOT eat them all back today. :bigsmile:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Happy Belated Birthday, Julie! If 26 is old, then my 28 year old self is really old!

    Jess: Sorry to hear your concert wasn't as good as expected and that you had car problems. Bummer! I hope all gets fixed quickly and doesn't cost a lot.

    This weekend, my boyfriend and I were out of town visiting more state parks (7) and I pretty much ate terribly but so far am only up 1 lb. on the scale, which I'll attribute to sodium intake. Today, we had lunch on the patio at Green Mill, where I ate horribly again followed by two margaritas. I ended up getting a headache and feeling crummy (too much alcohol?) and took a nap. Now, I'm thinking I need to go ride my horse to get ready for my class.

    Tomorrow is the only day I work this week because I need to get payroll done, then I'll be in Madison, WI for the remainder of the week for my certification class. This being said, I may or may not have a chance to check in tomorrow. After that, I'll be out of touch (other than Facebook) for a week! I'll miss you all very much and may have to rely on the Facebookers to relay messages to the group!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    I'm right there with the rest of you....ate loads of calories on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It was fun but I went way overboard even though I did earn a lot of exercise cals.
    Doing OK today, guests have gone, getting back to normal.
    Happy Memorial Day everyone !!!!!
    Happy Birthday Julie !!!!!!!

    I'll be checking in in and reading tomorrow and Wednesday then I'm off and who knows when I might pop up !!!!
    It's going to be tough without you all :frown: :frown:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Boohoo - we lose Heather and meokk for a while! :cry: Have fun, be safe, and eat healthy, girls! We will miss you both.

    I am relieved to read that others have had some serious bad eating this weekend. I guess misery loves company! :ohwell: I know we are all going to get it together after this holiday fest is over! It's fun, but whooooaweee - why so much food on this holiday? LOL And why do I have to eat it all? :tongue:

    One more party tonight, but there are many healthy options at this one. Happy Memorial Day, everyone! Be safe!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Bluenote and LilDebbie-Sorry to hear you are both feeling under the weather. The holiday is almost over and all will get back to normal!

    Heather-We will miss you!! You can count on us to relay messages for you!

    Elmox-Wow girl...you are so awesome with all the exercising in spite of the holiday. You are my hero!

    Julie-Hope you had a fantastic birthday!! Two guys wrestling in the middle of the road!? WTF?! LOL

    I haven't eaten too badly this weekend. Just a little of this and a little of that. Showing up 2 pounds but TOM is here full force and stronger then ever!! BLAH!! I will find out tomorrow the status on my car. I'm nervous. My Dad said if we needed to I could submit a claim to my insurance since I don't have any previous wrecks. There was a hole the size of a golfball in my front tire. It wasn't pretty! And it wasn't fun breaking down in the GHETTO!! Anywho. Hope everybody enjoyed their time with friends and family! Back to reality tomorrow. I don't wanna! :tongue:
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    I am sitting in the ER with my son as we speak. Poor guy has so much pain. They are going to do a catscan soon. Just a bit frazzled here!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    cogirl - Thoughts are with you! Hope everything is okay.

    I have made myself sick this weekend. :laugh: Saturday I had a decent deficit because of all the exercise I did but Sunday I was way too sore to make it to the gym. I didn't overeat, but I also just ate whatever I wanted which, as already reported, was birthday cake for breakfast and Chinese food for lunch. Then we went out for drinks. 4 pints of beer. Good beer. I haven't had real beer in a while and I was straight up drunk. :laugh: When that bar closed, some of my friends went home, but my fiance & another friend and I decided to go to another bar where a few bands were playing. When we got there (just a couple blocks to walk), the cover was more than we wanted to pay, so we walked another few blocks to another bar where I had yet another beer. Now, my drunk is less severe than other people's drunk. I was still walking around just fine (which was good since we were a good 6 blocks away from the car at this point, lol) and I could think and talk but I still haven't been that drunk in years and years. We walked back to the car & I did *not* drive home. :tongue: But when we got home I was spinning. The world hasn't spun like that since I was in college. :laugh: I drank a ton of water and managed little to no real hangover this "morning." :tongue: But, uugggggh, I feel all the effects of bad eating and alcohol this evening. I can hardly wait to be back to a healthy routine tomorrow.

    I had kind of an emotional setback yesterday though. I got ready to go out and had on the dress I bought a couple weeks ago when I realized I was still too self-conscious to wear it. I took off the dress at the last minute and put on jeans instead. :frown:
    Maybe I'll wear the dress to dinner at the beach in a couple of weeks.

    On a more positive note, my body should be good and ready to let go of some fat stores now. :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Co Girl-Hope everything is okay with your son! Sending him well wishes.

    littlespy-Sounds like you had an awesome weekend. You deserved every bit of it!

    Well I have not worked out all weekend. I failed. LOL Does playing with my niece in the pool today count? She likes to wrestle and fight so I feel as though I got a workout. Even if it was a kiddie pool! I came home and cleaned. I say it counts. I am really hoping to get to spin class tomorrow afternoon. I also hope I can pick up my car. I'm driving my Dad's 1992 Thunderbird around. He bought a cash car about a year ago when diesel went up so much. Its a nice car but I miss my Fusion! :sad: Enjoy your last night ladies. Tomorrow we hit the ground running!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    ohhh...i am glad this weekend is over ...i have eaten more badly today .ugggg...and not working out made me just feel crappy today...this evening i am up 7 lbs ..ugg...i hope some of this comes off asap.

    I did hit 274.4 on saturday morning ...so going to say i met my goal of 275 by memorial day....i did see under 275

    i did have a proud moment today though....we went to the movies to see sex in the city 2... and this thearter the arm rest don't come up, i have been to this one before and usally was really snug in the seat...but this time i fit just normal in the seat was not squeezing at all !!!!!

    Tomorrow back on the wagon !!!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Quick report then off to bed!

    Calories - under (unless I forgot something...) under by hundreds - no WONDER I'm hungry!
    Exercise - garden work - frenzy of attempting to get some more plants in before the rain hit again - I was soaked with sweat so I'm assuming it should count!
    Water - GREAT

    Proud - I finally got my mega huge water jug made up with a very weak Green Chai sun tea and sweet leaf. Its just enough flavor that I can drink it by the pint! Maybe my low - water days when I'm not at work are over?

    I'm nervous about starting my new job tomorrow! I probably won't be on until night time since I don't even know if I get a new laptop tomorrow!

    ColoradoGirl - sending you good thoughts! I hope he feels better soon!!!!!