Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 21



  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Welcome Maggie, Cynthia and tstout! You will love it here. :flowerforyou: I'm actually way over the 200 limit, but I love it here so much I just stayed! :tongue:

    More thunderstorms today. I wish the cats liked them as much as I do!!! They are under the bed when the thunder rolls!

    Maggie, from your name I gather you are either from MO or live there now. I am from and currently live in MO. Elmox may be in NY, but her :heart: is in MO! :wink:
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Thanks Momma2four and bluenote :)

    bluenote - if the storms you're getting are anything like the ones we had here this week, look out! My poor car's gas tank is flooded and won't start (just means I have to walk more!)
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Well, I am feeling a little better today. TOM has taken a HUGE toll on me this time. It usually doesn't do this but I guess that is what these hormonal pills do to you. Today is busy, busy and I just have a few minutes for lunch left so I better type fast.

    Meokk - Hope you have a great time on vacation! We will miss you!

    Elmox - Happy Anniversary!!!!:heart::heart: Hope you have a great dinner with your hubby!

    Jess - Glad you got more $$ back than expected. Hope your car doesn't need anymore work, so you can use your money on fun things! So happy you found your mojo. I need to find mine real soon, like today! :laugh: Sorry another event got cancelled. Hopefully your next one will not!!

    Julie - You need to take a day off every once in a while. It is good for your body to have some rest! Enjoy it!

    Cynthia, Maggie, and tstout - Welcome!!! Hopefully you will love it here as much as we do!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Back to work I go. Stalk ya'll later!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hi girls....still in a funk. Not pretty. My goal for friday was 193.5 but I would be happy to be at last friday's weight (which also doesnt look like its happening). The scale was at 197.?? this morning. I'd have to drop 2+lbs today to be back to last week's weigh in. Too much eating and drinking over memorial day and too much cheating this week. Most of the time I wasnt even hungry and I was stuffing my face...mcdonalds and grilled cheeses...I tried to take time to think about WHY I wanted to eat so badly but cmae up with nothing. It def felt like comfort eating but I am not sure what I was "comforting" myslef from.

    Anywho been over calories every single day since last Friday. Water has been less than normal.I must refocus!!!!!

    I HAD to go do w8d2 since Jess did it last night :wink: so I did it this morning before we went to check out one of the venues.

    I may even go to spin class tonight maybe it will bring my mojo back :frown:

    Welcome Maggie, Cynthia and tstout!

    Meook- I'll miss you!

    Jess- glad you are having such a great day!:flowerforyou:

    be back later to check in!
  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member

    Checking in:
    Calories: no clue because i didn't log but food yesterday was coffee string cheese a rubio fish taco & 1/2 of a shrimp burrito
    Exercise: none unless you count major stressing out & a couple flights of stairs
    Water: GOOD! I got to 64 ounces :-)

    What i am Proud of is a bit of story:
    So my summer classes started tuesday for my masters. I was only registered in 2 but then met a friend with my same educational technology major & we decided to try to do a collaborative thesis project but in order to do that I would have to take the research methods class this summer too & the only one that was offered was Wednesday night on campus...did I mention that it is a 90minute drive for me to get to campus? ANd I am trying to set a up a fund raising booth at the annual local carnival that is across the street from my house!!! My head was seriously spinning exorcist style yesterday.
    Anyways...I went to the class, managed to convince the professor to let me in & got my advisor to agree to meet to discuss the collaborative thesis idea & I had parents drop of supplies for the carnival booth! Everything just started falling into place this morning & because I am taking the extra class this summer I will be graduating with my masters a whole semester early!! I can't believe I will have my master's degree in 6 months!!!!! :drinker: :bigsmile:

    I am in a bit of a funk in the exercise/motivation dept because of the vacation poundage...after consulting the reliable home scale...the vacation gain was only 4 pounds & I am down one already. I don't see my trainer until Tuesday which honestly will be the first free time since I got back.
    Can I just say again how much I missed everyone & all the talk while I was away :heart::heart::heart:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    My cars ready my cars ready my cars ready!!! No further damage has been done!!! I'm so excited!!! :bigsmile: I get to go pick her up tonight I hope!! Oh how I have missed my car!!

    KdubMommy-So glad to hear things are coming together for you!

    Cris-So happy that you went and did your c25k. Made me smile when I saw it on facebook. I'm going to try and go to spin class tonight. Depends if I have a date! :tongue:

    raider-You will find your mojo! I found mine. Sometimes we just overdo it I think and our body just wants a rest.

    So I'm nuts. I do this from time to time to make myself feel like I'm still young. I'm giong to a midnight movie to see Get Him TO Greek or something...and I gotta work tomorrow. What am I thinking!? :laugh:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    So I'm nuts. I do this from time to time to make myself feel like I'm still young. I'm giong to a midnight movie to see Get Him TO Greek or something...and I gotta work tomorrow. What am I thinking!? :laugh:

    Jess 26 is young!!!! I turned 26, Sept. 17, 1996!!!!! You go have fun. I am glad your car is ready. Good luck!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    So I'm nuts. I do this from time to time to make myself feel like I'm still young. I'm giong to a midnight movie to see Get Him TO Greek or something...and I gotta work tomorrow. What am I thinking!? :laugh:

    Jess 26 is young!!!! I turned 26, Sept. 17, 1996!!!!! You go have fun. I am glad your car is ready. Good luck!!!

    HAHA. I knew you would love that Momma! I know I'm young but I require sleep and every summer when my friends in town we do this a few times a summer and I always hate myself for it the next day. But it makes me feel like I'm 18. It's always good times! :bigsmile:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    kdub - Glad that you are stopping your head from spinning. I so know what it feels to be going to school and trying to do some many other things all at once!! Just think it will all be over soon!! Congrats on being able to graduate 6 months earlier!!! That is an accomplishment!!!

    Cris - Glad to see you went to the gym! That is better than me! I am still in a funk but starting to come out. I was doing the same thing you were with eating for no reason and then really trying to figure out why and coming up with nothing. I know you can get out! We can do it together!!! You are doing great with everything so far, don't quit!!:love::love:

    Jess - So glad that you are getting your car back!!! I have tried to do those midnight movies during the summer too and I am dying the next day if I don't get to sleep in! I am right there with you on needing my precious sleep and I am only 27!! :laugh: :laugh: If you do go on your date, I hope you have fun!!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, ELMOX!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Thunderstorms tonight. Ooh I love them! When lived in Oregon I really missed them. And lightening bugs. I missed lightening bugs. But what I miss living in Missouri are the nutria that used to plague my lawn at the grad apts. back in Oregon! (pic on my ticker and profile) They used to scare the **** out of me at first, but I sort of grew fond of them, being the underdogs that they are.

    Tomorrow is a new day and all of us in funks MUST get exercise tomorrow! Force yourself to do it! You will be glad you did. :heart: Bonsoir, mes amies! :heart:

    Okay blue, Oregon is only about a 10 hour drive from my house and you are telling me that those things live there? Let me be clear you miss this?

  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    cant chat today. Friends and family is coming over and I have a lot to do!

    Check in:
    calories: yup, on target
    exercise: 30 minutes elliptical and BL last chance workout ( which by the way kicked my booty) I loved it!
    water: not enogh
    proud: I got my *kitten* and workout

    check back tomorrow! Happy weigh in girls!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    jess - glad you got your car back...have fun at the movie...i haven't ever done a midnight movie, i remember a few years back we had baby sitter (mom) we went to the comedy club then a movie , movie started at 11:30 and was falling asleep waiting for it is to start...i am an old fart :sad:

    momma - glad you are getting your groove back you can do it!!!!

    WEent to the gym at lunch taking serena to swim lessons tonight....then clean up the house inlaws are coming this weekend...but we are going to the gym tomorrow night and sat morning still they will jsut have to deal...
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ok I am taking few days off of exercise because I honestly believe my muscles are retaining water like crazy .I took today off and just ate 1200 cals and I am going to do this same tomorrow what do you gals think?I was 214 this morning and I don't know if I should log it because a few minutes later it shot back up to 220 so what do you think?
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Im in a bad place right now. I have NO motivation. I dont want to workout (but I did) I dont want to eat well (I didnt).

    I feel like Im quitting...I know Im not because I am nowhere bear being done, still have 40-50lbs to go!

    It really scared me when I didnt even feel like logging in to MFP to read posts and log my calories...I have no idea how to get myslef out of this but I am spirling down an ugly path and I dont know how to help myself :sad:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930

    Okay blue, Oregon is only about a 10 hour drive from my house and you are telling me that those things live there? Let me be clear you miss this?


    ROFL! That is a great pic of my long-lost furry rodents!!! :heart: I used to love to hear them squeaking in the backyard. And when they fought, watch out! :laugh: No way could you sleep through that! They did destroy every single layer of vegetation & grass near the swamp, though. Hey! It's not their fault some stupid French fur trapper decided to bring them to America for their fur! :tongue:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    check in:

    cals: OK
    water: 96
    exercise: lots of walking today, plus the usual bike, etc.
    proud: felt great walking today! Getting ready for my Komen Walk next week!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I new you would love it!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Im in a bad place right now. I have NO motivation. I dont want to workout (but I did) I dont want to eat well (I didnt).

    I feel like Im quitting...I know Im not because I am nowhere bear being done, still have 40-50lbs to go!

    It really scared me when I didnt even feel like logging in to MFP to read posts and log my calories...I have no idea how to get myslef out of this but I am spirling down an ugly path and I dont know how to help myself :sad:

    Whoa girl. Calm down.

    I think it's time you switch to sustainable mode -- you're burned out!

    Sounds crazy, I know. But try eating more and exercising less. Allow yourself to eat reasonable amounts of foods you're craving and don't feel guilty about it. Who cares if you're a few hundred calories over your goal? Your goal is 1000 calories under your maintenance so you're still in weight loss mode... just slower weight loss mode. Full on rest-of-your-life kind of lifestyle for a while, okay?

    I'm just saying it's working for me. I NEVER feel like I want to quit anymore. Maybe I'm only dropping 4-5 pounds a month at this rate when I was dropping 10-12 pounds a month for the first 5-6 months, but... well, I think that's pretty great, actually. :smile: As far as my weight is concerned, any downward trend is a positive in my book. I'm already the lightest and fittest I've ever been. It's just smooth sailing from here.
    Yes, I've struggled with this concept -- it's taken me several months to accept it. But the reality, for me, is that any other way is going to lead to failure and weight gain and unhappiness and unhealthiness. And yeah, those are 4 things I don't want in my life.

    You've got this, Cris! Relax. :flowerforyou:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Im in a bad place right now. I have NO motivation. I dont want to workout (but I did) I dont want to eat well (I didnt).

    I feel like Im quitting...I know Im not because I am nowhere bear being done, still have 40-50lbs to go!

    It really scared me when I didnt even feel like logging in to MFP to read posts and log my calories...I have no idea how to get myslef out of this but I am spirling down an ugly path and I dont know how to help myself :sad:

    OK, woah, how did I miss this post? I guess we posted around the same time.

    Cris - I agree with Julie. Time to take a few weeks and up the cals, lower the exercise. But whatever you do, DO NOT QUIT. You can't quit, Cris! Look how far you've come! You DON"T want to go back to that heavy, sad person you were 60 lbs. ago. Try a different exercise routine for a few days - mix it up. And remember, you were losing STEADILY for a long time, and working your *kitten* off to do it. Your body got used to it and you probably got bored. Very normal! Now it's time for a mix-up. But that can never include quitting. NEVER. AND most importantly, you have to have FAITH that your body WILL lose again, if you let it. It may not come as fast as your first 60 (trust me - I know - I've been stuck on 80 for 30 eff-ing days), but it WILL come off. But you have to KEEP going and trust that it will come off. FORCE yourself to focus right now. It will become habit again. HAVE FAITH, babygirl!!! We love you and will NOT let you slide through the cracks! That is what we are here for - lean on us and let us know when you don't feel like doing it - we will lift you up. And once you get up there again, we will continue to hold you up. For me, the summer is calling me in a fierce way. I don't want to exercise anymore. I want to eat BBQ and drink beer! But I have to have faith that when I exercise I am making myself healthier. "Fake it 'til you make it", my boss always says. Which is sort of twisted for a school principal to say, when you think about it, because if he knows his teachers have to "fake it" they shouldn't be teachers, so why doesn't he get new teachers who LOVE teaching? OK, I strayed. You MUST keep going!!! You wouldn't let me give up - I am NO WAY IN H_E_L_L LETTING YOU GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Cris, You can do this sis!!! I am so proud of how far you have come and I know you can go the rest of the way