Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 21



  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Well, I today I am in a major funk! I am so glad that I am not the only one. I got some news yesterday that put me in the dumps and then TOM being here is not helping. I have been wanting to eat everything in sight!! I hope I get out of this funk real soon. I am sure that I am up from Monday because I am retaining so much water and having killer cramps! Sorry to be all down in the dumps. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

    check in:
    cal: over (not a shock)
    water: 80 oz or so
    exercise: Big FAT 0!
    Proud: Nothing today

    Hope to be back tomorrow in a better mood. I have a lot more work than normal and I haven't been able to get on during work. Hope you all have a good night.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi all

    I'm at the airport waiting for the first leg of my June adventure. 1st stop London.
    Crazy last 2 work days. I got seriously punished for daring to take a vacation
    so after being 3 lbs up on Monday. I'm now back to Friday weight and may even see a loss on Friday.
    That's partially due to the fact that I threw up my dinner last night. I'm fine now. It must have been all the stress.

    Pos me - I want to be down to 175 by July 1st as that's my official "overweight" weight. That means I need to lose 8 lbs in June. Let's do this together !!

    Lildeb. Sorry about Serena I hope it's just a phase and she starts playingnicely soon.

    Elcome back kdubmommy. The service sounds lovely. Sorry your son split his head open though. Don't stress about the gain you'll be back on track in no time.

    Cogirl that sounds so scary I hope you can get a second opinion for your son. Head injuries can reall be sneaky

    Cris. Yay so happy for you that you'll get the wedding you want. Bobby came to his sensesand remembered that if you're happy. He's happy huh ? We picked our venue and dare a few weeks ago and it was a huge relief. Hope one of those venues works out for you.

    Elmox. Have a wonderful weekend with your mommy. I'm seeing mine tomorrow as well.

    Mari. Madgoth. 1stpaul. Nice to see you all !!!!

    Mstahl. So so so hAppy you love your new job !!!!

    Last lengthy post for a while si I hope you all have a good few weeks and I'll check in when I can.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Pos - Today was okay, she was in ISS all day so hard to get in trouble...
    Mstahl - Glad you love your new job
    Raider - Sorry you are in a funk...
    chris - glad you are getting your way for the wedding (that is the way it should be anyway :smile:

    Got back from my water aerobics class...put what MFP says but i still think it is high., i never eat them anyway.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Just got home from work and work and the gym. I can't believe I have that much energy.
    Weather has been nuts tonight with sudden random downpours and strong wind along with intermittent sun. It makes for a lovely sauna like air with the temp so high and the humidity at about 100%. Yuck. It usually waits until mid July to get so gross.

    Was kind of feeling blah about the scale even though I know it's because of my new exercise routine along with TOM and my 4 day sodium fest (triple whammy?) but tonight things are looking up (down?). My muscles are still in freak-out mode especially since I just kicked my *kitten* at the gym but I can see myself losing fat and the 100% cotton size 16s I bought new to wear to work at the end of January will *not* stay up without a belt so I'm moving well into size 12 territory (though I'll still claim size 14 for a bit longer).

    The working 2 jobs plus gym time is making for ridiculously late dinners on Tuesday and Wednesday but I don't really mind. It's nearly 11pm now and I'm barely hungry so it'll probably be at least 11.30 before I even think about making dinner. I think I won't make it to the gym at 6am tomorrow -- maybe Thursdays will be my rest day whenever I can make it to the gym Wednesday night. I do love the gym. I'm so glad I'm able to strength train and that's something I'm really going to be working on for the next several months. Still not sure about the whole "you can't build muscle on a calorie deficit" thing. I don't want to build bulky muscle anyway but I definitely want to maintain the muscle I have and strengthen them, and I think that must be possible on calorie deficit.

    Walmart didn't have the protein powder I wanted so I decided to try Jillian Michaels' whey protein against my better judgment because the container was smaller and cost 1/2 as much as my only other option. It's okay nutrition wise... tastes pretty gross, though. I'll definitely be getting the kind I wanted to buy in the first place today after I finish it, but for now I'm just going to mix it half & half with the vanilla protein powder I already have. I like that it doesn't contain "artificial" ingredients, but I'm very unconvinced stevia (in all it's processed glory...) is more "safe" than sucralose. Whatever. Whenever someone starts with the "it's safe because it's natural" spiel, all I can think about are all the things found in nature that are completely toxic and even deadly to humans. After all, dying is pretty "natural," I guess. :laugh:

    Calories: if I eat everything planned, I'll be at 1628 (goal 1725)
    Exercise: 30 minutes elliptical; 30 minutes strength training (jello arms)
    Water: I have 11 cups logged -- that's low for me :ohwell: I'll probably get 2 more cups before bed
    Proud: Went to the gym, even after 12 hours of work. It's a good thing.

    mstahl -- so happy you LOVE your new job!! I can hardly wait to have a job I find even tolerable!

    jess -- congrats on making it to the gym & actually working out! Some guy came into the gym while I was there, got on an elliptical for about 5 minutes, and then just walked back out. :laugh: Guess he wasn't feeling it.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Yeah to Jess and LittleSpy for the great workouts today!
    Mstahl - so happy you love your job!
    Meokk - safe travels and enjoy your time with your momma!

    To all the ladies in a funk - funks will come, but more importantly - they will GO! This is when it's tough to persevere and continue to try. It's easy to get complacent. However, you/we are stronger than that. We know that hard work = results and that the results are worth it.

    Check-in for today:
    Cals: Over, by 151...I was doing so well until my ice cream splurge at the end of the night. But worth it!
    Water: 80 oz
    Exercise: None
    Proud: Showed some self-control with the homemade ice cream (bourbon pecan) that my husband made. My mom and I each had 3 spoonfuls (teaspoon size) and we put it away. I probably had about a 1/3 c. total. Yeah for willpower!! Boo for husbands making homemade ice cream...there's also a Black Chocolate Stout ice cream in the freezer. Good grief! :noway:

    Mom and I have plans to hit the gym in the morning, mani/pedi late morning or early afternoon, off to a spa for massages and some soaking tubs and saunas, then to Bryant Park for yoga (hopefully the rain will hold off!).

    Tomorrow is also our 4th wedding anniversary, so we'll be celebrating with a great dinner out. Should be a fun-filled day!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, ELMOX!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Thunderstorms tonight. Ooh I love them! When lived in Oregon I really missed them. And lightening bugs. I missed lightening bugs. But what I miss living in Missouri are the nutria that used to plague my lawn at the grad apts. back in Oregon! (pic on my ticker and profile) They used to scare the **** out of me at first, but I sort of grew fond of them, being the underdogs that they are.

    Tomorrow is a new day and all of us in funks MUST get exercise tomorrow! Force yourself to do it! You will be glad you did. :heart: Bonsoir, mes amies! :heart:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Mstahl: I glad you love your new job

    Elmox: Happy ANNIVERSARY!!!

    Eeokk: Hope you have a safe trip. You will be missed around here!

    Litspy: thanks on the info about the HRM...I bought mine ( Polar F6 - blackdimond) last December. I love it. Enjoy!!!

    Cris: Good luck on the venues...Hope it works out in your favor

    Bluenote: are you enjoying your summer break? Are you planning on going anywhere this summer?

    Be back in a bit...I have to go drop off my son @ preschool
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I declare today a recovery day! Whew -- I know I'm working out harder than ever because I've never just known that I needed to rest and actually wanted to before. But today, yeah, my muscles are completely exhausted. It feels so good and so bad all at the same time. :tongue:

    Blue-- I'm with you, I love thunderstorms! We've had them the last 2 nights. We often have them nearly every day late afternoon in the summer here.
  • Cynduck
    Cynduck Posts: 255 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Can I join you guys? I have a long way to go and would love to meet some new people so we can encourage one another. It looks like we check in with this daily...
    Check-in for today:

    Anything else I need to know? I will check in for yesterday...

    Check-in for today:
    Calories: under
    Water: not enough - only about 24 oz
    Exercise: I was up and moving all day (which isn't my typical) but never got to actually exercise. The day did not turn out as planned!
    Proud: I'm proud that I am getting myself re-focused and back on track. I'm proud that I am working towards being healthier.
  • missouri_rain
    missouri_rain Posts: 560 Member
    Hi! I'm Maggie, I'm pretty new here, today was my 20th day I believe.
    I just found this board and thought I'd jump in, if that is alright?
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning ladies!!

    Welcome cynduck! We also weigh in every Friday and whoever is our biggest loser of the week gives us a challenge!

    mstahl-Glad today was a better day and you are LOVING your new job! We will miss seeing your around during the day.

    LittleSpy-Soo happy to hear you are loving your gym membership! A day of rest is probably a good idea if you are that exhausted.

    Blue-I LOVE thunderstorms too! It was looking like rain here earlier but now I think it's just going to be hot. YUCK! We're supposed to hit into the 100's starting tomorrow.

    meokk-Have a great time on your first journey! Sounds like you have quite the trip coming up.

    Elmox-Enjoy your day of pampering! And also Happy ANNIVERSARY!

    I woke up feeling quite refreshed and think I found my mojo. I'm hopeing today is a good day. I got a check from my health insurance for a reimbursement for my glasses and it was almost 3 times as much as I expecetd. Oh Happy DAY!!! AND my car SHOULD be done today. Pending there isn't suspension problems. I hope hope hope hope hope there isn't! Hope everybody has a good day. Be back later!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Can I join you guys? I have a long way to go and would love to meet some new people so we can encourage one another. It looks like we check in with this daily...
    Check-in for today:

    Anything else I need to know? I will check in for yesterday...

    Check-in for today:
    Calories: under
    Water: not enough - only about 24 oz
    Exercise: I was up and moving all day (which isn't my typical) but never got to actually exercise. The day did not turn out as planned!
    Proud: I'm proud that I am getting myself re-focused and back on track. I'm proud that I am working towards being healthier.

    Welcome Cynthia!! YOu are going to love this group of chatty girls...LOL

    Good Luck on your journey to a healthier you :-)
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good morning ladies!!

    Welcome cynduck! We also weigh in every Friday and whoever is our biggest loser of the week gives us a challenge!

    mstahl-Glad today was a better day and you are LOVING your new job! We will miss seeing your around during the day.

    LittleSpy-Soo happy to hear you are loving your gym membership! A day of rest is probably a good idea if you are that exhausted.

    Blue-I LOVE thunderstorms too! It was looking like rain here earlier but now I think it's just going to be hot. YUCK! We're supposed to hit into the 100's starting tomorrow.

    meokk-Have a great time on your first journey! Sounds like you have quite the trip coming up.

    Elmox-Enjoy your day of pampering! And also Happy ANNIVERSARY!

    I woke up feeling quite refreshed and think I found my mojo. I'm hopeing today is a good day. I got a check from my health insurance for a reimbursement for my glasses and it was almost 3 times as much as I expecetd. Oh Happy DAY!!! AND my car SHOULD be done today. Pending there isn't suspension problems. I hope hope hope hope hope there isn't! Hope everybody has a good day. Be back later!

    Hey Jess,

    Glad you found your mojo. sound like an overall happy day for you...let's do the happy dance :-)
    I hope to find my mojo soon becasue I HATE feeling like this. I think the weather sucked up my energy! I WILL do my normal elliptical and Treadmill...and hopefully that will give me my energy. I usually feel great after a workout.

    I am finding C25K boring too. I lOVED doing the interval training...but @ week 5 not much intervals. I think I will stick on week 4 for another week or so.

    Before I forget..

    Maggie welcome to the group!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Cynthia & Maggie - Welcome to the group!!!

    Jess - glad you getting your mojo back and hope no suspension problems for you !!!!

    Littlsply - Glad you are digging your new gym...i love mine :smile: Have a good rest day, i know this weekend (after my lift class) i was soo sore...i took a day off on monday and I feel good now (probably would of felt better a few days ago if i hadn't eaten soo much crap this weekedn:grumble: :grumble: )

    I think i am back to my pre-weekend weight...this morning i was hovering between 274.9 - 275.5 (i was like 275.3 last weekend). I don't think i am going to have any loss this week, but who know maybe a tenth of a lb or something). At this point i am glad just to back to where i a was last week.

    My little one was not feeling good last night, she didn't even want to go to the gym to play and went straight to bed at 6pm..she woke up this morning (midnight) i was thinking it was like 5 untill hubby said it was still night, so i put her back to bed, thens he got up again at 1 put her back to bed, then a few more times i think until 2...then she got up at 5.

    She wasn't running a fever this morning or anything...I am hoping she lasts through today .... I really hope she doesn't get sick again !!!!
  • Cynduck
    Cynduck Posts: 255 Member
    Thanks ladies!

    Chatty groups are good LOL

    Jess that's awesome that you are feeling so good today :) You go girl!

    lildebbie glad you are back at where you were preweekend! That's a celebration even if the scale doesn't show anything additional. I hope your little one feels better soon. Poor thing :(

    Positively_Me - I think I am going to start the C25K today. I just have to go pull the schedule off so I know what to do each day.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    cynduck-c25k is awesome! I love it! Until you get to the 25+ minute runs it's boring!! I'm going to finish up week 8 hopefully tomorrow! Good luck!

    lilDebbie-Hope your lil one feels better! YAY on being back to pre memorial day weekend weight!

    Soo...I just found out tha ANOTHER event we were going to next week is canceled. What's the deal!? LOL I swear. Getting a refund for this one should be good times.
  • Cynduck
    Cynduck Posts: 255 Member
    Jess I just can't imagine being able to run for 25+ mins!

    I have my treadmill in my bedroom so that when I am walking I can watch all my recorded tv shows and the Biggest Loser. Hard to stop the treadmill when you are watching the contestants on the Biggest Loser work so hard LOL Plus it makes me feel guilty if I am laying in bed watching tv hahahaha
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good Morning Girls, I won't be here for weigh in tomorrow it doesn't matter anyway No LOSs for me this week. I went too hog wild over the weekend. I have been back on track for 3 days now and I am pretty proud of myself. I am slowly but surely finding my motivation again. This last year with my son and another issue I won't mention on line really took a toll on me. I am at peace with my little guy's situation, I am blessed that he is mine. He makes my life a good one. As for the other issue it was resolved in March so I can't use it as an excuse any more. Onward, and forward I go to getting under 200 pounds.

    Welcome Cynthia and Maggie, glad you decided to come join us. You will love it here. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Elmox, Happy Anniversary!!!!

    Mstahl, so happy the job is something you enjoy. You can't beat that.

    I hope you all have a wonderful day.:flowerforyou:
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Brand spakin' new!

    Hi all :) I've had a Myfitpal account for almost a year... but only last about three weeks at a time before I get distracted. So I figured it was high time to make some friends and boost up my accountability.

    I am currently at 240. About two years ago, I was down to 180 (terrible crash dieting... never ever good) and as soon as I had my first sandwich (the first bread in about 8 months) I began to balloon back up. And here I am. I've always played sports, and recently took this spring off from rugby as I moved to Chicago from Ohio.

    After some eye-opening information... I realized that I need to get back on the ball and I need to do it now. For me. Previous reasons for weight loss: various boys, parents, the "ohh look how much weight you've lost" comments, possible military career. But never just for me. However... "me" has trouble staying focused. So here I am, hoping to benefit from the great motivation that seems to be happening in this group!

    Overall goal: Back to 180
    Nearest goal: 225 by July 23rd (which happens to be my 10 year high school reunion... dun dun duunn!)
    Next goal: 205 by September 28th (29th birthday)
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Brand spakin' new!

    Hi all :) I've had a Myfitpal account for almost a year... but only last about three weeks at a time before I get distracted. So I figured it was high time to make some friends and boost up my accountability.

    I am currently at 240. About two years ago, I was down to 180 (terrible crash dieting... never ever good) and as soon as I had my first sandwich (the first bread in about 8 months) I began to balloon back up. And here I am. I've always played sports, and recently took this spring off from rugby as I moved to Chicago from Ohio.

    After some eye-opening information... I realized that I need to get back on the ball and I need to do it now. For me. Previous reasons for weight loss: various boys, parents, the "ohh look how much weight you've lost" comments, possible military career. But never just for me. However... "me" has trouble staying focused. So here I am, hoping to benefit from the great motivation that seems to be happening in this group!

    Overall goal: Back to 180
    Nearest goal: 225 by July 23rd (which happens to be my 10 year high school reunion... dun dun duunn!)
    Next goal: 205 by September 28th (29th birthday)

    Welcome and by the way I already like you:flowerforyou: