Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 21



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    ohhh...calgon take me away!!!!!!!!!

    serena now has in schol suspension for 2 day for pulling a kid by the shirt today...we took away swimming lessons and it has been screaming for 40 minutes now...
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    ohhh...calgon take me away!!!!!!!!!

    serena now has in schol suspension for 2 day for pulling a kid by the shirt today...we took away swimming lessons and it has been screaming for 40 minutes now...
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    KDub - Oh my goodness! Poor baby!
    COGirl - your son's episodes sound very scary and the undiagnosed part is upsetting. Can you take him to a specialist to get a second opinion?
    lildeb - So sorry that Serena is giving you the old defiance act. Make sure to mention this at her next counselor's appt. Sounds to me like something is triggering her at school.
    litspy - I tried the muscle milk bars and shakes. I love the bars. The shakes, well - if you are OK with that Slimfast taste, then you're OK. I liked the vanilla better than the chocolate. The Light was good, too.

    I had a much better eating day today. Whew. And the scale only read a 1 pound gain, so off I go to get that off.

    check in:
    cals: good
    water: 98
    exercise: 60 bike, arms, squats, PT
    proud: good eating day
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    blu - i am not sure why she has been doing this lately...i honestly don't think she intends to be bad or mean or violent..i think she gets mad or frustrated and acts out.....she was devestated about no swimming maybe this will make her realize that she must make better choices...we go on monday to her counselor, and i for sure will bring it up....

    i made dinner but didn't follow the directions much and it didn't turn out good :sad: i ate it but not very good.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LilDebbie-Sorry to hear about your daughter acting out again. I hope things get better soon.

    KDubMommy-We missed you! Welcome back! Those 7 pounds will be off in no time. Your poor lil man! That looked like some gash in the head. Hope you get caught up soon.

    Bluenote-Glad today was a better eating day for you!

    I have lost my workout mojo. :sad: I hope to find it tomorrow. Maybe I just need a night of rest after running non stop all weekend. We will see tomorrow.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I had no time to read posts. Tommorrow,i will.

    Check in
    calories: on target!
    Exercise: 30 minutes each treadmill& elliptical
    water: not enough

    proud: that i exercised even though i didnt feel like it!!

    Be back tomorrow!
    Nite :)
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    ohhh...calgon take me away!!!!!!!!!

    serena now has in schol suspension for 2 day for pulling a kid by the shirt today...we took away swimming lessons and it has been screaming for 40 minutes now...

    Chin up! I think blue is right bring this up to the counselor. You just keep chugging a long things will get better. They will , and know that I am praying for you and for Serena.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    ohhh...calgon take me away!!!!!!!!!

    serena now has in schol suspension for 2 day for pulling a kid by the shirt today...we took away swimming lessons and it has been screaming for 40 minutes now...

    Chin up! I think blue is right bring this up to the counselor. You just keep chugging a long things will get better. They will , and know that I am praying for you and for Serena.

    Thanks...there has to be a point when she realizes what she does is not how she needs to act..i know she is 6 and always won't be perfect ..but something has to give...oh how i pray 2nd grade is better...it can't be much worse.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    LilDebbie - I'm not a mom so of course I know every thing (joking!!!) but with the grand-kids I simply leave the room when they have a fit. It seems to help if no one is there to watch? I also used to baby sit for a kid who had to wear a helmet because he'd bash his head if no one watched his tantrums so I know they can get crazy!

    First day on the new job. Bad News- my old boss and VP are being *kitten* and making it look like I did nothing for the last six months. Good news- the new boss/department seems to know it's BS and they're all wonderful "forget them - they're drama queens- you're here now and we love you" - I love the work it's awesome and I get on so well with my co-worker! We're a team of two and we really complement each other.

    Bad news- came home with a horrible head ache and told the DH about my day. He attacked me and said how I "gave them ammo to use against me" which is somewhat true... but not so helpful right now grrrrrrr...

    Thus I somehow decided that since I was short about 200 calories, drinking about 600 calories would be a good idea, plus eating some bad food...

    Checking in-
    Calories - 900 over
    Water - good
    Exercise - none
    Proud - didn't do anything bad to my old management team. Resisted the urge to "defend" myself which only plays into their hand... left work at 4 which was 9 hours after coming in - a very SHORT day for me!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    kdub - Welcome back!! We missed you! Sorry about the weight but I agree it will fall off fast. Your poor little baby! Maybe now he will think twice about throwing a tantrum.

    lildeb - Sorry about Serena. I agree that something has to be triggering it. Hope it gets better soon. Sorry your dinner didn't turn out well.

    Jess - Hope you get your mojo back soon!!

    mstahl - Sorry your first day didn't go as planned but at least you like this one better!

    check in
    Calories: Under but barely
    Water: 100 oz
    Exercise: None :(
    Proud: That I didn't over eat on the fajitas tonight. They were sooooooooooo good! But I was good.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    check in -

    Cals 1706
    Water - 74 oz
    Exercise - 35 min arc trainer + 6 min bike (327 ) cals
    Proud - I started to get back on track today...went to the gym, i was struggling but i did it...

    I was sitting here needing more cals so got me pb and carrots...after i ate way too much pb i am thinking i overdid it a bit :smile: if you are in the belieft that there is a such thing as too much pb. Still not eat all exercise cals so think i am in good shape.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    COGirl - after re-reading my post to you, I realize I came across sort of authoritarian. I did NOT mean to! What I really meant to say is I am worried for you and him, and hope someone can diagnose this for you! Sorry if I sounded preachy and *****y. :embarassed:

    OK all ye medical ppl out there - my arm that has the huge rug burn and chunk missing from my elbow is starting to turn red around the edges. I am assuming this is NOT good. ??? Argh!!! :angry: Why can't I fall like normal people?!!??! :grumble:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Is back down to my pre weekend weight!! WOoHOO!! Should really hit the gym tonight! Hope I can find the motivation to do it!! :drinker: Happy Hump Day Ladies! We're already halfway through the week.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Is back down to my pre weekend weight!! WOoHOO!! Should really hit the gym tonight! Hope I can find the motivation to do it!! :drinker: Happy Hump Day Ladies! We're already halfway through the week.

    Woohoo wTG !!! I am sitting at 1.8 lbs over still..ugg..much better than 5 though. Think i will go to the gym tonight and the water aerboic class tonight!!!!

    Edit: I meant to say i will go to the gym at lunch and water aerobic class tonight.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Bluenote -- I'm not a medical person. Just keep an eye on the scrape -- if it's red AND warm to the touch, then you're dealing with an infection. If it's not already infected, get yourself some antibiotic ointment now if you haven't already. If it is already infected, get yourself some doctor.

    Congrats Jess! I'm down to my pre-weekend weight.. from like 5 weeks ago... :embarassed: I know why -- because the gym is a new thing and I go in there and kick my butt with cardio & then strength training and my muscles are *freaking out* hardcore. I can feel them -- they're really swollen because they're retaining so much freak-out water. :laugh:

    This is really awful, but I know I've lost fat because... the skin on my stomach is looser. My stomach skin was looking really good until about 5 pounds ago. I mean, it still looks good considering, I've just noticed more sag. I was walking yesterday.... and... I felt it jiggle. :sad: :sad: :sad: At least the jiggle means there's LESS fat there. 70 pounds ago, when I felt a jiggle, that's when I knew it was time to lose weight. I had never been so fat I jiggled before. :indifferent:

    And the verdict on AdvantEDGE is.. ehhhhhh. I'm just going to get some chocolate protein powder like the vanilla I have and buy some small drink containers and mix my own protein drinks. They'll have more protein and cost about 1/3 as much so that sounds like a winner for my situation.

    Calories: 1610
    Exercsie: 35 minute elliptical, 25 minutes strength training
    Water: ~14 cups
    Proud: I bullied the manager at my part time job to step on it to cash me out so I could make it to the gym for an entire hour. He was really pushing it. Yes, I'm proud of that. Because the old me would've just sat and waited patiently while he BSed around about it and then I wouldn't have been able to go to the gym. I would've been POed, but I never would've said anything. Last night I told him I needed to leave. 10 minutes later he was still pooping around and I walked up to him, looked him in the eye and said "You need to hurry because I need to leave NOW!" and then marched my demanding *kitten* right over to the office and glared at him with my arms crossed. :laugh: As ridiculous as it may have been, it worked and he immediately came over (with his hands raised above his head, lol) to cash me out. :tongue:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I like the slimfast shakes but really did not like the muscle milk...hmmm

    Lildeb- I am so sorry about your daughter, I cant imagine how I would handle it myself so good luck to you and know we are all here for you when you need a vent

    Jess- My mojo is pretty much gone too. I wanna lounge by a pool and do nothing. I dragged my sorry butt to the gym yesterday and ran for about 7 mins on the TM and did 20 mins on the bike...and whereas that would normally make me feel just fine, I felt like I was dying...lol ..Congrats on being down to your pre-weekend weight!!!!

    I am still 1.2lbs from my Friday weigh in. Its annoying but only have myself to blame. I dont think I went over 2000 on any of the days so it must be water...just gonna chug chug chug today.

    I attempted week 8d2 yesterday and my body (or mind) was not having it...I am going to try again tonight. I am just not mentally ready for it right now

    On good news- I won the wedding battle. Bobby has agreed to let me have it here so our families and friends can all come. I was sooo happy because everything was at a standstill waiting for him to come around! Tomorrow we are going to check out two venues we narrowed it down to, so hopefully we will have a date soon adn the REAL planning can get underway!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Morning Girls!!

    I am lacking motivations these past couple of days. I worked outside all weekend long through Memorial day, but yesterday I had to *force* myself to workout. I ate too much, snacking again, so @ 8pm I got my butt off the couch and workout for an hour. I did manage to stay within my exercise calories..77 calories left, but I went over on fat 10 grams over.

    Today I will re-focus on my calories and fat. I already planned my menu for bfast, lunch, and dinner. I am also doing 1 hour of exercise ( morning and evening).

    I managed to gain 5 pounds over the holiday weekend. The weird thing is I don't remember eating way too bad. Maybe it was mindless eating, busy doing things and don't realize I am eating - multitasking. I did eat ribeye steak on Sunday and Monday...removed all the fat, could it be that's what the gain was. I did get sick after eating it. I am also getting sick from dairy ( fatty dairy - cheeses). does anyone have the same problem? I eat cheese 2% or full fat and I feel it so heavy on my stomache and it makes me so weak and tired..every single time I eat cheese this happens or anything fatty. I can't have chips anymore because it burns my mouth for days ( the salt). Has my taste buds changed that much?

    sorry for all the rambling...but I am still figuring things out. I'm back on track...I hope...
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-It's a summer thing! That's all I want to do is be lazy. I'm still watching what I eat but just not much motivation to go to the gym and work my butt off like I was before. I'm going to shoot for 1 pound a week loss. I have my 5k next week but don't feel like I'm where I wanted to be for it. I'm going to attempt w8d2 tonight as well. Hope I find some motivation! Congrats on winning the wedding battle! Can't wait till you set a date and can start the real planning!

    LittleSpy-Way to go on demanding what you want! That's awesome!! I guess the fat jiggle is a good thing? I've been using the skin firming lotion someone reccomended awhile ago. Seems to be working. I use it on my stomach and arms because those are my 2 big problem places.

    Did anybody catch Jillian's new show last night? I watched it and loved it! She is one brutal *kitten*! :tongue:

    POS ME-I'm sure it's probably sodium or from working outside so much and your retaining water. If you didn't eat that bad there's no way it's a 5 pound gain. It'll fall off. Sounds like your body might just be exhausted. Take a day or two of rest. Sounds like you might need it! As far as the chips and fatty food. I can still eat them just not as much. If I eat a lot then I feel sick. Doesn't seem to affect my lips though. Not sure about that. Sorry girl!

    Mstahl: Sorry you had a bad first day of work! Hope things get better!

    LilDebbie-Those last bit of Holiday weight will go away. Keep kicking butt in the gym. You're doing awesome!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories- over, ate 1335
    water- yup....
    sodium- 2048
    excercise- treadmill for 12 mins- only 7 mins running but I did it on 4.5 which is faster than my normal 4.3
    calories burned- I have no idea, my hrm was not working and it was pissed. Prob around 300-400 cals
    poud- I went to the gym...I didnt do as much as I would have liked but I still went. I am feeling more confident in my image and more comfortable about how look