Over 200 New Year New Me Part 16



  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    You are so chatty in the daytime, I wish I had the sort of job that allowed for major stalking :bigsmile:

    Cris, Elmox, Pos me - nearly there, so close. Can you beleive you are going to be 19? in the next few weeks???:drinker: :heart: :drinker:

    Jess - OMFG your transformation is incredible, such a huge difference WTG !!:drinker: :drinker:

    back this evening for a catch up
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Question to all the stalkers today...lol

    Is anyone a coffee drinker?
    I have been drinking coffee since age 14. I use to drink it with so much non dairy coffee creamer and lots of sugar, but i cut back to 2 teaspoons of sugar and 1 tablespoon of non-dairy creamer..

    I have noticed that my calories add up quickly do to the amount of coffee i drink in a day. for the past 3 weeks i have only added 1 pkg of splenda or 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1 tablespoon of coffeemate's flavored creamer + 1 oz of 1% milk...

    However, i drink like 4 to 8 cups of strong coffee...sometimes i drink Cafe bustelo, expresso for that extra energy...or turkish coffee...but both are loaded wiht too much caffine..which doesn't bother me...what bothers me is that i am trying to cut the sugar and fat "the extras" i add to my coffee.

    so my typical 2 cup of coffee i have before my breakfast consist of 75 calories, and 2 grams of fat. NOt much but if you are like me drinking 4 to 8 cups a day i wasted 300- 600 calories and 8 - 16 grams of fat..

    recently i only drink 2 to 4 cups a day...just to get me through the day but i wan't to cut it down or aleast cut my calories/fats that i add...

    so my question is What do you put on your coffee?
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    Hello ladies! I hope everyone is having a good day. :smile:

    Cris - Wow! 8 lbs! That is awesome. You are so close to the hundreds! :smile:

    LittleSpy - Woot, congrats on breaking your plateau!

    elmox - OOhh french fries are one of my weaknesses (and their friends pizza and baked goods). Good for you for only having a few. :smile: I haven't trusted myself to go anywhere that there is fries or pizza yet.

    Positively_Me - I am a coffee drinker, although I don't really have any suggestions for you on how to cut back on the calories. Most of the time I just have 1 mug in the morning with breakfast. Once in a while I get a Dunkin Donuts small at night but not since starting my BL program and on MFP. I'm really not a fan of any kinds of fake foods or diet foods, so I just try to moderate the stuff I am eating. I use 2 tbsp of regular half and half and 1.5 tsp of sugar in my 14 oz mug. It is a constant 63 calorie part of my breakfast every day but no way am I giving that up. :smile:

    Checkin for 4/27:
    Calories - 163 under (plus 864 exercise calories unused)
    Water - 85 oz (yay I counted!)
    Exercise - 50 min circuit training with my BL trainer
    Proud - that I didn't get discouraged after my gain yesterday and use it as an excuse to eat something delicious but bad for me
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    stalker- yes!:wink::laugh:
    coffee drinker- no:ohwell:

    The only thing I can relate your coffee thing to is my need for soda. I never acquired a taste for coffee so to get my caffeine I drank soda, lots and lots and lots of soda. I had to cut it out completely. Maybe you can choose like two times a day that you really really need it and just limit yourself to those two times? I know thats prob not what you want to hear, lol....I dunno maybe someone will have a better idea!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Jess: Holy moly, I can't believe how much progress you've made. You're absolutely awesome!

    lstpaul: Good job getting rid of the chips. Where is your land located that you're trying to sell?

    Cris: I, too, knew we'd be good friends since we're both such awesome smart people!

    Awestfall: I like the new pic. Your face is getting thinner and thinner all the time!

    Littlespy: Like you, I never posted pics from when I was at my heaviest, but I'm seriously considering getting my OMG pic on here to share. It's crazy how sad and happy one can get in the same moment when seeing one of these pics. First it's "I'm gonna cry, I can't believe I was that huge", immediately followed by "Wow, I look so good now!"

    Last night, I managed to do an exercise on the pull-up bar that consisted of having my arms in the "ab slings" that come with the bar and lifting my knees, then twisting them to each side. Let me tell you, it killed the abs, but I think it means I'm getting stronger. It sounds stupid to be so proud of doing one rep of a particular exercise but it was huge for me. I think my boyfriend is going to whip my arms into shape whether I like it or not!
    Thanks for the sweet comments!!! Might I add that you look AMAZING in that dress on your profile pic!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Is anyone a coffee drinker?

    I LOVE coffee but I've never really been a habitual coffee drinker. I have it maybe twice a week. Sometimes in the morning and sometimes at night. I used to use all kinds of sugar and flavored creamers or cream (sometimes half & half). I'm afraid to think about how many calories was in a mug of coffee the way I used to make it. I love really strong coffee, too. The problem with coffee for me is that it always makes me crave a cigarette. :ohwell:

    These days I'll have a packet of splenda (I know, I know. Oh well. :laugh:) and about an ounce or 2 of 2% or 1% milk. Or sometimes, just the milk. Total cals = 15-30

    And I've always been a huge soda drinker, too Cris. I switched to diet soda (got used to the flavor) and now I'm switching from diet soda to carbonated water. I love the carbonated water. Plain carbondated** water. I used to think that was SO GROSS (like if I went to get some Sprite & all the syrup was out or something :sick:)! Now I seriously *crave* the water and I guarantee I'd think the Sprite was really gross. :laugh: Just thinking about how sweet it is.. blech.

    Edit: ^^ **lol, how do you "carbondate" water? Too bad my brain doesn't work nearly as fast as my fingers.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Question to all the stalkers today...lol

    Is anyone a coffee drinker?
    I have been drinking coffee since age 14. I use to drink it with so much non dairy coffee creamer and lots of sugar, but i cut back to 2 teaspoons of sugar and 1 tablespoon of non-dairy creamer..

    I have noticed that my calories add up quickly do to the amount of coffee i drink in a day. for the past 3 weeks i have only added 1 pkg of splenda or 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1 tablespoon of coffeemate's flavored creamer + 1 oz of 1% milk...

    However, i drink like 4 to 8 cups of strong coffee...sometimes i drink Cafe bustelo, expresso for that extra energy...or turkish coffee...but both are loaded wiht too much caffine..which doesn't bother me...what bothers me is that i am trying to cut the sugar and fat "the extras" i add to my coffee.

    so my typical 2 cup of coffee i have before my breakfast consist of 75 calories, and 2 grams of fat. NOt much but if you are like me drinking 4 to 8 cups a day i wasted 300- 600 calories and 8 - 16 grams of fat..

    recently i only drink 2 to 4 cups a day...just to get me through the day but i wan't to cut it down or aleast cut my calories/fats that i add...

    so my question is What do you put on your coffee?
    Coffee drinker here but I don't have as many as you do throughout the day.Caffeine triggers anxiety attacks for me so I limit myself to one cup a day and I add CoffeeMate French vanilla creamer 25 calories for 1Tablespoon.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    stalker- yes!:wink::laugh:
    coffee drinker- no:ohwell:

    The only thing I can relate your coffee thing to is my need for soda. I never acquired a taste for coffee so to get my caffeine I drank soda, lots and lots and lots of soda. I had to cut it out completely. Maybe you can choose like two times a day that you really really need it and just limit yourself to those two times? I know thats prob not what you want to hear, lol....I dunno maybe someone will have a better idea!!

    Thanks Cris for the advice. I tryed cutting out coffee for a whole week but it didn't last more than 2 days.. i have a really bad headach...so i went back...but I only drank one big mug..equivalent to 2 cups...and that total was 70 calories...but i am cutting out my evening cup(s) of coffee.. I am now drinking organic green tea..w/ one teaspoon of sugar..so i am trying lower my intake of coffee. it a habit i would love to break.

    as for the soda, i don't need another addiction...not a fan of soda..thank God :)
  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member
    Checking in for yesterday

    Calories:1387 - including a homemade surf & turf dinenr :-) & 3 glasses of wine
    water: virtually none
    Exercise: 25 minutes on the elliptical paired with about 225 crunches

    Ok so yesterday pretty much sucked....i was feeling pretty good about my fitness test with my personal trainer but it didn't go well...i had wieghed & measure in the morning but the afternoon measurements showed absolutely NO difference from my last fitness in February...ARRRGGGGGGGGG
    I get so upset & frustrated with this whole process....i desperately want to be down under 200 by late july when I see my parents but right now all I want to do is eat!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Checking in for yesterday

    Calories:1387 - including a homemade surf & turf dinenr :-) & 3 glasses of wine
    water: virtually none
    Exercise: 25 minutes on the elliptical paired with about 225 crunches

    Ok so yesterday pretty much sucked....i was feeling pretty good about my fitness test with my personal trainer but it didn't go well...i had wieghed & measure in the morning but the afternoon measurements showed absolutely NO difference from my last fitness in February...ARRRGGGGGGGGG
    I get so upset & frustrated with this whole process....i desperately want to be down under 200 by late july when I see my parents but right now all I want to do is eat!

    I'm sorry you got frustrated yesterday, I know exactly how you feel ... I haven't seen any progress on the scale for months and sometimes I just want to quit trying. BUT, I know that I feel healthier, have more energy and I DON"T want to gain any more weight. So it is worth it to keep trying! Hang in there! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Is anyone a coffee drinker?

    I LOVE coffee but I've never really been a habitual coffee drinker. I have it maybe twice a week. Sometimes in the morning and sometimes at night. I used to use all kinds of sugar and flavored creamers or cream (sometimes half & half). I'm afraid to think about how many calories was in a mug of coffee the way I used to make it. I love really strong coffee, too. The problem with coffee for me is that it always makes me crave a cigarette. :ohwell:

    These days I'll have a packet of splenda (I know, I know. Oh well. :laugh:) and about an ounce or 2 of 2% or 1% milk. Or sometimes, just the milk. Total cals = 15-30

    And I've always been a huge soda drinker, too Cris. I switched to diet soda (got used to the flavor) and now I'm switching from diet soda to carbonated water. I love the carbonated water. Plain carbondated** water. I used to think that was SO GROSS (like if I went to get some Sprite & all the syrup was out or something :sick:)! Now I seriously *crave* the water and I guarantee I'd think the Sprite was really gross. :laugh: Just thinking about how sweet it is.. blech.

    Edit: ^^ **lol, how do you "carbondate" water? Too bad my brain doesn't work nearly as fast as my fingers.

    Sorrry littespy, can't help you with you Carbonated water...not a fan of that either...I tasted it a long time ago and said " who the he** drinks this stuff" that is probably why i can't stand alka seltzer. I tried using when i had a cold...i said i will rather suffer with the cold..lol

    I was going to say something else but brain freeze...
    I remember...i made a pack wiht myself for every cup of coffee i have to drink 2 cups of water...and the consequences is running to the restroom..lol
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    KDub -- One thing that Cris said a while ago that has stuck with me is that when the scale wasn't moving, she wanted to give up. But then she realized if she did that, the scale WOULD move.... in the opposite direction from what she wanted. :wink: Right after that she lost about 400 pounds in 2 weeks. :tongue:

    When people say they want to "quit" I get worred. Quit what? If you're doing something that is so hard to sustain that you want to "quit" every time the scale doesn't budge, maybe you should reassess what you're doing. :wink: And if the scale (or measurements) hasn't budged for over a month, again, maybe you should reassess what you're doing. Or, if you're like me, maybe check your expectations against reality. I lost an unrealistic amount of weight my first few months here. Now I'm averaging a much more conservative monthly loss. But over time I'm still losing! Yeah, maybe I'm only losing an average of 4-5 pounds a month now -- but that's SO much better than *not* losing 5 pounds in a month! :laugh:
    Long story short, I once essentially starved myself to lose 40 pounds. The scale didn't budge for a couple weeks. I said "screw this!" and gained 60 (maybe more) pounds over the next 4 years which brought me to MFP. I've lost that 60 pounds I gained. I plateaued in the exact same spot this time. But, this time what I'm doing is sustainable. I have made big changes to my lifestyle and eating habits but they're changes I actually enjoy. So, this time when I hit that plateau, I griped to these ladies about it, but I kept searching for a way to bust through the plateau. And now I've lost 7 more pounds. If I had said "screw this" like last time, I'm sure I would've gained at least 10-15 pounds back by now. It's just not going to happen this time. :smile: We can all really do this. And we can do it in a way we're going to be able to continue for rest of our lives.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    littlespy - Extra pee trips but no extra water...has your bf baby fever caught up to you? LOL When I was prego I remember all the constant trips the bathroom.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Well said littlespy!!!!! We CAN't quit. This is a life long journey to healthier happier women. Bumps in the road yes(I am on a bump right now) Quitting NO. We can do this ladies. My husband always says to me when I complain about not losing as much or as quick. "You could be going in the wrong direction at least this is in the right"
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    littlespy - Extra pee trips but no extra water...has your bf baby fever caught up to you? LOL When I was prego I remember all the constant trips the bathroom.

    SHUT UP Jenn. :laugh: I wasn't going to say anything about it, but my back sure has been hurting the last few days, too. :laugh:
    I think I was just retaining water & I must've slept weird. :indifferent:
    I'm giving TOM at least another 4 or 5 days to show up before I go into full blown freak-out mode so I'm trying not to freak out early. :tongue: My cycle has been a little bit wonky the last 4 months or so. I normally run around 22 days but it was longer in January (27 I think) and around 25 the last 2 times. I'm just on day 26 right now. It's okay. All good. And now that everyone knows everything about my menstrual cycle, I'm going to shut up now. :laugh: :embarassed:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    KDub -- One thing that Cris said a while ago that has stuck with me is that when the scale wasn't moving, she wanted to give up. But then she realized if she did that, the scale WOULD move.... in the opposite direction from what she wanted. :wink: Right after that she lost about 400 pounds in 2 weeks. :tongue:

    When people say they want to "quit" I get worred. Quit what? If you're doing something that is so hard to sustain that you want to "quit" every time the scale doesn't budge, maybe you should reassess what you're doing. :wink: And if the scale (or measurements) hasn't budged for over a month, again, maybe you should reassess what you're doing. Or, if you're like me, maybe check your expectations against reality. I lost an unrealistic amount of weight my first few months here. Now I'm averaging a much more conservative monthly loss. But over time I'm still losing! Yeah, maybe I'm only losing an average of 4-5 pounds a month now -- but that's SO much better than *not* losing 5 pounds in a month! :laugh:
    Long story short, I once essentially starved myself to lose 40 pounds. The scale didn't budge for a couple weeks. I said "screw this!" and gained 60 (maybe more) pounds over the next 4 years which brought me to MFP. I've lost that 60 pounds I gained. I plateaued in the exact same spot this time. But, this time what I'm doing is sustainable. I have made big changes to my lifestyle and eating habits but they're changes I actually enjoy. So, this time when I hit that plateau, I griped to these ladies about it, but I kept searching for a way to bust through the plateau. And now I've lost 7 more pounds. If I had said "screw this" like last time, I'm sure I would've gained at least 10-15 pounds back by now. It's just not going to happen this time. :smile: We can all really do this. And we can do it in a way we're going to be able to continue for rest of our lives.

    Thanks Littlespy....I truly needed to see the big picture...I did lose weight this month..not much but it is 5 pound i don't have to worry about.

    you and the rest of the 200 group are so motivational. I would have given up long time ago but when i come to ths group, you gals give me the motivation to keep on trying.Thanks girls..you girls are the best:flowerforyou::heart:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LittleSpy-I'm with ya girl. Mine has been weird the last couple months too. I use to be right on to the date. The last probably 6 months it' hasn't been like that. I think it's all the exercise and what not and your body getting use to it!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Alright ladies. I've been doing some thinking and I'm officially switching my calorie goal back to 1200 & will be trying to eat 90-100% of my exercise calories. :noway:
    It's basically what I've been doing this week already (I was eating 1330 base & about 75% of my exercise cals) but this way it's easier to track/calculate.

    The goal for me here is to eat around1200 NET calories a day & doing so should put me at a deficit around 800-900 calories a day. My body no longer tolerates huge calorie deficits like it did before so I'm going to give it what it wants in hopes I can start steadily losing around 1.5-1.75 pounds a week. I'm currently averaging about 1-1.25 it seems.
    Hooray! I like a plan.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I have to laugh...you gals crack me up!

    The baby fever thing crossed my mind reading about Julie's extra trips to the restroom, but I wasn't going to say anything because I didn't want to jinx anyone. But, since Jenn mentioned it...in all reality, though, I've been on a pee trip every 30 minutes today but I don't have baby fever (neither does the bf)!

    I've heard it several times that TOM can get really messed up when exercising and dieting and really fit women often have such light menstrual cycles that they're practically non-existent. Hmm, that would be a good goal. Anyway, I've always been 28 days on the dot but now this month has been weird. I'm not freaking out yet, though, because I have my annual checkup tomorrow.

    Pos_Me: I like coffee but only the fancy flavored drinks like iced mochas and lattes. I limit myself (usually) to about 2 per week at about 110-160 calories each. It's the diet soda I'm addicted to, but most days I'm able to limit myself to one with lunch and one with dinner. I'm trying to cut back even further but haven't been very successful so far.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    The baby fever thing crossed my mind reading about Julie's extra trips to the restroom, but I wasn't going to say anything because I didn't want to jinx anyone. But, since Jenn mentioned it...in all reality, though, I've been on a pee trip every 30 minutes today but I don't have baby fever (neither does the bf)!

    At least we're in this boat together Heather (what boat? I'm not sure). :laugh: Misery loves company.
    I have been 5 times at work today (been at work for 8 hours). That's 3 times more than usual. And it wasn't "Oh, maybe I need to go to the restroom" it was "OMG I have to pee RIGHT NOW!" :laugh:
    And I've officially had *less* to drink than usual.

    I am also *so hungry.* It's like the more I increase my daily calorie intake, the hungrier I get (I guess my metabolism is waking up?). My stomach is growling so loudly I'm certain my coworkers can hear it!