Over 200 New Year New Me Part 16



  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Thanks for the cliff notes bluenote LOL.

    As for exercise calories, some people eat some of them, some eat all, some eat none...I personally eat almost all my exercise calories. Sometimes I don't eat them that day, but then I have a few hundred of them on my non-exercise days. The way you gotta think about it is this, if you are only eating 1200 calories, and you have a 1000 cal deficit, and then you work out and burn 400 calories, you are now at a 1400 calorie deficit. That is really too much for your body to deal with. You will start to burn muscle not fat, and your body could start to think it is starving and store everything it can.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good evening girl :). Checking in: Calories: 1,389 ( ate some of my exercise calories), exercies: 30min stepper ( burnt 300 cal.), water:a lot(15 cups), Proud: i wanted to eat really bad...but stuck with in my plan.why?because i knew you girls would read and then give me a lecture about going over my calories and exercise calories. I am off to bed because staying downstairs will hinder my diet. Good night girls. If this post is unreadable sorry..i am using my daughter's i touch: )
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Y'all are cracking me up with the baby shower talk! :laugh: :laugh: I know you probably don't find it funny though LittleSpy...sorry...I'm not laughing anymore I promise!

    Well, I'm sooooo not pregnant, but I've decided I'm done worrying about it. I mean, we take steps to ensure it doesn't happen, but if it does happen, then it happens. :tongue: I mean, what are we supposed to do, abstain?! :laugh: I'm almost 26, my bf is 31 and we're in a 4 year relationship. Abstinence just ain't gonna happen. I'm not gonna lie, after the initial reaction of "Oh crap, oops" I'd be really really excited. :bigsmile: And Cris, I totally want a boy. :tongue:

    Kdub -- Trust me, I've already scoped out the counter top carbonators. :laugh: My bf is really handy, though, and he has pretty much insisted on building one instead.
    Raider -- you can so totally have all my preggo mojo. :laugh: It's not something I'm trying to do for a couple of years. :tongue:

    Calories: Goal 1590; actual 1580. YAY! (I slipped a Guinness & a chocolate donut hole in there...)
    Exercise: 30 minutes stationary bike. Only got 8.7 miles. I *have* to make it to 9 miles. Grrr!!
    Water: 96oz right now
    Proud: The scale budged. Woot! Oh, and I'm at 204.0 TONIGHT (I always weigh at least 1.5 pounds more at night. Sometimes a lot more than that.). :bigsmile:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    WOW! Fun catching up!

    Checking in for today:
    Calories - under but ate most exercise calories
    Water - under
    exercise - jogged "barefoot style" funky for about 20 minutes total (still sore from trying this Sunday)

    Proud - At the hospital tonight but didn't eat comfort food. I was close to my calories after lunch so I just had a hard boiled egg and two apples :)

    Ken's Mom went into surgery at around 1PM because there wasn't enough improvement. Her belly was tight as a drum and they needed to see what was going on. The contrast solution had gone all the way through her bowels but her bile was still backing up (and had to be pumped out through a stomach tube since Sunday).

    I got the the hospital when the surgeon was talking to the family. It had only been a half hour since the surgery started (never a good sign). It seems she has a clot in the main artery to her bowel - all of it was dead or dying except the end of her colon. So she's not going to make it. She has been so active and happy - this is a lot like a slow motion heart attack, but instead of dead heart muscle, it's dead bowel.

    She's in a hospice room at the hospital - I just came home to change, get meds and stuff and I'm heading back in soon. I had to check MFP first of course - miss you guys too much!

    My FIL is a mess. She's figured out she's in hospice and isn't asking questions - she probably thinks it's cancer. I have been helping her eat (gets pumped right back out so no harm) and she's starving since she hasn't had any food since Sunday. It's so hard watching this. She's amazing - and beautiful (at 90!) and so wise and strong.

    OK I gotta go. If you are the praying type please say a little prayer for "Millie" who loves her (irritating) husband and her two sons, and riding bikes crazy fast, saving turtles she finds crossing a road, bird watching, and who was a nationally ranked archer in her sixties. And pray for her husband and sons who look like little lost sheep (92, 70 and 69).

  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Mstahl, I'm definitely praying for you, Millie, and all her boys. I hope they can all find peace.

    bluenote, that was an impressive recap! Well done. The next obvious question...are you from STL? If so, where'd you go to high school? I'm a Webster Groves States(wo)man. For all non-St. Louisians, the "Where'd you go to high school" is the quintessential St. Louis question that always gets asked when you find out someone is from St. Louis.

    Checking in for the evening...
    Calories: 1258, under
    Water: 96 oz
    Exercise: 100 min walking for a total of 4 miles
    Proud: I'm proud of the "cameltoe" that I seem to get when I cinch in my belt to make sure my pants don't fall down. It ain't pretty, but if it happens because my pants are getting too big, I'll make it work.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh mstahl. I've been worried since we haven't heard from you today. Your description of your MIL made me smile. :flowerforyou: She sounds like such a great woman. Your family is in my thoughts.
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    mstahl, I'm so sorry to hear about your MIL! She sounds like an amazing lady. You and your family will be in my thoughts.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    WOW! Fun catching up!

    Checking in for today:
    Calories - under but ate most exercise calories
    Water - under
    exercise - jogged "barefoot style" funky for about 20 minutes total (still sore from trying this Sunday)

    Proud - At the hospital tonight but didn't eat comfort food. I was close to my calories after lunch so I just had a hard boiled egg and two apples :)

    Ken's Mom went into surgery at around 1PM because there wasn't enough improvement. Her belly was tight as a drum and they needed to see what was going on. The contrast solution had gone all the way through her bowels but her bile was still backing up (and had to be pumped out through a stomach tube since Sunday).

    I got the the hospital when the surgeon was talking to the family. It had only been a half hour since the surgery started (never a good sign). It seems she has a clot in the main artery to her bowel - all of it was dead or dying except the end of her colon. So she's not going to make it. She has been so active and happy - this is a lot like a slow motion heart attack, but instead of dead heart muscle, it's dead bowel.

    She's in a hospice room at the hospital - I just came home to change, get meds and stuff and I'm heading back in soon. I had to check MFP first of course - miss you guys too much!

    My FIL is a mess. She's figured out she's in hospice and isn't asking questions - she probably thinks it's cancer. I have been helping her eat (gets pumped right back out so no harm) and she's starving since she hasn't had any food since Sunday. It's so hard watching this. She's amazing - and beautiful (at 90!) and so wise and strong.

    OK I gotta go. If you are the praying type please say a little prayer for "Millie" who loves her (irritating) husband and her two sons, and riding bikes crazy fast, saving turtles she finds crossing a road, bird watching, and who was a nationally ranked archer in her sixties. And pray for her husband and sons who look like little lost sheep (92, 70 and 69).

    Thoughts and prayers go out to you,Millie,and her boys.I am here for you Mstahl!!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    mstahl - My prayers are with you and your family during this time. I am so sorry to hear about your MIL.

    On a different note, I hope everyone has a great Thursday! It is my Friday at work so I am soooo ready for the weekend! :tongue: Hopefully today I can stay UNDER my calorie count but we will see. I need to get my butt outside and walk during my breaks instead of sitting here infront of the computer.

    Talk to you girls later!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Mstahl-I'm so sorry to hear about Millie. She's in my thoughts and prayers as well as your family and friends. Take care of yourself. She sounds like a truly amazing woman.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Morning girls :)

    Mstahl: I am so sorry to hear about you MIL condition...she will ( and her family) will be in my prayers.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I am so frustrated this morning..I followed my 1200 calorie, stay with my calories, and not to go over my exercise calories ( that is if i do eat them), worked my butt off on the treadmill, walking outside, elliptical, and using the stepper; but my weight is not budging...since Monday my weight has been 211.9 - 212...and up unitl this morning...it not moving...i am working so hard..

    I usually work out between 45 minutes - 90 minutes.. 5 - 6 days a week. the days i work out long i eat part of my exercise..and the days i do minimal wrokout i eat my 1200 calories. Why is this happening to me? this happen to me before...my weight stalled around this point a couple months ago..and i got tired seeing the same number so i gave up and the weight started to creep back up and that is how i ended up at a 218 in a matter of weeks.. However, i don't want to give up...i want to fight this until i get to my goal...but i want to cry because i am working so hard and my weight is staying the same.. Last friday i was at my all time low..207.9. However, i have not seen that number again...Satureday 209, Sunday 209.9, Monday 211.9, Tuesday 212, and today 211.9.

    WHat am I doing wrong?

    I needs your help...tell me what to do so i can see my weight go down..

    sorry, and thanks for reading...i had to let out my frustration...
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Oh Mstahl, So sorry to hear the sad news about your mother in law. Stay strong for those men in her life. Sounds like she is nearing the end of a life well spent. :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Pos Me - Don't despair. Every single one of us in this group has been where you are right now. Go back to yesterday and read littleSpys motivational post because I couldn't say it better myself. We are not on DIETS!!!!:flowerforyou:
    If it helps, I'll shar my experience from the past 2 weeks with you. I upped my calories to 1450 per day and only did some light exercise, about 20-30 mins of walking on most days. Last week I dropped 1.6 lbs and this week already I'm down by 3lbs and it's TOM right now. Maybe you could try this and find, like I did, that 1200 is too low for you.
    There is now way we are going to let you give up, stalkers at the ready!!!:laugh: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    I finally got my new scale, it's a Tanita that measures body fat and water %.
    Oh boy am I fat.......42% I think it said !!!!!! Yikes. Hope to get that down into the 30s as soon as I can.

    The scale has me at 2.2 lbs heavier than my old crappy scale so I'm going to go back and edit my start weight to be 2.2lbs higher because I don't want my ticker to be a liar. I lost those 34lbs fair & square! :bigsmile:

    TOM hit me like a brick wall yesterday, no warning whatsoever, what happened to my usual 2 days of bloating, emotions, eating anything that isn't tied down ????:huh: Maybe this was just a fluke but I would love for every TOM to be just like this one.

    I'm happy to be working from home today so I can stalk away !!!:laugh: :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I am so frustrated this morning..I followed my 1200 calorie, stay with my calories, and not to go over my exercise calories ( that is if i do eat them), worked my butt off on the treadmill, walking outside, elliptical, and using the stepper; but my weight is not budging...since Monday my weight has been 211.9 - 212...and up unitl this morning...it not moving...i am working so hard..

    I usually work out between 45 minutes - 90 minutes.. 5 - 6 days a week. the days i work out long i eat part of my exercise..and the days i do minimal wrokout i eat my 1200 calories. Why is this happening to me? this happen to me before...my weight stalled around this point a couple months ago..and i got tired seeing the same number so i gave up and the weight started to creep back up and that is how i ended up at a 218 in a matter of weeks.. However, i don't want to give up...i want to fight this until i get to my goal...but i want to cry because i am working so hard and my weight is staying the same.. Last friday i was at my all time low..207.9. However, i have not seen that number again...Satureday 209, Sunday 209.9, Monday 211.9, Tuesday 212, and today 211.9.

    WHat am I doing wrong?

    I needs your help...tell me what to do so i can see my weight go down..

    sorry, and thanks for reading...i had to let out my frustration...

    It happens, PosMe. You know I've been struggling with the same thing. You also know "giving up" isn't an option!

    I don't know how often you eat some of your exercise calories, but try eating some more often. Perhaps you should change your goals/expectations to only lose 1.5 pounds a week and that will give you more calories to eat on days you don't exercise.
    I feel like with each pound I lose, my body tolerates less and less of a calorie deficit. I think that's why I keep increasing my calories, losing a little, and then hitting another plateau a couple weeks later only to repeat the cycle. I'm trying to keep my calorie deficit UNDER 1000 a day now. My body doesn't seem to appreciate anything even near a 1000 calorie deficit anymore.

    This week I'm also really stepping up my exericise intensity. The amount of exercise I'm doing is pretty much the same but I had let myself get comfortable with my intensity level. I could do 7.5-8 miles in 30 minutes on my bike easy peasy. This week I'm pushing to go 9 miles in 30 minutes and it's kicking my butt (thought I was going to die this morning and only got 8.8 :laugh:). But that's a GOOD thing! I was running around 4.0mph. Tonight I'm starting C25K over, barefoot style, with a 7MPH running speed! That may be all talk right now, but Monday I did several 4 minute intervals at 5.8mph and I hung in there pretty well so I'm pretty sure I can smash a few 60 second intervals at 7.0 (oh, my unwarranted overconfidence :tongue:).
    I had gotten sooooo comfortable with my little routine it could hardly even be considered working out anymore. It's time to feel like I'm going to puke again. It's time to be ridiculously sore every day again (and believe me, I have been every day this week so far). It's time to fuel my body for my intense workouts (by eating all of my exercise calories).

    I was at 202.4 this morning. That's down 2.2 from last Friday (and down 1.6 from my lowest official weigh-in)It's time to make this this UNDER 200 pounds club! (I feel really corny right now :laugh:)
  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Mstahl: Really sorry to hear about uer MIL...you are definitely in my prayers & good karma thoughts

    Checking in from yesterday:

    Calories: 1377 - ate about 200 of my exercise calories.
    Water: hmmm the past 2 days have been in the desert range...
    Exercise: 30 very HARD sweaty minutes on the elliptical....why is it the MFP won't let me tell how hard I worked on the elliptical light hard, moderate or light when calculating how many calories I burned?

    Good news! I will be getting my sushi today! I am SOOOO excited! My son's nanny is going to bring some home for me when they go out for their usual Thursday lunch so it will be my reward after working out today :-) I am going to have to try to watch my calories today so I can eat all my sushi delivery today :-)

    I am really trying not to lose motivation....I had my trainer remeasure yesterday afternoon & my waist was down by a 1/2 inch...i soooo desperately want my waist measurment to be below 40 its insane. I want the scale to go below 220 REALLY bad too...if I can make below 220 then i feel like it will be a sign that I can totally do this. My trainer is going to start measuring me every thursday & I am supposed to be doing between 60-120 minutes of cardio between Friday-Monday.
    I am trying to train the little cheerleader in my brain to keep chanting "yes you can, yes you can"
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Exercise: 30 very HARD sweaty minutes on the elliptical....why is it the MFP won't let me tell how hard I worked on the elliptical light hard, moderate or light when calculating how many calories I burned?<snip>

    You can enter you own exercise if you want. If you wear a HRM, you can use the calories burned from that, or you can find another website to give you an estimate & enter that. Like this one (not endorsing, just giving an example :wink:) http://www.healthstatus.com/calculate/cbc
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    YAY!!!! I just tracked my shoe delivery and they're being delivered today!! That was so fast! I looked at the transit history and everything timed out just perfectly (like, they arrived at the distribution center about 45 minutes before the delivery truck was loaded with today's deliveries. :bigsmile:

    I'm seriously bouncing in my chair. I don't know that I've ever been so excited about shoes. :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning!!

    POS ME-There's no way we are going to let you give up! We will track you down and stalk you! Have you changed your workout routine up at all? Like LittleSpy said you might need to start pushing yourself harder. I have noticed every month for a week or two or after a big loss I lose nothing for a week or two. My body adjusts so quickly. Maybe try zig zagging your calories to keep your body guessing constantly. But there's no way you're going to give up! We wont let that happen. Chin up. You will get through it!

    LittleSpy-YAY on the shoes!! So excited!! Let us know how you like them! They sure look funky. I checked them out. I hate toe socks so I don't know if that's something I could handle wearing while I run.

    KDubMommy-YUMMY SUSHI!! Eat some for me! I give you permission! HAHA!

    meokk-Congrats on your new scale! It is disapointing to get a new scale and it show you weigh more! That's how mine was too.

    I don't remember if I shared yesterday......if I did I apologize for the repeat. I'm very excited to say I have 2 people to jogging with on trails around the area! YAY!!! I'm so excited I could hardly contain myself! We're going this Sunday bright and early. I can't wait!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Is anybody elses MFP layout all screwed up? None of my graphics or anything is working. It's throwing me off!