Over 200 New Year New Me Part 16



  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Julie, when are you going to the pharmacy and getting a test so we can find out?:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Julie, when are you going to the pharmacy and getting a test so we can find out?:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    You hush! :tongue: It's only been 28 days. I've got a few more days yet before I really panic and feel the real need to pee on a stick.

    Though last night I slipped & mentioned TOM was a few days later than usual. My bf said "Uh oh..." then grinned & said "Well, I do like babies." Although I'm like 99% sure I'm not, especially after the way I feel today, it was quite a relief to say the least.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Julie, when are you going to the pharmacy and getting a test so we can find out?:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    You hush! :tongue: It's only been 28 days. I've got a few more days yet before I really panic and feel the real need to pee on a stick.

    Though last night I slipped & mentioned TOM was a few days later than usual. My bf said "Uh oh..." then grinned & said "Well, I do like babies." Although I'm like 99% sure I'm not, especially after the way I feel today, it was quite a relief to say the least.

    Littlespy: with my last child, who is ten years apart from the first two was a big suprize. I was expecting my monthy friend...had all the signs that TOM is coming...waited for a full week...my sister jokeingly said " take a pregnancy test" so i did...the first one came out positive...didn't believe it...so i took 5 more...so i started to cry becasue we didn't plan it. I didn't know how it happened..we did use protection..but like the package says 99.98% accurate...well i was one of those one percent who got knocked up..lol..b

    When i think of it - it was the best thing that could have happen to our family...He is our amusement..with out him ( or any of my kids) our life( hubby and mine) would be boring..
    The grow up so fast so charish every moment with them.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Yeah. I'm definitely NOT pregnant. :tongue:
    TOM has officially arrived. Hooray! And also uugggggghhhhh :laugh:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Raider - i would highly recommend you invest in a juicer for drinking those fruits & veggies...but if thats not an option I like the V8 fusion juices...they have diet too...THe V8 fusion juices are super yummy & have a full serving of fruits & veggies in every 8oz...the only thing to watch is that is it easy to blow lots of calories on the juice. Juicing the stuff yourself is good because then you don't get all the added sugar...orange apple carrot is really good & its easy to juice a zucchini with the orange & carrot & you don't even taste it...I personally prefer my zucchini grilled with a little olive oil & season salt :-)

    I do have a juicer but I have only used it once. I didn't like the combination that I tried I guess. Maybe I will try some other combination and see if I like them. I do not like most veggies so I am trying to find some way that I will eat them.

    LittleSpy - Glad that you are NOT pregnant. I know that it was a sigh of relieve since you weren't ready. Crazy thing is that I would like it if TOM came in the next few weeks so that I know we can get pregnant.

    All the Moms out there - I love hearing about all of your kids! I can't wait to have one of my own. Ya'll give me so much to look forward to. :flowerforyou:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Raider, hopefully, one day your family will be blessed with a child. Believe me,when the time is right,it will happen. Stay positive!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Yeah. I'm definitely NOT pregnant. :tongue:
    TOM has officially arrived. Hooray! And also uugggggghhhhh :laugh:
    . Don't stress...better luck next month...lol
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I got all giddy reading the baby stories. My uterus skipped a beat, even. But then I had to go scrape Mojo the Horrible off of the drapes and realized God did not give me kids of my own because I would NOT be patient!!! :tongue: Plus I would SO forget to feed them. :noway:

    Had a tornado scare there for a while tonight, girls. but it's all good now. Whew. We're under a tornado watch until 3:00am, tis all.

    OK I am going to tell you all something that is a little scary and I think I am going to need your help with it. It seems when I lose weight (and believe me it has been countless number of times), I always stall around 75 pounds lost. Every time I stall there. Then I stay there, not losing for weeks, months, and then give up. Well, I am at 73 and I think it is starting. I lost one pound this week, which is OK I guess considering I had vodka for dinner last night and on Sunday I ate at a brunch and then late at night decided to celebrate (God knows what I was celebrating) with half of a belgian waffle with hot fudge sauce.

    OK peeps, you know me. I am faithful and extremely diligent. But I am slipping! Take today, for example. I ate SO MUCH bad food today that when I logged it I think I blew the calorie counter up because MFP knocked me off! I had to log in again! I am serious! I did! I had to exercise like a madwoman during the damn tornado sirens to work off my chicken wing and girl scout cookie binge.

    I'm getting scared, ladies. What if 75 is it for me? And even more disturbing, why did I waste a binge on stale GS cookies?


    Antsy Nancy
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Little Spy......................... -1.6 = 0.78%
    Pos_me............................0.0 = 0%
    Meokk.............................. -4.0 = 2.06%
    Jess..................................-1.4 = 0.65%
    momma.............................0.0 = 0%
    Mari....................................-2.4 = 1.03%
    coloradogirl ..................... -1.0 = .38%
    elmox.................................-3.4 = 1.66%
    Raiderape........................-.5 = .18%
    Cris2005............................-3 = 1.44%
    Bluenote............................ -1.0 = 0.24%

    So happy to see you here, lildeb. :flowerforyou: I missed you. Same goes for you, Jesyka. :flowerforyou:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    And just in case you haven't seen enough of me posting....

    check in:
    calories: OVER BIG TIME
    water: 96
    exercise: 40 minutes of vigorous bike to work off the wings and cookies
    proud: I logged everything even though I wanted to go into Nancyland, where there are no calories and cookies are nutritious and good for you.
    :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown:
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    KDub- Here's hoping your hubby agrees to add to your addition this summer, and good luck :)

    Miranda-Don't let your loss upset you this week. A loss is a loss and should be celebrated :) And from what I've seen in the past with this board a lower, or no losses one week usually mean a larger loss the next :happy:

    Jess-Tons of catching up lol. I was smart enough to at least keep up with the posts everyday, just didn't think to respond :blushing: Still awaiting news on the new baby..What sucks about inductions [besides the horrid contractions they cause] is that it could take a few days to work [and some end in c-sections which I hope won't be the case. Hope you enjoy the Opera tonight :smile:

    Momma- Glad to hear you prevailed in the war of the defiant child:laugh: I can kind of understand on that front. I have a brother who is high functioning Autistic. I can attribute a lot of the patience I learned to him. I'm 10 years older than him, so I worked with my mom in trying to help him find ways to listen, and learn. His biggest downfall is behavior. He's a really sweet boy, but knowing proper social behaviors and not being to easily influenced can be a challenge. I'm a lot better with my own kids because of him :smile:

    Pos- Don't get embarrassed about him playing with your hair :) My 3 yr old's security to fall asleep was tucking her hand into my bra:blushing: :embarassed: I breastfed for 11 months and didn't have the chance to wean, we had to quit cold turkey so she had some issues with that, she finally grew out of that a little after she turned 2.

    Bluenote- I almost peed myself at you're forgetting to feed your hypothetical kids line :laugh: But trust me, if my kid follows suit of others you'd NEVER forget to, every 20 minutes it's a chorus of "mama, mama, mama, I'm HUNNNNGRRRYYYY" hard to miss that :P You help to make this group the amazing fabulous group that it is, 75 is NOT it for you:flowerforyou: You start to slip you have us all in your corner cheering you on and giving you hell when you start to stray:laugh: We're all in this together so hang on tight, you slow down or stop on the losing front, we will all work together to think of strategies to get you going again. Look at how many have plateaued so far here, and then gone on to big losses again, you're going to do this girl!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good mornig everyone... I **arhem** shocked my metabolism last night. I was under 2000 cals, prob around 1700 but truth be told I stress ate and it sucks. I don't want to use food as a crutch. My poor son has been nothing but sick since I put him in that he'll hole daycare and I feel responsible because I keep taking him back there. I HAVE to work and I haven't found a new place for him to go, it's so hard to find a center that takes kids under 2. Anyway, I ate e cheesesteaks for dinner with 2 diet cokes and I took a couple of bites from my sons fries and chicken strips. I'm only up a pound or so and I hope it has minimal damage.

    Another reason I was upset is because right now my son is really contagious and we were supposed to have my step son this weekend so my fiancé and step son went to stay at my MIL so I was kind of mad that I was left alone to take care of a sick baby after I had already done it all week. Plus I missed my fiancé :(

    ok enough whining...

    Blue- we've all hit that wall and I think that as a group we have lots of fantastic ideas on how to get away from plateau so IF you hit that wall at 75lbs we will all be here to offer suggestions! Please Dont quit! You are soo close to 100 and we are all waiting anxiously for you to get there so we can celebrate with you!

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Bluenote-No way we aren't going to let you give up. We are all in this together. This is the time of year when I usually start to slack hardcore and I can feel myself doing it. We both have come way too far to let this happen! I'm not gonna quit on you. None of us will! Chin up!

    Cris-Sorry to hear about your baby being sick again. Does sound like one hellish daycare! Hope he gets better soon.

    Well the Opera was definitely an interesting experience. Most definitely not my cup of tea. I really felt out of my element. I enjoyed it. From what my friends say (one being some choir guy who knew several of the cast members) said the Opera really wasn't that good. Said they were really not impressed with the vocal performances. The orchestra was so loud most of the time I couldn't hear them singing and spent the majority of the time reading the subtitles. My best friend and her boyfriend left because she kept falling asleep. I'm glad I got to experience it but I definitely don't think I will be doing that again. I liked getting all dressed up (I was way under dressed. I left my prom dress at home!!) . Enough of my rant. It's raining here. I love the rain! I suppose I better go get ready for work. YUCK! Have a terrific Saturday!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    OK I am going to tell you all something that is a little scary and I think I am going to need your help with it. It seems when I lose weight (and believe me it has been countless number of times), I always stall around 75 pounds lost. Every time I stall there. Then I stay there, not losing for weeks, months, and then give up. Well, I am at 73 and I think it is starting. I lost one pound this week, which is OK I guess considering I had vodka for dinner last night and on Sunday I ate at a brunch and then late at night decided to celebrate (God knows what I was celebrating) with half of a belgian waffle with hot fudge sauce.

    OK peeps, you know me. I am faithful and extremely diligent. But I am slipping! Take today, for example. I ate SO MUCH bad food today that when I logged it I think I blew the calorie counter up because MFP knocked me off! I had to log in again! I am serious! I did! I had to exercise like a madwoman during the damn tornado sirens to work off my chicken wing and girl scout cookie binge.

    I'm getting scared, ladies. What if 75 is it for me? And even more disturbing, why did I waste a binge on stale GS cookies?


    Antsy Nancy

    Um, Bluenote, I am going to have to SING again ?!?!?!? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    So you had a bad day on Friday and you will move on and be better today. I just know it.
    I'm thinking that it's irrelevant that you got stuck at 75 lbs in the past because in the past you didn't have all of us.
    You know we will all come to STL and kick your butt :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    But, seriously, we are all here for your support and will do whatever we can to help you get over that 75 lb imaginary blockade.
    That's all it is.......imaginary. You are doing this for life and in a few weeks or months, when you're at 100lbs lost you're going to look back at this and think how silly it was to expect to stall at 75. :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member
    Good Morning!!

    I am doing a happy dance this morning!!! I finally below 220 which was a mini goal of mine! I weighed in at 218.25! I soo TOTALLLY excited! I am even going to ride my hot pink bike to my study session this morning! I have to leave in about 15-20minutes!

    Checking in

    Calories: WAY over....will be exercising my butt of today!
    Water: umm lame like 30 ounces :-(
    Exercise: nothing hard...just walking back & forth from the teachers lounge a couple time

    weight: 218.25 = 1.8 lost! Wahoo! happy dance happy dance! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Ok time to pour my coffee & figure out breakfast to take to my study session & get dressed! I will talk to you all amazing ladies this evening! Have a FANTABULOUS Saturday!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Good morning!

    That was quite a morning reading up on the joy of motherhood and the joy of not motherhood (hooray LittleSpy!). bluenote, you will get over the hump of 75 lbs! You have an amazing support group here that will encourage you and hunt you down if you disappear for awhile.

    It's like 90 degrees here today, so it's a bit hot for a run outside. I'm headed to the gym for some major exercise. Ive been a bit off on my exercise routine this week - I did nothing on Monday or Thursday, so I'm hoping to jumpstart myself this weekend.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: 1444, with 133 exercise left over
    Water: 72 oz
    Exercise: Ran/walked outside for 30 min (300 cals)
    Proud: Went out last night for dinner with friends. I split a chicken sandwich with a friend and avoided the french fries that were 8 inches away from me.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    mmmm french fries....jk:laugh:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Anyone heard from Awestfall??
    She didn't weigh in yesterday.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'll stalk awestfall.

    Cris -- hey, guess what. 1700 calores should still be weight loss mode for you, exercise or not. :wink: And I am like obsessed with baked sweet potato fries. I was jonesin for a cheeseburger & fries last night so I used 96% lean beef & made baked sweet potato fries with some freshly shredded parmesan on them & I was in heaven. *drool*

    Kdub -- woot for being under 220! That rocks!

    elmox -- It's really hot here, too. Blech! I got sunburned through spf 45 this morning at work! I have to be the whitest person ever (well, now maybe the reddest :laugh:). :ohwell:

    Bluenote -- I'm thinking you get stuck at 75 pounds because... well, because you've been at it a long time by now and the shiny is wearing off, eh? I know that I was in a funk a couple weeks ago because of it but I'm back at it full force and you will too! I mean, you know you can't stop because we'll just harass the crap out of you if you stop showing up. Maybe you need to take breather, that's okay. I totally did last weekend. I still logged what I ate for the most part because I wanted to stay accountable, but I allowed myself to have a few meals of whatever bad horrible nasty food I wanted. You know what happened? By Sunday I felt gross and just awful! Monday I woke up with renewed enthusiasm.

    Calories: 1582 (goal was 1583!)
    Exercise: 30 minutes walking/running
    Water: over 100oz
    Proud: I'm going through C25K again. I started with week 1 day 1 today and ran 7 MPH intervals!!! Yeah, that's about 3mph faster that my first time through c25k. Okay, so maybe just the first 3 were 7mph and the next 5 were between 6mph and 7mph. :tongue: 7mph is hard! OMG, it kicked my butt so good. :bigsmile: Best of all, I wore my new shoes and my knee didn't hurt afterward. Neither did my groin (:embarassed:) and I always seem to strain that when I run faster.

    My feet are still adjusting to the shoes & new running form, though. My pads get hot and burn for a while after I'm done. So I hobbled around on my heels for the rest of the night. :laugh: It's fine if I'm wearing socks or shoes, they just hurt walking on my hard floors. But I know I'll adjust. I'm very happy with barefoot running so far. I feel like I'm going to be able to run a whole lot more often without being injured.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello ladies.

    I have been in a funk...thinking maybe i can't do this. Everytime i get going in a routine and doing good with loosing weight , eating healthy and exercising I get out of it and go wayy the other way....I don't know why this is soo hard for me and why i can't just stick to it like all of you and do it...I should of lost much more weight by now but sitting basically at 25 lbs lost for months now. I feel like this is it maybe i am just stuck in the low 280's and that is where i will stay....sorry for my pitty party :sad: :sad:

    My eldest had strep throat and the little one got it today, we took her to the pediatric urgent care place so she is on drugs now, along with a yeast infection....my luck i will get strep throat next oh yay me.!!