Over 200 New Year New Me Part 18



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    My gym is always packed on Friday's too. Shoot if I go anytime during the week between 5-6 you have to park 10 miles away and your lucky if you can snag a cardio machine. There's probably 50 there and it's always packed! Rush hour!!

    LittleSpy-Congrats on no double chin! That's awesome! I think I'm almost there...still don't like my side profile shot though.

    We got a little later like 6-6:30, we went on monday it was crowded but we found machines, hubby when on wednesday at like 7 he said it was still crowded (but don't know if as bad as earlier).

    We will go probably around 6:15 tonight so we will see...maybe the rain and friday night will keep people away.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    lilspy - Thanks for the info! Also great on no double chin!! One of these days I will be able to say that too!!

    lildeb- Good Luck at the gym with it not being busy. I sometimes wish I joined a gym but I don't have much extra money to go so I will have to get my but in gear here at home on the eliptical and with Tae Bo.

    So I haven't really eaten much today but I only have 265 calories left!! Holy Moly!! That is what I get for getting a sausage biscuit at McD's this morning!!! Now I really have to do the workout today or I won't be eating much for dinner.

    Well, I will be back if I survive the Taebo DVD.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    lildebbie ...0 - 0%
    Jess...........0 - 0%
    Pos_Me.....0 - 0%
    LittleSpy....0 - 0%
    Miranda...0.6 - 0.22%
    Meokk......-2.2 - 1.16%
    cogirl........ 0 -0%
    Cris20056......0 - 0%
    raiderape......-1.0 - .36%
    mstahl...........-2.2 1.2%

    Realized I hadn't posted my loss yet! This came at the weekend so it feels like LAST week's loss but it's still here! Actually i had a BIG drop then picked some back up but I'm not changing my ticker back UP because well... it's water of course!
  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member
    Lil' Deb - i can't see your pictures but congrats! From reading all the other posts I am sure you look amazing...

    Checking in from yesterday
    Calories: 1468 - kind of high....i really need to get my calorie counting butt in gear & stick to my 1200-1300 calories a day
    Water - made 64 ounces :-) yeah me :-)
    Exercise: 20 minutes on the elliptical & my trainer made me punch out close to 500 crunches in like 15 minutes...

    I am supposed to get in 90 minutes of cardio between now & Monday...I am goign to try to ge 30 minutes in today, tomorrow & Sunday...
    I am also hosting a bridal shower at my house on Sunday so i will be shopping & cleaning like a mad woman!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Actually i had a BIG drop then picked some back up but I'm not changing my ticker back UP because well... it's water of course!

    I refuse to change mine, too! :laugh:

    I can't seem to get my sodium intake back under control, argh! I mean, it's not insane or anything but I like to keep it under 2000mg. I blasted it over 4000mg Monday (:noway:) and then it's been around 2500mg every day since. I know that's one of the reasons I'm retaining water. I think it's one of the rubs of increasing my calories -- the more I eat, the more very low sodium options I have to choose otherwise that 2000mg racks up really really quickly. :ohwell:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Actually i had a BIG drop then picked some back up but I'm not changing my ticker back UP because well... it's water of course!

    I refuse to change mine, too! :laugh:

    I can't seem to get my sodium intake back under control, argh! I mean, it's not insane or anything but I like to keep it under 2000mg. I blasted it over 4000mg Monday (:noway:) and then it's been around 2500mg every day since. I know that's one of the reasons I'm retaining water. I think it's one of the rubs of increasing my calories -- the more I eat, the more very low sodium options I have to choose otherwise that 2000mg racks up really really quickly. :ohwell:

    I've noticed that too. I had a hard time keeping it around 1500 when I was eating 1200 calories. Big bummer. I had my hair tie on my hand for like 5 minutes and I still have indentions on my hands from where it was sitting. I MUST be retaining water!

    I've been sitting back here all day trying to decide if I should workout or not. I felt like crap at lunch so I went and go some soup at On The Border. Yep. That shot my day to crap. Makes me want to hit the gym. I know I shouldn't because it will probably slow down my healing. I'll probably wait and see how I feel tomorrow. Shouldn't push it I guess. GRR!!:mad:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Jess - maybe some light elliptical work? Get to a comfortable pace with your hart rate up and go for sixty minutes - long workout at lower intensity?
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Actually i had a BIG drop then picked some back up but I'm not changing my ticker back UP because well... it's water of course!

    I refuse to change mine, too! :laugh:

    I can't seem to get my sodium intake back under control, argh! I mean, it's not insane or anything but I like to keep it under 2000mg. I blasted it over 4000mg Monday (:noway:) and then it's been around 2500mg every day since. I know that's one of the reasons I'm retaining water. I think it's one of the rubs of increasing my calories -- the more I eat, the more very low sodium options I have to choose otherwise that 2000mg racks up really really quickly. :ohwell:

    I've noticed that too. I had a hard time keeping it around 1500 when I was eating 1200 calories. Big bummer. I had my hair tie on my hand for like 5 minutes and I still have indentions on my hands from where it was sitting. I MUST be retaining water!

    I've been sitting back here all day trying to decide if I should workout or not. I felt like crap at lunch so I went and go some soup at On The Border. Yep. That shot my day to crap. Makes me want to hit the gym. I know I shouldn't because it will probably slow down my healing. I'll probably wait and see how I feel tomorrow. Shouldn't push it I guess. GRR!!:mad:

    Jess: you determine how you feel. If i felt like crap, i would not exercise because who knows what else would hurt. Consider today as a rest day..Doctor's orders..lol

    Hope you feel better :)

    Also, about the calorie increase and sodium overload...that happens to me all the time. plus, i have an increase with fat too. my calories will be 1300 but my sodium will be like 1700 and my fat will be like 40...yea.. too much for me. Let's not talk about carbs..that is a whole different story..I can never get it low at any calorie intake.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - I agree take today off...get some rest and hopefully you will feel better and can hti the gym hard next week.

    Littlespy/Mstahl - I did increase my ticket :sad: only because i haven't seen that weight again in over a week now so i am just taking it was gone and not water....i usally don't adjust it , i am not sure if that 1 lb is water or not..who knows it may even be muscle e:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Guess we will see next week where it ends up :laugh:

    I am soo ready for this day to be over....i am soo looking foward to the gym tonight...:laugh: I don't think i ever remember saying that before..

    Now i don't know if i am taking this eating more too far today :laugh: I have almost had 900 cals today so far, and that is where i have been after dinner..not like i pigged out, but i had that subway for lunch then i had a fiberone oats and pb bar...
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    Now i don't know if i am taking this eating more too far today :laugh: I have almost had 900 cals today so far, and that is where i have been after dinner..not like i pigged out, but i had that subway for lunch then i had a fiberone oats and pb bar...

    Nah, you'll be alright. I'm sitting at 814 right now. I'll eat 150 more before my run & then I'm going to eat dinner and drink beer (I'm just going to go ahead and say I recognize I've been using my daily treat cals on beer an awful lot lately... But only 1 or 2 max, so it's not like I'm developing a drinking problem or anything. :wink: I'm just less interested in sweet stuff and more interested in beer, I guess. :laugh: I always used 100-200 calories on a sweet treat before, so beer isn't really any different nutritionally speaking).
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay. It's setteled. Rest day it is!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Hey girls I will be checking in early today...hubby is coming home eary from work and we are going to walk in the state park..( the river trail walk).

    Calorie: 1266
    Exercise: W2d3 ( 20 minutes) + Elliptical ( 33 minutes) + trail walk with some hills and sand/rocks (30ish minutes), estimated burn of 600 - 700 calories.
    Challenge: yup it's done burned so far 524 but walking later
    Water: @ 8 cups now..but i am hoping for 12 cups ( 96 oz)

    Proud: that i didn't nibble on things while i watched tv..instead i did my workout(s)
    fiber: 27 g
    sodium: 1789

    Have a wonderful weekend!!!

    I will check back when ever i can during the weekend...
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris good luck with your phone tonight! Let us know you are alive!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Nevermind. oops!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Checking in
    Calories-1400 ( I like keeping them around that now because for some reason with all the exercise I am starving)
    Exercise-Elliptical machine(running for 45 minutes)
    Calories burnt -737
    Proud that I think I have finally figured out what works for me.

    No weight loss for me girls this week either because of TOM maybe next week.Although I am back down 3 pounds from Monday.
    lildebbie ...0 - 0%
    Jess...........0 - 0%
    Pos_Me.....0 - 0%
    LittleSpy....0 - 0%
    Miranda...0.6 - 0.22%
    Meokk......-2.2 - 1.16%
    cogirl........ 0 -0%
    Cris20056......0 - 0%
    raiderape......-1.0 - .36%
    mstahl...........-2.2 1.2%
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I guess we all had our big losses last week! I miss you all terribly and will be back on Sunday night!

    lildebbie ...0 - 0%
    Jess...........0 - 0%
    Pos_Me.....0 - 0%
    LittleSpy....0 - 0%
    Miranda...0.6 - 0.22%
    Meokk......-2.2 - 1.16%
    cogirl........ 0 -0%
    Cris20056......0 - 0%
    raiderape......-1.0 - .36%
    mstahl...........-2.2 1.2%
    bluenote....... -.5 = .12%
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Well ladies...I just tried on my bathing suit...i think we are going to the pool at the gym so i had to :sad: :sad:

    I have 2 actually, 1 i figured it was tooo small, it is a one piece and just doesn't stretch enought :sad: The other is a 2 piece (like a tankini). I bought this bathing suit back in 2006 (when i was about 265-270 probably), but i wore it in august too funny how bathing suits stretch soooo much. I know when i put it on in august it was tight but i had no choice. The bottoms our a little snug (not near as snug as they were before) but the top is getting way to big.....hope it stays up tonight :tongue:

    I think i may have to get another bathing suit (as much as i don't want to ).
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    I just realized that I got left off somewhere. Adding to the bottom.

    lildebbie ...0 - 0%
    Jess...........0 - 0%
    Pos_Me.....0 - 0%
    LittleSpy....0 - 0%
    Miranda...0.6 - 0.22%
    Meokk......-2.2 - 1.16%
    cogirl........ 0 -0%
    Cris20056......0 - 0%
    raiderape......-1.0 - .36%
    mstahl...........-2.2 1.2%
    bluenote....... -.5 = .12%
    elmox............-1.6 - 0.80%

    Zumba was OK. I think it's supposed to be harder than it was, because it felt pretty lame and my heart rate was loooow. There's a spinning class later this weekend I'm going to try. That should kick my bootie.

    Going to work out with my dad tomorrow. I love all this family sweating!
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    lildebbie ...0 - 0%
    Jess...........0 - 0%
    Pos_Me.....0 - 0%
    LittleSpy....0 - 0%
    Miranda...0.6 - 0.22%
    Meokk......-2.2 - 1.16%
    cogirl........ 0 -0%
    Cris20056......0 - 0%
    raiderape......-1.0 - .36%
    mstahl...........-2.2 1.2%
    bluenote....... -.5 = .12%
    elmox............-1.6 - 0.80%

    I've missed a lot the past few days. We're trying to figure out things financially and it's been a pain. I'll catch up tonight!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Just popping in to tell all you ladies that you were right.
    I'M ENGAGED! :bigsmile: :love: :blushing: