Over 200 New Year New Me Part 18



  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    N time to read and write properly as I'm STILL at work :mad:

    Quick check in
    Calories - 1141
    water - 100oz
    exercise - some walking
    proud that I am now officially 3 days sugar free!!!!!!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Well, I am feeling a little better and not so down now. I wish I could start the 600-700 cal workouts but with not working out much at all I think I might just push myself to do at least 300-400 cal 4-5 times a week. I know that might not be so much to everyone but it is much better than I am doing now.

    lilspy - Thank you for the pep talk. He was glad that I wasn't up more than what I was last time but I was still a little discouraged. You are right about now I will remember that I will be 10 lbs heavier when I go back. I am going back in a month for a physical so I am going to try and lose as much as I can before then.

    Cris - Glad you are still ALIVE!!! Sucks that he didn't show up though. That really makes me wonder if he was up to no good in the first place.

    elmox - Great job on still working out while you are out of town. Sounds like you are having a great time! Enjoy yourself!!

    Stalk to ya'll later!! Hope everyone has a great night!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Check in -

    Cals -1350
    Water 52 oz.
    Exerersize = 20 min on arc trainer and 10 min on bike , 255 cals burned.
    Proud - Proud that i have been to the gym every day this week...

    Cris - sorry the guy never showed up. I hate flakey people on craigs list, it annoys when we are trying to sell/buy stuff.

    Raider - sorry about the dr scale...i can imagine how frustrating that is...all scales should sync up with some central processor...that is my though :smile: so they all the same!!!

    I did good on my cals today..but sodium...oh myy....................we had stir fry i know it is usally high in sodium but today oh my ...just dinner was like 4000mg of sodium
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    We are going out for dinner later tonight to celebrate the graduation. While I know eating ALL my exercise calsay somewhat defeat the point, I'm glad I have them just in case! ;-)

    Eating all of your exercise calories doesn't defeat the point at all when you're already set at a dietary calorie deficit!
    If it helps, you can also look at it as though you're eating near your maintenance calories & then creating your daily calorie deficit through exercise. It's the same thing, just worded differently.
    I like to view exercise pretty much solely as a way to increase my strength, endurance, and stamina (strengthening my skeletal muscles, heart, and lungs). :smile: Looking at it that way really helped me get past the mental block I had about eating all my exercise calories (which is something I have to do now in order to lose any weight).
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-So glad you are alive! Bummer he didn't show. Does seem kinda shady that he didn't. 1050 calories!? WHOA!! I burned 658. Almost 100 more then lat time. I have a hard time really pushing myself! I use to not want my heart rate to go much over 150. Now I push it to 160. I'm improving! I went and did 5 minutes on the stair mater to get to my 700. Enjoy your time with your family!

    Elmox-I envy your discipline to workout on vacation. I totally bombed that one!

    Meokk-Congrats on the 3 days sugar free! That's fantastic!

    lildebbie-Did you make the stir fry? If you did I have some suggestions on how to lower the sodium. Stir fry is my absolute favorite!

    LittleSpy-I don't blame you at all for telling them no. I have co workers that have done the same thing. Offered them food or bread and they turned it down. They shouldn't get angry if you politely turn them down.

    raiderape-That's a huge bummer about the scale at the doctors office. Not being prepared I would have probably had the same reaction. Don't let it get you down. You know you have lost the weight. And you worked hard to do it!

    So I went to the cycling class and needed to burn about 50 more calories to meet my goal. The teacher totally busted me on the stair master. She walked by and laughed and said "Geeze louise woman did I not work you hard enough!?" I felt kinda bad. Was out of breath to explain myself and she kept walking. Oh well!!

    I come home to watch Biggest Loser with my roommate (We always watch it together) and she's passed out on the couch. Darn teachers! :tongue: Just kidding! The cat and dog are attacking each other on her couch. She's bound to wake up soon!

    Checking in for today...

    Calories: 1586
    Water: 144 oz
    Exercise: 60 minutes of spin class 5 minutes on the stair master
    Calories Burned: 716
    Proud: I'm proud that I've had a 700 calorie burn 2 days in a row. I've never had a calorie burn that high before. EVER! :drinker:

    Guess I'll go watch Vampire Diaries till I throw things at my roommate to wake up! :bigsmile:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Today i was getting dressed and found the same clothes I had took a pic in 11 months ago, I decided to take a pic to see if really look any different. I was almost 35 lbs heavier. What do you girls think. Hubby said he can see a difference.

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Today i was getting dressed and found the same clothes I had took a pic in 11 months ago, I decided to take a pic to see if really look any different. I was almost 35 lbs heavier. What do you girls think. Hubby said he can see a difference.


  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Today i was getting dressed and found the same clothes I had took a pic in 11 months ago, I decided to take a pic to see if really look any different. I was almost 35 lbs heavier. What do you girls think. Hubby said he can see a difference.


    You can most definitely see a difference!! Keep up your hard work! It's paying off. The proof is right there! :flowerforyou:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member

    lildebbie-Did you make the stir fry? If you did I have some suggestions on how to lower the sodium. Stir fry is my absolute favorite!

    Jess - My hubby made it. IT is more like a lo-mein thatn stir fry. I think the killer was the 1 cup of low sodium terika he marinated the meat in and cooked it in, we use 1 can low sod beef broth, spaghetti , pea pods, carrots, orange marmelade. I think some of the teryaki cooked down so maybe it wasn't that high.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks girls !! Sometimes i feel like i don't look like i have lost that much that it made any difference, it always helps putting side to side i think :smile: and having someone else but me look at them. I have soo much more to go...can't wait to see what another 30 lbs will look like :smile: and another 30 and another .
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Okay, I think I need a kick in the pants.

    I mentioned previously some weeks ago that a Planet Fitness is opening in my city. It only costs $10/month +$29/year + $1 to join (=$150/year). UBER cheap, right? So what's my problem?

    It's in such an inconvenient location for me. I live on the North side of town. It's on the Southeast side of town. It's about 10 miles away from my house but it should only take me about 20 minutes to get there if I'm going really early in the morning. Maybe 30 if I try to go during heavier traffic hours and I don't even want to think about how long it would take me during rush hour).

    I could deal with the distance until I started really thinking about it. Say I go there 5 times a week. That's at least 100 extra miles and 200 extra minutes of driving each week. That amount of mileage costs me a little over $10 in gas with gas prices where they are now. That's over $40 in gas each month I'll spend driving to and from the gym :noway: which makes the stinking cost of the gym really about $55/month. Hrmph!

    There aren't any gyms very close to me, but the huge downtown YMCA is a LOT closer and it has a huge pool and 40 group exercise classes which are 2 things I'd love in the long run. I'd spend some extra gas money getting to the Y on top of the membership fee, too, just not nearly as much. The Y downtown ($50 to join, $40/month) is 3 miles from my house so that makes it 14 miles closer than PF round trip. That means it would cost me about $2.00 less in gas every time I drove there from home vs. Planet Fitness. And quite honestly, there is a sidewalk the entire way to the Y from my house or I could bike there as a pretty easy warm up (too bad I'd be terrified to do that when it's dark outside in the morning). If I went tot he gym 15 times in a month (which sounds pretty reasonable to me), that's the extra $30/month for the membership right there in gas savings. I just don't know what to do now. :indifferent: I think I may have just talked myself into joining the Y instead. Or maybe into not joining a gym at all. :huh:

    Whenever I get back into school (maybe next Jan if I can figure out the funding), the university has an AWESOME gym that I'll be able to use for *free.* :bigsmile:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Littlespy - Sounds you have done your homework ..seems the Y would be good. We joined the "Y" when we lived in MS but it was very inconvient for us since the day care hours were not working with our schedule.,
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LittleSpy-I'm not sure if your looking for opinions or not but I'm going to give mine. :bigsmile: I personally would not go to a gym that far away. I've been there done that and wasted money! The Y sounds like it has more to offer you for your money and convince. Think about all the different things you can do to change up your workout routines to avoid hitting anymore plateaus. We all know this is part of weight loss. When you sign up are you in a contract? You could totally use the gym at the Y until you are back in school and can use theirs. I belong to a big gym and I love all it has to offer. But I definitely wouldn't go if it were that far away. Knowing I'd be spending the extra time and money in gas. And I love the idea of riding your bike to and from the gym, provided it's light outside. I wish I had a bike to do that! CRAIGS LIST!

    LilDebbie-When I get discouraged I go compare pics as well. I have also learned a lot of people wont say things about your weight loss at first because they don't want to offend you. If you they get all shocked saying how good you look a lot of times people feel like they are implying that you looked awful before. My Uncle was leery of saying anything when I went to visit for this very reason. I'm glad he did though. You will love the way you look in 30 and 30 more and more and more!

    Raiderape-I meant to comment earlier that 300-400 calorie burns aren't bad. Those were my averages prior to this challenge. I'm really having to push myself to get to 700. You will get there! It has been a challenge for me eating more though. How odd does that sound!?

    Well I have felt it coming on for days now. I ALWAYS get sick when I go to Wisconsin. DAMN climate change. Sorry for my choice of words but I'm angry. I have been drugged on up tylenol sinus and God knows what else trying to fight this off. I thought I kicked it and today I start hurting in the head, chest and throat. I went to spin class anyways. Now it's getting worse. I sound hoarse. I think I might have to take tomorrow off. :mad: Anyways. Had to vent. Happy weigh in tomorrow morning! I'm going to take some more drugs and lay in bed and watch The Hangover.:drinker:
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    I deal with the far away gym thing, although for me I actually like that it's a little ways away. I work at home and it's the only time I get out all day. :smile: The gym is in the town to the north of us, and we live on the very south edge of town. It's about 15 miles round trip.

    On a semi-related note, I always find it interesting when people from far away talk about Planet Fitness opening near them. :smile: The original 3 locations, long long before they were a franchise company, were here in my current city and in my hometown about 10 miles north of here, and the city about 10 miles to the south. I still think of them as the small local 3 gym chain they used to be, but now they are EVERYWHERE! :smile:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Guess i will be the 1st to weight in.

    IT is a + 1 :sad: I decided i am changing my ticker up though ...to be honest with my weight, i hadn't weighed under 280 all week so probably accurate. I am hoping to be in at least 278 next week, i want to get as far from 280 as i can.

    so tht is
    lildebbie ...0 - 0%
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Disappointing morning for me too. I was hoping to be back at my pre vacation weight. I guess maybe asking to lose 5 pounds in 2 days is a little unrealistic. I lost 2 pounds after the first day back to working out. The scale hasn't budged at all since yesterday morning. Oh well! Can't let it get me down. Gotta work hard this week. I got hardly any sleep last night. My throat was just KILLING me! I'm hoping to get some medicine and then do some moderate exercise tonight. Maybe not burn 700 calories but burn something.

    lildebbie ...0 - 0%
    Jess...........0 - 0%
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Uggg...since i was +1 from last week, i decided to take my measurements to see if i lost any inches instead...Big fat NO!!! My waist is actuallly 1 inch bigger from last week..

    I have bumped up my exercise this week and never ate over my cals always under , just figured i would loose more....i am not giving up i am pushing through and hopefully it will pay off soon.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Morning girls:)

    I am in the same boat as Litdeb and Jess..I have No weight loss I am still holding on to my weight gain (one pound on Mother's day + 4 from TOM), But no stress on my part that just mean I will work my behind off to get that *extra* weight off. 600/700 club here I come...

    lildebbie ...0 - 0%
    Jess...........0 - 0%
    Pos_Me.....0 - 0%
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    It's so funny how almost everyone had a good loss last week & everyone so far is sitting at a big fat goose egg this week! I'm back in the 200s again. I was in Onderland for 3 days so I KNOW I'm really there and it wasn't just a dehydrated fluke or something. The sodiumfest started on Monday for me and I haven't given myself a chance to recover. I am down about 2 pounds from Tuesday & Wednesday though.
    My quads are very sore and they even feel bigger to the touch so I think they're retaining a bunch of water from the shock of interval training on the bike this week. I also ate pizza for dinner last night which was about 1700mg of sodium alone. I'm not worried. I mean, I can feel the water retention in my face, abdomen, and even in my fingers so I know that's all it is. :smile:

    lildebbie ...0 - 0%
    Jess...........0 - 0%
    Pos_Me.....0 - 0%
    LittleSpy....0 - 0%
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Litdeb: I CAN see a difference between the two pics...use them for encouragement for moments like this.. Don't panic because you didn't lose weight...you have been working out (working out hard) this whole week so it could be your body building muscle. Have you been eating your exercise calories? For me, I have to eat some of my exercise calories because my body doesn't funtion on a 900 calories ( that is how much I am actually eating when i don't eat my exercise calories) meaning my body needs 1200 calories then i exercise and burns 300 calories so minus the 300 from the 1200 leaves me at eating 900 calories. I though i was doing good for my body but not really. My body was holding on to the weight - it would not budge at all. But when i started eating some of my exercise calories my weight started to move again. it all has to do with trial and error.. experiment and see what work for you. Each person is very different. Good Luck

    Jess: sorry to hear you are sick. Get plenty of rest and hopefully you will bounce back to normal.