Over 200 New Year New Me Part 18



  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I'll be back later to stalk..I have one more 40 minute session ( the stepper) and i am offically done (exercise wise) for today...now i have to stay focused on my eating...I ate way too much (yesterday) so today i want to keep it low @ around 1200 calories. Hope I can do that..I will, I will, stay focused!

    Have a nice day girls!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    thanks pos_ me- I get the thing with the receipt..I anally keep every single one of mine but I know not everyone is crazy..haha! Im waiting ot hear back from him about the serial number but his FB page put me somewhat at ease...its not a picture of some punk guy drinking with his buddies u know? :laugh: :laugh:

    kdub- glad you are in better spirits!!

    I think I am going to keep the 700 cal challenge but reduce it to 600 calories and make it my 4 times a week goal....anyone in for the on going challenge? I plan on adding it to my "check in" to hold myself accountable. But I know this week after working out if I didnt meet the 700 calories Id do alitte extra even if it was liek 5 mins on the bike or a 4 minute jog, etc...just to hit the 700 mark..I like it!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    checking in for yesterday:

    calories- 1130
    water- yes
    sodium- 1815
    excercise- 25 mins on the bike and 5 min run with 3 mins of cooldown/warmup
    proud- that I ran at 5.0mph and didnt quit even though I was in self-pity mode

    mstahl- what was that laxative called? I need to go to walmart for new sports bra and a @#$#@% lock for my gym locker so I figure Ill pick up the laxative as well so I can give it a try on Sunday. I do feel backed up and fiber doesnt seem to be helping too much :grumble:
    I suffer panic attacks as well and I know how hard it can be to overcome them.But just remember you have all of us here to support you and look at the great accomplishments you have made so far.You are doing an amazing job!! as for the panic attacks try to stay calm and tell yourself things are OK thats what I do and it seems to help alot.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    OK well I know this is going to be TMI but I listen to everyone elses here LOL:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Anyways my TOM was a week late and it has been horrible this week.My weight is only up 4 pounds which is pretty good and hardly any cramping but my cravings today were horrible and I did give in.I exercised for 30 minutes and burnt 460 cals I have already ate 1400 calories and I have no more room for dinner as far as calories go.Just disappointed in myself that I gave into my cravings I am going to eat light for dinner.Tomorrow is a brand new day and I will do much better.I am with the gals who are doing the 700 calorie burn COUNT ME IN!! I need to step it up some so I can meet my birthday goal.Just frustrated today.On top of that I busted up my knee cap yesterday but I still exercised today.Doctor said I just bruised it up real bad.Things will be better next week.I am not counting on a loss tomorrow but TOM is still lingering
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Major work-related vent ahead --

    So, I'm sitting here this morning, doing my usual work which is generally pretty low volume right now (which is why I have so much time to stalk -- my busy time at work is really October-Feb). And then the payroll manager comes into my office & starts talking about something she wants me to do for her (we're about to go through a HUGE software switch at work and we're scrambling to prepare for that). I was already irritated by what I have to do for that because it's a huge undertaking and the insurance company royally screwed up their accounting system LAST NOVEMBER and still haven't gotten around to being functional. Well, the insurnace premium accounting is pretty much a huge part of my normal job, which I haven't really been able to do since.. yeah -- november because of the accounting problems at the ins. co. So it's a humongous mess and I have no way to straighten it out without starting from square one and putting in probably thousands of hours of research (no exaggeration). And they want me to get everything completely straight there in like a week which is just.. well, it's impossible. Because when I took this job and started working here & got the insurance accounting shoved on me because no one else was doing it (for the last 5 effing years!!! :noway:), it was a huge monster. But I took it on head on & was probably 80% finished with it when the ins. co's accounting system collapsed 6 months ago (6 EFFING MONTHS ago and it's sitll not up again). Yeah, that was 80% finished over 12 months time. But since then, there's still that 20% of crap out there to be dealt with as well as 6 months of new crap that I can't see because of the problems with the insurance company's accounting department.
    I want to cry.
    Anyway, so while I was being told I had to straighten years and years worth of other peoples' screw ups in a week's time, my supervisor's supervisor walks into my office & says she needs another project completed by "Friday." I said "tomorrow Friday?!" She said "yeah -- that's why I gave it to you ahead of time" (like 9.30am this morning was "ahead of time" for a tomorrow deadline or something). I was like "umm... okay I'll try." And I began working furiously. FURIOUSLY. The hardest I've ever worked at this job. :laugh: EVER. I didn't pee, I didn't drink water, I just busted my brain doing hundreds of calculations & developing the most beautiful spreadsheet ever. :tongue: I was *so close* to being finished after almost 4 hours. I thought I may actually even be able to finish before I left at 1.45 today. My phone rings -- I plan to ignore it (like I had been all morning) but then I recognized my boss's cell phone # so I answered it. She said "Don't worry about that project my supervisor gave you earlier today." :noway: I said "Well, um.. I'm almost done with it." And there was a long pause... And then she said "Are you really? Oh my god, I'm SOOOOOOO SORRY."
    *deep breath*
    "All those numbers are going to change, so we're going to have to redo it Monday"
    *another very very deep breath*


    Okay I'm done. :smile:

    Thanks for reading my long winded (every possible detail) vent. I know some of you were screaming in your heads for me to get to the point the whole time you were reading it. :tongue:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Major work-related vent ahead --

    So, I'm sitting here this morning, doing my usual work which is generally pretty low volume right now (which is why I have so much time to stalk -- my busy time at work is really October-Feb). And then the payroll manager comes into my office & starts talking about something she wants me to do for her (we're about to go through a HUGE software switch at work and we're scrambling to prepare for that). I was already irritated by what I have to do for that because it's a huge undertaking and the insurance company royally screwed up their accounting system LAST NOVEMBER and still haven't gotten around to being functional. Well, the insurnace premium accounting is pretty much a huge part of my normal job, which I haven't really been able to do since.. yeah -- november because of the accounting problems at the ins. co. So it's a humongous mess and I have no way to straighten it out without starting from square one and putting in probably thousands of hours of research (no exaggeration). And they want me to get everything completely straight there in like a week which is just.. well, it's impossible. Because when I took this job and started working here & got the insurance accounting shoved on me because no one else was doing it (for the last 5 effing years!!! :noway:), it was a huge monster. But I took it on head on & was probably 80% finished with it when the ins. co's accounting system collapsed 6 months ago (6 EFFING MONTHS ago and it's sitll not up again). Yeah, that was 80% finished over 12 months time. But since then, there's still that 20% of crap out there to be dealt with as well as 6 months of new crap that I can't see because of the problems with the insurance company's accounting department.
    I want to cry.
    Anyway, so while I was being told I had to straighten years and years worth of other peoples' screw ups in a week's time, my supervisor's supervisor walks into my office & says she needs another project completed by "Friday." I said "tomorrow Friday?!" She said "yeah -- that's why I gave it to you ahead of time" (like 9.30am this morning was "ahead of time" for a tomorrow deadline or something). I was like "umm... okay I'll try." And I began working furiously. FURIOUSLY. The hardest I've ever worked at this job. :laugh: EVER. I didn't pee, I didn't drink water, I just busted my brain doing hundreds of calculations & developing the most beautiful spreadsheet ever. :tongue: I was *so close* to being finished after almost 4 hours. I thought I may actually even be able to finish before I left at 1.45 today. My phone rings -- I plan to ignore it (like I had been all morning) but then I recognized my boss's cell phone # so I answered it. She said "Don't worry about that project my supervisor gave you earlier today." :noway: I said "Well, um.. I'm almost done with it." And there was a long pause... And then she said "Are you really? Oh my god, I'm SOOOOOOO SORRY."
    *deep breath*
    "All those numbers are going to change, so we're going to have to redo it Monday"
    *another very very deep breath*


    Okay I'm done. :smile:

    Thanks for reading my long winded (every possible detail) vent. I know some of you were screaming in your heads for me to get to the point the whole time you were reading it. :tongue:
    All I can say after reading that is I sure hope your day gets MUCH BETTER!!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    jlb- I think I would have burst out crying on the phone..either that or I would have been fired for some choice words I would have had with my boss

    Im so sorry you had to deal with that today!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Chris - GL on your craigslit iphone. We buy /sell lots of stuff there...We actually got our puppy from craigslist . I always make hubby do the talking to.

    Littlespy - Hope your day gets better...I hate when things get dumped on me!!!!

    I am fed up with work right now ...i want to take a vacation..except i have no $$ and no place to go...thinking of taking a me day just to chill though.

    To those of you burning 700 / day i am soo jealous :sad: I am getting like 250 at lunch time...going to night tomorrow so maybe i will burn a little more.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LittleSpy-WOW!! You are having a brutal day! I really hope you get it all figured out girl!

    Cris-I'm definitely in for the 600 calorie burn 4 days a week. I need something to push me harder. I was barley getting to 400 calories burned everytime I worked out. Count me in!!

    awestfall-Hope your knee gets better! Take care of yourself.

    I have a rant of my own. So my Mom is on my facebook and I've been posting my workouts and stuff on there. I also talk to my Mom about my workouts and what all I'm doing. She's starting to freak out on me. She thinks I'm "overdoing" it. I told her about the 700 calorie challenge and she nearly wet herself. I told her I'm still eating at least 1400-1500 calories a day. I tried telling her that I'm listening to my body and what it needs but that didn't seem good enough. Any thoughts on this matter? Am I overdoing it? What can I tell her to let her know I'm okay?

  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    jib sorry to hear about how your day has started off.. I hope it gets better as it continues... Sometimes people really do not put themselves in your shoes when they do stuff like that. Hang in there.. Just use that frustration to burn some calories tonight! I promise it will make you feel better!

    Speaking of feeling better.. I am off to my massage.. Whoot.. I am soooooo excited.. jumping0047.gif

  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Jess - I would tell your mom that you know you can't do this for ever but a sprint of hard work, low calories is far better for you than the old days of NO exercise and WAY too many calories. Remind her you're in this for the long run and that this just offsets the vacation! Tell her you expect her to jump in your $hi# if you keep doing this for weeks but you really want her to support you when you're being smart about it. Ask her to look at your food diary so she can see that you're eating healthy and making smart choices.

    And remember that if you mom isn't being healthy she'll feel defensive and find your new lifestyle threatening. Not on purpose! Just happens! If she thinks you're being smart and doing things right it makes her choices seem all that much more ridiculous. I've been where your mom is - and I know how convincing that little voice of (un) reason can be!

    Chris - Ask him to meet you at the AT&T store! I buy from craigslist and I advertise there too! Edited to add - magnesium citrate is the one- glass bottles in the pharmacy, cheap and effective. Just in case you feel a little heavy Monday night :wink:

    LittleSpy - I'm sorry! That sucks! Will the spread sheet still work when you have the right numbers? Maybe part of your work is valid?

    Have we heard from Jesyka lately? :flowerforyou:

    Miranda - where do you live now?

    St. Louis - hope you're having a blast!

    I realized I had a spring roll (deep fried) and more sushi than I'd admitted to last night - so I was over by more like a thousand calories. Sob!:cry::sad: :cry:

    Heather - when my mare comes into heat she teases:love: the pony gelding, then kicks the crap out of him if he acts interested. poor pony!:noway: It's still cold and rainy here so I haven't done much with them yet (as in, haven't laid a hand on them in months). Yesterday the pony was "playing" with the dead ground hog we took away from Simon. Animals are weird.:ohwell:

    back to work!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    cogirl- Im very jealous of your massage!

    jess and anyone else joinging the challenge- I guess we can add "calories burned" to our nightly check ins and do it that way?

    mstahl- good call! he wants to meet at best buy..I told him I want some proof of purchase or that its not stolen and he hasnt gotten back to me so it may be a no go anyways...**sigh**
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess - I would tell your mom that you know you can't do this for ever but a sprint of hard work, low calories is far better for you than the old days of NO exercise and WAY too many calories. Remind her you're in this for the long run and that this just offsets the vacation! Tell her you expect her to jump in your $hi# if you keep doing this for weeks but you really want her to support you when you're being smart about it. Ask her to look at your food diary so she can see that you're eating healthy and making smart choices.

    And remember that if you mom isn't being healthy she'll feel defensive and find your new lifestyle threatening. Not on purpose! Just happens! If she thinks you're being smart and doing things right it makes her choices seem all that much more ridiculous. I've been where your mom is - and I know how convincing that little voice of (un) reason can be!

    Thanks Mstahll! She has been really supportive ever since I have started. Been my biggest cheerleader really. She is trying to do the healthy lifestyle. She has dropped about 30 pounds herself just changing the way she eats with no exercise. I have explained to her I can't do that. My body wont let me drop weight like that. She is also learning new ways to cook better for you since I will be moving back home in August. Just with me kicking it into high gear after vacation really freaked her out. She's just afraid I'm not giving myself the proper nutrition. Thanks for the pointers though. I will definitely call her after work and have a serious talk. She knows her opinion matters most to me right now.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    The guy's reply to me asking for receipts or serial #:
    " dont have the reciept but it does come with the box and all accessories...usually when a phone is stolen they just sell the phone by itself....7:30 should be fine but let me check with the gf to see if she has any plans. "

    What y'all think? He wants to meet at Best Buy, Im taking my fiance...I will be back later to get input I gotta go to my mom's right now to walk the dog cause shes working late!

    Thanks for the input and let me know if you all think I should go ahead with this or not!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    The guy's reply to me asking for receipts or serial #:
    " dont have the reciept but it does come with the box and all accessories...usually when a phone is stolen they just sell the phone by itself....7:30 should be fine but let me check with the gf to see if she has any plans. "

    What y'all think? He wants to meet at Best Buy, Im taking my fiance...I will be back later to get input I gotta go to my mom's right now to walk the dog cause shes working late!

    Thanks for the input and let me know if you all think I should go ahead with this or not!

    I would ask for the serial number ahead of time. Just to call and verify that it's not stolen. They should be able to tell you who it's registered to as well. I think he is right about only selling the phone and not the box but I would still ask for it just to make sure!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Call Best Buy and ask if they can verify the phone isn't stolen - if not see if he'll meet you at an AT&T store (or dealer that works on that network). Else call AT&T and ask them what information you'll need to get to verify the phone is not stolen or under contract etc...
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    OK well I know this is going to be TMI but I listen to everyone elses here LOL:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Anyways my TOM was a week late and it has been horrible this week.My weight is only up 4 pounds which is pretty good and hardly any cramping but my cravings today were horrible and I did give in.I exercised for 30 minutes and burnt 460 cals I have already ate 1400 calories and I have no more room for dinner as far as calories go.Just disappointed in myself that I gave into my cravings I am going to eat light for dinner.Tomorrow is a brand new day and I will do much better.I am with the gals who are doing the 700 calorie burn COUNT ME IN!! I need to step it up some so I can meet my birthday goal.Just frustrated today.On top of that I busted up my knee cap yesterday but I still exercised today.Doctor said I just bruised it up real bad.Things will be better next week.I am not counting on a loss tomorrow but TOM is still lingering

    OMG Awestfall, what you mention happend to me too...my TOM was a week late, it graced me with it presents yesterday ( it was suppose to come last Wednesday) and I felt very very bloated ( more than normal) and all the symtoms that comes with it. I also gained 4 pounds plus my craving were extreamly bad this month.

    I hope your knee get better and don't beat yourself up for TOM being around. Tomorrow is a new day...Hang in there girl :heart:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LilDebbie-You will get tot hose 700 calorie burn days. I must say you gotta push yourself HARD to get there though. I spent about 70 minutes doing pure cardio last night to get there. I was exhausted!! I am usually pretty energized after a workout and can't sleep if I do it at night. I slept like a BABY last night. You will see the scale move soon. Hang in there.

    POS Me-You already finished your working out? I envy you!

    Colorado Girl-Enjoy your massage. You deserve it! If your ever in Texas and wanna give a massage, you let me know! :tongue:

    Cris-I was just thinking...did he say how long she had the iPhone? I think you can still return it to AT&T within like 30 or 60 days.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    OK well I know this is going to be TMI but I listen to everyone elses here LOL:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Anyways my TOM was a week late and it has been horrible this week.My weight is only up 4 pounds which is pretty good and hardly any cramping but my cravings today were horrible and I did give in.I exercised for 30 minutes and burnt 460 cals I have already ate 1400 calories and I have no more room for dinner as far as calories go.Just disappointed in myself that I gave into my cravings I am going to eat light for dinner.Tomorrow is a brand new day and I will do much better.I am with the gals who are doing the 700 calorie burn COUNT ME IN!! I need to step it up some so I can meet my birthday goal.Just frustrated today.On top of that I busted up my knee cap yesterday but I still exercised today.Doctor said I just bruised it up real bad.Things will be better next week.I am not counting on a loss tomorrow but TOM is still lingering

    OMG Awestfall, what you mention happend to me too...my TOM was a week late, it graced me with it presents yesterday ( it was suppose to come last Wednesday) and I felt very very bloated ( more than normal) and all the symtoms that comes with it. I also gained 4 pounds plus my craving were extreamly bad this month.

    I hope your knee get better and don't beat yourself up for TOM being around. Tomorrow is a new day...Hang in there girl :heart:
    Thanks Pos!! I guess it really doesn't hurt to give into cravings as long as you don't go insanely crazy like I did today LOL!!! It's all trial and error.Thats hilarious that you were supposed to start your period last Wednesday cause thats when I was supposed to start too but instead I started Monday lol.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    LilDebbie-You will get tot hose 700 calorie burn days. I must say you gotta push yourself HARD to get there though. I spent about 70 minutes doing pure cardio last night to get there. I was exhausted!! I am usually pretty energized after a workout and can't sleep if I do it at night. I slept like a BABY last night. You will see the scale move soon. Hang in there.

    POS Me-You already finished your working out? I envy you!

    Colorado Girl-Enjoy your massage. You deserve it! If your ever in Texas and wanna give a massage, you let me know! :tongue:

    Cris-I was just thinking...did he say how long she had the iPhone? I think you can still return it to AT&T within like 30 or 60 days.

    Jess - yup! I finished my workouts 40 minutes on all three: treadmill, elliptical, and stepper. I burned 1,389 but i removed 300 calories to be on the safe side..so that's 1,089 calories burned. And I am not even tired, but very hungry. I missed my lunch so i will eat my dinner early and have a snack later on. I am going to stick ot my 1200 + 100 calories today...No matter what!

    Hey girls I am in for the 700 or 600 calorie burn challenge...