Over 200 New Year New Me Part 19



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-You are cracking me up!! I would second that, your stomach is pretty darn flat. How do you do that!?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: omg julie ur hilarious, the glasses were a nice touch!

    Oh yeah.. I BOUGHT the glasses! Ridiculously huge stupid looking sunglasses are my new thing.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Pos_me.......... -2..........0.96%
    Lildebbie ........-3.2.......1.14%
    cogirl................. -4.0 .......1.54%
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Thanks Gals for all the comments!! Like I said before no where near being comfortable wearing that bikini in public but I was amazed at how I looked in it and that it actually fit this time.
    Julie- Sorry but I need to tell you that your WRONG!! That bathing suit looked awesome and you look AWESOME!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Thanks everyone for the wonderful compliments:blushing: I hope i keep up the losing streak:bigsmile:

    Congrats to all the big losers:flowerforyou: this week!

    Julie: you are too funny...always doing something I wouldn't be caught dead doing...LOL

    P.s: YOu tummy is flat board abs..show it off:wink:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    COGIRL- 4LBS!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!:drinker:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - hillarious!!!! I wish i had somehwere close to a flat stomach ..that is the reason i am not wearing a 1 piece right now for swimmming ..takini's fit better for me...if i had a flat stomach like you i would be showing it off too :smile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    Julie: you are too funny...always doing something I wouldn't be caught dead doing...LOL

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Thanks?
    Hilariously mortifying and awkward moments are indeed my specialty. :tongue:

    And you guys are so sweet to find something to compliment someone about even when covered in awful drapey purple muslinish shiny fabric. :laugh: :tongue:

    Oh, by the way, I have to share. Walmart has AMAZING 100% organic cotton capris for $12. They're so fabulous and actually looked pretty good. They feel like pajama pants. Pajama pants that are socially acceptable to wear in public. You should get some. I got 2 pairs to take to the beach because they're just perfect for that.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    WOW!! Everybody is doing soooo good this week with weight loss!! I am so proud of y'all! Everybody has worked so hard this week!! :drinker:

    Julie-I have a slight obesssion with sun glasses as well. Except I always buy big huge ugly ones. The uglier the better. But I will only pay $5 or less for them! :laugh: Drives my sister crazy!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Julie-I have a slight obesssion with sun glasses as well. Except I always buy big huge ugly ones. The uglier the better. But I will only pay $5 or less for them! :laugh: Drives my sister crazy!

    Oh I agree. Big hideous glasses are the best. These ones are bright purple plastic with an awesome fade to the tint. Then they have some strange brown and black design on the top of the frame.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    you guys I am sooooo bored at work. I have NOTHING to do. someone entertain me PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh:

    Since I'm bored I'll share- I got a blister on both of my feet from my c25k run. It hurts like a b#@$%. I had two blisters on the same spot and they had almost healed so now these new ones are like on top of them if that makes sense, making it much more painful. Today's workout (i told you i plan them on monday) is supposed to be a 10 mins run plus 20 mins on the bike...i should be ok on the bike but the run is scaring me a bit. Im gonna put band aids on and see if that helps otherwise screw it

    and its really nice here today and Im in total cook out mode. i want a burger with lots of miller lite...is that so wrong?

    ok done rambling for now, im sure ill be back in 5 mins
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Being bored is my everyday life at work Cris! I feel your pain! As far as the blisters...do you need new shoes possibly?
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    the shoes I have are Under Armour running shoes. I bought them cause I had a sicount (UA used to be my customer) but I never wore them. When I started going to the gym I decided to use them and they were fine but lately I started noticing these blister. :sad:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Pos_me.......... -2..........0.96%
    Lildebbie ........-3.2.......1.14%
    cogirl................. -4.0 .......1.54%
    raiderape.........-1.0.......... 0.36%

    Well when I got on the scale it would not make a decision. I ranged from 168 to 161.5. I knew I was so not at 161.5 so after a few more times that I averaged at 266 so that is what I decided on. Well at 166 I only need to lose 2 more pounds by the 31st to meet my first mini goal. Hopefully knowing this will help my butt get up and exercise.

    Looks like just about everyone is having an AWESOME weight loss week!! Way to go everyone!!

    Cris - Sorry about your blisters. I always get them when I wear new shoes. Maybe your feet have shrunk and you need smaller shoes! :wink:

    Well, I am off to an appt. ***TMI*** I SOOOOO have to pee!!! I have had to drink at least 32 oz of water in the last 1 1/2 and I am not allowed to pee until after the appointment. OMG I have been holding it for 45 mins already and the appointment is still 45 mins away!!!! Okay Okay, I am off in a few!
  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member
    Good Morning!

    Holy Cow You ladies are freakin amazing with all of the weight loss...I wish I had big loss number to report but I am still sitting here at 217 :-) which is better than last week I think. The really good news is that my trainer measured me yesterday & I have lost 1 1/2 inches from my waist in the past 2 weeks!
    On a different note...Warning long vent ahead...
    I am totally bumming & in a weird place today...last night I realized exactly why I was packing for a week...to go to a memorial service & it just totally screwed me up. Also my sister-in-law, who happens to be a really close friend, doesn't know if she is going to come to the memorial service because she feels awkward & my hubby actually thought that it would NOT help me if she was there...HELLOOOO are my family members just stupid? I would like to know that there are people there tomorrow just to support me so I can be supportive to my parents & stuff...is that too much to ask? Its seems awfully selfish for my sister-in-law not to come just because she feels awkward, even though she has spent lots of time with my grandparents too (we had custody of her when she was in high school...long story)
    Also my hubby got really good news yesterday about his annual bonus which will allow us to be completely debt free except for house & student loans so of course he was in a rather frisky mood....but I am ovulating & our plan is NOT to get pregnant right now. So as he was trying desperately to get into my pants, I had a major epifany in my head...I feel like if I let him get me pregnant, I am damning myself to a lifetime of being fat & gross...& I told him just that, but I don't think he even heard me. & then I proceeded to have nightmares about being pregnant and being told I was going to be fat forever....I have NEVER had nightmares like that before...I could hardly sleep last night.
    I am also actually petrified about not being able to check-in & stalk with you ladies throughout the day...I can probably manage once a day or every other. There is this little voice in my head telling me that if I don't check in, I am going to blow everything I've worked for.
    I still have 14 papers to edit & a whole week of sub plans to write....
    I will check back in later before I leave...
    Does anyone actually live in California? We should totally have a meet up :-)
    Also I am trying to get my best friend to join us...her user name is chicaverde...she would totally fit in & needs the support!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    You all are KILLING it this week. I'm terribly proud of all of you because these are some insanely awesome numbers. Go team!

    Sadly, I'm up 0.8 from last week, but I'm going with the mstahl school of thought that it equals water weight, or in my case, beer weight!

    Cris and Littlespy - WOOHOO for the ONEDERLAND!! I'm still there (196.6) and will be pumped to see my weight fall below 195.

    Pos_me.......... -2..........0.96%
    Lildebbie ........-3.2.......1.14%
    cogirl................. -4.0 .......1.54%
    raiderape.........-1.0.......... 0.36%

    Hope everyone has a fabulous Friday!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Kdub -- getting pregenant now wouldn't have to be a nightmare! I mean, obviously the best idea is probably to lose weight before so that you can have an ultra healthy preganancy, but it absolutely doesn't condemn you to being fat! I'm sure you know this, but the fact of the matter is overweight women don't need to gain much weight at all with their pregnancies -- just 15 pounds or so! And guess what, you lose all of that pretty much immediately with the birth! My understanding is that even women at a healthy weight don't need to gain more than 20-25 pounds with pregnancy. People do because they use pregnancy as an excuse to overeat. But that's not healthy. You can also continue eating healthy and exercising while you're pregnant assuming you're not having major complications (you'll just need to eat your maintenance cals plus 100 extra for baby growin' :wink:)!

    My mom was a tiny little thing when she got pregnant with my brother. She weighed about 120 when she got pregnant & said she gained about 20 pounds. And she lost 17 with the birth. :smile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I have to agree. A good friend of mine got pregnant and she was a bigger girl. She gained maybe 5 pounds and that wasn't until the last month or two. Her weight just shifted around. She actually lost weight the first couple of months and the doctor said that was okay.
  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member
    I didn't gain any weight with my son until that last month & then I packed on 25lbs and it totally stuck around...I am still working the pregnancy weight off right now & my son is almost 27 months old...
    I think that the fact that I am having nightmares about being pregnant is a sign that its really not the right thing for me to do right now...its just every month when I am ovulating, my hubby gets all obsessive about getting some action but I know he doesn't really want a 2nd child right now either...

    Good news is that my sub plans are almost done, but still have 14 papers staring at me
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Kdub -- getting pregenant now wouldn't have to be a nightmare! I mean, obviously the best idea is probably to lose weight before so that you can have an ultra healthy preganancy, but it absolutely doesn't condemn you to being fat! I'm sure you know this, but the fact of the matter is overweight women don't need to gain much weight at all with their pregnancies -- just 15 pounds or so! And guess what, you lose all of that pretty much immediately with the birth! My understanding is that even women at a healthy weight don't need to gain more than 20-25 pounds with pregnancy. People do because they use pregnancy as an excuse to overeat. But that's not healthy. You can also continue eating healthy and exercising while you're pregnant assuming you're not having major complications (you'll just need to eat your maintenance cals plus 100 extra for baby growin' :wink:)!

    My mom was a tiny little thing when she got pregnant with my brother. She weighed about 120 when she got pregnant & said she gained about 20 pounds. And she lost 17 with the birth. :smile:

    I was 206lbs when I got pregnant and was told that since I was overweight that they did not want me to gain anymore than 15lbs. Well...I was one of those people that used the pregnancy as an excuse to eat EVERYTHING. I gained 60+lbs during my pregnancy. Looking back on it now I am ashamed not so much about the eating but about the complications it could have resulted in. Luckily I have a healthy baby boy. Oh and I lost about 15lbs after the pregnancy which I immediatly gained back because I continued to eat as if I were pregnant!

    You actually need closer to 300 calories (extra) for the baby

    My next pregnancy I am going to continue to work out just obviously not as intensely. I can still walk and bike..pregnancy is not a medical condition that prevents you from doing much of anything. You can actually even safely run until about 6 months I think? No sit ups etc (duh) but everything else is pretty much fair game. I see preggo people at my gym all the time and they look awesome!