Over 200 New Year New Me Part 17

awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
hey gals its me !! I am not weighing in this week I will weigh in next week because I forgot to weigh in and I also know that my weight is up from this weekend because I had a sodium feast this weekend but I stayed within calories and I know my weight is up at least 5 pounds because of the sodium.Its my anniversary tomorrow so we celebrated this weekend.I'm not worried about the gain because I am drinking tons of fluid today so I know it will be back down soon.
Thanks Meook and LittleSpy for checking on me it shows me you care.:heart::heart:


  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    I just had to post that I am down an additional .4 lbs from yesterday! I officially under 218 WAHOO! I haven't put in my calories & stuff from yesterday but i will later! I just had to share!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    I just had to post that I am down an additional .4 lbs from yesterday! I officially under 218 WAHOO! I haven't put in my calories & stuff from yesterday but i will later! I just had to share!
    Congrats Keep up the hard work!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hey Ann, thanks for the new thread. Good to see you today.

    I have been inspired today!!! hopefully it sticks. I was watching some chick on tv who claimed she went from a size 12 to a 4. What is that like 4 sizes? She said she did it in 6 weeks. I know that 4 sizes in 6 weeks is unrealistic for your average person without a personal trainer. But 1 maybe 2 sizes is not. Every year I go to a family church camp, it is 6 weeks away. There are people there that I only see this 1 time a year. I have decided that I want to be down 1 pants size by then. Preferably 2, but I will feel as if I have been successful if I am able to drop 1. Why not? Last year when I went I wore 1 pants size bigger than I do now, so I am already better than last year I would just like to be even better. I think I told you all this last year, that they all have a hill they walk up everyday and I could never do it. Last year I was able to walk up that hill. I want to be even fitter this year walking up that hill. Here is my new shiny for right now!!!!! Wish me luck!!!!!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Bluenote, you have come too far to quit on us now. We need you!!! You are our comic relief. Besides you are our weight loss sister and we won't let you quit. We have faith in you, You are able to overcome and move forward. Also you are so worth the effort.
    (((((((:heart: hug:heart: )))))))))
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Just a quick weekend check in on the new thread. Thanks Awestfall, glad to have you back with us and I hope you thoroughly enjoyed your celebration !1:heart:

    Lildebbie, Bluenote - keep your heads up and just move forward, there is no going back :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Check in for Friday, Saturday & Sunday.
    Ate huge amounts of calories on Fri & Sat and loved it!!!!! Don't feel guilty at all because I burned over 1200 calories each day in exercise so I didn't even come close to eating my goals. I ate about 2000 cals each day and had about 800 to spare each day. I felt like I really at a lot but looking back on my past behavior it was not close to what I WAS eating.
    Sunday - will be way under again because of 1000 exercise cals to add in.
    Water - really good all 3 days
    Exercise - Heavy duty gardening for several hours each day in the hot sun, shoveling dirt, swinging a pick axe moving large rocks etc.....I am so sore!!!!!
    If anybody needs to up their exercise - come on over there's more work to be done!!!!

    Proud that I can actually sustain a level of activity for several hours that would have wiped me out in 20 mins last year.

    Hope you all have a great Monday, I won't be able to stalk again until Tuesday :wink: :wink:

  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    jlb- I KNEW you'd cave into those fried bananas :laugh: glad you enjoyed them!!

    momma- I am SOOO happy you found your mojo! Good luck!

    As for me- Being out of commission last week excercise wise has me on a downer but Im hoping to get back into the swing of things this week. Hopefully I'll lose something for my BL competition on Tuesday but if the scale is being accurate its not looking too good.

    I was under cals both Sat and Sunday- but not Friday thanks to my cheesesteak (and it didnt taste as good as I remember)
    water- good the entire weekend although not as much as I get during the week
    sodium- under 2500 (not friday obviously)
    excercise- not a damn thing ...i suck
    proud- not really

  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930

    proud- not really


    cris - I AM PROUD OF YOU. Just look at where that :heart: is on your ticker! It didn't get there overnight! So you didn't exercise. Make tomorrow different. You're my hero!!! :flowerforyou:

    check in:
    calories: good
    water: 96
    exercise: full monty
    proud: I went to our Polish picnic today and danced with my cousins. They all needed to stop dancing the polka with me long before I was pooped out! That made me feel really good. Last year at the picnic I didn't even dare do the polka with them because I was too exhausted just walking to the picnic! :love:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Bluenote, you have come too far to quit on us now. We need you!!! You are our comic relief. Besides you are our weight loss sister and we won't let you quit. We have faith in you, You are able to overcome and move forward. Also you are so worth the effort.
    (((((((:heart: hug:heart: )))))))))

    Momma, I will never quit! I am just very anxious over the 75 number. I pray I pass that darn number this week and that it will all be in the past!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Glad to see everybody is doing well on this Sunday! I haven't counted calories since Thursday or Friday...can't remember and I'm too lazy to check. I'm down to 214 this morning! And that's after TOM hit hard and another night of beer drinking! Hopefully I can hit my goal this week!!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    hey gals its me !! I am not weighing in this week I will weigh in next week because I forgot to weigh in and I also know that my weight is up from this weekend because I had a sodium feast this weekend but I stayed within calories and I know my weight is up at least 5 pounds because of the sodium.Its my anniversary tomorrow so we celebrated this weekend.I'm not worried about the gain because I am drinking tons of fluid today so I know it will be back down soon.
    Thanks Meook and LittleSpy for checking on me it shows me you care.:heart::heart:

    Hope you have a great Anniversary tomorrow!! Enjoy it!

    Kdub - Great Job on the loss! You are doing awesome.

    Jess - That is great that you are down today! I forget to count sometimes too.

    Cris - Don't get down on yourself. It takes some time to get back from being sick and with your son being sick I am sure it is even more difficult. I haven't really been exercising much. I am going to try really hard this week to start. You have done a great job so far don't let the no exercise get you down.

    Glad to hear that everyone is doing great today! Talk to you all tomorrow!

    Check in:
    Calories : Over :frown:
    Sodium: I am sure it will be over.
    Exercise 45 walk with my husband
    Proud: When I put my belt on this morning I was able to go down one notch!!! I haven't done that in a looooong time!! :happy: :love:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello gals ...

    I am ready for this week to start ...its a new month !!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    hey gals.... checking in... kind of.. :ohwell:

    Have not been counting calories.. just have been trying to make good choices and not eating unless I am truly hungry. At any rate, I am loosing inches WOOT!!!

    My husband and I started the pond today... Looks like it will be in the neighborhood of 1300 gallons with a 5ft waterfall.. OMG my husband can never do anything small. So, lots of digging but then the rain came and well.. back at it tomorrow we will see how far we get!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Hello ladies! I have big news...I am officially in ONEDERLAND!!! Woohoo! I weighed in today at 197.4, 4 lbs down from last Monday. I am loving it!

    This weekend has been good. I've gotten back on my exercise groove and burned a bunch of calories on Saturday and Sunday. I had plenty of exercise calories left over on both days, and got at least 80 oz of water in each day.

    Hope you all have a great Monday!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello ladies! I have big news...I am officially in ONEDERLAND!!! Woohoo! I weighed in today at 197.4, 4 lbs down from last Monday. I am loving it!

    This weekend has been good. I've gotten back on my exercise groove and burned a bunch of calories on Saturday and Sunday. I had plenty of exercise calories left over on both days, and got at least 80 oz of water in each day.

    Hope you all have a great Monday!

    WTG on being in Onderland!!!!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hello ladies! I have big news...I am officially in ONEDERLAND!!! Woohoo! I weighed in today at 197.4, 4 lbs down from last Monday. I am loving it!

    This weekend has been good. I've gotten back on my exercise groove and burned a bunch of calories on Saturday and Sunday. I had plenty of exercise calories left over on both days, and got at least 80 oz of water in each day.

    Hope you all have a great Monday!

    How EXCITING!!!!! Yay for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I look forward to joining you there this year.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    hey gals.... checking in... kind of.. :ohwell:

    Have not been counting calories.. just have been trying to make good choices and not eating unless I am truly hungry. At any rate, I am loosing inches WOOT!!!

    My husband and I started the pond today... Looks like it will be in the neighborhood of 1300 gallons with a 5ft waterfall.. OMG my husband can never do anything small. So, lots of digging but then the rain came and well.. back at it tomorrow we will see how far we get!

    Good to see you!!!! I have always wanted a pond, but I have always had small children and I am a freak with kids around water. Just can't help it. My sister and bro do not want me around when the kids are swimming because between the 3 of us there are 11 kids and I can't even have a conversation because all that I am doing is counting heads every 2 seconds. Good luck on that pond. Digging burns tons of calories.
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    I have decided that I want to be down 1 pants size by then. Preferably 2, but I will feel as if I have been successful if I am able to drop 1. Why not? Last year when I went I wore 1 pants size bigger than I do now, so I am already better than last year I would just like to be even better. I think I told you all this last year, that they all have a hill they walk up everyday and I could never do it. Last year I was able to walk up that hill. I want to be even fitter this year walking up that hill. Here is my new shiny for right now!!!!! Wish me luck!!!!!
    I think that's totally realistic :) After all you will sometimes lose inches when there have been no weight losses so down a pant size in 6 weeks should be no problem :D

    So after an induction that started at 8am friday...progressing to 9cm dilated by MIDNIGHT Saturday, and staying there until 2am saturday My nephew was born by c-section at 3:10am weighing 7lbs 7oz :love: I was keeping up with my sister in laws birth through text messages right up until he was born, there was NO way I could sleep with all the anticipation. The birth announcement was text at 5am and we had to be up and gone to the market a couple hours after that so I just stayed up. We went to the market and walked around for an hour or so, and then went and bough a ton of newborn outfits for my nephew and a couple things for my older nephew [learned from my oldest that when they get something it makes the transition easier] He just turned two and he's going to be a fantastic big brother. I felt terrible cause this little guy should be coming home to 2 big brothers[oldest is a twin, but his brother passed away a day after he was born:cry: ] Instead we shared thoughts about Avery and how we knew he was there every minute of that day in spirit! Needless to say when I got home at 11pm that night I passed out :yawn: Today we went shopping and went to see my grandparents for a while. They offered to take my toddler for a few days soon so I'm pretty excited about that [I LOVE her, but it would be nice to only have the break from her little active, constantly talking self :laugh: ]

    So ready to start off May the RIGHT way!! Have a fridge and freezer FULL of nutritious foods and my energy and motivation is back in high gear!! Here's to a new month ladies :happy:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I can feel all the positiveness and motivation in the posts last night! Let's start May off right!! :bigsmile: We've got Elmox who is is onderland! Who's gonna be next!? I feel like the race is on! Talk to y'all later! I'm late for work! :laugh:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Awestfall: thanks for the new thread and have fun on your anniversary ;-)

    Littledeb and Blutenote, what is this I hear about giving up?? There is no such thing as giving up…unless you are giving up on life…and I know for sure that is not what you guys want. It is a new month and a new beginning. The best part through this journey is we have each other every step of the way…the highs and lows of life..please don’t give up!!!

    Momma: I am glad you found inspiration..losing a pant size ( or maybe 2 pant sizes) is doable..have faith and we will help motivate you..just believe you can do it..and I know for sure you can :)

    Cris: Look at how far you have come and How much you’ve lost? More than me and I have been here longer than you… Ok you have not exercised is a couple of days..you don’t want to do too much while your body is recovering. Start slow and work your way back to where you were..don’t thing about giving up too…I need all my MFP sistas :)

    Jib: did you get your new shoes and how do they feel on your feet? I heard a lot of great reviews on those shoes..especially from Dr. OZ. Let us know what you think. Ooo before I forget, i think you mentions that you started or about to restart C25K…well I was going to restart again today…have fun girl :)

    Elmox: Congrats on being Onederland!!!

    Kdub: congrats to breaking the 220 mark!

    Meokk: WOW!!1 you are burning calories like crazy…I see a big loss in your future

    Jess: OMG…you are so close to being Onderland!!! I can see it within the next few weeks..I had better step up my game…lol

    Jesyka: Congrats on the new addition to the family :)

    Raider: Congrats to a smaller waist…lol! Keep it up ;)

    If I forgot anyone...so sorry :)

    be back later after I upload my food/exercise for the past 3 days...
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good mornign girls,

    Still feeling kind of blah, now my fiance is sick, baby still isnt back to 100% and I have a sore throat. I cant even remember the last time the 3 of us were all healthy, frankly its exhausting! I love my lil man though I dont know how I spent 25 years without him in my life. He's started saying lots more words and yesterday it was "yellow"...super cute.

    So here are my MAY motivations:
    1. according to my mini goals I need to be at 199 by May 31st- scale this morning was back to 204.8 which was my friday weigh in
    2. I need to remember that I am doing this for my son and fiance - so that I can have a healthy LONG life with them
    3. Its getting HOT outside and I want to wear shorts and tank tops but Im still too big for that!! So I better get a move on!
    4. 2 months until my 6 year anniversary with my fiance and I want to be HOT HOT HOT when that day comes
    5. I have 3 more weigh ins before the BL at the gym is done and I need to lose at least another 5lbs to make sure I win!

    Like so many other people said- its a new MONTH, lets get to it!!!

    Be back later to stalk **arhem** I mean check in
