Craig772 Member


  • Birmingham for me.
  • I am keen on the odd running skirt but I don't have the legs for them :wink:
  • Not sure if you adapt this in someway but...... In my last job I cycled to work 3 days a week. I calculated the cost of the fuel saving and credited myself with it. When I had enough saved up I purchased whatever I wanted with it completely guilt free and without consulting the household budget. Really encouraged me to…
  • I add to my morning porridge.
  • Firstly in my humble opinion men and women think differently and even if they try to take on the others point of view it's not the same. So I'd listen to the male advice in this thread. I am not saying ignore the female advice by the way.. Any idea of the age? To me (being a man, now aged 38 and having had and lost a few…
  • Ooops. I think you've lost before you've started. Out of interest what was the bet for and can we share in the prize if we become friends? I am thinking shares a racehorse, nice place in the sun, yatcht?
  • Hey way to go. Well done. :happy: That's what it's all about.
  • I've uploaded my training photo's to my MFP profile. Every so often I'll take a look and I am fired up for for another session or better eating.
  • Same to you. Good luck.
  • Hi there. Good luck on your journey. You'll find lots of nice people here who're always willing to pat you on the back for a job well done and offer any advice. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want.
  • Yep. If I sit down during the day and concentrate then I can get my heart rate to 42 - 44. You need to keep updating the HRM watch with your latest weight etc or the calculations will be out. Try searching on the internet for your manual. A lot of mainstream manufacturers host PDF versions on their websites. To have…
  • Firstly wow surrogate mother for your friend. That's a massive massive thing. I can't even begin to think about the emotions involved. I am only a Father of two and know what I've picked along that particular journey. It might just be too early. I've read that breast feeding is the fastest way to lose weight after having a…
  • Gotta say my wholemeal bread is 75 cals per slice but actually I am reducing my intake and are intending to look for a low calorie cracker as a snack.
  • Mix it up and make it count. Have a dedicated cardio session one day and a weights sessions another. OK so you've got a packed lunch but don't overlook the other things like sports kit. It might sound mundane but sometimes washing your kit after a long day when there's other things to do just doesn't happen. I've lost…
  • Not a newbie runner. I am trying to get back to my peak of around 15 miles per week and a couple of half marathons. Just wanted to say that I am stocky and never enjoyed running - ever. I hated it at school and didn't enjoy it when I was in the military. I was and still am into my cycling. One night I was fidgetting on the…
  • I completely agree. Once the callous's have appeared across your forehead you'll be fine :laugh:
  • Yep, pick a spot and focus on it but do still keep and eye how far back you drift. Some machines have a leash with an emergency stop card. When it's pulled the treadmill cuts out. You're meant to attach it to you. I was working in a gym once and was sitting at the counter with a good view of everyone when a lady went…
  • I can see both sides of the argument but I do think it was a bit mean and thoughtless.
  • Agreed.
  • @nelsaphine Flattery will get you everywhere :wink: back in the early 90's through to around 2000 I used to train really heavily, did a few years as an aerobics instructor, did some time as a personal trainer. I am a bit rusty and out of touch these days but there're others on this site that have taken it to another level…
  • There's no straight forward answer without knowing your full circumstances but here's my quick response for what it's worth. If it's mass you're after then stick to around 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps, if it's general tone and strength then 12 to 15 reps over 3 sets of a much lighter weight. No more than an hour as after that…
  • You look fab. What a huge effort you've put in. Totally excellent result. Well done.
  • Happens to us all from time to time. Weight loss and diet is a journey. You've acheived a 20 minute jog for the first time, that's totally excellent. Just think to how happy you felt afterwards. Sure I've had runs and eaten badly afterwards. Sometimes I think post exercise diet control is harder than during a normal day.…
  • Had to look it up. Poor you. Not nice at all. Sounds like milkshakes/fruit smoothies are in order. Hope you feel better soon.
  • I am guilty of both. Depends on what I am doing at the time. If I am between things in the office or at home then I might post a reply. Sometimes I am on a voice conference and have to half concentrate so 'lurk' to fill in sometime. Not being a woman a can't multi-task! :wink:
  • I was looking into treadmills awhile ago but never got one. From what I remember of my research the motor is everything. Make sure that's it's got a bit of power spare at the point you're mostly likely to be using it. There're some good fold up ones these days if it's going in the lounge.
  • Ooer, I am off to find another thread. I get enough of this abuse at home......:wink:
  • I've got olympic bars and weights plus dumbells in my garage. I have a Nautilus squat rack cage with top and bottom pulleys. I also have an old road bike on a turbo trainer. Didn't cost too much to set I up but I save on monthly gym membership. I still have a pay as you go gym membership for the treadmill from time to…
  • Don't ask me, I seem to have offended every girlfriend I've ever had at some time or other by my choice of present. :noway: I wouldn't be offended and would rather receive a voucher for a sports store. Either that or a neutral garment like sports sweater or jogging bottoms. Anything else like technology, vest tops, or…
  • I am reading as I used to slouch in an easy chair and eat my meals but now I sit at the table. Based in this assumption.... I think it takes about 20 minutes for your body to register it's full. That's why we're told to eat slowly. If you rush eating you can consume more than you need because of this delay. I wonder if…