GC2B Member


  • Good luck to you all on this. The hardest step is the first one out of your door. so many people will give you advice and support when you need it. Some runs may be tough and a lot of it is mental attitude also so be prepared for demons telling you that you can't do it. You CAN!!
  • Very nicely done, your fitness must have improved no end. Good luck for all you do after the c25k, sounds like you and your partner are quite a pair. Well done, to the both of you.
  • I work out my route and time and find my pace, MFP has lots of different paces listed so its easy to find which one to use. I haven't got anything that tracks me while I'm out so I use mapmyrun for my route and the therunningbug to log my miles/pace/calories (I like it as its keeps track of everything and puts you on a…
  • Hi, I'm glad you looked into this and haven't given up. Have a look at your speed, are you trying to go too fast? My running pace is slow, in fact I think my speed walking is quicker, but running requires something else so its all practice. although its nice to buddy up you need to go at your own pace, in the session and…
  • Well done for taking those first steps. And do be excited, its a big thing. Soon you'll be smashing the 30 minute runs, graduating and giving all sorts of advice and supports. Indeed mind over matter features a lot. Good luck
  • I average at 11 minute miles, all depends on terrain. Anything from 30 to 37 minutes really. Try not to compare yourself to anyone else though its about how you do. And whatever the result you get you are already faster than 90%* of the country and of course your first 5km gives you chances to beat it and get pb's *totally…
  • Hi, and well done you for giving it a go. Think positive and you'll do just fine. If you find some runs tricky maybe slow the pace a little. Looking forward to seeing how you get on. You will most definitely be able to say your are running 5k xx
  • Well done. I hope that you inspire more to try it, its a great programme. And please dont worry about your speed, that will come later (so I'm told). xx
  • The thing is with treadmills is your body can't naturally slow down, so when you feel like you want to stop just drop the speed a bit. Tell yourself its a mental thing, you have done this before, you CAN and WILL do it again. The next time you go for it, believe in yourself and be proud of every step you do. Good luck, and…
  • www.therunningbug.co.uk www.couchto5k.healthunlocked.com www.womensrunninguk.co.uk
  • Well done. Its so great to break the barriers and see improvement. Although I've graduated I still have a average pace of 11 minute miles. To improve I think I need to do some interval fartlek training runs. But for now I'm happy getting out there and plodding along.
  • Well done for getting out there! I agree that the head gives in before the legs. You fight a mental battle out there, but if you use the time to clear your mind, go through your day or the day ahead that often helps. Dont be afraid to try the next week if you have competed a week, the only failure is giving in completely.…
  • Well done you. That's a very good and respectable time, especially including an injury and walking! You'll be smashing that to get PB's now :)
    in ran in a 5k Comment by GC2B April 2013
  • Well done you, hopefully that has given you the confidence to know you CAN do this.
  • All the very best for the best steps of your life :) Some runs are hard, but its the challenge that makes us stronger. Looking forward to reading your update after your run.
  • You can totally do this!! Get that graduation outfit ready!!
  • Well done you, bet you got runners high from that!!
  • Well done, you've worked so hard so its an even sweeter nsv xx
  • Hope your last run goes well xx
  • Worrying i'm not fast enough. Taking off road a little too far (running through ankle deep mud was torture) Over training Wrong shoes Not taking injuries seriously
  • This is great, good to see the identification between the stages
  • Day 21 done, 180 squats with 5lb weights doing bicep curls. Wooooo got the heart going!
  • Congratulation, awesome time for the 5km. You have graduated :)
  • Fantastic achievements xx well done xx
  • Emotional breakdown....I walk home after yoga once and split up with my then husband of 8 years. Clarity over came me in class. Best decision of my life. Period! All that aside, there's something body, mind and spirit in yoga that I have never worked out. Don't fight it, just practice and enjoy.
  • Its not insanity its addiction!! Congratulations on your run, sounds brilliant
  • I guess it depends what you enjoy doing. I do Jillian Michaels workouts or use my elliptical/cross trainer too. I've read alot about core strength helping runners so I am thinking of that when I chose workouts. I don't think carbs would be much of an issue at this point, make sure you get a good amount of protein in though.
  • be proud, its a great achievement :)
  • Day 11. - 110 Done
  • http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/253907-the-ultimate-before-and-after-30-day-shred-thread That's a good thread to see results. I think mostly its inches and stamina that it effects the most. People tend to lose weight the first time round but it slows dont the more times you do it (but that could just be as they…
    in 30 day shred Comment by GC2B March 2013