

  • Yes it does go away once you get in there. Also, try going in the morning when there is less people. That helped me.
  • My sis lost the weight before her surgery but she still works out almost everyday to keep off the weight (50lbs! I'm so proud of her!!!) She went from barely an A to a large C, and wouldn't mind going bigger in a few years. Before her implant surgery she had to have pre-surgery to fix a birth defect to adjust the shape of…
  • LOVE IT! Don't be afraid to lay down if you need to! Make sure you drink all your water for the day.
  • I would put 30 Day Shred under weight training and Zumba under aerobics for now. Once you get that HR monitor, you could add them for the rest of us ;)
  • I think that would work IF you were skimping on the cals for that day, but not from the whole week (I could be wrong, but that's just me). Also, try asking the bartender for a light cocktail.
    in BOOZE Comment by AbbyLu April 2011
  • I lost 9lbs and then thought I could do it on my own so stoped tracking and gained 5 back :( I'm sticking to it this time! I kept my calories under my goal and worked out Mon-Fri, and took active rest days Sat & Sun (long walks with the pup). That is what was working for me so I'm going back to it.
    in Question... Comment by AbbyLu April 2011
  • I was down to 117lbs at my wedding, but I still wasnt that lean that I would like, like Lolo Jones. I'm only 5'2" so I dont think 110 would look bad... but since muscle weighs more than fat, I think 120 would be perfect. Plus then I don't have to worry as much about NEVER being able to have ice cream again lol! I…
  • You will answer most of your questions yourself once you set it all up. :)
  • I will have a "Cheat Treat." Nothing big or crazy that's gonna make me hate myself in an hour (lol!). Just a chocolate chip cookie with a glass of milk while I watch Grey's Anatomy :)
  • I have to hide mine, and then bring it out every Friday morning to weigh myself.
  • I keep my alarm in my bathroom next to my work out clothes and sneakers. That way I HAVE TO get up to turn my alarm off, and since my stuff is right there, I might as well change and work out since I'm up. I know me too well, I am too tired and lazy to workout after work so I just remind myself, you know you won't do it…
  • You earned them, that's awesome!
  • I think we as a society use that term very loosly, but what it really means is about 50lbs over weight. Morbidly obese is what we normally see on The Biggest Looser which is anything above 100lbs over weight. MFP's BMI tracker isn't going to be 100% acurate, but it is pretty close. If you want something more acurate, go…
  • I think that would be an ok idea as long as the calories you are going over for are "good" ones, not sugar or fried garbage. Almonds, Veggies with Hummus or Guacomole?
  • Frozen fruit smoothy? Use white tea instead of juice to eliminate extra sugar. Frozen strawberries and cherries are my favorite to add.
  • 3 Tbsp coco powder 3 Tbsp powdered sugar And this to 2 cups of warm milk with a little coffee creamer. Hot COCO!
  • I agree with sillygoose.... I just went through the same thing, it will pass. Just keep drinking lots of water, wash you face, exfoliate, maybe go get a facial and see what the esthetician says about your skin type and have them recommend some products.
  • A few of the light canned soups make a vegatarian version, and Hormel makes a meatless chili. (Beans make you gassy, but it's the meat that makes it stinky ;)
  • I'm same as you... 1200 calories/ day, w/ a desk job. When you put in your activity level when you set up your profile, it should have automatically acounted for this. No need to double add it. :)
  • I dont think going that much over with Calcium or Vitamin C will do anything to you. I have heard over doing it all the time can be hard on your liver, since it is our body's filter. If you are concerned about the sodium, just eat less processed foods, and more fruits and veggies, and make sure you are drinking all of your…
  • Nothing will be 100% accurate, but that sounds pretty close. You can also click on TOOLS and the select the BMR. Compare the two results, and then I would choose something in the middle.
  • I don't think so, I think you should have set your profile with an active lifestyle. That should already count it automatically.
  • See if you can get it from the library first. I have issues with videos. I start to get annoyed with the background people (lol) and so I stop watching them and then its a waste of money.
  • You could be building more muscle than you are loosing fat. Muscle weighs more than fat but it is denser so the measuring tape is a good confirmation of your accomplishments if the scale isn't. Try cutting back on the working out (at least for a week). Your body may be in shock from the sudden diet change and long…
  • Are you eating ALL of your calories before you put in your workout? Try having a little more lean protein like an extra egg or just the whites in your breakfast, and or a little extra chicken with dinner. You should'nt have that many extra calories left over else your body will go into "starving" mode and it will become…
  • Tell him exactly what you just told us! And if that doesn't work, just punch him in the gut next time he is eating something you can't eat. LOL ;) And if 1,200 is too difficult for right now, just cut back to 1,500 for the first 2 weeks and then try 1,200 again once you get the hang of it. It is hard, but we just have to…
  • I work at White House/Black Market and our size 8 would fit someone in the 150 range, waiste and booty permitting of course ;)
  • I love watching Biggest Loser! My only problem is, I feel guilty sitting on the couch to watch it (lol). I think what I will do is take my puppy out for a run during commercials and/or do some shoulder presses, push ups, and triceps dips, and crunches while it is on.