TacoGibbons Member


  • I handle them with two plates and seconds. Quick add 1,500 calories. Better luck to you!
  • Thank you so much guys for the responses! I do agree about Stoneyfield - SO much sugar/stevia and not so much protein! I have a Trader Joe's 30 minutes from here - I just didn't know they practiced humane treatment (yay!) I have a Whole Foods an hour away, but, ommmgggg, the prices are insane! I e-mailed Greek God, but I…
  • Great suggestions! I am going to check these out!
  • Epic!!!
    in NSV Comment by TacoGibbons July 2011
  • I have had mine for 2 years - I gained 10 lbs the first 6 months I had it, but I do not think the weight gain was due to Mirena at all. In fact, I know it was over eating and beer drinking. I have had it two years now and I have lost 25 lbs through hard work and eating right. Same can be said for all 10 girls in my close…
  • You are amazing!!! Great work - this last 50 lbs will be a breeze cos clearly you know how to work hard! :bigsmile:
  • You rock!!! Your smile says it all!! You look great.
  • Money and losing weight are two of the things I need most in life right now :-P I'm in!! Is it by pounds lost or % of weight lost?
  • Oh man - I'm dense. Here I am thinking you are walking on logs on the beach. I pictured you walking across fallen trees in a river, but then you said ocean so I pictured you running on a log in the water. I don't know where my sleepy mind was going with this one!!! :D
  • The gym in Portland also motivates you to burn with the Burn and Earn program - "one hour on any of our grid-tied cardiovascular equipment earns you one dollar in rewards. Gift certificate can be redeemed in five and ten dollar increments. Ten hours can also earn you specialty discounts." The GC are to local ma & pa shops…
  • Try it on anything and everything - seriously. Pizza, eggs, toast, oatmeal, sandos, crackers, chicken, salads, pasta, anything. mash it, slice it, dice it...anything you desire! Check out a video online for tips on cutting it.
    in Avacodo Comment by TacoGibbons June 2011
  • I have 5 tattoos and still have boys asking me out on a regular basis. Met my 2+ year boyfriend because of my sloth tattoo - it's just personal preference. I lot of guys find body art attractive, a lot don't - but really, whether or not someone's gonna like your tattoo is the last thing on your mind when you're getting a…
  • 20 lbs lost so far 38 D to 38 C. I still have 15+ lbs I want to lose and, what, now I may have to miss my Cs?? Sigh...win some, lose some.
  • (This would be a big dinner-salad) Bed of salad greens topped with 1/4 cup brown rice or quinoa and chili. I add the following toppings: cheese, diced tomatoes, black olives, red cabbage, shredded carrots, avocado, yogurt and pepitas! Nom! Nom! Nom!
  • I mix cinnamon and a dash of vanilla or almond extract with the coffee grounds before I brew (french press) and it's lovely! I'll usually add a couple splashes of almond milk (5 calories for 1/8 cup).
  • Welcome! I hope your weight loss journey goes well! You've got great goals and you're already on your way to a healthier lifestyle. One thing though -- You're not going to lose and keep off any weight by eating only 1000 calories a day. You'll essentially be in "starvation mode" and your body's metabolism will slow down…
  • Ieat rolled oats or steel cut oats every single day for breakfast and never get tired - that being said I spend 1/2 my time in the bulk section at the grocery store shopping for add-ins. They take over my pantry...I love it because they double as easy snacks or trail-mix. Some examples: 1/4 cup dry oatmeal or steel-cut…
  • Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!!!! Happy 8th Birthday, little lady!
  • Congrats, Kay!!! My motivation is simple: Seeing that magic number on the scale and seeing my body toned. I can't wait for those things - I push myself like mad simply for the outcome. Also - I love being healthy and happy...but sometimes that is not motivation enough. Additions motivations: I am standing up in my…
  • I have original 5-Finger Vibram's--I bought them after shortening my stride didn't help with my shin splints. It was love at first sight. I ran like the wind (SLOW SLOW SLOW AND SHORT SHORT SHORT at first..I cannot stress this enough. I threw my back for a month the first time I ran because I ran for just a MILE. Take it…
  • Turn them into grocery bags with some simple stitching...you could even line them with some kinda sturdy/leak-proof fabric. Or donate them to women's shelter/charity. Ooor see if you can opt out and donate to charities in place of getting a t-shirt!
  • Nothing--my roommate does it sans weights and it still kicks her *kitten*! I used 3lb hand weights my first 2 times around and it still worked my butt!
  • Insoles, keen brand shoes, etc. It all helps, but today I actually woke up pain-free for ONCE in 4x months. I even stood up out of bed and walked without an ounce of pain. I think I owe this all to Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown Level 1--I did it last night before bed. I am SO adding this to my w/o routine 3x a week! If…
  • Also wanted to share something: I just woke up COMPLETELY pain free in my heel for the first time in months. I even stood up out of bed and walked without an ounce of pain. I think I owe this all to Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown Level 1--I did it last night before bed. I am SO adding this to my w/o routine 3x a week! If…
  • Thank you so much everyone for your suggestions! I have a pair of NB right now, but I think I will check out more when I head to the shoe store as well. Also wanted to share something: I just woke up COMPLETELY pain free in my heel for the first time in months. I even stood up out of bed and walked without an ounce of…
  • Keep 'em coming! Thanks for all the additional advice, too. I've got insoles I love, night splint, stretches and routines I do daily, amazing everyday shoes etc. I hardly feel the pain anymore thanks so all my new precautions. Yay! Hope you all find relief, too!! What I *really* need most are running/walking/cross-training…
  • @weightloss-- Hang in there. I have been losing and gaining the same 3 pounds for almost the entire challenge. Grr!! Congrats to all the losers this week--you guys are insane! I love it!
  • Thanks--I am going to BUMP this for future reminders.
  • Shorty's: I made this breakfast this AM and I had to share! It was SO yummy! 1/3 cup oatmeal with 1 tbsp PB, 1/2 banana, 10 extra dark chocolate chips, and 1/2 tsp brown sugar/honey. (300 calories, 26 carbs (not including banana), 12 grams fat (8 from nuts), 8 grams protein)