S_Arr_Uh Member


  • TOM aside, very rarely will you see a difference in 3 days. The only time I see a difference in 3 days will be the 3 days before my weekly weigh in. And sometimes that doesn't even show up till the MOMENT that I use the scale.
  • I wouldn't complain. I started at 191, currently at 173, and haven't budged from a size 16 (although I can fit into 14 dresses, just not jeans). I'm probably a few cms taller than you aswell.
  • No, it's not fine. How eating 4-5 apples a day plus exercising equals 'fine', I don't know. Apples are also carb-ilicious, mind. OP, start eating more, or at least more calorie-dense foods (healthy, of course). I don't see any use in losing weight for a short holiday only to end up putting all the weight back on later. As…
  • I must have been eating at maintenance which I suppose would be about 2000-ish as I didn't actually put on any weight for a year and a bit prior to joining mfp.
  • Try it out, and you'll see for yourself. I use the app mostly too, and it's been working out great. I've been logging for 85 days now. I did adjust my intake a little every now and then but it depends on how you feel. As for the 5 week 'you will weigh' function, it's not accurate as it bases it on if EVERYDAY is EXACTLY…
  • I've recently found that (white hehe) toast with honey is a great pre-gym snack and also great when I'm over my fat percentage and want to bring it down a bit! Best low-fat snack I've found so far. :D As for potatoes, I eat those, just less of it. Mash, in stead of two helpings, I'll have one, etc. I've been losing weight…
  • I'm one of those people who get colds all the time and just do whatever I normally do. I exercise, I eat, etc. etc. The only downfall I have is wanting to drink lots of anything that's not water (Ribena!) as water doesn't satisfy the thirst I have when I get colds. I haven't had a bad cold since I started on here though,…
  • What I do is I buy a big bar of whatever I fancy (usually end up going for the one with the lowest cals per serving) for e.g. I bought Aero Mint the other day. It's about 82 calories per 4 squares (1 row). When I want it, I have one row/one serving. No more, unless I can fit it in and really really want it. Miles better…
  • Don't grip the handlebars. Hold them lightly :) I love Spin, I go 4x a week now >_>; The seat gets better after the first few times, but if it doesn't (and it doesn't ever for some people) then I 'd suggest investing in a padded seat.
  • Open your diary, please. How much are you eating? What are your stats?
  • 6lbs in a month is better than great progress! 1.5 lbs a week isn't shabby, you know.
  • Try by Pink is another good one :) The Island Pt 1 by Pendulum is a great one for cardio, but it'll obviously depend on your taste. I put my music on Shuffle, it's surprising what gems you can find when you least expect it! (Pokemon theme tune also works wonders..)
  • What if Bob eats an approx. 400 calorie snack before bed? By your calculations, he CAN eat SOME food before bed, because well, he'll burn it off by sleeping.
  • No, because you still have your original deficit to lose the weight. Sure, you could lose faster without eating them back, but your body needs some energy to make up for the hard work it did during the workout. Not to mention that you continue to burn at a faster rate than normal post-exercise so you"ll just be creating…
  • If you're logging what you're eating and you plan on eating what you make, then yes. Veggies may be low-cal but it does add up.
  • Try to net 1690 on non-exercise days. I net a lot less on exercise days (maybe between 1000-1400, depending on how much exercise I've done) but my actual intake on those days tends to hit 1900, sometimes a lot more (particularly Sundays when I burn 1000 calories!)
  • How does anyone eat a whole pizza by themselves? O_o; Whether tracking or not, I always ever had 2 slices, maybe 3 if I'm hungry enough. Props to you.
  • I work at a takeaway every Saturday for 5 hours and I log it as 'cooking/food prep' and that burns lots of calories too. I wore my HRM (a MyZone belt from my gym) twice to work in the last couple of months and in both occurrences, I burned over 900 calories. It's possible.
  • Do you exercise? Because it seems to me that you're not logging it, and only eating short of 1200 calories per day so your intake is probably far too low. With your stats, I'm getting your BMR to be approx 1700. So start upping your calories. Maybe start with actually reaching your goal of 1300, then slowly up it. Or use…
  • I burn approx. 600 in an hour (100cal per 10 mins) although that's getting harder to match as I'm getting fitter and struggling to reach anywhere near my max heart rate. MFP tells me a little less than what I burn.
    in Spinning Comment by S_Arr_Uh March 2013
  • I weighed in [officially] yesterday morning. 24 hours later, I hopped onto the scale just for fun and found I was 3lbs heavier. It's not fat, it's water. I never used to fluctuate much during a week frame, but last couple of weeks, I have been. But I find that by the time I weigh in [officially] on a Sunday morning, my…
  • 2 hours of spinning. I love Sundays.
  • Ok thank you :) I'm actually struggling to eat to my goal this week but I think my appetite has half-disappeared, hopefully it'll be back soon. 1900 seems like a lot right now so I might wait a few days and then up by 100 perhaps. Thank you!
  • Store it in an airtight tin and take it to work on Tuesday. Or give it your neighbour..
  • I have about 1000 left for today (Sunday) 'cause I burned 1000+ during spinning. Usually I can eat at least 2400, meaning I'm close to netting my 1640 but today I ate just what I wanted to & haven't managed to get there. I'll probably just let myself have a bit extra tomorrow/Tuesday to make up for. The body doesn't…
  • I eat most of mine back. I try and leave about 200 on average at the end of each day to make room for error but I've been losing weight fine, 8lbs in about 6 weeks. Don't be scared to eat them back, they're for your benefit.
  • Agreed^. 4lb in a month = 1lb a week. That's the rate you should aim for. No faster.
  • I'm about 5'7 and CW is 183 (SW 191) and I've always been overweight too. Again, last I was thin was probably 5/6ish. I've never been past the 190s though, I suppose I was pretty good at maintaining once I got there :P My first goal is about 150, which *just* gets me into the healthy BMI range. Then to go from there :)
  • Didn't think a new topic was necessary - I just have a quick question. I have about 700 calories left over from today (I've netted 900) but I'm off to bed soon so obviously won't be consuming anymore for today. Is it necessary for me to make up at least some of this (say, tomorrow) or can I just continue from tomorrow…
  • For the first few weeks, I tried to avoid a high NET because that's what my dysfunctional brain told me to do and I was miserable about a week into it! but I started eating properly plus most of my exercise calories (I try to leave an average of 200 calories left over each day to make room for error) and I felt better &…