5 weeks using MFP, hardly losing weight or inches...

I have been so confused as to why I'm not losing weight and hoping to get some help. I have been under my calorie goals every week, for 5 weeks. I am in my 8th week of bootcamp at my gym, which burns 400-600 calories 3x's a week. I also run 2 miles 2 - 3 x's a week and I work on my feet 5 days a week for 5 hours a day. I have only lost 5# in 8 weeks, I've just started measuring my waist and have only lost an inch there. What could I possibly be doing wrong? Also, I log every single thing I eat or drink, I don't skip anything. I have completely changed my way of eating, once I started using MFP 5 weeks ago.


  • Kristinemomof3
    Kristinemomof3 Posts: 636 Member
    Can't read your diary. Are you eating enough?
  • S_Arr_Uh
    S_Arr_Uh Posts: 77 Member
    Open your diary, please.

    How much are you eating? What are your stats?
  • christyh79
    christyh79 Posts: 25 Member
    Ok, just changed my diary settings it should be public. I normally net 1200-1500 calories every day and sometimes eat back my exercise calories. I'm staying full and feel like I eat constantly...
  • elis_mama
    elis_mama Posts: 308 Member
    Feeling the same way! It's frustrating, but I guess we have to hang in there. I'm thinking that I'm not eating enough?
  • christyh79
    christyh79 Posts: 25 Member
    And I'm 5'6" starting weight was 180 and currently weigh 175, 33 yrs old. Also, my thyroid was checked about 5 months ago and it's normal..
  • SCtolulu
    SCtolulu Posts: 154 Member
    If it's been 5 weeks you have lost an average of a pound per week. That's great! ?
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    Read this and see if you're eating enough: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/912914-in-place-of-a-road-map-3-2013

    If you're netting as low as 1200, you need to eat more food.
  • christyh79
    christyh79 Posts: 25 Member
    Maybe I shouldn't be discouraged, but I've actually been doing bootcamp for 8 weeks, so technically I've only lost 5#'s in 8 weeks.
  • I hate to be a buzzkill, but you didn't gain all your extra weight in two months, what makes you think you can lose it all in two months?
  • bronnyd
    bronnyd Posts: 278 Member
    Do you have a heart rate monitor and a food scale. If not I really recommend investing in those two items to ensure you're accurately logging your burns and your calories consumed. Once I got a HRM and a food scale I started dropping weight like crazy. I had been eating a lot more than I thought I was. :smile:
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Read this and see if you're eating enough: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/912914-in-place-of-a-road-map-3-2013

    If you're netting as low as 1200, you need to eat more food.
    I'll second this, and more backup on eating more here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/935871-upped-my-calories-lost-10-inches

    Food is fuel! :bigsmile:
  • SenoraMacias
    SenoraMacias Posts: 305 Member
    5lbs in 8 weeks is steady loss! I know you want it to go faster (don't we all) but a 1/2-1lb loss per week is healthy and consistent. Don't get discouraged, just keep it up!
  • silversociety
    silversociety Posts: 222 Member
    Maybe I shouldn't be discouraged, but I've actually been doing bootcamp for 8 weeks, so technically I've only lost 5#'s in 8 weeks.

    That's awesome. You're doing great!
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Hi! I can understand your frustration it can be a little discouraging when the scale isn't moving the way we want it to? I would have to ask what type of diet are you following? Are you eating a clean diet? Another consideration is that at the pace you are working out you are also probaby building muscle, and muscle weighs more than fat. If you aren't getting the right amount of good calories your metabolism may be slowing down. I would just evaluate what you are eating, take measurements, and keep your head up. When I don't get the results I am looking for the first thing I do is say to myself "There is some reason this is not going the way I want it to, and there must be a reason". I then reevaluate my diet, and most of the time that is the culprit. I wouldn't give up because your workout routine is great. Give it time and like I said think about what you are eating, and believe it or not processed foods are a big culprit. Good luck and keep up the good work.
  • christyh79
    christyh79 Posts: 25 Member
    I know I won't loose it all in 5 weeks, just wondering what I'm doing wrong since I've totally changed my lifestyle and only averaging 1/2# loss per week.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Read this and see if you're eating enough: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/912914-in-place-of-a-road-map-3-2013

    If you're netting as low as 1200, you need to eat more food.
    I'll second this, and more backup on eating more here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/935871-upped-my-calories-lost-10-inches

    Food is fuel! :bigsmile:

    I agree with these posts, Knowledge is Power.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Your sodium is out of control. Sometimes as much as 4000 or higher. You will retain fluid like crazy eating that much sodium
  • silversociety
    silversociety Posts: 222 Member
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with losing half a pound a week...
    Do that for a year a bam, you're a smoking hottie!
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    If you're done reading In Place of a Road Map... be patient. I lose at most a lb a week... usually only 0.5lb per week. Moderate deficits tend to be more sustainable especially if you don't have HUGE amounts of weight to lose.

    Find your numbers from IPOARM and stick with them for 4 weeks or so and then adjust based on what your body is doing. Log accurately (BUY A FOOD SCALE DON'T EYEBALL IT!), log EVERYTHING, be honest about activity levels, don't stress too much about the scale weigh yourself weekly if you can stand that long between weigh ins, take measurements, and note how clothes fit/you look in the mirror. You'll see changes, they won't always be in the number on the scale or even the numbers on the tape, but its not linear.

    Best of luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • christyh79
    christyh79 Posts: 25 Member
    I've stopped eating any white bread, it's all wheat, even spaghetti noodles are wheat. I'm not following a particular diet but I am trying to eat mostly chicken or 95% lean been, tons of fruits and veggies. The only processed food I have is cereal and nutrigrain snack bars. I only drink 1 cup of tea a day and 8-12 bottles of water daily. Trying to eliminate all sweets.