since i was 200 lbs overweight and still 180 lbs overweight, his 20lbs doesn't matter, he could be 200 lbs overweight and i would still find him hot!
I stuff myself when i'm drunk, bored, after sex, high on 420, stressed, emotional, around junk food, my boyfriend
overeating, getting really drunk and tons of sex
i'm lazy and i love stuffing junk food and my boyfriend overfed me and encouraged this. I always eat junk food even if i'm not hungry! i ate whole pizza dozens of donuts gallons of ice cream, many cakes, brownies and cookies. i emotionally eat and comfort eat and no self control around food.
Ive used and since coming clean 4 years ago I still have these issues: it messes up your metabolism so you can never get enough junk food, makes healthy food taste terrible makes you tired need lots of energy drinks to be awake even after 12hr of sleep get fat really fast become really lazy and hate exercising
I was dating an I just met one of my girlfriends and we were both super skinny. a week later my best friend died. this happened about 6 years ago and had the funeral a few days after. we both had minimum wage jobs and we would get drunk and smoke after work everyday then we started stuffing ourselves with junk food right…
i can't grieve and move on without binging on junkfood
i and my girlfriend have the same problem, nothing except being drunk/being high on hard drugs makes it disappear except stuffing ourselves until we vomit. instead usually use alcohol to kill my hunger pains and blackout if we don't hhave anything else to do that day!
it doesn't ruin it it changes your body for the better to become a mother. my female friends all looked like models before pregnancy, they all do drugs, eat on junk food and like being drunk daily like me! before their pregnancy i was super skinny and living with them too. we wanted a "fun" pregnancy stuffing our faces…
eating junk food, i'm covered with it.
already have! nothing bad happened i gained lots of weight mostly from quitting smoking and i don't have to get all dressed up to go outside.
boyfriend wanted me fat stress started emotional eating stopped dieting/starving stopped exercising luv food eating contests
i'm always nude when i'm at home, with roommates its just natural!
not at all, its fun! I usually do that and sees where it goes!
all the time, i usally binge on junk food after it!
all of them are skinny except for the last one
no not really , i usually go for the fat tattooed chicks
fattening leftovers, junk food and alcohol
no, thats rubbish
yes, of course. they just wanted to have fun, i can't blame them for that, i have been cheated on and cheated many times, people make it into something huge when it is barely anything.
i'm so lazy i just can't make myself exercise and usually overeat on junk food
never , you can wear a 2 piece bathing suit, miniskirts, shorts when you are fat my female friends and and my girlfriend do they are around 400 lbs and 5 foot 5, wear what you want
i'm currently obese, i love food! was thin a few weeks ago, until i met my fat girlfriend! i stopped exercising and dieting and my job, she was working at a much better job. i stayed home, watched tv and overate on junk food, my friends came over quite regularly, they go really fat, her friends were really fat already, i…
no way! if it does it just mean your partner is so shallow, they should love you for you not your body.I let myself go when i met my 18 and i met one of my boyfriends, i got huge and didn't care how i looked and he wanted me to lose weight. sex went from daily to 2-3 times a week. being healthy lasted for about a month,…
they always do no matter skinny or fat, we always eat junk food and have sex while on drugs! we like going to buffets and eating til it hurts! now i constantly eat tv dinners and candy and hook up with strangers for sex i'm like 320 lbs, but can't stop eating, my boyfriend says i look fine.
i love beer and drink i all the time !