

  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    It is always easier to blame someone else.
    I had the same problem till i realized that I can say no or just make my own dinner.
    Also when you go to Mc****s/ Wendy's you can order salads, they probably are not the best things for you but better then the burger I hope.
    But in all honest i do as well find it annoying that my boyfriend can eat and eat and sit on the computer all day and be a freakin toothpick. For example one of his meals was a microwaved mini pizza between two pieces of white buttered bread. And before that he had 3 pizza pockets.
  • bbl2013t
    bbl2013t Posts: 49 Member
    they always do no matter skinny or fat, we always eat junk food and have sex while on drugs! we like going to buffets and eating til it hurts! now i constantly eat tv dinners and candy and hook up with strangers for sex i'm like 320 lbs, but can't stop eating, my boyfriend says i look fine.
  • Mazzyx
    Mazzyx Posts: 131
    Oh yeah I totally agree. But then again when we first started together I lost weight (new love and all that).He can eat a ton of junk (well when he was younger he could, its now catching up on him lol) But he would eat mini pizzas, chips, crisps, chocolate and whatever else he could lay his hands on. And of course I would eat this with him!!!
    But now the middle age spread has started!!!! (and the beer belly :tongue: )
  • FitnessCharl
    FitnessCharl Posts: 166
    Over 5 years with my partner I gained about 50llbs, I am not saying he is to blame, I am. I think it's human nature to become comfortable and let things go slightly. I used to eat the same portion sizes as him, but my mind had blanked the fact that he worked out 5 times a week whilst I sat on the sofa eating cookies.... It's only now we have split, that I have started to lose weight for the first time in 5 years and with hindsight he had tried during the relationship to get me active but I always blanked it...So, unfortunately as much as I would love to blame him for it....It's on me.

    P.S - I love cooking too, but when I am alone it takes the shine off for me. I used to make a spag bol for two split the sauce add chillis and kidney beans (and a sprinkling of cocoa) to one portion of the sauce and have chilli the next day.
  • HatherM
    HatherM Posts: 404 Member
    Yeah. I think once you get 'comfortable' you stop noticing things like the extra pound or two here & there as the person your with loves you & makes you feel good. Plus in my case instead of going out for meals I would always cook a 'treat' meal for us once a week.

    Between the relationship & my desk job I gained nearly 30lbs

    Now that I'm committed to this lifestyle change, my other half has been inspired to join in & now exercises & eats well with me, so we can be healthy & happy together :smile:
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    yeah. that's what happened to me as well when we moved together. but oyu just have to learn how to control your eating and make them realize you can't eat as much as they do :P
  • DoingIt4Love
    I can relate to this! I used to be very healthy and active, but I ate like a bird. When I got with my bf, I was just recovering from lots of medical problems that caused me to not be able to do more than a light workout. He (and his family) always took me out to eat and made me lots of homemade food. They are a bit overweight and always said how I was way too skinny.

    All the extra calories - along with not being able to exercise much caused me to gain 50 pounds. I started to lose some of it when I was able to start working out again. I lost about half, and then my medical problems came roaring back. I ended up gaining a total of 90 pounds since I've been with my bf!! I definitely don't LOOK like I've gained that much, but I have. My bf and his family LOVE my weight gain. They think that everyone needs "some meat on their bones".

    I hate it. I don't feel healthy, I have stretchmarks from the rapid weight gain, and I'm out of shape.

    I decided I want to lose weight 2 months ago and just joined this site today because it's been tough going it alone. My bf won't have sex with me because he's so upset I want to lose it! And he won't get healthy either!! It's so frustrating!
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I can relate to this! I used to be very healthy and active, but I ate like a bird. When I got with my bf, I was just recovering from lots of medical problems that caused me to not be able to do more than a light workout. He (and his family) always took me out to eat and made me lots of homemade food. They are a bit overweight and always said how I was way too skinny.

    All the extra calories - along with not being able to exercise much caused me to gain 50 pounds. I started to lose some of it when I was able to start working out again. I lost about half, and then my medical problems came roaring back. I ended up gaining a total of 90 pounds since I've been with my bf!! I definitely don't LOOK like I've gained that much, but I have. My bf and his family LOVE my weight gain. They think that everyone needs "some meat on their bones".

    I hate it. I don't feel healthy, I have stretchmarks from the rapid weight gain, and I'm out of shape.

    I decided I want to lose weight 2 months ago and just joined this site today because it's been tough going it alone. My bf won't have sex with me because he's so upset I want to lose it! And he won't get healthy either!! It's so frustrating!

    I love first posts that rez 2year old thread.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • mistiblake08
    mistiblake08 Posts: 80 Member
    Same thing happened when I moved in with my boyfriend. I was 130 and my heaviest has been with him (187). I told him he's the reason why and it makes it harder that he won't work out with me.
  • zaellany
    zaellany Posts: 57 Member
  • fallingtrees
    fallingtrees Posts: 220 Member
    LOL! My English boyfriend makes killer fish and chips, and brews wonderful ale to go with it, and I have gained 15 lbs in the nearly two years we've been together.

    We broil fish now, but every once in a while I beg for the chips. They are unbelievable.
  • AtticWindow
    AtticWindow Posts: 295 Member
  • Shauna2626
    Shauna2626 Posts: 196 Member
    Um yeah - guys suck!!! Just kidding. Love my hubby, but it's so much harder to eat healthy while living with him!
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
  • einzweidrei
    einzweidrei Posts: 381 Member
    My husband and I love to eat. We actually are both guilty of trying to lure the other into awful food situations.

    I remember when I tried to get my husband to stop doing Atkin's, mostly because I hated his diet and thought a life without real bread forever was ridiculous. He put on some weight so that was my fault. ;-)

    After I finally, after years of being together, put on some weight, I decided to lose it. I almost begged him to do 5:2 with me and then he did. I thought he would finally lose weight. I was very good about watching calories, getting my walks in, etc. and he was too for the most part---except I lost weight and he didn't.

    He has not really lost a pound. I lost more than forty. He is still fasting twice a week. I try to fast once a week so I can eat everything in the world on another day. But I'm really the bad one because I sneak lots of junk into the house, which I love and indulge in so I guess I'm the bad one. ;-)
  • hstoblish
    hstoblish Posts: 234 Member
    He will sit with a packet of biscuits and munch his way through the whole packet. He used to give me one every time he had one (and i'd take it without thinking). Now, I have only one (if i have enough cals left!) and tell him that if he wants to keep eating them, at least put the packet out of my view - out of sight, out of mind!

    If there's much of a size difference you can't try to eat the same as him. I'm 6'2" and my wife is 5'3". Needless to say if she tried to eat the same dinner as me she'd be in trouble. Don't try to outdrink the Irishman at the bar and don't try to keep up with your male companion at the table.

    I LOVE this. It used to really bother me that my husband could eat whatever he wanted! The injustice! But now, I'm tracking and feeling great and I've officially lost most of my new relationship weight (8 years later...), and I might not be able to eat 18 wings in a sitting on a regular basis, but I look much better in a mini-skirt.
  • powerpigeon
    powerpigeon Posts: 46
    Since we've been together, my boyfriend has lost 2 stone and I've gained one. I'm sure he's sneakily given me one somehow. Before we lived together, we were long distance, so I when he was gone I would comfort eat, and when he was there, it was treat time. Takeaways, drinks, meals out...
    Since moving in together, we're working on getting out of the habit of together meaning bad eating. Less takeaways and meals out, less cooked breakfasts...
    Some of it is cooking for his appetite, then automatically giving myself an equal portion. NO! His cooking too is way different to mine; I nearly fell over when I saw how much oil he sloshed into a pan to fry bacon last weekend. It was about five times what I use. Things like that don't help with extra calories either!
    Both of us are trying to get healthier and slim down, so fingers crossed we can get a lid on it.