aeryn69 Member


  • First of all, so sorry that you're going through such a stressful time right now. Now then, what I tend to do is.... give in to the craving. A little anyway, don't go hog-wild and eat a ton of chocolate (or whatever your craving of the moment happens to be). But I'm a firm believer that if you're actually craving…
  • I've actually found most of the MFP estimates way too high! The best thing I ever did was get a heart rate monitor - I just have a watch-style one, and then I enter the heartrate info from it into and use that number as…
  • As far as I'm concerned, definitely. Maybe not all of them, but a good portion of them. I did a blog post on this a while back: Bottom line is that for your body calories are energy. You've already got a calorie deficit built in by the…
  • Overall I agree with much of what you've said - the only way to lose the weight and keep it off is by taking personal responsiblity for it. But I have to disagree in part with this: There are some husbands that are wonderful and this is really what they mean when they say it. Unfortunately I've had far too mcuh experience…
  • I feel into the trap of tracking every tiny little thing and trying to keep my calorie intake as low as possible. I blogged about it in this post - . If you'd like you can feel free to add me as a friend.
  • I can't exercise after I eat, if I do I feel sick. If I don't exercise first thing in the morning then I have to wait at least 2 hours after eating.
  • I would definitely recommend a good chiropractor. I've had back problems all of my adult life, whenever it starts getting painful I see my chiro and he gets everything straightened out (no pun intended).
  • Absolutely awesome, thank you so much for posting your story and your pictures!!
  • I actually just saw a nutritionst on TV talking about bananas today, she was saying that although they have carbs they have a special starch in them which actually helps you feel more full. Plus as has already been mentioned they're chock full of vitamins and other good stuff. Years ago my grandmother went on a fad diet, I…
    in Bananas Comment by aeryn69 March 2011
  • I also think that you're eating too few calories - you really should be eating your recommended calories and your exercise calories as well. Remember that calories are your body's fuel to keep doing what it needs to do, when you exercise you need more calories. If your calorie deficit is just a little bit then that's fine,…
  • The problem I have with the show (and I haven't read the article yet) isn't that these people are being treated this way because in way yes they signed up for it. My problem is that the show implies that what they're doing is a normal, healthy way to lose weight. It makes people feel bad for losing weight at the…
  • I just wanted to add - I know the "literally no metabolism" problem. I've been there. I've also done the low calorie diet and mad exercise thing. I wouldn't be losing any weight or I'd hit a plateau and think okay well calories are weight right so I need to get rid of those, I need to eat less and exercise more! That's…
  • To echo everyone else, you're not eating enough calories. I've got a blog post on this, but to summarize: - Calories are your body's FUEL. They're what your body needs to keep running and to survive. - Think of calories and your body like a bank. You've got a certain amount of money (fat) stored up in the bank. Under…
  • You definitely need to eat at least some of you exercise calories back. Calories are what your body uses for fuel, when you're exercising you're burning more fuel and your body needs to get that from somewhere. Sure for a while it'll take it from your fat stores but after a bit it starts to look for ways to cut back on the…
  • I know the problem, I'm terrible for stress eating. I've decided that instead of eating I'm going to try and do something physical - get on the stationary bike, go for a walk, shadow boxing, I don't care as long as it gets me moving and hopefuy works out some of the frustration and stress. Has to be healthier than…
  • Exactly stormieweather. When you don't eat your exercise calories you run the risk of your body losing weight too quickly and setting yourself up for illness and health problems. MFP already has a calorie deficit built in to the calculations it sets up for people - eat the recommended number of calories (including the…
  • Net calories are the difference between what you've eaten and the exercise you've done. You want your net to be as close to your goal number as possible. this might give a little more insight.
  • I haven't had it happen but it definitely can. If it stops completely then it's called Amenorrhea: "Women who go through significant weight loss, dieting, or perform considerable amounts of exercise on a regular basis are at risk of developing hypothalamic (or 'athletic') amenorrhoea. It was thought for many years that low…
  • I'm actually doing up a blog post on something similar to this right now. Calories are ENERGY. When you burn off energy, you need to replenish it in your body. Stop thinking of calories as something that makes you gain weight and start thinking of them as fuel for your body. If you don't give your body enough energy, its…
  • Are you tracking your measurements? Sometimes you can lose inches but not lose any weight. Don't forget that your body is made up of lots of different kinds of things, fat is just one of them. If you're building muscle (which weighs more than fat) while losing the fat then you can be lose inches while not actually seeing…
  • Don't try to be under your calories!! It's so bad for you, especially if you're way under and/or don't eat your exercise calories. We have this problem where we keep thinking of calories as the enemy, as something bad. Calories are the fuel that your body uses to keep going, calories are energy! When you go too far under…
  • In my experience there's definitely a starvation mode. In fact I wrote a blog post that touched on that earlier this week. Years ago I decreased my calorie intake and increased my exercise because I wasn't losing weight anymore, did it to the point where I was eating 500-800 calories a day and exercising for 3 hours. I not…
  • Eat the exercise calories! I can tell you from personal experience that when you don't, your body thinks there's something wrong and tries to hold on to as much as possibe because it thinks you might be starving. All it knows is you're not taking in enough fuel for it to keep going and it says whoa better safeguard the…
  • Chili - substitute about half the ground beef with TVP and it'll be healthier and he'll never know it.
  • I'm really torn on this actually. I can see the benefit to having it public, not so much in terms of comments on it but because it is interesting to view other's food diaries and try to get some inspiration from them. On the other hand, in general I'm a very private person. I wouldn't like it if there was someone in person…
  • I'm 41 and definitely in the same boat! Always looking for friends and support, just started here a few days ago.
  • Throwing in another vote for! It's wonderful.
  • I've got the Your Shape Fitness thing and Dance Central. Although I haven't found where it is yet apparently Dance Central has a workout mode on it.
  • I just started a bootcamp last week, it's my first time doing one. This one is a 4 week bootcamp, 3x a week. First week was... well it was tough. Actually the 3rd day was the worst so far for me. For some reason the 5:30am workout was just a lot harder to get into than the previous 2 sessions, I'm hoping that tomorrow's is…
  • Caesar, you said you have an Xbox kinect, what programs do you have for it? I was doing the Your Shape: Fitness for a week or so before I started bootcamp, haven't done that one since starting but I did somewhere between 45-60min of the Dance Central thing today and it's not a bad little workout.