

  • I was not a big yogurt eater, but I love Greek Yogurt. I started with the vanilla flavor, but am now able to eat the plain. There is 15-17 grams of protein in a little 5oz. container. I add berries and the brand "bear naked" fruit and nut granola or instead of granola, wal-nuts with just a touch of honey or agave syrup on…
  • I started out with her 30-day shred DVD last year and I tell you, I would be more sore after 20 minutes of her than 40 minutes of anybody else. She has some new ones out that look even tougher. I just started doing her Last Chance Workout DVD. WOW.
  • I will weigh in the morning. I just wanted to say that I finally see my endricrinologist in the morning and I will discuss with her why weight loss is so very slow for me - is it just the diabetes or is there something else going on or maybe I just need to be even more strict with my food. I am exercising every day so I…
  • Thanks everybody for all of the wonderful ideas. I actually tried an Italian Lentil Soup last night from an old BH&G cookbook I have. It was delicious and Lentils was a first for me. I know its considered a superfood so I wanted to start incorporating them into my diet. I have never thought of roasting other veggies other…
  • Do not buy sugar free stuff!! Take this from a Type 1 Diabetic. It is not sugar free, they contain sugar alcohols and by law are allowed to say they are sugar free and they usually have more carbs in them than the real thing. Stay away from it and other "fake fad" prepacked diet foods. I'm learning that eating real foods…
  • I just wanted to thank you for this post. I've never seen anything lined out like that for a meal and I think it will be really helpful to me. I also have been stuck at just over 200 pounds for two months. It is very frustrating. I'm not even seeing a difference in my clothes. However, I can tell I'm stronger and able to…
  • I understand exactly. I have been hanging around 203 - 202 for almost 2 months!!! I am working out well so I think right now my body is just holding steady gaining muscle. I have high hopes that any day now I will finally break that wall down. I know you will too. I had a friend tell me a couple of months back that she…
  • It's March 19th and the scale still showed 202, but it was 202 even and I think last week it was 202.6 or something, so however slowly, changes are being made. April
  • I hope your day was better today. I think part of it is the time change. I have slept awful this week and have been much stiffer as well. Plus with the kids sick and my husband has had church work most evenings so I understand how you feel this week. Maybe next week will see us better. April
  • I have searched several stores and websites for these bands and their is nothing like them yet. They were pretty neat, they were the wide exercise bands but they had built in big round handles and that is why I liked them so much. Biggest Loser doesn't even have them in their shop, so who knows. The medicine ball in the…
  • Thanks everybody for the support. My 2 year old now has croup, so something else to take to take you off your path, but I am managing to exercise through it all. I changed my settings to sodium and realized that I am going over on sodium everyday. I need to make more food changes. This may be why I am not seeing a whole…
  • Kim, (I need to figure out how to quote) No, I haven't talked to anybody yet. I have just been trying to do this on my own till I get back to my endrincrinologist at Vanderbilt. I actually think I have an appointment this month, I need to check on that. I do wonder if you can have insulin resistance on top of being type 1,…
  • I alternate between Julian's 30Day Shred and Bob's Biggest Loser Bootcamp. They are both really good workouts, some of the best I have done. I have just started on level 3 on both, I'll probably buy the Cardio Max when I complete these for more variety. I have a 2 year old and a 4 year old, they try to even join me some.…
  • It is 3/15 and I am still at 202.8. I want so bad to break the 200 mark, I still can't believe I went over the 200 mark but it seems to be a wall for me. I did have a bad week this last week, we had company for a weekend birthday party for my 2 year old and my mother-in-law stayed the week then I took her home for the…
  • I love sweet potatoes cut up in bit size chunks with just a little olive oil drizzled over them with salt & pepper and tossed on a cookie sheet. Then roast them in the oven on 400 till done ( I think 30-40 minutes). I learned this from Barefoot Contessa on Food Network. I also roast butternut squash, carrots & parsnips…
  • Thanks for encouraging me. I am working out everyday or at least 5-6 days a week, I have a hard time getting a workout in on Sundays with all the church activities. Plus, I am trying to stay under my calorie goal, so far though this has not worked for me, or at least it is taking my body a long time to begin losing the…
  • My goal for the month of March is still to break under the 200's. I would love to be 195 by the end of March. That would be an 8lb weight loss. I kicked it up to level 3 on my BL Boot Camp DVD today. It felt good to get that intense of a workout in this morning. April
  • Terri, I am only at 203 this month. That is only a pound lost, but I will continue on the challenge in March. I am doing my workouts and for the most part staying in my calories, I just can't seem to get my metabolism going. It is very frustrating. I feel stronger, but I guess I just haven't had that break through yet in…
  • Thanks so much. It did seem like a yo-yo diet but according to my friend you lose the weight over the long haul But even if I made it to the metabolism recovery weeks (which was after the first month for 2-4 weeks) of eating 2000+ calories, I know I would put the weight right back on. However, according to the book, just…
  • I would love to be apart of this group. I would love to lose 8 lbs by the end of March. My second goal would be to get in all 8 glasses of water a day. I usually get 6, but it seems hard for me to get those last two in. That's where my coffee drinking comes in to play. Thanks for the challenge. April
  • Hey, I've done level 1 and 2 of the shred, but I also am working through Bob's Boot camp (am now on level 2) and he kicks your tail end as well. So for variety, I alternate between the two every couple of weeks. I'll "master (or get better at:smile: )" one level and then conquer that level on the other one. Bob's is longer…
  • I'm weighing once a week, first thing in the morning. I am really not worrying about eating a lighter day before I weigh or heavier the day I weigh, I just try to stay within my calorie limit everyday. Otherwise you are going to go crazy trying to play a game with the scale. Eat healthy and your calories everyday.
  • Are you eating more salt than you realize? That will definitely make you retain water. Also, as I've just recently learned from two sources, this website and Dr. Oz, your muscles will retain water after a particulary hard work out (or lifestyle change) after their first "damaged" from a workout. It will take a few days…
  • I'm frustrated with the same thing. I am working out 5-7 days a week. I feel stronger and much more tone, but as of yet I do not see any difference on the scale or even really in my clothes. I've been doing this for a month, so I feel like its time for the weight to start dropping. Dr. Oz did mention this week that muscle…
  • I have wondered this same thing every day. I do a good workout with my BL DVD's but I have no idea what calories I am burning. It is so frustrating. I wonder if it doesn't affect my weight loss. I try not to eat all my exercise calories because I feel the MFP is way too high. I log it in as circuit training because its the…
  • Thanks so much. I will definitely look for this scale as soon as I can. Mine is so crazy that I just about have quit weighing.
  • Hey I worked out from last thursday 1/28 to this thursday 2/4 six out of seven days. We played in the snow last Saturday, but I did not count that as a workout. I did workout yesterday, Friday, 2/5 and have not yet worked out today. I will try to get in my workout later this afternoon. I hope this is what you needed to be…
  • How do you save to My Topics?
  • Thank you so much for this reply. I saw a six pound drop in my weight the first couple of weeks and all of a sudden the scale shows a 3 pound gain. That has been so discouraging to me. I've wondered why bother. Thankfully because I ultimately want a healthier lifestyle, I am continuing to exercise everyday. I sure wish I…
  • I am 14/17 since I started this challenge. I am very proud of myself. Knowing I want to be a part of this challenge is motivating me to get up and exercise on days I feel tired. Thanks Is replying in the post weekly the way we are supposed to stay connected in this challenge?