5 Pounds A Month March 2010 Challenge



  • DixonKels
    DixonKels Posts: 20 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! What a weekend I had...where should I begin? Let's start with Saturday morning.....I woke up to get ready for a short work day and went to feed and let out my 7 month old Lab/Pitt mix puppy. He had thrown up in his kennel over night =( So, I wrote it off as just maybe a little stomach bug and fed him like normal and went to work because he was acting totally normal. Around 1, as I was finishing up my last client of the day (I am a hair stylist) , my hubby called and said that Gator had thrown up his breakfast. So I got home and we immediately took him to the vet. So our vet starts examining him and felt a large mass in his lower abdomen which worried her, so we decided to do some x rays. Nothing showed up in the x ray so she wanted to do barium dye x rays, where he drinks this stuff and they do a series of x rays as the liquid travels through his system and it highlights any foreign bodies that may be inside of him. After doing about 12 x rays the vet came back and said that the barium was moving very slow so she wanted us to take him home and bring him back in the morning for another x ray because by then all of the barium should be through his organs. So, we took him home and woke up Sunday morning to our sweet lil boy covered in his own vomit and all over his kennel =( He was also extremely lethargic and he is usually a very very active puppy! We got him to the vet and she did another x ray and said that the barium was not getting though his intestines and she was positive he had some sort of blockage and immediately wanted to do exploratory surgery! So we had to rush him up to Atlanta because she couldn't do it at her office. After we got to ATL and spoke with the vet there they got him in to surgery, it took about 4 hours, and they ended up finding a nylon leash in him!!!! Can you believe that crazy pup ate an entire 5 foot leash?! We had no idea we even had a leash missing! He also had to have 18 inches of intestines removed because where the blockage was, there was a bacteria build up that started killing his intestines. Gator had to stay in an overnight emergency hospital so he could be monitored, so we got to pick him up this morning and he has been acting better, but we had to drop him off at our vet once we got back from ATL because he has to be on an IV until 7 tonight, then he can come home for the night but will have to go back tmrw morning to repeat the IV fluids. So.....about $3000 later our little muchkin is going to be all better! It's amazing to realize how much you really love your pets once something happens to them! So there was no exercise and lots of fast food over the weekend for me! I am going to have to work 3x as hard this week to get off all this bad food from the weekend. Pray for my puppy! Sorry for the long post, just wanted to share! Hope everyone has a wonderful week!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I am glad that Gator is going to be okay. How scary. As you can see by my pix I love my little pup more than anything. (okay not so little anymore at 9 months he weighs in at 85 pounds but still...) I will pray for him to recover quickly. I also looked around to make sure I knew where all my leashes were :wink:
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Kelsey, you're a hero for getting Gator all the help, poor little guy. And those vet bills, Aye, yi, yi. What a horrible ordeal for everyone. Just wanted to say I'm glad he's pulling through.
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    I am so sorry you had a rough weekend with the puppy and so glad he is doing better! Hugs to you :flowerforyou:
  • aprildh
    aprildh Posts: 90
    Kim, (I need to figure out how to quote)
    No, I haven't talked to anybody yet. I have just been trying to do this on my own till I get back to my endrincrinologist at Vanderbilt. I actually think I have an appointment this month, I need to check on that. I do wonder if you can have insulin resistance on top of being type 1, in a sense having both types of diabetes because it sure doesn't seem like I have much of a metabolism. Plus I am hungry all the time. I do need to learn healthier, fast meals for me and my family. I was told by a family member this weekend that I am building muscle and when it catches up or balances out with the fat then the weight will start coming off? I would think that weight should just be gradually coming off each week. I'm going back strong this week, so maybe soon the changes I can feel inside will start showing up on the outside. I do feel like I am holding in some fluid from traveling and bad food. Any ideas how to get that water weight off.
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    april, sorry, I didn't mean to gloss over your email - it must be so frustrating. Hang in with us
  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    Sounds great! I'm in for 170!

    I am officially 174.6 lbs!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Kim, (I need to figure out how to quote)
    No, I haven't talked to anybody yet. I have just been trying to do this on my own till I get back to my endrincrinologist at Vanderbilt. I actually think I have an appointment this month, I need to check on that. I do wonder if you can have insulin resistance on top of being type 1, in a sense having both types of diabetes because it sure doesn't seem like I have much of a metabolism. Plus I am hungry all the time. I do need to learn healthier, fast meals for me and my family. I was told by a family member this weekend that I am building muscle and when it catches up or balances out with the fat then the weight will start coming off? I would think that weight should just be gradually coming off each week. I'm going back strong this week, so maybe soon the changes I can feel inside will start showing up on the outside. I do feel like I am holding in some fluid from traveling and bad food. Any ideas how to get that water weight off.

    I know it sounds wrong but to get off water weight drink plenty of water and watch your sodium intake. Be patient weight loss takes time. Sometimes the scale does not move but you may notice clothes fitting better, you feeling better and your confidence going up. I just read in Runner's World that people who lose weight and are successful at keeping it off typically lost their weight very gradually.
  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    Kim, (I need to figure out how to quote)
    No, I haven't talked to anybody yet. I have just been trying to do this on my own till I get back to my endrincrinologist at Vanderbilt. I actually think I have an appointment this month, I need to check on that. I do wonder if you can have insulin resistance on top of being type 1, in a sense having both types of diabetes because it sure doesn't seem like I have much of a metabolism. Plus I am hungry all the time. I do need to learn healthier, fast meals for me and my family. I was told by a family member this weekend that I am building muscle and when it catches up or balances out with the fat then the weight will start coming off? I would think that weight should just be gradually coming off each week. I'm going back strong this week, so maybe soon the changes I can feel inside will start showing up on the outside. I do feel like I am holding in some fluid from traveling and bad food. Any ideas how to get that water weight off.

    It's always good to get your docs advice. I was told that about the muscle/fat thing as well. And I waited and waited. It didn't happen. When I joined MFP and started putting in what I was eating I found out 2 things.... 1 -- I was only eating about 900 to 1000 cals a day and 2 --- DRINK WATER!!! I was only drinking about 3 cups a day. DUH!

    After 10 weeks 10 lbs. Yes it's slow but it works.

    Crock pots and fresh veggies and fruit can make meals quick.

    Good luck
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    KIM If you haven't figured out how to QUOTE at the bottom There is REPORT POST QUOTE AND REPLY hit the QUOTE then type what ever below it.
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    :blushing: I mean APRIL hope that helped
  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    April, I completely understand how you can get off track with your diet routine with parties and company. I, also, have trouble with that while at our families homes. It seems you really can't control what and when you eat when you are the guest or even if you have guests. I know when I have company, I usually try to cater to their tastes and part of being hospitable.
    Well, new week for you and now you can take back control. Do take care of your diabetes. We want you around for awhile. :wink:

    Sorry, I have forgotton who had the ill puppy, but I really know how attached you can get to pets. I had a special dog and had to put her down over a yr. ago. I still miss her. It"s funny, I grew up on a farm where "pets came and pets went". It was the cycle of life. But now that I'm older and kids all gone my pet became my kid and more precious to me. Hope your puppy does well. :flowerforyou:
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Amazing story about your dog eating a 5 foot leash!! I was like at the edge of my seat wondering what the problem was. It is amazing that he could eat the whole LEASH. So glad that you found out and got it out and now seeing him recover. I don't have a pet but I was dog sitting a year ago and I got so attached that I didn't want the owner to come home. I loved that little puppy. If I could find one just like he was I just might break down and buy one. But then again, Pets are a big responsibility and cas be a big expense too when things like this happen. IS there such a thing as PET insurance? Just wondering.
    Anyway Good for all of you that have and love pets. Phyljen:wink:
  • aprildh
    aprildh Posts: 90
    Thanks everybody for the support. My 2 year old now has croup, so something else to take to take you off your path, but I am managing to exercise through it all. I changed my settings to sodium and realized that I am going over on sodium everyday. I need to make more food changes. This may be why I am not seeing a whole lot of difference on scale or clothes yet. As somebody said, I know and can tell I am much stronger and my confidence level is definitely better, so I'll keep at it, one day I know everything will finally pull together in my body and the fat will start coming off too. My chiropractor can tell a difference in me and in my movements, so good things are happening somewhere.
    Thanks again,
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    I had the most amazing thing happen. I fell out of a yoga pose - yes, actually fell, somewhat humiliating - and really hurt my foot to the point I could barely walk. A friend came over, she's kind of a holistic pusher, and gave me some arnica. Within an hour I had absolutely no pain and could walk just fine. Go figure!?!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Morning all! Sorry I have not been around much this week but life has been crazy. I had a new baby start on Monday. He comes in the middle of nap time (which is usually one of my big workout times of the day, so I need to figure out how to get in a bigger workout). My husband left town Monday morning for a class 250 miles away. So on top of working 55+ hours a week I am single parenting. I do not know how single parents can do it day after day. Tuesday swim club had an open swim and a parents meeting. Last night we had to run and get birthday presents for parties that came up during the week. Tonight I have parent teacher conferences. Thank god tomorrow is Friday. To top that all off I have not been feeling the best. Not sure what is going on, not really sick but my legs are very sore and tighten up when I sit for and length of time, and I have not been sleeping well. Hopefully it gets better soon.

    Weigh in is tomorrow hopefully everyone is having a healthy week. I was kind of bad last night and while we ran to get presents we ate out and in honor of St. Patrick's day I had a Rueben ( I always thought they were a German food) at Applebees. I will have to drink lots of water today to get rid of the sodium from the corned beef.

    Time to run one of the kids ones to use my computer.

    Have a healthy day!
  • cjrss03
    cjrss03 Posts: 22
    I'm in! :smile: I could use some extra motivation to get myself started on my overall goal.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I have been feeling really good this week. St. Patrick's day is one of my favorites. I planned all week so I could enjoy it yesterday. I loved cooking my corned beef all day and I tried a new trick with my cabbage. (after it was cooked I tossed it with at shallot, malt vinegar butter bacon sauce) it was delicious and yes it was a little on the fattening side. I knew it would be a high sodium and salt day. I even enjoyed a black and tan (Guiness and Bass Ale). I have planned so well this week and have had great energy so I am seeing great results on the scale. I realized that since I started all of this exersize and healthy eating I haven't been depressed. I am still unemployed and terrified about the financial repercussions but I am so much better able to handle it. I hope the rest of the week goes well for eveyone.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Welcome New comers and Welcome back to the planet Terri! LOL sounds like you have had a busy week for sure.
    While you mommies out there have been to parent teacher conferences, I have been having them too. but on the teacher side of the table or desk. I had 16 today and they were all very nice. I enjoy visiting with the parents this second time around. Now I know them and they know me and so it is less stressful than the first conference of the year. And believe it or not I think I have more confidence in myself just from losing the 12 pounds and I felt happy with ME and was more positive about the kids too.

    Jenn I am wondering how the week is going for you and your sons school activities. Are you sporting Purple capes and Hair? How is the super mom?

    rjadams, that corned beef and cabbage sound heavenly. I love corned beef but didn't ahve any on Paddy Day this year. Glad to hear that you are feeling positive about your future even though it is an unknown.

    karinf - Wow that is awesome about your remarkable recover . thanks for sharing. I am not aware about what arnica is?? Can you explain that to me?

    Can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring. HOPE WE ARE ALL LOSERS!!!
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member

    karinf - Wow that is awesome about your remarkable recover . thanks for sharing. I am not aware about what arnica is?? Can you explain that to me?


    It's a homeopathic something or the other and it comes in cream or pills. I've used the cream before, I found it really helpful with bumps and bruises if you start right away, but I never really tried the pills. Not everyone thinks homeopathic medicines are useful, but at worst they are benign.

    My main experience with homeopathics has been with animals. The most dramatic recovery was when one of my ducks was attacked by a bald eagle last summer - It was unbelievably nauseating - totally ripped out her entire right front side. We managed to chase off the eagle and she survived. It just seemed wrong to put her down after she'd made it through the ordeal, and the vet gave her a 20% shot of making it through the first few days, so we went for it. The vet (who uses alternative as well as traditional treatments) gave me a regime which included natural and homeopathic medicine as well as antibiotics. Lily made a total comeback, her flesh grew back, her feather's grew back and you can't tell how horrible the damage had been.

    So I'm a believer.