My 2010 challenge : 52 times 7/7



  • kgasser
    kgasser Posts: 333 Member
    I can only say one thing...OUCH! You go girl!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    What a way to start my week...1/7 for me!! 63 minutes on the elliptical, 30 minutes of core/yoga work and tonight I will do ab ripper with hubby.
    I have finaly lost 2 pounds in one week, it has been over 9 months since that has happened. I finally began to eat my exercise calories, and to help with my thinking process...I actually backed off of the exercise a little so I didn't have so many calories to eat. I am just thrilled!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Choco, way to hang with the exercise, that is a tough routine, I improvised a lot with bands when I first started, then I got a bar and I now use a kitchen bar stool to assist me...the other day I tried to do a pull up alone and I was able to hang up there for a fraction of a of my goals this years is to be able to do will be at the end of the year:blushing:

    Pinbot...I know you can do it!!! Go Go Go!!!!

    Almomay, you and Verda now have been thinking about insanity...I might take a peek on Ebay...what are your favorites for a good sweat? Do either of you do the 30 day shread...I looked at that the other day, it would be nice to have a quick routine whne time is short but something that gets the job done at the same time!!
    Great job everyone...
    Oh by the way...I did good at the dealership yesterday, just had tea and the laptop made the time fly.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    makeitallsue- Congrats on your weight loss!!!!! Wohooo!!!!! The Insanity workouts are great when you feel that your body needs a push and a really hard exercise. The exercises are really insane but totally doable and it gets easier with time. Shaun T starts the routines with about 10 minutes of hard core running and jumping so your heart is racing, and then he does like about 10 minute stretch, so while you are stretching you are drippign in sweat. Then he goes on to another 5-10 minutes of hard core, but you get several 30 second water break in between. Then he repeats the routines 1-2 more times. You burn so many calories in just the first 10 minutes. I love to do it when I can't get to the gym for a run. I just got it though, so I'm still exploring it though.

    I also Love Jillian's 30 day shred. It's got 3, 20 minute exercises, but you are working out for the full 20 minutes. Jillian says because it's 20 minutes you really have to push through it. It's a great quick exercise when crunched for time.

    Another great one for a sweat is Jillian's banish fat boost metabolism. She switches from boxing, to leg exercises, to push ups, so your entire body is working out. And makes you sweat!

    I've been also wondering why I'm not losing 2lbs per week anymore and wondering if eating my exercise calories will help. The thing is that I don't have a HRM so I just estimate my calories burned, so I sometimes just eat half my calories. Do you use a HRM?

    I also think that sometimes it's just a matter of hanging in there, and the weight will eventually come off.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I am 1/7 for today! I was feeling soooo down in the dumps, emotional and just plain pathetic this morning but I MADE myself go do my P90X Legs, Back and part of abs! did over an hour and am feeling on the brighter side! I think it is neglect. My husband is a workaholic and his schedule is before sun and way late, so I get lonely. I live 26 miles from town and it is winter, with icky roads and little sunshine you may know the feeling! Sorry to dump on ya!
    Good job Debra on the loss! It is truly amazing what we have to do to lose a couple of pounds. Have you had your thyroid tested?
    Insanity is GREAT but I disagree with almomay, it does NOT get easier because you push yourself harder to do exactly what ShaunT is doing! And once you get it he gets into the 1 hour MAX workouts! I love extreme!
    almomay? I think you need to start from the beginning with the fit test and go from there! You will continue to love it and find it is addicting. Also read the nutrition plan and the advice of what your calories should be. When it ask for activity level you need to say high because you are doing Insanity daily along with all your other workouts! Do NOT cut yourself short while doing this series! I lost around eight pounds without dieting but I also lost muscle because I was not eating enough cals!
    Good Job Choco on the P90X! As Tony says "modify, modify, modify"! I am a strong-strong woman and have only done a pull up once or twice back in the day so good job to you for getting in the one! I use my old soloflex machine and do the pull's like the people do using the bands and I can tell after the one month that it is working. I did the first night with bands but then hubby suggested the machine so that is what I use. I am upping the straps on it next week to where I will only eek out a few at a time, maybe when this is all done I can get this lead $ss lifted enough for a true pull up! I know what you mean on the bad areas on our bodies. Mine is my left hamstring up into the glute. I severely tore that while sliding into base 25 years ago (softball days) and it is getting a workout with Tony and his "kids"! Keep it up and you be your judge!
    Super Sweet Week challengers!!!
  • kgasser
    kgasser Posts: 333 Member
    Hey, guys...crazy day at work (all Fridays are!) We are predicted 6-12 inches of snow in the next 24 hours, so I will be staying at a hotel tonight, that way if someone calls off, I will be close. I had to go get tires, so I walked 1/2 mile to Boston Market and 1/2 mile back (instead of the Qdoba right across the street), so I have my exercise in for today. If I get to the hotel at a decent hour I will hit the gym there. But either way, that makes 1/7 for me.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm at 1/7 today I did Insanity Pure cardio and cardio abs. I was dripping in sweat and loving it!!!! Tomorrow I will probably do something lighter to give my body a rest.

    choco- Awesome job on stay positive through your workout having knee issues. Definitely do them low impact and change things up for you.

    Vhuber- Thanks so much for your advice!!! Any information I can get I really appreciate. Awesome job on getting in a workout today!!!! No problem about venting, we all have our days.

    Have a great rest of the day all!!!!!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member

    Good job Debra on the loss! It is truly amazing what we have to do to lose a couple of pounds. Have you had your thyroid tested?

    Super Sweet Week challengers!!!

    No Verda, I haven't had it tested and that was going to be next on my list if the scale didn't start moving....I really thought it would eventually start going down...I lost nothing just maintained from May of last year until November when I joined MFP...someone suggested I eat more of my exercise calories and I did do that....( a little) and I did begin to lose again about 1 pound every 10 days or so.....but then I also picked up the exercise, doing P90 and extra cardio....and I still only ate about 1500-1600 calories, then the last few weeks it stopped again. I found myself at the store...looking at diet aids....I spent a GOOD LONG TIME there, but I knew better, I bought a digital food scale instead and thought I would give it a try for a good month to eat all of my exercise calories and to also weigh out everything. I also cut back to 1 hour a day exercise and stretching...just until I wrapped my mind about eating more....I hope I have pushed thru the worst of it...but from what I read I could also expierence a gain while my body resets....I'll have to hold my breath and see...but today I have been on cloud nine, I feel like I have been rewarded for staying on it.

    Almomay, yes I do have a HRM...I use it and MFP and another web site and take an average from the three. I also leave about 200 extra calories....for errors....I know I have felt very satisfied....I just hope it takes off from here...

    Great job everyone...have a great football weekend...I should have problem getting the calories in:laugh: :laugh:
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    1/7 2 miles on the treadmill and Taebo basic

    Congrats everyone on the weight loss.
  • cc_campbell81
    hi everyone. sorry for the absence. Thurs I fell asleep early and yesterday I was in a crappy mood so I chose to go to bed early.

    Missou- I finished 7/7 last week, sorry for just now posting. Yesterday I did a light jog so I am 1/7. Today I am feeling optimistic again so I am thinking of taking my daughter hiking. I will post my exercise later.


    I need some help. I posted a topic about this elsewhere but talking to you guys is more like asking friends for advice. I am having trouble toning my stomach and thighs. I have lost 23 pounds and only lost about 1.5" in my waist. It is so frustrating. I weigh less than I did before I got pregnant with my daughter yet my waist is still large. I mix cardio, strength, and weights. I eat pretty good and only have moderately bad food days a few days a month. I have read in Women's Healthy about doing really low carb for 4 weeks to burn fat. I just don't know what to do. I have felt really down the last few days. I am only a couple lbs from my goal of 130. I thought at this weight I'd be more toned. I don't expect a 6 pack but would like to get rid of the "pouch". Now I am wondering if I need to go down to 120. I have always had a muscular toned figure at about 135. By the way I am 5' 3" tall. Any advice?
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member

    This is the 491st post of our thread and after the 500th post, MFP will automatically switch us to a new " My 2010 challenge : 52 times 7/7 part 2" thread. When this will happen, you will automatically be brought to the new thread when you are going to post a reply the this present thread. Don't be to chocked, no post will be lost, you will just have to go over 2 threads. You will be able to find the new thread on the community home page under the "Introduce yourself" category in case you get lost. To make sure you don't lose anything, you can also copy your reply before posting it.

    Have a nice flip!!!
  • aprildh
    I am 14/17 since I started this challenge. I am very proud of myself. Knowing I want to be a part of this challenge is motivating me to get up and exercise on days I feel tired. Thanks

    Is replying in the post weekly the way we are supposed to stay connected in this challenge?
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Hello everyone!! Here, it is sunny and cold. I hope things are nice for you and that you are not cought in to much snow.

    Victoria, nice going!! I'm sure you'll be able to jog the whole way through the 5K soon... Don't give up!!

    Choco, you could do specific exercises to strenghten every fibers of your quads, your hamstrings and your back before doing one legged lunges or other things like that. It will help. Keep it up, you will get there!!

    Debra, you go girl, a 2 lbs lost is really nice!! Eating more, exercising less and losing weight... Who wouldn't want that?? :laugh: It is very good that you have kept on doing your exercises even if you weren't seeing results on the scale. I know how frustrating it can be :grumble:

    Verda, I totally understand you. Saxoldies is often out and the girls are now going about their life. Good thing I have the internet and you guys to keep me company :flowerforyou:

    Kim, I hope your night at the hotel was comfy and that you are not stuck in to much snow. It is funny, we don't have a lot of snow here this winter. It is a very dry winter.

    CC, at 130, your BMI will be at 23. To be in the healthy range, your BMI can fluctuate between 18.5 and 25. If you go down to 120, your BMI will be at 21.3. That is a pretty good BMI in my opinon. You should do more abs work. I remember at a certain point in my life, I must have had a BMI that was under 20 and I still had my pregnancy belly. I was walking a lot, doing a lot of cardio, but not doing anything for the abs. If you want a nice, sexy stomach, you must work on your abs. For your thighs, there are no secrets... walk, jog, run, dance... anything you can think of to have your legs moving. Good luck!!

    April, I need to know how many times you have exercised up to last Thursday and if you have done a workout on Friday and today for the table to be as accurate as possible. Keep it up, you are doing great!!

    Saxoldies did not do his workout Thursday and Friday. Today, he has a concert with one of his band and he will be back at around midnight.

    Yesterday, I was not into it. Finally I went on my treadmill for 20 minutes at around midnight. No, no, no... It is not dedication... It is competitiveness. I did not want to lose my point this week because of lazyness :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Today is a new day and I feel good. I want to do some Pilates, go on the AKP, on the Gazelle and finally do a workout with Shaun T. He really makes me sweat!!

    Have a nice weekend!!
  • kgasser
    kgasser Posts: 333 Member
    Good job, April...I personally am on daily...keeps me motivated

    I got my exercise in today...that would be 2/7, right? We are in the middle of a blizzard that has layed down about 20 inches in the past 10 hours and I am standed at a hotel (jokes on me...I stayed here instead of going home so I could get to work and I can't get out of the hotel!) so I walked to the giant eagle, which by car is about 1.5 minutes took me a half hour each way!:noway:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Most of us reply daily. If it's okay with Dominique and it's easier for you, weekly may work. Just remember the week ends on Thurs.

    I am 2/7. I just got off the treadmill. I walked more than jogged but did inclines up to 10% for 36 min. I plan to do Zumba later and have a walk through the woods in the snow planned for 4.

    CC - there is no way to lose fat in a specific area. Toning the muscles under the fat, may help the area to look better. Are you doing specific ab ex? A pound of muscle takes up less space than a pound of fat. Maybe you should consider a program to work on increasing all over muscle tone and lowering your % body fat rather than lowering weight further. My guess is you are not as toned as you were before your baby. P90X seems like a good program for toning. Anyone else have ideas for her? I am still in the par down fat stage and haven't tried aggressive toning yet. Good luck.
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    On the 5th week of our challenge, we are at...

    ALMOMAY .....34/35 ..... 4/52 :happy:
    Aprildh ..... 14/35 ..... 0/52
    CASI23 ..... 29/35 ..... 4/52
    Cc_campbell81 ..... 33/35 ..... 4/52 :happy:
    Chocolickkiss ..... 34/35 ..... 4/52 :happy:
    Gixercon ..... 7/35 ..... 1/52
    IVYKIVY ..... 35/35 ..... 5/52 :happy: :flowerforyou:
    Kgasser ..... 15/35 ..... 1/52 :happy:
    MAKEITALLSUE ..... 35/35 ..... 5/52 :happy: :flowerforyou:
    Missou .... 34/35 ..... 4/52 :happy:
    PINBOTCHICK ....35/35 ..... 5/52 :happy: :flowerforyou:
    Saxoldies ..... 20/35 ..... 0/52
    VHUBER ..... 35/35 ..... 5/52 :happy: :flowerforyou:

    I still don't have Casi's data so this table will probably change when I get them. I hope she is doing alright.

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone! Well today is week 1 day 6 of P90X and is suppose to be Kenpo X which incorporates a lot of kickboxing moves, so, instead of doing the actual dvd I went to the gym and ROCKED IT OUT!. I completed 30 minutes on the elliptical machine and burned 305 calories in the process and then I headed to my kickboxing class. I was able to burn over 400 calories in this 45 minute class and I'm feeling really great right now. I've showered and I'm about to head to the lapdance class which will be 90 minutes. So when it is all said and done I've workout for over 2 hours today. Since I'm not really sure how intense the lapdance class will be I'm not counting it in my exercise diary but i'm sure I'll burn some calories.

    Chocolickkyss: 2/7

    Anyway, I hope everyone else's Saturday has gotten off to a great start. I'll check back in later.
  • aprildh
    Hey I worked out from last thursday 1/28 to this thursday 2/4 six out of seven days. We played in the snow last Saturday, but I did not count that as a workout. I did workout yesterday, Friday, 2/5 and have not yet worked out today. I will try to get in my workout later this afternoon. I hope this is what you needed to be accurate. I am still so new to MFP that I am not sure how these threads work. I guess I need to also say this is the end of the second week since I started the challenge, although I had already started working out the second week in January. Is there a certain day of the week I am supposed to check in?
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    April, our weeks go from Fridays to Thursdays since January 1st was on a Friday. I am a little confused with your numbers though.

    Here are your stats, at least, the ones I have for now

    Aprildh ..... 14/35 ..... 0/52

    Last Thursday was the 35th day of the year and from what I gathered from you, you have worked out 14 days out of those 35. If you have done more, just let me know.

    When we have worked out every day in a week, meaning from Friday till Thursday, we get a point. Our objective is to get as many points as we can in the 52 weeks of the year. Since I didn't know if you have successfully completed a week so far, I didn't give you a point yet. You are welcome to correct me.

    It is very encouraging to post every day after you have done your exercise. You actually can say "I did it!!". If it is not possible for you, you can always let me know your weekly stats on Thursday or Friday morning.

    I hope every thing is clear and that we can help on your journey to better yourself.

    Be good :flowerforyou:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I recently returned from the lapdance workshop and all i can say is "IT WAS AWESOME". I have a few battle scars from the workshop but it was sooooooo worth it. I am definitely bringing sexy back.....LOL.

    Have a great day all.