My 2010 challenge : 52 times 7/7



  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    10 minute warm up on elliptical then 1 hr. P90X Arms-Shoulders and Abs. So That Is 6/7.
  • cc_campbell81
    Hello. I am 6/7. I did a mile run with exercises. Basically I'd run a little then stop and do two exercises (like pushups & squats), then run some more and do two more, until I did just over a mile. At that point my legs were hurting bad. I am supposed to take it easy and ease back into running because my doctor thinks I am developing stress fractures. I guess I over did it. I really wanted to run more but it hurt too bad so I walked another 25 minutes instead.

    Missou- Poor kitty! I adore cats but developed an allergy. Give that kitty lots of love.

    Pinbotchick- I have been really wanting to try Zumba. Let us know how the other DVD's turn out.

    Choco/Vhuber- I have P90X but haven't started it because I am so busy. How long does each work out usually take you?
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hello. I am 6/7. I did a mile run with exercises. Basically I'd run a little then stop and do two exercises (like pushups & squats), then run some more and do two more, until I did just over a mile. At that point my legs were hurting bad. I am supposed to take it easy and ease back into running because my doctor thinks I am developing stress fractures. I guess I over did it. I really wanted to run more but it hurt too bad so I walked another 25 minutes instead.

    Missou- Poor kitty! I adore cats but developed an allergy. Give that kitty lots of love.

    Pinbotchick- I have been really wanting to try Zumba. Let us know how the other DVD's turn out.

    Choco/Vhuber- I have P90X but haven't started it because I am so busy. How long does each work out usually take you?

    I can't say I've officially started P90X b/c I'm not following the outline. I'm reviewing each dvd now to ensure I feel comfortable w/being able to do the identified exercises. I did Kenpo X yesterday b/c those exercises seem really doable. I checked out Plyometrics and I'm a bit concerned about that one. I have a bad knee and there's nothing but jumping and squatting. They do offer some modified versions so I'm going to do it, I just hope I don't regret it later. From the dvds that I looked at thus far it does seem doable especially if you don't have any pre existing conditions. Each dvd lasts just under 1 hour except Yoga I believe which is 90 minutes. They give water breaks throughout the dvds that I watched.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    7/7 after getting off the treadmill. 38 min to do week 8 day 2 of C25K and I went 2.7 miles with warm up and cool down.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies, I have earned my 2nd point of the year as I have completed today's workout. I did 50 minutes of Jillian's "Blast Fat & Boost Metabolism" dvd.

    Chocolickkyss: 7/7
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Does anyone know what should be done when you've met your goal weight but you still want to decrease your body fat %? My body fat % has decreased since I've begun my weight loss journey but I would still like to tone some more. I really want to see definition in my arms, back and legs but am unsure what I should do to get that w/o dropping pounds. Any and all ideas are welcomed.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Does anyone know what should be done when you've met your goal weight but you still want to decrease your body fat %? My body fat % has decreased since I've begun my weight loss journey but I would still like to tone some more. I really want to see definition in my arms, back and legs but am unsure what I should do to get that w/o dropping pounds. Any and all ideas are welcomed.
    Do the entire P90X program! You WILL tone and drop body fat! I can tell in my shoulders and biceps in just 3 weeks!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Does anyone know what should be done when you've met your goal weight but you still want to decrease your body fat %? My body fat % has decreased since I've begun my weight loss journey but I would still like to tone some more. I really want to see definition in my arms, back and legs but am unsure what I should do to get that w/o dropping pounds. Any and all ideas are welcomed.
    Do the entire P90X program! You WILL tone and drop body fat! I can tell in my shoulders and biceps in just 3 weeks!

    I'm still in the process of checking out the dvd's to make sure it's something i'm capable of doing. I did check out the Plyo dvd and it looks real intense, I know I'll have to do modifications b/c my knee will probably not withstand all the jumping.

    Thank you for responding, it's definitely appreciated.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    7/7 for me today, did a Firm video total body workout, Vol6 with 40min additional elliptical, the kids home today threw me off schedule, heck it's been that way all week, can't blame it on just the kids!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Choco, I agree with Verda, P90x, will tone you! I dropped 8% when I did the first round, I didn't lose a whole lot of weight though, first I don't think I was eating enough and second, I just need to do more cardio! I would say that plyo is the toughest of the 12 dvds, only three of them are cardio. I'm sure you can handle them, just use a lighter weight on favorite is arms and shoulders, but they are all good, be ready to Bring It! and you'll feel fantastic when your done, you'll do things that you didn't think you could...I'm over weight 50 pounds or so and I love the challenge. Decide, Commit, Succeed!!:bigsmile:
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    7/7 C25k week 4 for the FOURTH TIME followed by one mile with leslie. Plan to do 2 more miles with leslie later.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    7/7 for me today, did a Firm video total body workout, Vol6 with 40min additional elliptical, the kids home today threw me off schedule, heck it's been that way all week, can't blame it on just the kids!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Choco, I agree with Verda, P90x, will tone you! I dropped 8% when I did the first round, I didn't lose a whole lot of weight though, first I don't think I was eating enough and second, I just need to do more cardio! I would say that plyo is the toughest of the 12 dvds, only three of them are cardio. I'm sure you can handle them, just use a lighter weight on favorite is arms and shoulders, but they are all good, be ready to Bring It! and you'll feel fantastic when your done, you'll do things that you didn't think you could...I'm over weight 50 pounds or so and I love the challenge. Decide, Commit, Succeed!!:bigsmile:

    Makeitsue, Thank for the feedback. I'm beginning to think P90X is the way to go especially b/c I don't need to lose the weight anymore but still need to drop body fat. I hope to finish looking at the dvd over the weekend and then perhaps I can begin next week.
  • Casi23
    Casi23 Posts: 138 Member
    Good afternoon All - Sorry I have been MIA...

    Haven't been around a computer and the crazy weather knocked the power out last night and today...
    But - worked out Wednesday and today...two quick half hour sessions on the elliptical...I wanted to do more but just ran out of time...gonna make up for it on the weekend though! I have a 20 mile mountain bike ride planned if it stops raining!!!

    Good job everyone - keep it up!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    HI everybody,

    choco- I have p90x but I still haven't looked at all the dvds. I love having it though and knowing that it is possible to work out at home, by just having the right weights. I've done plyo and that is like really a workout. Kinda like what athletes would do. I love ab ripper x and do it like 5x a week and I'm already seeing results. I will be doing p90x in the future, but because righ tnow I need to lose weight I am just running in the treadmill and doing lots of cardio.

    I got my 7/7 today and did Jillian Michaels banish fat boost metabolism and ab ripper x for a total of 65 minutes. Again, I was sweating!!!!

    Thank you guys for keeping me motivated to exercise. I am extremely competitive, so if it wasn't for you guys I would not have worked out this week. Some weeks it is easier than others. But the important thing is to keep moving.

    Have a great day all!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I am 7/7. I do my P90X yoga on Sundays now as a rest day so I hopped on the elliptical for a Fat Burner workout and will do it again later because I have my three yr old grandson and he will play by me for a half an hour tops! Busy Busy! Good job crew!
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Thank you guys for keeping me motivated to exercise. I am extremely competitive, so if it wasn't for you guys I would not have worked out this week. Some weeks it is easier than others. But the important thing is to keep moving.

    You are taking the words right out of my mouth :wink: I was so tired this week, I just did not feel like working out at all. Having to come here and to keep the table up to date was really helpful and I too am competitive... I wanted my weekly point :wink:

    Today was a good day even if Lily woke me up at 2 am :noway: I took a nap this morning and was in good shape this afternoon. I was in my stairs for 1000 steps and I did it faster than I usally do. I will have to increase the number of reps. I then went on the AKP and did 25 reps of all of the 7 movements except for the first for which I did 50 reps. I then spent 30 minutes on the rowing machine at the level 4 out of 8. Finally, I was 30 minutes on the bicycle at the level 5. I am back!! :laugh: :laugh:

    I am missing Cc_cambell81's data for today than I'll post our results of the week. You are still 6 in the running for a perfect year, only 343 days left :laugh: :laugh: Actually, it is 344 days since there are 365 days in the year and 364 in 52 weeks. We'll save the 1 day for a bonus!!!

    We are looking really good and we are going to win our battle.

    Chocolickkiss, I hope you are going to stick with us when you will have reached all of your goals. It is important to keep on moving when the weight is off. It is how we keep the beautifull body we have worked so hard to obtain. :happy: We just don't need to work as much anymore :tongue:

    Lily seems to be a little calmer today, I hope the medicine is really working.

    See ya!!
  • cc_campbell81
    7/7 I did walking today because I am too tired and sore to do anything else plus my daughter is sick and was throwing up. Good week everyone.
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    I hope your daughter feels better soon.

    Take care :flowerforyou:
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    For this week I did 7/7 cardio and 2/7 weights,
    My weight this week went down from 178
    to 174!

    I went out and bought new running shoes! (I have only been walking at this point, but when I hit the 150 mark I'll start running again!... I had bilateral surgeries on my feet last year so I need to be at a lower weight before I start really pounding the pavement again...

    Hope all is well for you guys! I'll check back in next week!
    : )
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Another 0.5 lb loss this week and officially 1 lb away from my goal weight. If I don't hit it next week I'm seriously considering have 126 lbs be my goal weight.

    My day has not gotten off to a great start but i'm hopeful it will get better. I did not sleep well and my lower back is killing me. I did however make it to the gym and completed 45 minutes on the elliptical machine. I burned a total of 475 calories.

    I actually had to come into the office today so I won't be able to check in as regularly but I hope everyone has a great day!

    Chocolickkyss: 1/7
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Hello everyone!!!

    On the 3rd week of our challenge, we are at...

    ALMOMAY .....21/21 ..... 3/52 :happy:
    CASI23 ..... 21/21 ..... 3/52 :happy:
    Cc_campbell81 ..... 19/21 ..... 2/52
    Chocolickkiss ..... 20/21 ..... 2/52
    IVYKIVY ..... 21/21 ..... 3/52 :happy:
    MAKEITALLSUE ..... 21/21 ..... 3/52 :happy:
    Missou .... 20/21 ..... 2/52
    PINBOTCHICK ....21/21 ..... 3/52 :happy:
    Saxoldies ..... 10/21 ..... 0/52
    Sphinctress .....13/21 .....1 /52
    VHUBER ..... 21/21 ..... 3/52 :happy:

    Congradulations everyone!! We are doing very good, let's keep it up!!!