My 2010 challenge : 52 times 7/7



  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I am 4/7 for the week. Had a good day!
    Ran 2.25 miles then did P90X Chest, Back, and Ab Ripper. Also laundry and CLEANED & rearranged my house!
    Life feels sooo much better when these things are DONE!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    4/7 Did 3 miles with leslie and 23 min of incline walking.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    5/7 after spending 38 min on treadmill for week 8 day 1 of C25K training. I hope everyone has a great day.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    5/7, plyometrics with 20 minute elliptical warm up.
    Ab ripper with Husband tonight and I'm baack on schedule.
    Hope everyone is doing great!
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Hello every one!! Here is the update on Miss Lily... We had to make holes in the wall to help her out. My exercise yesterday was to move things around in the bathroom. It is not a big exercise, but my body feels like it had to lift tons of bricks :wink: Today, Lily has a day off, but tomorrow, we will go and see the vet. It will be another stressful day for her.


    ALMOMAY .....14/14 ..... 2/52 :happy:
    CASI23 ..... 14/14 ..... 2/52 :happy:
    Cc_campbell81 ..... 12/14 ..... 1/52
    Chocolickkiss ..... 13/14 ..... 1/52
    IVYKIVY ..... 14/14 ..... 2/52 :happy:
    MAKEITALLSUE ..... 14/14 ..... 2/52 :happy:
    Missou .... 13/14 ..... 1/52
    PINBOTCHICK ....14/14 ..... 2/52 :happy:
    Saxoldies ..... 9/14 ..... 0/52
    VHUBER ..... 14/14 ..... 2/52 :happy:
    We are looking good!!!
  • Casi23
    Casi23 Posts: 138 Member
    I was able run everyday this past weekend...didn't go very far yesterday - it was a quick 2.5 mile jog...but at least I got it in!

    Will be going to spinning class today for an hour! Can't wait... Good luck with the kitty problem Missou!!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    5/7 for me too! Instead of doing my P90X Plyo workout I did Insanity's Max Interval Plyo for an hour to burn 500 cals!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hello ladies, I'm posting late today b/c I was extremely busy at work and am finally at a point were I can take a quick break. I did 45 minutes of Jillian's "No More Trouble Zones" dvd and once I get off work I will walk around the park again since GA is experiencing another warm day. Yesterday my friend and I walked for an 75 minutes at about 3.0 mph so that was a pretty good workout. I'm hoping to do the same today.

    Hope everyone's day is going well and I'll try to check in later.

    Chocolickkyss: 5/7
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hi all,

    I have been so busy because my grad school classes have now started, so I"m not on break anymore. Watching endless tv is gone!!! I'll be okay because I have support here in MFP. And for me it's all about planning, planning, planning. I'm also taking care of my 17 month old and applying for jobs and will be going on interviews.

    Here's my 5/7:
    Today I did Jillian michael's banish fat boost metabolism and ab ripper x, for a total of 65 minutes. I was sweating bullets. For anyone out there, I'm already seeing results from ab ripper.....

    Keep the motivation going on guys!!!! you're all great!!!!
  • cc_campbell81
    5/7 I did running and walking
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    5/7 did 20 minutes of walk jog intervals. I started to skip b/c I felt a migrane coming on but it helped some. Good ol blood flow I guess.
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    5/7 for me too. I was 30 minutes on the bicycle today. I took a well deserved breack from the AKP. My abs are very happy :wink:

    Lily is doing a lot better today. She is slowly changing her sleep pattern and instead of meowing all night, she is meowing for a part of the night only. I was able to sleep last night... It feels so good!!! 20 years ago, I had a cat that was meowing and was fooling around all night. I was taking natural herbal pills to help me sleep and one night, I dropped one on my bed sheet. I didn't have have time to pick it up before my cat jumped on it. He just took a few licks, but each lick semmed to be a pure delight. It was the only night he ever took some, but from that night on, he never bottered us again. It had valerian in it and that is catnip. I thing I will go buy something of the same nature tomorrow. I hope it works because right now, Lily is meowing away...

    Almomay, I hope everything goes well with your grad school, your daughter and your job hunting.

    We are doing great everyone, let's keep on going!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning my 2010 challenge ladies, I would like to report that today's workout is complete. I did Kenpo X of the P90X series for the first time and pleasantly surprised that it was not as brutal as I had expected. I was able to hang w/the entire 58 minutes and would definitely do it again. I've not done anything from the P90X series and have just begun reading the information that comes along w/the dvds. My plan is to watch all the dvds to determine which ones I can complete and which may pose a problem. My right knee gives me problems on occassion so I don't want to put to much pressure on the joints. The exercises that I can perform safely I will others I will modify and just try to get the best workout possible.

    If anyone has tried/completed the P90X series and can offer some advice please feel free to share.

    Have a great day!

    Chocolickkyss: 6/7, I'm looking forward to earning my 2nd point of the year.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    6/7 for me today, things got in the way...went off schedule a little and just decided to do 5 miles on the elliptical. My son starts his winter conditioning for baseball tonight, I'm going to take my bands along and do a little strength training, plus an extra walk.

    Choco, the beginning of this year I started my second round of p90x,, I love all of them, they will give you a good workout!
    I found though that I need to lose more fat right now, so I am picking up the cardio this second round, adding the elliptical, running, and an addtional kickbox dvd that I love, just working them all in, I haven't done well with the eating as they say, but I go with MFP, and maybe a little extra protein with whey shakes. I can do lots of push ups now, well, a lot for me anyway, I could'nt even do 1 proper one last May, the other night I did 40, on my toes..with my son....I still can't do a pull-up, but I will by the end of this year!! Have you tried plyo yet? It's a leg burner! If you are looking to tone, Tony will get you there!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    6/7 for me today, things got in the way...went off schedule a little and just decided to do 5 miles on the elliptical. My son starts his winter conditioning for baseball tonight, I'm going to take my bands along and do a little strength training, plus an extra walk.

    Choco, the beginning of this year I started my second round of p90x,, I love all of them, they will give you a good workout!
    I found though that I need to lose more fat right now, so I am picking up the cardio this second round, adding the elliptical, running, and an addtional kickbox dvd that I love, just working them all in, I haven't done well with the eating as they say, but I go with MFP, and maybe a little extra protein with whey shakes. I can do lots of push ups now, well, a lot for me anyway, I could'nt even do 1 proper one last May, the other night I did 40, on my toes..with my son....I still can't do a pull-up, but I will by the end of this year!! Have you tried plyo yet? It's a leg burner! If you are looking to tone, Tony will get you there!

    Congrats on making through one round of P90X b/c I've heard it's a killer. I truly enjoyed Kenpo X and will watch the Plyometrics dvd tonight to see if it's doable for me. My right knee gives me problems at times but if I can do the majority of the Plyo moves then I'll modify or change the moves that are more problematic. I must admit I was very intimidated by the thought of P90X but after today I'm feeling like it's something I might be able to handle.

    I'm only 1.5 lbs away from my goal weight and truly want to tone my body so this should be alright. While I don't eat horribly I'm sure it's not considered "Clean" b/c I'm not a cooker so I do eat frozen dinners (Healthy Choice, Lean Cuisine) pretty regularly.

    Thank you for the feedback.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hi everybody,

    I got my 6/7 for today and did Jillian michael's banish fat boost metabolism and ab ripper from p90x for a total of 65 minutes.

    Awesome job everyone!!!
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member

    Here are Lily's latest news from the vet. She is about 8 months old, she is in good physical health, but she is a very traumatised little cat. I have to give her a medication to make sure she has no worms, fleas or tics. There are no appearance that she has fleas, but she has tic larvas in her ears. We don't really know if she has worms so the vet gave me a medication take controls fleas, tics and worms all in 1 shot in prevention. It is also a medication that you put once in the neck of the cat.

    We are going to try a homeopatic treatement to help calm her down and hopefully, she will stop meowing soon. If it doesn't work, we will have to give her antidepressants :noway:

    The vet agrees that a car might have rolled over her tail, since it is broken in 2 different places. I will have a lot of cuddling to do and right now, I am really tired. She kept me awake all night again :yawn: I hope for both of us that she gets better soon.

    I will need a lot of willpower to go do my exercises, but I can do it.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    6/7 after doing 30 min low impact aerobics. The Zumba book with instructional DVD that I ordered came today. Unfortunately it was only 5 min of teaching steps but I did it 3 times - what fun. So I went back to the computer and am spending the money for the 4 disc set. I can't wait for it to get here. I've already read 1/2 the book - how cool would it be to create a dance craze like Zumba? Has anyone else tried it?
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    6/7 I walked on the treadmill for 20 minutes then did Taebo Advanced minus the ab section about 45minutes. I despise and love billy blanks.
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    I spent 10 minutes on the bicycle and I am exausted. I might go back overnight if Lily wakes me up. I'll bring her with me and exercise to the sound of her meows :laugh:

    I guess I am at 6/7 too since I did move today. It is my challenge's requirement, but I don't feel that I deserve it really. This week has really not been good for me. Lily needs TLC and that is what she will get from me. Can't wait for her to sleep at night thought.

    Sweet dreams :flowerforyou: