My 2010 challenge : 52 times 7/7



  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Starting the week with 1/7 doing yoga with weights and 30 minutes on the elliptical.
    This week was all turned around and the kids home from school, the grandkids here for the weekend...but I did manage to get exercise in and that makes me happy. My weight stayed the same, but I'm also on my period and I usually gain, so I'm happy.

    Great job everyone!!!! Have a great Friday!
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    I've got 1/7 too. Couldn't do as much because of my back so Hubby better do a real good job tonight or less... Well... Since I know he'll do a great job, the "or else" doesn't mean a thing :glasses:

    I spent a great night with no meows... Finally. To top it of, I was awakend around 6 am when Lily was playing with my feet though the covers. First time I see her play :happy: :happy: There is hope for her :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I've got 1/7 too. Couldn't do as much because of my back so Hubby better do a real good job tonight or less... Well... Since I know he'll do a great job, the "or else" doesn't mean a thing :glasses:

    I spent a great night with no meows... Finally. To top it of, I was awakend around 6 am when Lily was playing with my feet though the covers. First time I see her play :happy: :happy: There is hope for her :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I hope the back gets better! I too am having pain this week, but with all the sad things this week I missed my chiropractor appointment but I will be there Monday for sure!
    I had to smile at Lily's coming around, they know who loves them and they will come to trust and be playfull! have fun!!
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    I sure will have fun with little Lily. Slowly but surely, my 2 other cats, Potato and Tequilla, are beginning to accept her. She is now allowed to sleep on my bed while they are taking a nap. They are so cute together.

    I hope your back feels better really soon Verda, take care!!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hi everybody,

    I'm glad everyone is doing okay and working out.

    missou- I'm happy that Lily is getting more used to her new home and is happy.

    I have to be careful with my knee because my leg and knee are bothering me a bit, I guess from all the running in the treadmill this month.

    I'm reporting in for my 1/7 and today I did Jillian Michael's banish fat boost metabolism and ab ripper x for a total of 65 minutes.

    Have a great weekend all!!!
  • Casi23
    Casi23 Posts: 138 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!!! I got an hour spinning class in today. MFP says I burned over 700 that made my lunch so much more satisfying...

    Missou - "Potato and Tequila"?!?!?! LOVE your kitty names...hilarious...
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I am 1/7 for this week too. I did a fast warm-up on the elliptical then my P90X Legs & Back plus ARX!
    I have been reading where some are doing ab work every day. We are to treat our abdominal muscles like any other muscle and work them every OTHER day!
    Also do NOT feel safe with the machine you are using for the calorie count nor what MFP says! I wear a HRM and get the REAL total. I use my commercial grade elliptical that is found in health clubs and I get almost 90 calorie higher difference on it than my HRM and my HRM NEVER is the same as MFP. MFP is always higher too!! I truly bust my you know what when I workout and my HRM is a Polar F11.
    Just a few words of caution but keep on workin it!!!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    1/7 Did 1 mile on the treadmill and 2 miles with Leslie
  • cc_campbell81
    1/7 did walking today, was sore and worn out. Turns out my daughter has an ear infection and is cutting teeth.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    1/7 Yesterdsy (Friday) I did 60 min of low impact aerobics.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: Very HIGH Energy here today!!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    2/7 done with the grandkids, I popped in KenpoX AND WE HAD A BLAST!
    I'm sure if any of the neighbors happened to be walking by, they would of thought I was killing the kids, we were screaming and jumping and!
    The weather is finally starting to warm up some, we are going to have some lunch and head outside..probably a muddy mess, but we're putting on pur boots and going for it.

    Hope you all are enjoying your weekend. I'll check in later. ( I'll try to anyways..)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    2/7 today after doing 30 min step aerobics, 25 min of light weights/theraband ex and 5 min stretches. I plan to do week 8 day 3 of C25K training (hopefully outside) and at least 30 min of low impact aerobics later today. I love weekends - it gives me more time to exercise.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon ladies, once again i'm late logging in b/c I had such a busy morning. My day started w/a trip to the gym. I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes and completed a 45 minute kickboxing class.

    Chocolickkyss: 2/7

    My back felt pretty good this morning but I think I over did it b/c it's beginning to ache now. After the gym I head to various locations trying to complete all of the days errands so that once I returned home I could relax. All the errands have been completed so now I can either watch a movie or begin reading my new book......decisions......decisions......decisions.

    BTW, even though weigh in days are on Fridays I decided to step on the scale this morning out of curiosity and to my surprised I had dropped another pound which puts me at my goal weight....WOOHOO....WOOHOO....WOOHOO. I won't record the weight until this week's weigh-in but it feels great knowing that with some hard work and dedication I have reached my goal. Let the maintenance phase begin.........

    Anyhow, I hope everyone's day is progressing well.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Great job everybody for workin it and to those that are losin it! :happy:
    2/7 for me. 20 minutes hard on elliptical then 1 hour of P90X Kenpo using hand weights!:tongue:
  • cc_campbell81
    2/7- yoga today
  • aprildh
    aprildh Posts: 90
    I am interested in this challenge. I am proud of myself just for exercising 4 times a week so far this year. But this will motivate me to try for even more.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    2/7 4 miles with Leslie and 1 mile on the treadmill
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Great job everyone. Today, I was not into it. My eldest came to see us this morning, she and her boyfriend are no longer together... She is really sad... As for me, I really didn't feel like working out today. I didn't even feel like going on the treadmill, but I finally did it for 20 minutes at a good pace. I am proud to have done it. All I needed was a little kick in the you know where,

    You are absolutly welcome aprildh!! I am sure we can help you out.

    Great job everyone. Keep it up. I will go over the posts tomorrow.

    Take care :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    hi all,

    Got in my exercise for today and did kenpo x with weights, and cardio x, for a total of about 100 minutes. I was going to do less exercise today, but my hubby was having Red barons pizza and it looked so tempting, so I had a piece which was not planned on my daily calories. So, I figured I would work out to burn it off.

    I had never tried kenpo before, but reading how you ladies have done it, inspired me to do it.

    I have lost like 2.6 pounds this week and am super excited. Again, thank you all!!!

    missou- Glad you were able to work out. Yeah, relationships are hard!!! Hope your daughter gets some much need TLC and that she can pamper herself to forget about her pain.

    cc_campbell81- I hope your daughter is doing better. My 17 month came down with a fever and I've been homebound all weekend. If she continues like this, I'll call her doctor to have her see her on monday.

    Have a great day all!!!!!!
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Good morning all

    Today, I feel better. I don't know what kind of exercises I'll be able to do, but I sure will try to do more than yesterday.

    Hope you all have a beautifull Sunday