chard_muncher Member


  • The only issue I see is, as you mentioned, the deadlift. I would generally want to deadlift at least a plate just to make sure it's high enough off the ground. Maybe your gym has the lower weight plates that have the same diameter as a 45, that would be ideal if you can't do a full 135 lb deadlift. For OHP keep doing what…
  • Stronglifts 5x5 is a good place to start. Simple plan that only uses the most important heavy compound lifts. You don't necessarily need to follow the plan, but for a beginner it's a good place to get some info on what lifts to do and how to do them.
  • I would think that side planks would be your best bet if you have a bad back, as there's no motion or twisting what-so-ever.
  • I don't really have an opinion on the topic, but this post is ridiculous. The "thousands of screaming fans" have a huge effect on professional athletes. It takes a lot of experience to deal with it. And it's not uncommon at all for players to lose focus because of the fans. Just sayin...
  • I don't really understand these type comments. Are you saying that it's a personal failing of mine that I might be somewhat distracted by a nearly naked person of the opposite sex? That seems a little ridiculous. And so is the idea that you can wear whatever you want wherever you want. Clearly there are social norms in…
  • Am I the only person who *kind* of agrees with the OP? It's a bit distracting and irritating when people go to the gym with the clear intention of getting looks. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but if you wear a sports bra and yoga pants (or as a man, a muscle tee / no shirt) to the gym, you're clearly looking for…
  • Jesus don't bring a gun. Bring bear spray. It's easier to carry, easier to use, far more effective, and you're not going to kill yourself, someone else, or the dog you mistake for a mountain lion at 5am.
  • If it was me, I'd lift heavier weight for less reps, less often. Standard advice is usually 8-12 reps per set & 3-5 sets per movement. I also wouldn't do isolation movements like bicep curls. I would focus on heavy compound exercises (squat, deadlift, row, overhead press, bench press, dip, etc...) that engage more muscle…
  • Well, I think this was pointed out earlier but it's possible that the weight gain is a side(?) effect of being pregnant. One of the main reasons that the morning after pill should not be used as regular birth control is because it's not all that effective. At best it's only 89% effective at preventing pregnancy, and that…
  • I get it. I'd be upset too if I worked hard for something and then the rules changed at the last second. But, it seems like a pretty innocent mistake. You could just talk to them briefly and say that you thought your name would be on the board. You don't even have to mention that they adjusted it prematurely, just say you…
  • This thread answers one of the great mysteries of the universe: Who is more obnoxious? A cashier that asks, "Are you trying to get fat?" or the IIFYM crowd at MFP? I predict that the responses to this comment will only add to the body of research.
  • Well, here's a link to their website with all kinds of exercises you can do on the machine. With videos and all.
  • I say nay because they're too expensive. I feel like I get the same effect from stretching normally. Just my 2 cents.
  • Basic compound movements that recruit large muscle groups are the best. It doesn't really matter what your goal is. Things like: Dead lift Squat Bench Press Overhead Press Rows Dips Pull ups If you want to start weight training, there's a program called "New Rules of Lifting for Women" (NROLFW) that many women swear by.…
  • Cottage cheese, greek yogurt, oranges (lol).
  • They must be pandering to the chili lobbyists who don't drain their beans.
  • If junk food makes its way into my kitchen I just throw it away. It took a while to build up the habit, but now it's like second nature.
  • Sometimes they are called "Irish" oatmeal. I see them in Trader Joe's, if you have one.
  • This all strikes me as a little melodramatic. I don't mean to minimize your control issues, but it's really not a big deal (health wise) to drink 2L of diet soda a day. If you always end up trading one addictive behavior for another, I would just settle on diet soda and call it a day. It's certainly better than smoking or…
  • Uh yea I said the glycemic load was low, it's the glycemic index which is high. And I also said why I think the glycemic load is misleading on a food like watermelon which is so high in water content and so low in fiber. A good alternative (if you like them) would be grapefruit. It has practically the same water and sugar…
  • Well, watermelon is high on the glycemic index. It's in the 70-80 range, versus something like an apple which is around 40. However, the glycemic load is still pretty reasonable because watermelon is relatively low in carbohydrates. That said, even glycemic load isn't the be-all and end-all of the blood sugar debate.…
  • As far as I understand it (which isn't very far) the body uses macro nutrients to restore glycogen and rebuild muscle fibers first, and then converts the excess into fat stores which are energy that can be stored/retrieved in the future. If that's the case, why wouldn't you be able to build muscle while losing fat on a net…
  • It's not that unusual, it just sounds like you either got a tiny bit of exercise induced heat exhaustion or you ate something that didn't sit right during your workout. My advice? Definitely drink more water, don't eat within an hour or 2 of going to the gym, and don't eat things that could upset your stomach during…
  • Just like you're suggesting, you're doing the wrong thing. Your focus should be on mileage (actually: time), not speed. You need to build up your aerobic base and efficiency before you worry about anything like tempo runs. You've got to run slow to run fast. The general advice is to run at a "conversational" speed.…
  • Can people stop telling us how much rice, chicken, and eggs cost in their town. First off, it completely misses the point. Second, the price of food changes a lot by location. You have to meet all the criteria, not just 1 of them. Additionally, that person was talking specifically about the city of Baltimore. I'm guessing…
  • Maybe she's injured and uses the cords to keep weight off her injury.
  • That would just be too sad. To take steroids (which may very well do irreversible damage your body and brain) and all you get is this:
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger writes about rest periods in his book (The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding, 1998; pg. 148):
  • I've never heard of anyone taking 10+ minutes of rest in-between sets. At that point, you may as well eat a meal and take a nap too. Everything I've ever read or been told says that you're resting too long. Perhaps this review could be illuminating (& related source material):…