hofficoffi Member


  • Amazing!! What an inspiration!!!! I was 16st 7lbs and 10st is my goal too!! i'm currently 11st 13lbs so not far to go!! Well done hun!! awesome job!! xxx
  • Bump. Great advice here! I have only started running in the last 2 months (Couch to 5k graduate) on Saturday just gone I went for a run and did 10k for the first time...I know its only 6 miles but I felt so elated! I am signing up to do a half marathon in October so PLENTY of time to train for it! Can't wait! xx
  • Yea i've done 30ds with a bmi of 36...maybe 38 I cant' remember. Its awesome for inch loss. I have since lost 62lbs (17lbs since using MFP properly in jan) I would definitely recommend it. You can modify all the moves and its only 20mins so its highly achievable. Go for it! xxx
  • "Every finish line....is the beginning of a new race". My friend told me that when my world collapsed around me and found out my husband had been cheating on me for years with SO many women. I moved back to my hometown with my daughter and it was hard.... BUT the best decision I ever made. Time is an AMAZING healer!…
  • I always lose more weight when I diet alone. If im exercising my weight loss is much slower...BUT I see more changes in my body. I dont really get it but i'd prefer to lose inches than lbs so I dont mind losing slower as I exercise alot xx
  • You can make sweet sponges with beetroot, courgette and carrot in... the icing would prob be cream cheese with sugar in. I use courgette and carrot alot in my cakes, makes them super moist! xx
  • It would be easy to do........ If you have a cake ring you could just layer up vegetables and salad in it to look like a cake? Like cooked potatoes, slices of cucumber, peppers, carrots etc, different flavours like low fat cream cheese etc etc and just keep layering it up. If you wanted it to look like it was iced you…
  • When I was bigger I was easily burning up to 900 cals an hour, now the weight is going down its alot less. So those high numbers could be for someone with a completely different weight than you. The closer I get to goal I know the numbers are going to keep going down and i'm going to have to work a hell of a lot harder to…
  • bump will try this soon xxx
  • Bump Id like to know this too! xxx
  • bump. Love that 100 list! Thank you xxx
  • Hey, Yes definitely!!!! I am overweight and I absolutely love it!! Its so gradual i'm on week 5 now and this week I get to do my first 20min run, im looking forward to it. I follow the plan to the letter and never try to do too much as i'd rather do it properly than get an injury which means I couldnt do all my other…
  • You can see a massive difference! Well done hunni!!!! You should be proud of yourself! You can really see your waist starting to get more defined. Well done! xxx
  • Hey i'm on day two too!! So you did Plyo Cardio circuit today? I nearly gave up like 4 times today but just kept watching that clock thinking not much longer not much longer! But strangely I loved it too!! Starting to feel sore now though but I am doing other exercises as well so it might be a mix of everything! Add me as…
  • Mmmm I love lasagna and miss it so much!! Thanks for the shout out lady! xxx
  • Its like any hardworkout hun, everytime i've done the shred the first two weeks I plateau or even gain, cos im sore my muscles are retaining a lot of water and then after that the scales come down again. Ignore the scales for a few weeks, just use your measuring tape and see how much you're progressing in the fit tests.…
  • It won't let me invite you for some reason! I'm currently on week 4 of the couch to 5k and hoping to do my first 5k in March...fingers crossed! Feel free to add me username is dannireason xxxx
  • What you mean I can't go kissing strangers? DAMN IT!!! :) I will try my best to keep myself in quarantine I promise. Haha I just did so well on weight loss and inches lost last month i'm scared this bug is going to de-rail my weight loss and get me de-motivated :(
  • Boo was hoping you wouldn't say this! lol I feel ok(ish) apart from being in pain. Will just keep taking my vitamins, eating 1200cals if i'm not exercising and hoping to get outside for at least a walk. xxx
  • I'm in!!! Lost 10lbs in January so hoping for the same in Feb (Though secretly i'd be happy with 6 but 10 would be AWESOME!) SW - 177
  • I'm on week 3 day 2 (just waiting for my daughter to finish her breakfast so I can go out....I have to put her in a pram and take her, so much harder! eek!) I am LOVING couch to 5k. I always hated hated hated running with a passion, could barely run for a minute without wanting to die. Now each week I feel my endurance…
  • Bump i'd like to know this too as just about to buy killer buns and thighs!
  • I've read from numerous places that skin take up to 2 years from final goal to shrink. You can be left with some loose skin and all you can try to do is keep doing your exercises, get the body fat down and give something for that skin to stick too (i.e. muscles) I too am having a problem with loose skin and i'm dreading it…
  • What kind of calorie burn can you get spinning? I've been thinking about it as I could do one class a week when my daughter is in nursery. Also do you think I could cope as only started to exercise this month and still working on endurance etc. Any tips gratefully received!! xxx
  • I do Couch to 5k 3 times a week, I do the shred everyday or at least 6 times a week. I cycle out doors twice a week minimum of 6miles, maximum of 14miles. I swim once a week. Once I finish the shred I'm going to cut it down to three times a week and incorporate something else. I'm going to start doing turbofire. I…
  • I did the shred last year and lost 1lb and 12.5inches. Weight loss was rubbish as I was eating and drinking rubbish. This time round i'm doing it properly and i'm on Day 23 I think, so far down at least 6lbs (official weigh in isn't til sun/mon but I know i've lost at least one more, plus the inches are falling off me.…
  • Hiya i'm in Cardiff feel free to add me! :) xxx
  • Exercise and healthy diet, 30ds is awesome however for reducing your belly area. I still have a large belly but its gone down soooo much! 3 inches off my waist 2 inches off my belly and 2 inches off my hips! I'm on day 23. Last time I did it I lose 12.5 inches overall. Its worth it for only 20mins per day. I do do cardio…