Couch to 5k Plan? Anyone done it?



  • chodgi06
    chodgi06 Posts: 26 Member
    The app is called "Couch-to-5k" by its the best plan i've seen. some of the others do not start at "couch" :-)
  • chodgi06
    chodgi06 Posts: 26 Member
    What app is it? I downloaded one called iMapMyRun that I haven't tried yet. I got the free version but I saw there was a $2 one as well.

    Sorry for got to quote to show who i was replying to! The app is called "Couch-to-5k" by has the best plan i've seen. a lot of them don't start at "couch" in my book
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,237 Member
    I downloaded the couch to 5k app and did my first day on Sunday. It was INTENSE! I was more sore the next day than I've ever been in my life. Unfortunately I also had to do it in a few inches of snow. Today I get to do day 2 in about 6 inches. Fun. Lol. Either way I'm still looking forward to it.
  • spa9177
    spa9177 Posts: 327 Member
    I used the couch to 5k plan and WOW! I recommend it to everyone who wants to start running. It helped me and I ran my first 5k in December and looking forward to running many more.:smile:
  • TBoom915
    TBoom915 Posts: 115 Member
    I started my training over again yesterday and I was able to keep up with the runs at a 5.0mph pace and my walk at 3.5mph. I am incorporating these runs with my regular beachbody workouts. I have tried the program before a couple of years ago and made it to about week 5 before quitting but this time I plan to follow it through. The app I am using for iPhone is "Ease into a 5k" which is great and you can listen to your own playlists while using the app. There will be a chime in telling you when to "run" or "walk". I def recommend the plan to those of you who are like me who never thought you could be a runner.
  • nborsh22
    nborsh22 Posts: 72 Member
    I did it last fall with my 5k on Thanksgiving and am currently on week 3 of round 2....trying to increase my speed. I do all the training on a treadmill so no excuses not to run. :-) It is a great program. Stick with it and you will be amazed at your endurance. Concentrate on running for the minutes stated in the program first....speed will come later. There are lots of posts about it on MFP if you want to read more. We all have good days and bad days, so even if you have a "bad" run get right back to it the next time and it will probably feel totally different. Another piece of advice....the program is 3 days per week, make sure to put a rest day between them. Your body needs time to recover and it will keep you injury free. Good luck!!
  • nborsh22
    nborsh22 Posts: 72 Member
    The app I am using for iPhone is "Ease into a 5k" which is great and you can listen to your own playlists while using the app. There will be a chime in telling you when to "run" or "walk". I def recommend the plan to those of you who are like me who never thought you could be a runner.

    I agree with using this app. It is great and helps you track your runs!
  • nborsh22
    nborsh22 Posts: 72 Member
    I downloaded the couch to 5k app and did my first day on Sunday. It was INTENSE! I was more sore the next day than I've ever been in my life. Unfortunately I also had to do it in a few inches of snow. Today I get to do day 2 in about 6 inches. Fun. Lol. Either way I'm still looking forward to it.

    Great job!!! Go, Go, Go!!!
  • bfee
    bfee Posts: 36
    Yes, I completed the program in November and have run 4 5K's! I LOVE the program and highly recommend it...I never thought I'd be a runner, but my daughter inspired me to try! I am now addicted to running. Hoping to start the Bridge to 10K program this month and do my 1st 10K in March! :)
    You won't regret doing this program - it is wonderful! :) Best wishes on your running journey!
  • janamatic
    janamatic Posts: 1 Member
    I'll be running my 2nd 5k this saturday Jan 21st, and excited to see if my time will improve from my first one back in June '11. Currently training for a half as well. Be careful or not's addictive!
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,237 Member
    Yesterday I was determined to do day 2 even though we had around a foot of snow on the ground. I went outside and about 10 minutes in lost my footing and bit the dust HARD. I jogged back home and thought about giving up but decided there was no reason I couldn't just jog/walk around my living room for the remaining time. Unfortunately it jacked up the GPS tracking on the app for that session but I still finished the workout and felt great. The amazing thing is the day after I did day 1 I could barely the day after day 2 I feel fantastic. A little sore but not out of the ordinary. I'm already seeing improvements. I'm excited to do day 3!
  • kitsrunner
    kitsrunner Posts: 55 Member
    Hey anyone up for running a 5km with me in March??.....check out my February 5km Challenge
  • TBoom915
    TBoom915 Posts: 115 Member
    Today I will be doing W4D2 and I am loving it, I was able to jog a straight 6mins at 4.5mph and I shocked myself. I think today I am going to slow down my job b/c by that last interval I was winded and had to take it down to a walk on Monday. Slow and steady is the way to go.
  • I am also doing couch to 5K, on week 4 now. I love it so far and love that it gives me another goal to work towards other than just watching the scale!

    Each week is a series of walking and jogging for a certain amount of minutes. Not being a runner at all, I find that its cardio i actually can and enjoy doing but it also pushes you and gets harder each week. Android and apple both have an app that tells you when to run and jog and keeps track of distance, pace, etc. you can also play your music or pandora while using the app!
  • hatchwife
    hatchwife Posts: 13 Member
    I want to do it too but am so out of shape that i am a bit scared... Can overweight and out of shape ladies do it too? I have always hated running unless a ball was involved or someone was chasing me....
  • I want to do it too but am so out of shape that i am a bit scared... Can overweight and out of shape ladies do it too? I have always hated running unless a ball was involved or someone was chasing me....

    Yes! I was never a runner but it starts you out pretty easy and gradually adds more jogging time. Everytime I start a new week I'm like crap, i gotta run for 3 minutes now and then by the end of the week I'm doing it no problem! Its very rewarding to see yourself being able to run for longer distances each week.
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    I did it for a while. I had the app on my phone and I even took my dog with me. She loved it! It is an easy way to get into running without killing yourself. I ended up bruising my heel and I also think I might have plantars fasciaitis so I find now that running is just difficult for me. I try to do it occasionally but I am just not cut out for running.
  • i have just downloaded it on my phone and intend to try it out
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    It's awesome! I am in Week 6 and have already run 20 minutes straight last week, and I think it is 23 minutes this week. Never thought I could do it. I am using JogLog on my iPhone - it tells you when to jog and when to walk and tracks distance, pace, etc. Lots of apps out there if you have a smartphone. I never thought I could ever like running, but I do, and I've signed up for a 5K in April!
  • hofficoffi
    hofficoffi Posts: 88 Member
    I want to do it too but am so out of shape that i am a bit scared... Can overweight and out of shape ladies do it too? I have always hated running unless a ball was involved or someone was chasing me....

    Yes definitely!!!! I am overweight and I absolutely love it!! Its so gradual i'm on week 5 now and this week I get to do my first 20min run, im looking forward to it. I follow the plan to the letter and never try to do too much as i'd rather do it properly than get an injury which means I couldnt do all my other workouts!
    I love it. I used to HATE running, bad memories from school etc of it just being hell on earth! But now I actually look forward to it! Its getting addictive, go for it!! Lots of people who are really overweight do it and if they feel they need more time they just repeat weeks until they feel they can do the next one!